Saturday, May 24, 2008

Best Sexual Positions ~ Spicy Up the Woman on Her Back Position

Are you tired of having your lover fall asleep on top of you after sex? Then its time to introduce the best sexual positions into your love making and possibly even fire-up the intimacy between the sheets. Adding variety in sexual positions with the woman on her back can potentially lead to the most amazing sex and bring you the most incredible orgasm, if you know how.

First, spice up the woman on her back position by participating in the pumping, the gyrating and all that coital hip movement that comes with this sexual position. Lift your hips and meet him thrust for thrust. Experiment with different angles in this sexual position. This will allow for variance in depth of penetration, intensifying the sex. To get the best out of this sexual position, raise your knees up, bracing your feet on the bed or ground or wherever you are lying down, gyrate your hips as you bring your lover towards the pinnacles of sexual pleasure.

One of the best sexual positions to try during love making is to open your legs wide lifting them up. Open your legs as wide as you can in a letter V-shape and youll see that this simple leg movement allows for even deeper penetration. The higher you can lift your legs up, the deeper your lover can penetrate you. For best results, embrace your lover with your legs or brace your feet on his butt and increasing the depth of his thrust.

The key to the best sexual position for the woman on her back is to prolong your orgasm by relaxing your vaginal muscles. Put your legs down alongside or underneath your lovers. The shallower thrust with this position enables him to maintain a rock-hard erection and make the loving last for hours.

Most important of all, is to practice these sexual positions, it is essential to unlocking the secrets to sexual pleasure. By making your lovemaking technique supercharged, steamy and earth-shattering the last thing hell do is fall sleep!

To Learn More About Sexual Positions, Videos, Pictures, Tips and Techniques ~ Visit THE LOVEMAKING ZONE

Focus on what you want not what you dont want
Norman Vincent Peale

Dog Skin Problems And Allergies

Take Notice Of Your Dog's Skin Problems

It is beneath their beautiful fur coats that a world of uncomfortable and even painful skin conditions are often lurking. Dogs skin problems can be an indication of a more serious and even life threatening condition.

Some of the most common dog skin problems are dry skin, usually indicated by the appearance of dandruff or excessive shedding, various fungus infections, mite irritations, mange, and rashes that may be the result of seasonal, environmental or food allergies. Other dog skin problems include tumors, seborrhea skin diseases, melanomas and infected sores.

The fact is that many of these conditions are completely treatable and often preventable. Identifying the cause and preventing unnecessary dog skin problems is a responsibility that comes with the role of owning a dog. However, as a loving pet guardian, adequate care and treatment of an animal is a legal requirement.

Food And Seasonal Dog Allergies

Some of the most preventable dog skin problems are caused by dog allergies. Dog allergies may be the result of seasonal conditions, environmental factors or symptoms of food allergies. Many dog owners are surprised to learn that food allergies are not always related to a new food or diet. A dog may develop intolerance to foods that they have been eating for years.

It is not an unusual occurrence for a dog to develop a food allergy when their immunity system may be compromised. Adding a digestive enzyme to a dog's daily diet of a premium all natural food is many times all that is needed to heal the skin. Dog food allergies are often an intolerance to unnatural additives and preservatives.

Seasonal dog allergies can include parasite allergies. Fleas for example are uncomfortable enough for a dog, but some dogs are particularly sensitive to flea bites. Although, fleas may be present at any time of year, it's the hot dry conditions of summer when they are the worst. Other possible seasonal allergy irritants are spring pollens and dust mites. Rural dogs are at risk of developing further seasonal allergies where crop dusting occurs, or when other such chemicals are used around the farm or surrounding properties.

If your dog is uncomfortable and excessively chewing and biting his legs or rear end, scratching himself sore, or shows any signs or symptoms at all of a bothersome skin condition, please seek the advice of a veterinarian right away.

Prevention is better than cure; the best premium all natural diet is the first weapon against dog skin problems and dog allergies. Dog owners should routinely check their dog's skin and feel for any lumps, bumps or other skin conditions.

A Pittsburgh area resident with over 25 years of dog care experience. Janie is an avid dog lover and has written numerous articles on dog skin, nutrition and care.


Find more information on dog skin conditions and care, visit

Article Source:

Transcendental Meditation
Universal Power

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Best Sexual Positions ~ Spicy Up the Woman on Her Back Position

Are you tired of having your lover fall asleep on top of you after sex? Then its time to introduce the best sexual positions into your love making and possibly even fire-up the intimacy between the sheets. Adding variety in sexual positions with the woman on her back can potentially lead to the most amazing sex and bring you the most incredible orgasm, if you know how.

