Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bringing Forth Your Own Healing Energy And Your Most Positive Thought Patterns

Here are a few tips to observe your thought patterns. You will need a little notebook, this way you don't waste time in clarifying realistic goals.

What is the last thought you are aware of as you fall asleep? Reflect on this for a few nights, and write down what you remember.

What is the first thing you think when you wake up in the morning? Write down what you remember.

See if there is a pattern here.

If you have a worry-related thought start to change it a little - such as "my worry thought"... "and I'll find a solution for that". Or "God will present a solution to me"....or "but that will get better".

If you can make a bigger leap from your worri579ed thought, think of its opposite - move to an idea, vision, FEELING, that the situation is entirely resolved.

If you have a pleasant thought, or a neutral thought that embraces something you like or are aspiring to, just add to it. '....pleasant thought....plus "and even More than that it is....." your plus vision, FEELING'.

You make the jump you can make. Stretch just a little, and imagine the good feeling of your desired outcome. For some, it is a building on smaller steps, so you don't snap back into disbelieving, feeling like you are faking it.

For instance, Esther Hicks, in the Abraham material suggests "XYZ is true - but wouldn't it be nice if......(it got a little better ). So you make the leap you can make. And then "wouldn't it be nice if it then........(got this much better). You see how it goes.

If you are really stuck in a worry, there are energy techniques you can learn. Don't waste time in manifesting wealth, goodness, and set realistic goals to achieve a balanced life. Maybe part of your goodness will be money beyond belief! Transform your thought patterns with your own healing energy.

Would you like to increase the power of your use of the law of attraction, practice smarter ways to spend, and make a global impact? Read how 2FFhere.

Creative Memory Tricks
Can You See Your Dream

What the Secret Teachers Did Not Tell You About Manifesting

As more and more people are getting interested in the law of attraction there are an increasing number of people DCBwho doubt that it works. Someone asked me recently, "Is this law of attraction thing a joke?" No it's not a joke, it is one of several Universal laws which help to create a great balance.

But, with so many people having difficulty in getting success with the law of attraction I could see much more clearly how misleading "the secret" movie has been. If it is not misleading to you then for others it has fallen short of revealing the true secrets to manifesting.

The secret movie tells you do visualize and feel that you already have the thing that you want and then take right action and you will get it.

In reality there is a right way to visualizing and a wrong way to visualize. Fewer than one percent of people know how to properly visualize. Second of all most people do not know the right state of mind which you absolutely must enter in order to make rapid changes. Without the perfect mental state you simply won't get the success that you are after.

Although the movie stresses positive thinking few people understand the deeper reason for positive thinking.

Both positive thinking and visualization have their base in thought. It is important to understand the nature of thought first. If you understand thought at its tiniest level you will quickly come to understand how to best work with thought to willfully direct it to manifest exactly what you want.

The law of attraction requires that you understand what thought is and how to direct thought across space and time to bring to you what you want.

Many people come upon various block in applying the law of attraction to their lives. You can find many tools and teaching that will instruct you on just how to get rid of one problem or anther which holds you back from manifesting what you want. However I have found that the most powerful techniques are those found in old esoteric teachings.

Many years ago when the science of thought was being taught the teachings were simple and the emphasis was placed on the practices and development. The teachings were straight forward. Many of those ancient teachings would do well for today in helping others to stay simple and work on the developmental part of attracting.

You have to ask yourself how willing are you to take the steps necessary to master tried and true teachings to manifest what you want? Are you ready to give up and disbelieve, or are you willing to believe that there are a few things which you must learn in order to truly master the law of attraction?

Sign Up for a **Free Manifesting Software and Newsletter**

http://www.cosmic-wealth.com/lawofattraction Discover the ancient techniques to manifesting faster resutls using simple yet powerful techniques found in the powerful Magic Money ebook written by Daniel Hinds.

How To Increase Your Brain Power
Secrets Of Living A Good Life

How To Use The Law Of Attraction To Create Success In Your Business

People are attracted to positivity. Enthusiastic energy, creative thought and a genuinely wholesome attitude displayed by you will make people stand up and take notice. When you run a home-based business - online or offline - your success will be largely determined by how much you attract others. You have to create the success in your mind before you can ever expect it to materialize in reality.

The bottom line is that today's business environment is a cut-throat realm. There is no room for the weak or second best. Most people openly wish to live in a state of abundance. However, they do not know the steps that are necessary to take an order to recognize their goals. For this reason, they continue to live in a mundane existence that doesn't really even began to satisfy their true desires.

