Friday, August 31, 2007

Manifestation connects

Manifesting Your Wants and Desires
What is manifesting? Most people probably haven’t heard the term and so they don’t have a clue as to what manifesting is or what it’s all about. Hopefully this article can clear up a little of the confusion.
Manifesting is a term that refers to a collection of ideas and techniques that, when used together can help you achieve your dreams and life-goals in a much faster and more satisfying way than is usually possible through “normal” methods. Normal methods, such as planning, strategizing, scheming, plotting, analyzing, goal-setting, etc. would be how most people would go about achieving something in their life. Most people have had some degree of success with such methods, so they assume that such methods are the best way to go about something, and they never try, or even consider, another way. Manifesting IS that other way.

Manifestation is the practice of thinking of what it is you want and then visualizing yourself achieving it, and then letting the result just come to you. Whether it’s a new job, or a new car, maybe a new house, or a new relationship, you can visualize all these things and then, through manifestation, can have them come to you. It’s like you become a magnet for all the good things in your life that you wanted to achieve, but were so frustrated and limited in your “normal” attempts to achieve them.

Manifestation connects you with the unseen metaphysical forces in the universe that regulate the stream of supply and demand of these things in your life, and allows you to “turn on the tap” to allow these things to flow into your life. Your stress level goes way down as you realize that you no longer have to worry, plan, and scheme to achieve the things you want.
With manifestation, you can literally create your own reality and then by visualizing and then manifesting it, you can make it your reality. The process starts when you visualize whatever it is that you’re wanting, and then assume that it WILL happen. Close your eyes and picture in your mind that your desire has already been granted, and that it is inevitable that you will receive it. Look into your mind and “seeing” yourself getting it and you can count on it just being a matter of time until that desire is Manifested in your life.

This is just a very brief introduction to the power of Manifesting your dreams into reality. Visit our website for more info and a FREE ebook that introduces you to the techniques of manifesting.
Til next time…Success to you!
Ted is part of a group of forward-thinking individuals that makes their home at:
Check it out for the latest ideas on how YOU can get what YOU want in Life!
Hypnosis to Manifest What You Desire3 Steps to Manifesting Faster

Lifes ultimate reality

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Flipside to all this manifesting

Manifesting Your Potential - Discovering and Manifesting Your Potential What prevents us from expressing this power or potential is individual to each of us

Imagine Yourself As - Imagine yourself as a deep sea diver, a ballroom dancer, a professional athlete, a famous artist, or whatever you can’t imagine. No, that is not me, your timid little voice inside your head escapes into your conscious thoughts..

Manifesting the Perfect Online Home Business - So, being aware of and believing in our ability to create and manifest I decided to utilize the manifestation steps in manifesting into my life the perfect online business.

Manifesting Abundance - Manifesting Abundance Though be Careful What You Wish For meditation has, without a doubt, brought me inner peace and a change of perception.

Manifestation to Creation - Manifestation to Creation the life we want is to Manifest the life that we want

Whats Your Dream - One of the wonderful things about using this manifesting technique is that the more you use it, the more powerful it becomes, and the more quickly your desires are fulfilled!

Dream and Believe - Dream and Believe Manifesting is, as when we used to dream as children of having things we didn’t have, we would say oh wow I want that I am going to get that. Price never entered our minds as that was beside the point that we were going to have