First, spice up the woman on her back position by participating in the pumping, the gyrating and all that coital hip movement that comes with this sexual position. Lift your hips and meet him thrust for thrust. Experiment with different angles in this sexual position. This will allow for variance in depth of penetration, intensifying the sex. To get the best out of this sexual position, raise your knees up, bracing your feet on the bed or ground or wherever you are lying down, gyrate your hips as you bring your lover towards the pinnacles of sexual pleasure.

One of the best sexual positions to try during love making is to open your legs wide lifting them up. Open your legs as wide as you can in a letter V-shape and youll see that this simple leg movement allows for even deeper penetration. The higher you can lift your legs up, the deeper your lover can penetrate you. For best results, embrace your lover with your legs or brace your feet on his butt and increasing the depth of his thrust.

The key to the best sexual position for the woman on her back is to prolong your orgasm by relaxing your vaginal muscles. Put your legs down alongside or underneath your lovers. The shallower thrust with this position enables him to maintain a rock-hard erection and make the loving last for hours.

Most important of all, is to practice these sexual positions, it is essential to unlocking the secrets to sexual pleasure. By making your lovemaking technique supercharged, steamy and earth-shattering the last thing hell do is fall sleep!

To Learn More About Sexual Positions, Videos, Pictures, Tips and Techniques ~ Visit THE LOVEMAKING ZONE

Theodore Roosevelt

Dog Skin Problems And Allergies

Take Notice Of Your Dog's Skin Problems

It is beneath their beautiful fur coats that a world of uncomfortable and even painful skin conditions are often lurking. Dogs skin problems can be an indication of a more serious and even life threatening condition.

Some of the most common dog skin problems are dry skin, usually indicated by the appearance of dandruff or excessive shedding, various fungus infections, mite irritations, mange, and rashes that may be the result of seasonal, environmental or food allergies. Other dog skin problems include tumors, seborrhea skin diseases, melanomas and infected sores.

The fact is that many of these conditions are completely treatable and often preventable. Identifying the cause and preventing unnecessary dog skin problems is a responsibility that comes with the role of owning a dog. However, as a loving pet guardian, adequate care and treatment of an animal is a legal requirement.

Food And Seasonal Dog Allergies

Some of the most preventable dog skin problems are caused by dog allergies. Dog allergies may be the result of seasonal conditions, environmental factors or symptoms of food allergies. Many dog owners are surprised to learn that food allergies are not always related to a new food or diet. A dog may develop intolerance to foods that they have been eating for years.

It is not an unusual occurrence for a dog to develop a food allergy when their immunity system may be compromised. Adding a digestive enzyme to a dog's daily diet of a premium all natural food is many times all that is needed to heal the skin. Dog food allergies are often an intolerance to unnatural additives and preservatives.

Seasonal dog allergies can include parasite allergies. Fleas for example are uncomfortable enough for a dog, but some dogs are particularly sensitive to flea bites. Although, fleas may be present at any time of year, it's the hot dry conditions of summer when they are the worst. Other possible seasonal allergy irritants are spring pollens and dust mites. Rural dogs are at risk of developing further seasonal allergies where crop dusting occurs, or when other such chemicals are used around the farm or surrounding properties.

If your dog is uncomfortable and excessively chewing and biting his legs or rear end, scratching himself sore, or shows any signs or symptoms at all of a bothersome skin condition, please seek the advice of a veterinarian right away.

Prevention is better than cure; the best premium all natural diet is the first weapon against dog skin problems and dog allergies. Dog owners should routinely check their dog's skin and feel for any lumps, bumps or other skin conditions.

A Pittsburgh area resident with over 25 years of dog care experience. Janie is an avid dog lover and has written numerous articles on dog skin, nutrition and care.


Find more information on dog skin conditions and care, visit

Article Source:


Thursday, May 15, 2008

How to Claim Your Disability Insurance Benefits

We all hope that we never need disability insurance or critical illness insurance. However, a lot of us do find ourselves at some point in our lives thankful that we spent those few dollars per week for just such a case. It could be something as simple as a fall a fall from a ladder putting up those holiday lights to something that will be more than just a temporary disruption in your life in the case of a critical illness.

With the stress and frustration caused by a temporary or permanent disability or a critical illness, disability insurance and critical illness insurance help you not only weather the financial difficulties you may encounter during your down time but also to take some of the emotional strain away that financial difficulties are certain to create. After all, it's much easier to focus on just yourself and getting better at such a time when you don't have the added stress of financial problems.

It is important to be familiar with the policy you choose and any issues you may have should the need for you to file a claim arise so that you can choose the policy that best suits you and your lifestyle. Once you've chosen your policy, if you ever find yourself needing to file a claim, your first step should of course be to notify your employer. They will likely appoint someone, usually a human resource officer, to help you with the paperwork and to be sure, you have everything you need to file your claim and start your benefits. This is an invaluable help in getting answers to any questions you may have and preventing delays that could come from incomplete or missing paperwork. They will also help to guide you along the way; after all, they want you happy, healthy and back at work as soon as possible.