1) You have to retrain positive thoughts in your mind. Kick out the negative thoughts. Disallow the concept of failure. Inundate your brain with positivity. See your goals clearly in your mind, and then act diligently to bring them to fruition.

2) Make your whole life a shining example of wealth. No matter where you're from or where you're at right now, see yourself where you want to be - now and for the rest of your life. Without a mindset of positivity and self belief, you will fail.

3) Couple your enthusiastic belief system with zealous action. Your every waking moment needs to be directed towards the development of your business and your success. What better do you have to do? Any time spent in a manner other than to bring about your victor581y is sure to lead to your failure.

4) Wake up earlier than your competition and get to work. In your mind, see them in their bed still sleeping. Create a competitive edge for yourself by abolishing all negativity or potential for failure from your mind.

5) Be a brilliant example for people to follow. Become a leader. Leaders have vision. They know that most people are not leaders and therefore can predict their behaviors. Know the people will be attracted to your leadership qualities. Provide them a flow chart for their own success. You do this because helping them to succeed is exactly what will make you succeed.

Learn to use this law of attraction to develop your home-based business. You cannot be in business just dealing with yourself. In one way or another, other people determine the success level of your business endeavors. If you want and need their support, you have to be attractive to them. Attract them with the powers of your mind. Set your mind into a positive state of abundance. See yourself as successful or nobody else will be able to. By doing so, you are taking the first step to your own financial freedom and personal liberation.

No BS Approach To Coaching and Mentoring.

Demetrios Tzortzis (Author)



Action is the foundational key to all success
Successfull Living

Monday, April 28, 2008

How to Balance the Psychic Channels to Open the Chakras

One of the most comprehensive systems for describing man in all his dimensions in the seven chakra model of kundalini yoga. The model not only helps us understand the total human being, but also gives us a framework from which we can work towards our spiritual evolution.

In this article I want to give a brief overview of the chakra system, but more importantly I want to explain what the psychic channels (nadis) are, how we can use that knowledge to help us make progress on our journey towards enlightenment.

Chakras are essentially multidimensional energy vortexes that help transmute and conduct energy between the different bodies that make up a human being. These three bodies are the physical, emotional and mental sheaths and the chakas move energy between them. There are seven important chakras in all and they lie in the emotional body, also sometimes called the energetic body. The first chakra resides at the base of the spine, while the seventh lies at the crown of the head. The other five reside in between.

In this energetic body also lies a vast network of fine channels which are called nadis. These nadis, or psychic channels, carry prana or life-force throughout the system, and prana nourishes and sustains the person. Blockages in the nadis disrupts this flow of prana, prevents the chakras from working at optimum capacity, which in turn creates imbalances and problems for the body and personality.

Of all the nadis (a reputed 72,000) of the network of psychic channels, there are three that are most important. These three are the ida, pingala and shushumna. The shushumna is the central channel that run through the center of the spine, with the ida starting from the left of it and the pingala starting from the right of it. The ida and pingala then intertwine the shushumna crossing over at each chakra point up to when they reach the Third Eye Chakra in the centeBB0r of the brain. Here all three nadis end.

The ida nadi is the ying energy of the body. It is responsible for cooling, passive, meditative, feminine energy, while the pingala nadi is the yang energy of the body. It is responsible for the hot, active, masculine energy of the body. Normally, one of these channels is more active than the other at any given time of the day and prana is flowing through this more active channel at that time.

The key to opening, healing and balancing the chakras lies in having prana flow through shushumna. This happens when ida and pingala are brought into immaculate balance. Kundalini yoga can be thought of nothing more than a science to activate flow of prana though shushumna. All the famous kundalini yoga sets (kriyas), pranayamas (breathing exercises), mantras and meditations are designed to clear blockages in the nadi system, balance ida and pingala and cause shushumna to flow.

As prana flows through shushumna, it activates each of the chakras, which in turn bestows health to the physical region where that chakra lies. In addition, having the chakras open also bestows emotional and mental balance for the emotions that that particular chakra is responsible for. Once the system is brought to an optimal level, energy (kundalini shakti) can flow freely up and down the central channel and finally up into the crown chakra. This then brings about a transformation of consciousness and the yogi penetrates the veil of separate existence and experiences enlightenment.

Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. See Free Online Yoga Videos and explore Free Illustrated Kundalini Yoga Poses & Exercises on his extensive Meditation and Yoga site, Free Online Guided Meditation Techniques.

This article is available for reprint on your website and/or newsletter, provided it is not changed and you include the author's signature.


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mortgage Calculator Hopes: The American Dream

A family and a home of my own. These are the dreams of millions of little girls. The harsh reality of adulthood can push those dreams done. Many times it's just because there seems no way. A mortgage calculator can crunch the numbers fast and show what it really takes to into a home. Savings, time and planning can make it happen.

A mortgage calculator is simple to use. You just fill in the right bits of information, and then ask it to calculate the end result. You already have the information, such as the selling price of that house you've fallen in love with, and the interest rates that a variety of mortgage lenders are offering. Then you input different variables into the mortgage calculator to see what kinds of payments you would need to come up with each month.

Use different mortgage calculators to find out whether a fixed rate, or adjustable rate mortgage would be better in your financial situation. Use a comparative mortgage calculator to see a clearer picture of what each would mean in the terms of real money each month. Perhaps you need steadier control over your expenditures now. A fixed rate mortgage would be best to start with the expectation of switching to an adjustable mortgage when your finances are more settled.

Take a look at the len1BEBgth of time you want to be paying your mortgage. Have the mortgage calculator give you the monthly payments for a variety of different options. It's possible that a slight increase in monthly payment could substantially reduce the amount of time you're paying for your home. This is as ideal use for a mortgage calculator as you consider options.

In conjunction with a mortgage calculator, use a home budget calculator to work out the kind of budget you realistically have to work with. Although it might seem that you can afford this home of your dreams, the reality might be very different. It sounds okay to think that you'll go without a vacation this year. Or you could make gifts for Christmas and switch to cheaper brands of groceries in order to be able to live in this house.

But this isn't just for one year; this is going to quite a long term commitment. You must seriously think about emergency situations. What would happen to your home if you suddenly became ill and couldn't work, for example? Do the figures you're using with the mortgage calculator allow for homeowner's insurance? What about property taxes?

While you are using the home budget calculator, input a few figures that would be an rough estimate of monthly utilities for the new home. If it is substantially larger than the one you live in now, you might expect your monthly payments higher than your current ones. By using this total together with the mortgage calculator total, you can get a fairly accurate picture of what your monthly expenses would be on the new home - and whether or not you are able to afford it without putting it at risk if your finances suddenly decrease!

For more information on how to save money on your mortgage please visit: http://www.greatpublications.com/index.html


The Law of Attraction - 7 Easy Steps to Creating Magic with a Vision Board

Creating a Vision Map is a fun and creative activity that helps you to connect with your heart's longings and transform your dreams into reality. The process starts with dreaming, letting go of your doubting mind and entering into the realm of infinite possibilities. From your dreams you create your Vision Board and then you will develop goals that will enable you5B4 to transform your dreams into reality. Your Vision Board is a collage that is a visual representation of those dreams and goals. It can include pictures, words and quotes, or any other item that represents what you want to manifest in your life. There is no right or wrong way to put together your Vision Board and each one is a very personal creative symbol of the individual's future life. The process is meant to be fun and enlightening, not something to agonize over or worry about whether it is "right". Just let go and let your creative self take the lead.

I have developed an easy seven step process to help you create a Vision Board that will create magic in your life. When you look at your board in the future you will be amazed at just how much (or all) of it you have actually brought into reality!

  1. You first must set an intention for your Vision Board. Is this a board you will create for a very specific purpose such as attracting a new relationship or a job or will it represent your future life? If it represents your future life you will want to include the areas that are most important to you such as spiritual, health, family, and business/job.
  2. Dream building is the next step. You will write a description of the life you desire or of you having what it is that will be the focus of your Vision Board. You want to write this as though you are already there and experiencing what you want to manif5B4est in you life. Include a description of how it feels to have this or to be living this life.
  3. Now that you have a clear vision of your dream you will need to collect all the pictures, words, poems or any item you want to include on your Vision Board. Grab what ever catches your attention. These images and words will symbolize your dreams and goals.
  4. Create your Vision Board - dream big and do not edit your dreams with critical thinking. Have fun and enjoy the process.
  5. Examine and explore what you have created. You may even wish to journal on the images that you have chosen for your board. Sometimes they will have several layers of meaning and you may find they represent much more than you originally thought.
  6. You will want to develop written goals, your road map to how your dreams will become reality. If you do not know the exact path start with the first small step that you feel will lead you in the right direction.
  7. Reinforce the dream. Look at your Vision Board every day and read your goals daily. Feel as though you are actually living that life!