Manifesting Abundance
Does attracting abundance take lots of meditation and positive affirmations or does it take a bit more than that? Is it as easy as setting an intention for abundance to materialise at our door step?
Well, meditation has, without a doubt, brought me inner peace and a change of perception. Positive affirmations set the mood for my day, and setting intentions enables me to goal set conceptually without getting caught up in every detail. These all work exceptionally well on a spiritual level.
What I do know that does work well in manifesting the big ‘stuff’ is: know what you want, focus, commitment, determination and the big one – do something. Also, if you’re not congruent with what you are trying to achieve, even if there’s a very, very tiny voice somewhere inside you wanting your attention, pay attention and listen. Work on what your inner voice is trying to tell you.
It may be a belief getting in the way. You might get all ‘fired’ up about an idea you have that’s tota lly new and just for an instant, you live your dream. What happens next takes a nanosecond. Doubt steps in, and fear and so the downward spiral begins until you’ve given up on the idea. This is an example of a negative belief getting in the way of what potentially could be a really, really great idea!
Your inner voice might also be telling you that you need to up-skill; meet more people; look more closely at what you truly value; or that it’s fear blocking your power to manifest. Sometimes we have a fear of not only failure but also fear of success.
On a more spiritual level manifesting abundance can take time, this depends of course on what it is you’re manifesting. As a matter of fact it can take an awful lot of time. An option would be to start something different, but what happens then is the wait for abundance begins…again…and possibly again.
Manifesting anything takes effort – sometimes a little and sometimes a lot, and then there are times ‘the guys upstairs’ (or maybe ‘the gir ls’ for you) deliberately place obstacles and blocks (including fear) in the way. This will test how serious, determined and creative you really are. It can be extremely demoralising and soul destroying to continually receive rejections for that book you want published, that CD you want to sing, that movie you’d like to star in. Have faith and trust in yourself that you can pull it off. You never know what’s around the corner.
If something doesn’t work, improve upon it, it may be that the only thing that needs changing is your perception. Get some coaching in – there are many types of coaching these days, there’s life coaching, business coaching, executive coaching, spiritual coaching, there’s me – transformational coaching, and many other types of coaching. Maybe get some meditation in.
There’s a flipside to all this manifesting. An expression I particularly love and has been true for me on occasion is ‘be careful what you wish for because you’re bound to get it’, and it may not be what you expect. Instead, your manifesting may bring an abundance of frustration and heartache with it.
Weigh up your wish list, look at what you’re tr ying to manifest with new eyes – and yes, ‘be careful what you wish for’, for it may not be what it seems.
Sometimes life can appear so complicated.
Michaela is a Transformational Coach, certified practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), writer and Metaphysician who is totally committed to helping others create positive and action oriented changes to their lives.
Michaela is the author of several e-books as well as publisher of a monthly newsletter called From My Desk; an engaging, inspirational, and often humorous newsletter which offers ‘real life’ tips aimed towards achieving a more peaceful, spiritual and fulfilled ‘real’ life.
Michaela Scherr Transformational Coach
You can visit her at
Married to David, Micha ela has two children and a grandchild and currently lives in Brisbane Australia.
Reasons Manifesting Can be HardManifesting What You WantBreakthrough Makes Manifesting Your Dreams EasierDream and Believe

First Time I Used This Method

It Changed My Life Forever”
The Foundation to Build Your Life Upon: Thoughts Are Things
One of the premises of manifesting your desires is that “Thoughts are Things.” Thoughts are real. They have substance. What we hold in our mind on a continual, focused basis is what we bring into reality.
Do the speakers shown in THE SECRET really believe these concepts – or are they merely trying to pull a fast one to make money?
No, they are deeply involved in these philosophies. They are sincere human beings, just like you and me. They are not out rip anyone off. They are here to help us reach our fullest potential.
The Science of Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
For instance, one of the New Thought authors in this package is Ernest Holmes (1887-1960). Holmes wrote the Science of Mind (the 1926 classic edition is included in this package) and soon the book took on a life of its own. Holmes’ students become so convinced of its spiritual value that they formed the Church of Religious Science centered on these principles. Holmes never expected (nor wanted) his work to become the basis of a church … but by then it was too late!!
“Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life,” was Holmes motto and is the tagline of Science of Mind magazine, which has been continuously in circulation since 1927.
Many of the people featured in THE SECRET have been or are adherents of this philosophy.
For instance, Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul) attended a Religious Science church of over 2000 members in Huntington Beach, California.

Find Out More About Secrets Of The Secret

Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Power of Intention

by Wayne W. Dyer (Author) "During the past several years, I've been so strongly attracted to studying intention that I've read hundreds of books by psychological, sociological, and spiritual writers

Intention is generally viewed as a pit-bull kind of determination propelling one to succeed at all costs by never giving up on an inner picture. In this view, an attitude that combines hard work with an indefatigable drive toward excellence is the way to succeed. However, intention is viewed very differently in this book. Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has researched intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. This book explores intention—not as something you do—but as an energy you’re a part of. We’re all intended here through the invisible power of intention. This is the first book to look at intention as a field of energy that you can access to begin co-creating your life with the power of intention.