Your physician's office is another invaluable tool in helping you with your claims. They will work closely with your claims representative to be sure your recovery is progressing as it should be and submit updates and requests for treatments so that your benefits are unencumbered.

So, as you can see, while we all hope that we never need to use such insurance, if we should unfortunately find ourselves needing to, the peace of mind provided by disability insurance and critical illness insurance can be just as an important tool in a speedy recovery as the we doctor choose and the services and treatments they provide.

Natalie Aranda writes about health and health insurance. With the stress and frustration caused by a temporary or permanent disability or a critical illness, disability insurance and critical illness insurance help you not only weather the financial difficulties you may encounter during your down time but also to take some of the emotional strain away that financial difficulties are certain to create.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Discover How To Make A Resume That Gets Results

Learning how to make a resume or curriculum vitae is a skill that will serve you well for your entire working life. This indispensable document is your means, sometimes your only means, of showing a potential employer what you bring to the table. You may have only one chance, so put considerable thought into how to make a resume that demonstrates your accomplishments in the best possible way.

Always remember you are competing against other job seekers. As an employer sorts through perhaps dozens of resumes, how can you ensure your resume stands out and get noticed?

It goes without saying that your resume must be neat, attractively formatted, easy to read and free of punctuation errors, spelling errors and typos. Anything less tells the employer that you do sloppy work and have put little to no effort into learning to how to make a resume.

When you develop your resume, you want to write it in such a way that the employer immediately can identify your skills, abilities and work history. There are two accepted approaches to how to make a resume. The first involves listing your good jobs in chronological order, starting at the present and working back. The second approach to how to write a resume involves listing and describing your skills. The best type to use is the one that will present you to the best advantage. This will differ from employer to employer. For best results, plan to modify your resume to accommodate each job you apply for. This requires a little extra effort, but it is not a huge challenge when you use a computer and Word Processing software.

If you have been out of the labor force for a period of time, this will require some particular thought when you plan how to make a resume.

Homemakers who have taken time away from the workplace to raise children will want to give some thought to how to present this. Remember that raising a family and caring for a home require skills that can generalize in the workplace. Undoubtedly, you have organizational skills, budgeting skills, communication skills and more. Your task is to find a way to present these facts in your resume.

Have you done any volunteer work while you were out of the paid work force? Did you organize a bake sale or car pool? Did you participate in clubs, organizations, church groups, community organizations or similar? In what capacity? Did you find a way to bring in extra money while you were a homemaker? Did you have any part time good jobs ?

Think about these things carefully, always remembering that the skills you needed to carry out these activities are skills that are valued in the workplace. This is not the time for false modesty. If you can chair a darned good meeting and you know Roberts Rules of Order like the back of your hand, find a way to portray this when you decide how to make a resume.

Learning how to make a resume requires more than writing skills. It requires some soul searching and the willingness to acknowledge your hidden talents.

Are you ready to make a resume that shows what you can really do? If you're struggling to create a resume that does you justice and leads to job interviews, then please check out this link:

Norse Paganism

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Intranet Project Names - Some Ideas

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose By any other word would smell as sweet."

In this famous quote from Act II of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet tells Romeo that a name is an artificial and meaningless convention, and the fact he is a Montague and she a Capulet (warring families) means nothing to their love.

However, there is some strong evidence from the UK's Cranfield University - and elsewhere - that the name one gives a project does have a marked impact on the behaviour and motivation of the people involved. It may surprise you, but the name you give to your Intranet Project could well be the most important decision you make in the early stages of mobilisation!

The Direct Approach

There is an argument in faour of naming your Intranet Project the - wait for it - "Intranet Project"! Often, so-called "secret squirrel" names (where one has to ferret out from colleagues what Project Banana is all about) serve only to create an unnecessary air of mystique (fit only for secret M&A projects). They can also serve to be divisive, by separating 'people in the know' from people outside the immediate project audience.

The functional approach

A functional name focuses on what the intranet does (e.g. search, find, access). This enjoys the same benefits as the direct approach, but affords one a little more poetic license. What about names like "Project Connect" or "Project Gateway", which serve to signal the core "must have" requirements for the project?

The conceptual approach

There is a problem with the direct or functional approaches; Research from Cranfield has demonstrated that people on projects tend to be very heavily influenced in their actions by the name of the project itself. If you call your project the Intranet project, it is a working intranet (i.e. the technology) that you will get. If your ambition was something much more visionary, such as a wholly new way of working for your people, you are likely to be disappointed!