Patty Tolar is a professional coach living in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. She helps her clients move forward in quantum leaps teaching them how to skyrocket their incomes and manifest the l470ife they dream of living. She also teaches work shops and teleseminars on The Law of Attraction and Visions Boards. She operates a blog that is all about creating more money, success, and abundance in your life! Patty loves to give away FREE stuff and is now giving away Free memberships to her newsletter. Sign up now - it is all Free. More information at http://www.moneysuccessandabundance.com

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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Getting Over a Relationship Through the Law of Attraction

Your mind keeps wandering back to the last great time you had with your ex, and you just can't seem to get over the breakup. How can the Law of Attraction help you with this?

Give yourself some time to get over the initial sting of the breakup and then focus on your needs at this time. Going through a breakup can be emotionally as well as mentally draining. The best thing that you can do for yourself right now is to make sure that you are being pampered.

In the Law of Attraction, whatever you put the most focus toward, will attract to you what you focus on. If you spend too much time focusing on the breakup, the Universe will bring you more of the feelings surrounding your breakup. You're going to want to take your focus off the hurt of your breakup and see what life holds for you beyond this relationship.

Start focusing on what you are going to do with your life now that it is just you. Surround yourself with friends who encourage and talk beyond the breakup. Don't surround yourself with people who enjoy complaining about1F99 the pain of life.

Do something for you that you wouldn't normally do; something that tells you that you are paying special attention yourself. Maybe you can take yourself to a movie or buy that shirt that you saw the other day, just remember that even though you have suffered a breakup, it doesn't mean that you stop enjoying life. Breakups happen and look at it as a page in the book of your life that you can look back on and know that you learned from that experience. But like a book, keep reading your book and move forward.

By concentrating on you and what makes you happy, the Universe will attract to you exactly that: Whatever makes you happy. Each day will become a little easier and then you will be ready to search for the "someone" you are looking to spend your life with. The best you can do is live and make the most of your days. Pretty soon the breakup will be just a word, and you will have moved on to a better relationship.

Think good thoughts, feel good feelings, pamper yourself, and don't lose hope of the ideal relationship.

Visualize yourself in a relationship that has all the qualities you want and enjoy life. That's all you have to do, and the Universe will do the rest by bringing you enjoyable life experiences in the meantime. And, if you play your cards right, a relationship that is exactly what you desire through the Law of Attraction will soon blossom and these hard days will be a faded memory.

Beth and Lee McCain are full time instructors and lecturers in applying the Law of Attraction, or better known as the Secret, in your life to attain whatever you desire. They have a great radio show on Youtube that is both entertaining as well as informative on the subject of the Law of Attraction. For more information on Beth and Lee products and services, please visit: Beth and Lee McCain Law of Attraction Web Site


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Exhaustion is Not Client Attractive

It seems that every time I turn on the radio or television these days, you hear people talking about the American economy in a negative way.

What's interesting is that some self-employed professionals are ready to close their business due to the economy, while other global entrepreneurs couldn't be happier. While I am not an economis13B5t or an accountant (I have team members that handle all that financial forecasting 'stuff' for me), I do know one important fact that most 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs live by. In America, the economy is the same for everyone; it's how you persevere and seek out fun activities that determine how successful your business will be. Perseverance and creativity can turn a small investment into a huge fortune.

And this is exactly what millionaire author, Jack Canfield has been teaching for years. E + R = O (Events + Responses = Outcome) The basic idea here is that is that every outcome you experience in your business life (whether it's wealth or poverty, fun or frustration) is the result of how you have responded to an earlier event (or events) in your business life. So, are you having fun today? If not, here's something I'd like you to try: turn away from this eZine, and go do something fun for 15 minutes. I don't care what it is. Login to a funny website, watch a hilarious DVD, go play with your pet, or call a friend who always lifts your spirits. Even funnier yet: pull out your high-school yearbook and look at the hairstyles and clothing that you and your friends were wearing. Remember that? When life was fun? Go do it now. Fifteen short minutes. I'll still be here.