Part I deals with the principles of intention, offering true stories and examples on ways to make the connection. Dr. Dyer identifies the attributes of the all-creating universal mind of intention as creative, kind, loving, beautiful, expanding, endlessly abundant, and receptive, explaining the importance of emulating this source of creativity. In Part II, Dr. Dyer offers an intention guide with specific ways to apply the co-creating principles in daily life. Part III is an exhilarating description of Dr. Dyer’s vision of a world in harmony with the universal mind of intention.

Click On Link To Find Out More About The Power of Intention

Ancient Wisdom Revisited

Australian TV producer, come author, Rhonda Byme has successfully compiled the ancient wisdom of many great minds, into a book called, ‘The Secret.’ The principles are based on metaphysics and have been spoken of by the greatest thinkers, writers and leaders throughout time—Plato, Aristotle, Albert Einstein, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., Dale Carnegie, The Power of Positive Thinking, Carl Jung; “What you resist persists.” Buddha, “All that we are is a result of what we have thought.”

‘The Secret’ is simply the metaphysics of ‘The Law of Attraction.’
“The first philosophy (Metaphysics) is universal and is exclusively concerned with primary substance. ... And here we will have the science to study that which is just as that which is, both in its essence and in the properties which, just as a thing that is, it has. ....That among entities there must be some cause which moves and combines things. ... There must then be a principle of such a kind that its substance is activity.” (Aris totle, Metaphysics 340BC)

Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value. Mind and matter are comprised of energy—energy has impact. Thus, thoughts are things—thoughts create something. The something that is created is dependent on what the thoughts are. Like attracts like—thus, if you think positive thoughts, you attract positive things. If you think negative thoughts you attract negative things. The question, “What were you thinking?,” has a greater significance than a mere expression of incredulity. “What were you thinking?,” can be the beginning to make better choices now or in the future. “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” Proverbs 23:7; “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right,” Henry Ford.

Appealing to the vulnerability of humanity, Byme focused her work primarily on the acquisition of money. I am all for having money, b ut, the greatest good could be achieved through creating world peace. Byme makes the point that fighting brings us to the conditions that we hate. She cited such notables as, Jack Canfield, “The anti-war movement creates more war;” Mother Teresa, “I will never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally, invite me.” However, in this brief mention of creating peace, she failed to make a compelling point that, “The Law of Attraction” comprises all aspects of life, including creating war or stopping a senseless war. The Law of Attraction undeniably illuminates that—all wars are senseless.

As we experience the predictable outcome of the current political climate—we need to accept we have created the very things we fear—war compounded by more terrorists. Instead of eradicating corruption, it’s growing; instead of creating peace, war and terrorism are escalating; instead of healthy intelligent solutions, we are perpetuating brainless, hateful rhetoric and fear mongering.

It is abundantly clea r, critics have become worse than the problem, worse than the people they call evil. It is a natural law—like attracts like. It is time to apply the undeniable, irrevocable, powerful and unmistakable principle—“The Law of Attraction” to the most crucial issue humanity faces—perpetually creating what we claim we do not want—war. If war created peace, the world would be at peace the first day after the first war ended.

Using the law of attraction belongs in every family and with every family member. Practice kindness to one another, clear away negative energy, use forgiveness liberally with yourself and others, practice positive thinking, send positive thoughts to the entire world, Capitol Hill and to our perceived enemies. Speak with courteous and informed awareness. The Law of Attraction is simply unwavering, unrelentingly consistent and predictable. The Law of Attraction is not a sometime thing—we need to focus on what we want to create instead of what we do not want to create.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.