You back? You in a better mood yet? Good. If you had trouble coming up with a fifteen-minute fun activity, or had to stretch to find that happy memory, then you are teetering on the edge of burn-out and exhaustion my friend. And exhaustion is not client attractive. One of the very first things you gotta get straight in your head is: clients are attracted to optimists. Clients want to hear how you persevered through this economy, and that your business is now stronger as a result. They want you to be a beacon of hope. Hope is very client attractive.

Here is what I have learned from top 6 and 7 figure income earners: Great small business marketing means working smart, not working hard. Savvy business owners love shortcuts that work, love to use systems, love to delegate, and they love life. They love people, and use money. Not the other way around. It's a cruel joke to think that that money will bring you happiness. Money was never intended to bring you happiness; money only brings comfort. Getting those two confused will lead you towards exhaustion. So...tomorrow morning when you begin this entrepreneurial gig all over again, I want you to have a happy memory to indulge in for fifteen minutes. Cherish that memory throughout the day. And get your butt in gear creating more of them. Okay? Now let's get going on creating the business of your dreams.

Here are four steps to help you persevere, increase your small business creativity, and attract more ideal clients:

* Avoid the "rut thinking" that happens as we get older. Humans operate 92% on autopilot, and only 8% consciously. Sadly, those entrepreneurs among us who are suffering economically have developed a herd mentality. When presented with a problem, they tend to go with the first thought that pops into their head because that is what everyone in their industry is doing.

* Determine what will make you happy. Once you discover what makes you happy, and for some folks this is going to take a lot of research by consciously living their life, then you go for it as if your life depended on it.

* Set aside a time each week to generate ideas, and a completely different time to evaluate each idea. Don't mix the two, or you may be killing those ideas before you know what they might grow up to be.

* Risk being silly. What might be considered silliness when juxtaposed against the serious job of building a small business - humor, giving a child piggyback rides, or finger painting - might actually work to loosen you up in times of stress. After all, it takes a lot of passion to act silly - and to create a thriving company where you work less, and make more money.

Kim Schott, your Global Client Communication Expert, is the author of the Keys to Client Communication System", the step-by-step, paint by numbers client attraction program to attract more clients in less time. To receive your weekly how-to articles on consistently attracting more local and global clients in less time, visit http://www.schottculturalconsulting.com/

Top Ten Reasons To Work with a Life Coach for Your Personal Development

1. You may be great at competing but are not so good at playing.

2. You care way too much about what others think.

3. You keep spending money on things you don't need and it hasn't brought you any closer to5B4 happiness.

4. The life you are living in your head looks nothing like the life the rest of us are watching you live.

5. You are bored/in a rut and your attempts to break your patterns are short-lived.

6. You are so tapped out that dealing with other people, even people you like, feels like a hassle. You suspect your priorities are messed up.

7. You feel like you would go crazy if you tried to just sit for a minute and watch ants...or a sunset...or kids playing...without multitasking.

8. You haven't laughed at yourself in a very long time.

9. You are not joyfully engaged in your life. You just aren't that much fun to be around but you're too busy to figure out what needs to change.

10. You get so caught up in "what if" that you end up not doing anything.

And 2 bonus reasons!

11. You keep asking for advice but what you really want is permission.

12. You want to feel delightfully spent and happy when you die!

Laura Young, M.A. is a life coach and owner of Wellspring Coaching. A contributing author to several books including 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life with Jack Canfield, John Gray and Bob Proctor, coming in September,56C Laura specializes in working with individuals facing midlife transitions (personal and career), as well as those seeking relationship improvement, individuals coping with grief and loss and those seeking high level personal development. With doctoral training in counseling psychology, Laura has written extensively on such topics as stress management, motivation, finding one's life purpose, creativity,achieving life balance, cultivating a healthy lifestyle and improving communication in personal and professional relationships. Visit her website to learn more about her coaching services. Visit her blog, Adventures of a Dragon Slayer to view her extensive resource base.

How to Make a Career Change

Plan that Works

In my Life Coaching Business I often see clients who after a few minutes of talking tell me what career they would love. They really are not confused about what they want to do instead they are afraid to go after their dream or they don't know how or perhaps a combination of the two. It is wonderful to know what your passion-filled career would be but extremely frustrating to know that and never do a thing about it! Carol is a prime example of this dilemma. She 16C5is amazingly artistic and loves decorating houses. Her own house sold in two days during a depressed market and had several offers. Why? Because Carol had made her home a showplace. Any outsider can see that Carol has the talent, passion and gift for Interior Decorating. Unfortunately, she has not followed that dream and has jumped from one unsatisfying job to another. Part of the reason Carol is stuck is the absence of a clear goal and plan to achieve it.

The first step to turn a dream into a reality is to be very clear about what you want. Take time to write out your ideal job. Put as many details into your description as possible. You need to give that powerful part of your brain, your subconscious, detailed and brilliant pictures to work with. When you describe your goal use all your senses to make a clear picture of what you want. For example writing down, "I want a rewarding career." does not give the subconscious much to go on. What is a rewarding career? What would that look like? What would you be doing? What would others be saying about you? Once your goal is clear it is much easier to move forward with purpose and motivation.

The next step is to acknowledge WHY you want to reach this goal. A goal without a strong purpose will not keep you interested. Write down all the reasons you can think of. What is in it for you? How will you impact others? If you cannot come up with a strong "why" then it is often a sign that this goal is not yours at all but something that you think you "should" do or someone else thinks you "should" do. A powerful "why" helps you stay motivated even when you encounter obstacles as you embark on your career change.

After you are clear about what you want and why you want it then you can start creating a Dream Line. The Dream Line should be for the next six months to one year. If you make a plan for much longer then that it is easy to procrastinate. Write down where you want to be at the end of the year. What do you want to accomplish that would feel really great? Do you want to have your own business running and profitable? Do you want to move to a new city and be working at your dream job as _____________. Do you want a promotion into the position you have always dreamed of? When you know the end result then you can begin filling in the blanks. What do you need to have done this month? What will you accomplish next month. Of coarse this is a "living" plan and you will change as you go but by writing down what you think you should accomplish each month you will keep momentum.

Jonathon Winters the comedian once said, "If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to meet it." After making a plan the key to unlock your dreams is action. Consistent, daily action. Jack Canfield, author of "The Success Principles" talks about taking 5 daily actions steps towards your goal. Don't worry if you are not sure how to take some of the steps do it anyway. Yes, you will make some mistakes but that is how you move forward. We all learned how to walk by trying and falling and trying again. I'm not sure why we get the idea that when we learn as adults we need to do it without mistakes! It just doesn't work that way.

Because we will be making mistakes, learning new things and feeling fear it is important that we gather a support team. Who do you need on your team? These should be "can do" people who will encourage you as you change your career. They need to be people who will let you cry on their shoulders and then give you a gentle ( or not so gentle!) shove towards your goal. Remember that sometimes we need to tell people how we would like to be supported. Don't assume they will know. Tell them!

As you move forward towards your goal keep focused on the desired end result. Imagine what it will be like when you are working in your new career. What will you feel like? What will you be doing? Who will you be working with? Keep your vision bright. Not only will it keep you motivated but you will naturally attract the people, resources and circumstances that will help you begin your passion-filled career.

Celebrate as you work towards your goal. Many of us celebrate after we start our new business or land our dream job and that is great but it is not enough. We need to celebrate each small step. Research has shown that people who feel successful tend to have more successes. The way to feel successful each day is to acknowledge your completion of each small step. These little treats along the way will keep you moving forward and make the journey fun. Let's get started. It is time to take action and turn your dream into a reality!

Leanna Fredrich works with professional and executive women in the 2nd half of their careers who are burned out and don't know what to do next. She helps them "go from burned-out to fired up" by finding meaningful and passion-filled work. Are you ready to enjoy a career you love? Get the FREE report "The Top Ten Secret's to Discover Your Passion-filled Work." For your free report go to http://www.LeannaFredrich.com

Pressing Past Your Fears

Overcoming Procrastination -

"Learn to see failure as a stepping stone to your personal progress." Colleen Kettenhofen

Many of us procrastinate doing something for many reasons. Sometimes it's a result of perfectionism. We reason that if we can't do it perfectly, maybe we shouldn't do it at all. Or, we procrastinate because something is unpleasant. We just don't want to do it.

We also procrastinate because of deep seated fears. Unfounded fears mind you, but fears nonetheless. For example, what if we do that thing and we fail? We can learn from our mistakes if we'll look at them from a new perspective. Adversity arms us with increased knowledge, ability, and experience. Not to mention increased self-confidence because we overcame the perceived challenge. Yes, the key word here is "perceived." It's all in how we look at it. One person's passion is another's peril.