Quantum Spirituality Philosophy That Makes Sense

Motivational speaker Les Brown advises

Successful Goal Achievement

No one becomes successful by accident. Motivational speaker Les Brown advises, “You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature.” Certainly, visualization is an essential element of achieving success.
Visualization is a secret shared by top athletes, actors, performers, and business leaders. It is used by almost all successful people. Visualization is mentally picturing an event before it happens, and seeing yourself successfully accomplishing the event. It is a powerful tool used to generate confidence, motivation, and faith. Imagine if right now you could motivate yourself, and then keep yourself motivated — how much you could achieve? Visualization creates energy, determination, and allows your creativity to generate new ideas to overcome possible obstacles. Vision creates motivation. Vision creates persistence.
The first step in creating what you want is to determine exactly what it is you want. Sounds simple, but it is not always so. For a dream to become a goal, clarity and detail are required. It’s not enough just to have "an idea” of what we want. We need to define exactly what we want. The first step is to shape it, define it, visualize it.
Once you have decided on a goal, close your eyes and imagine your desires as if they have already been obtained. Generate as many details as possible. Be clear and specific. See yourself successfully achieving your goals. Create a vision of who you want to be and live in that picture as if it were already true. Use your five senses to bring life and excitement to your imagination. Rehearse your desired outcome many times in your mind before it actually happens. By doing this you program your subconscious allowing you to tap into its tremendous power. It will help you find a way to win even under the most difficult circumstances.
While creative visualization is thinking positively, it is much more than wishful thinking. It is a mental process establishing a goal and then imagining the process of attaining that goal. Vision isn’t magic, it requires perseverance and patience, but it works. Stick with it and creative visualization can be a useful tool to manifest your dreams.
Look into the nearest mirror. The person staring back at you is the only person responsible for your success. Cutting her down, or honing in on all her perceived faults will not motivate you into a successful person. Immediately stop all the mind chatter, take a deep breath and SMILE! It’s time to take a new look at yourself and begin creating a vision of success.
Find a moment when you are completely alone. Get a good look at yourself in a full length mirror. Now close your eyes. Do you see a human being there? Or do you see a collection of different parts? Do the components consist of a fat stomach, imperfect skin, ugly thighs, or a big butt?
These thoughts are merely jud gements you have made. If you look close enough you could find flaws and imperfections on every human body. Notice the people in your life when taken apart into pieces, are not attractive (who is?). But, as a whole, they are enchanting, striking, have a magnetic air, or you just feel good around them. Begin creating a new vision of yourself by looking for something like this in your self image. Visualize a presence surrounding you, or a certain charm which draws others to you. Note that at some point in your life, you have already felt this. Life was going well, you were succeeding in some way, or you felt loved. See the person in the mirror surrounded by this kind of charismatic energy. Spend some time seeing it, drawing it into your body, and feeling it.
A vision is simply how we see ourselves. It is the running dialog we have with ourselves and the way we feel about ourselves. Notice with the above mirror exercise that you are already using visualization to create your current reality. You r current visions (fat stomach, ugly thighs, big butt) motivate you to do what you are currently doing. You get what you expect of yourself. It’s not a matter of getting a vision, it’s a matter substituting the one you already have with one that moves you forward towards your goal.
Spend time each day imagining your ideal life. Envision the details of that life. Imagine you are living it now. Go through all your senses and notice what you imagine seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, even smelling, with this new vision. Breathe deeply and easily as you do this, breathing life into your visualization. Close your eyes and visualize your ideal future now.
Helping people let go of self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors has been the life work of Dr. Annette Colby. Her fascination with the power of the mind, emotions, spirituality, and physicality has led her to become a leader in the field of personal growth and consciousness. She is a valued counselor, and an inspiring teacher, as well as an independent writer, mentor, and guide. She is a highly sought-after trainer with a unique ability to inform and inspire individuals to open their hearts, love more openly, and pursue their dreams.
Dr. Annette Colby, RDNutrition Therapist & Master Energy Therapist
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http://www.LovingMiracles.comMiracles@AnnetteColby.com972.985.8750"Opening Creative Portals to Success"

Expand Your Mental PowersUse Guided Visualization to Expand Your Mental Powers One technique that many people have found very beneficial is to have an imaginary guide that they can call on for advice and insight.

When the spiritual body is established in consciousness

Spiritual Substance, the Fundamental Basis of the Universe DIVINE MIND is the one and only reality. When we incorporate the ideas that form this Mind into our mind and persevere in those ideas, a mighty strength wells up within us. Then we have a foundation for the spiritual body, the body not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. When the spiritual body is established in consciousness, its strength and power is transmitted to the visible body and to all the things that we touch in the world about us.

Spiritual Consciousness Spiritual approaches to consciousness involve the idea of altered states of consciousness or religious experience. Changes in the state of consciousness or a religious experience can occur spontaneously or as a result of religious observance. It is also maintained by some religions and religious factions that the universe itself is consciousness.

Functions of consciousness We generally agree that our fellow human beings are conscious, and that much simpler life forms, such as bacteria, are not. Many of us attribute consciousness to higher-order animals such as dolphins and primates; academic research is investigating the extent to which animals are conscious. This suggests the hypothesis that consciousness has co-evolved with life, which would require it to have some sort of added value, especially survival value.