1) Forget motivation. Just do it. It sounds a bit harsh, but sometimes we just have to do it. Get started on that task we don't want to do. Because if we wait until we're motivated, that day never comes. There are certain things we simply will never want to do. Whether it's cleaning the garage, clearing clutter from a closet, or completing a report.

2) In overcoming procrastination, all the motivational hullabaloo and psychobabble won't always work. Face your fears. What do you need to change? What part of YOU do you need to change? The only way out of fear is to go through it.

3) Take action. Get moving. Don't wait another day. The future is now. Whatever you do, don't stew. As the saying goes, worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due. Ever notice that once you get started on a task, after a while you're on a roll? For example, you say to yourself, "I'm going to work on this project for half an hour, then, if I want to stop I can."

4) The hardest part of overcoming procrastination is getting started. Try an experiment. Tell yourself you will work on that thing for just twenty minutes. After that, don't stop if you feel like continuing. Press through until you've finished. See if you don't feel better.

5) Think about how good you'll feel when it's done. See if this sounds familiar: Consider a time when you've procrastinated doing something. All the while you're working on a fun task instead. But in the back of your mind, you're thinking about what you should be doing. And it ruins all the fun!

Once you complete the task you'd procrastinated, you feel so much better, lighter and happier. You're saying to yourself, "If only I'd completed this sooner. I would have been so much better off!" Sound familiar? Been there, done that. In overcoming procrastination, think AHEAD of time how much better you'll feel just getting it done. You'll feel a surge of energy and self-esteem.

6) Don't take failure personally. Don't internalize it. So, what if you finally do that thing and it doesn't go as planned? See it as a learning experience. See your setback as temporary, not as a permanent fatal flaw. Remember, it's our response that determines if we will keep moving forward or give up.

7) Avoid blaming. Let go the mistake but don't lose the lesson. If we are always looking for outside circumstances or someone else to blame, we're not moving forward. Don't be a blamer. You know these people. Maybe someone you work or live with. They're so focused on blaming. They never learn the lesson to move them toward success.

8) Adversity creates maturity. Overcoming adversity builds strength and character. It shifts our priorities and changes our perspective. Petty annoyances don't matter as much. For example, several years ago in South Carolina, I delivered a keynote speech to cancer survivors and their relatives. I had them break into groups and share what they'd learned from a cancer diagnosis. Here were some phrases I heard many times over: "I've learned not to sweat the small stuff. I now know what matters. My relationships have improved. I have a greater appreciation for nature."

9) Find mentors. Model yourself after people you admire. What steps have they taken in overcoming procrastination, facing their fears, and achieving success? See if you can talk with them. Heed their advice. Listening to others share how they've overcome adversity is a huge motivator. You realize you're not alone. Don't isolate. Don't try to do it all on your own. Isolation is the killer of dreams. Take it a step at a time. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

For those of you who like control (you know who you are!) and tend to do everything on your own, here is a quote by Joyce Meyer: In her book "Woman to Woman," she writes, "If you are struggling with something in your life, ask yourself honestly if you are putting your faith in God, believing that His grace will meet the need, or if you are relying on your own abilities and leaving Him out of the loop?"

Twice, when I picked up her book, it happened to open to the page with that quote. My eyes fell on the words. I don't think it was by accident. I think it was for me. And I think it was for me to share with you.

Colleen Kettenhofen is a speaker, workplace expert, & co-author of "The Masters of Success," as featured on the Today Show, along with Ken Blanchard and Jack Canfield. For free articles, e-newsletter, or to order the book visit http://www.colleenspeaks.com/ Topics: leadership, success, difficult people, public speaking. Colleen is available for keynotes, breakout sessions and seminars. (971)212-2412. http://www.colleenspeaks.com/

Speaking Secrets of the Superstars

Public Speaking 101 -

"With public speaking, your audience will know if you didn't rehearse." Colleen Kettenhofen

All of us recognize that public speaking ranks among one of the greatest fears for most people. Whether speaking at a meeting or before a group of 400, many people get nervous just anticipating giving a presentation. A comment I frequently hear in my public speaking seminars is, "What's the best way to overcome nervousness and gain confidence with public speaking?" Here are some proven secrets many great public speakers practice:

1. Your audience will know if you're not prepared. They'll pick up on subtle clues in your body language. 95% of your success is determined before the presentation. Rehearsing minimizes 75% of your nervousness. No one likes to rehearse. Instead, see if you can have a friend or colleague videotape you. Yes, I realize no one likes seeing themselves on video either! Still, the camera will be your most objective ally.

2. Once you've fine-tuned your presentation, rehearse and practice in front of family members, colleagues, friends, or a public speaking coach. Ask for honest feedback. What did they like most? What did they think of your energy level, passion and commitment to what you're saying? What do they think could be improved? Also practice in front of a mirror. This will help you rehearse standing up and let you see what needs to be improved. The more you rehearse standing up, and the more familiar you become with your material, the more comfortable you will be with your public speaking. This one tip alone can dramatically improve public speaking skills.

3. Put your presentation as a "rough draft" on a micro cassette recorder. Listen to it while you're driving to and from work, picking up the kids, or driving to the supermarket. I know what you're thinking. "I don't like how I sound on audio tape!" I realize that. But this is a convenient way to learn material quickly. Again, where do you sound convincing, passionate and interesting? What parts of your presentation do you think need work? The audio cassette recorder is another objective ally.

4. Visualize yourself giving a successful presentation. Better yet, if you know the exact room you'll be speaking in visualize that, too. Olympic athletes practice visualization. It works for public speaking as well.

5. To improve public speaking skills, do a dress rehearsal. Before I conduct a keynote speech or breakout session at a conference, I take a peek inside the ballroom. If the room's empty, I'll go in and practice a "dry run." This is something I try to do in full dress rehearsal mode. If the ballroom is being used until morning, I go in that morning.

Rehearsing in the exact room will give you an edge in feeling more comfortable and conquering fear of public speaking. This is one of the biggest public speaking secrets of many great public speakers. Guaranteed! If you're usually presenting in small meetings or groups these same techniques work.

6. Are your notes and visual aids large enough print that you can see them standing up? Your notes should be "fast food for the eyes." Never read your presentation. You're the presenter. Your audience expects you to be the expert. You want that connection with them. A secret to effective public speaking is bonding with your audience through stories, activities, appropriate humor and understanding their needs ahead of time.

7. Stand up when speaking in public. Even if only three people attend, it sends a signal that says, "You're so important that I'm going to stand even for the three of you." According to a University of Minnesota study, when you stand in presenting your ideas, you are more believable, credible and persuasive.

8. Stand "center stage" when presenting your most important point. It grabs the audience's attention. The rest of the time you can move around as long as you aren't nervously pacing like a lion. Again, that's where the videotaping helps!

Visual Aids and Public Speaking: Less is More

9. With public speaking and visual aids, less is more. Don't use more than three or four colors per slide. Otherwise, people start focusing more on color and less on content. Use graphs for sales figures or sets of numbers showing a trend over a period of time. Graphs are pictures that increase retention and comprehension. No more than two or three lines on a graph. Use pie charts for market share, budgets, expenses analysis, income sources and the like.

10. Avoid slides with yellow, pink or orange print. They don't show up well. Dark blue, black or any other dark color is better. White is okay with a darker background. Red stands for negatives like "danger," or "warning." Only use red to indicate problems, your competition, stopping or something similar.

11. Public speaking and eye contact: Approximately three to five seconds of eye contact per person with a small or medium sized group. Many public speakers make the mistake of using their visual aids AS their presentation. A key point in persuading your audience is establishing connection and credibility.

12. What if someone in your audience doesn't like what you have to say because they don't like the product or service you're selling? Or what if you fear public speaking because you often have to deliver bad news? Know and research your audience ahead of time. What will be their biggest objections? THINK AHEAD when planning your presentation how you're going to handle those issues.

13. Never lose emotional control. Often, these difficult people are trying to565 rattle your cage. They want control. And they want it in front of others. What if they continuously discount what you're saying? Tactfully respond to them at first. After a while, say something like, "You bring up a good point, and yet, due to time constraints see me at the break and we'll discuss that privately." Your audience will be looking to see how you handle the situation.

"When speaking in public, you are your own best visual aid." Colleen Kettenhofen

Colleen Kettenhofen is a speaker, workplace expert, & co-author of "The Masters of Success," as featured on the Today Show, along with Ken Blanchard and Jack Canfield. For free articles, e-newsletter, or to order the book visit http://www.colleenspeaks.com/ Topics: leadership, managing people, difficult people, public speaking. Colleen is available for keynotes, breakout sessions and seminars. 1(800)323-0683 http://www.colleenspeaks.com/