The conceptual name targets what is achieved by the functionality, rather than the functionality itself. For example, if your company name was BigCo and your purpose was seeking to get everyone in the company working together, you could call the project "Project OneBigCo" or "Project Unity". For the aforementioned new ways of working objective, you could use "Project Future Workplace".

The abstract approach

The abstract approach deals with how the project makes people feel. For example, "Project Bliss" (for happiness), "Project Wizard" (for magic) or "Project Pulse" (for fast-pacedness). Although one world usually fails to capture all you are trying to achieve with an Intranet Portal, this approach can prove highly effective (particularly where counter-cultural).

If all else fails

Nothing grabbed you so far? Well there is no saving you, then! I suppose there are always the standard fallback options: names of greek or roman gods, names of planets, names of birds and names of dances. These have the added value that - if you spawn follow-on projects in a sequence - you have ready-made logical follow-on project titles. Incidentally, "Project Mercury" would be my recommendation for planets or gods (as Mercury was the roman god of communications).

For more ideas on project names, why not check out my presentation in chapter 10 of my (free to access) Intranet Portal Guide.

About the author:

David Viney ( is the author of the Intranet Portal Guide; 31 pages of advice, tools and downloads covering the period before, during and after an Intranet Portal implementation.

Read the guide at or the Intranet Watch Blog at

Louis B

Going The Extra Mile

There is one sure way to get what you want in life, but few people actually do it. Put this practice firmly into your day to day business activities and you will have an advantage over the rest of the crowd.

Successful people realize their life long dreams by doing things that most people are not willing to do. If you can just do what is needed instead of what you want to do, you can accomplish a lot.

People that get what they want in business don't just give 100% each day. When the day is through and you've done your best, it is now time to make the extra effort to accomplish one more small goal or to finish the day's original goal. 'Going the extra mile' does not require a massive effort on your part. If you put forth only 5% of your daily effort, a small goal is easily attained. Doing this only three days a week can produce impressive results by the end of the month.

Do you have a problem getting things done? Then don't be satisfied with another day gone and your goal not met. Put forth that small extra effort on a regular basis and you will begin reaching your goals.

Going the extra mile is part of a small business success mindset. It's your business, you are ultimately responsible for the results. Setting deadlines for yourself and writing down your goals makes it easier to go the extra mile. You can see on paper the goal set for that day. Many times you will see that by the end of the day you are very close to meeting your goal. You can now go your extra mile because you know it is only going to take a small amount of extra effort.

Going the extra mile will enable you to reach more of your goals. This allows you to 'raise the bar' on your new goals, creating growth in your business. Growth does wonders for your attitude and makes the road to success more enjoyable.

What's the bottom line on going the extra mile? More signups for your network marketing business. More sales for your infoproduct business. And you'll get what you want a lot faster when you are willing to do what others are not.

About The Author

Let Ken and Willie help you achieve your burning desire... 30 Days of FREE Training and Ongoing Mentoring from Ken Leonard Jr. and Willie Crawford could change your life forever...


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Law of Attraction - Love's Form

Love's form is energy. It's one of the life-generating frequencies that move swiftly and freely through time and space. The Universe is alive with energy. Light, sound, movement - all of life takes part in an ongoing dance of energy at play. From the motion of the planets to the smallest encounters between passing strangers, everything contributes to the constant flow and exchange of personal and Universal energy.

Contrary to what most people believe, love is so much more than a feeling or a condition of a relationship. Love is energy. In fact, it's the greatest and most creative power in the cosmos. It may not be as immediately noticeable as the energy of sound, or as easily measurable as that of light, but love is as vital and dynamic as any energy that we're capable of experiencing.

In ancient Greek mythology, Eros, the God of Love, was originally perceived as a cosmic force-more energy than entity-whose job it was to organize and direct all of the elements of the Universe in order to create harmony out of chaos. Only later did this force become personified in the figure of the arrow-shooting angel who directed the dreams of human desire.

This organizing force is an apt representation, for it's love that's responsible for the laws that bring order to all of life. In fact, it's the energy of original love-Divine Love-that's responsible for life itself. It's the creative source of everything we see. Every person, being, or object in the Universe is an expression of the power and creativity of Divine Love.

This remarkable power is an irrepressible river of energy that continually flows through the Universe. You are a part of that river. You have that Divine power radiating to and through you. It's what you do with this power that determines your destiny in relationships-and in everything else.

You can connect with this powerful river of energy through your motivation or intention. Ultimately, you must align your own intention with that of love, in order to ride that wonderful tide of amour. If you don't, you'll continue to find yourself struggling against the current.

This is what happened to Psyche, Eros's lover, when she allowed her love to turn to fear. Theirs is a classic love story, full of passion, jealousy, and suspicion; yet today, it remains an accurate representation of the patterns and the power behind the Universal Laws of love.

Aldian Prakoso is a Law of Attraction Coach and the owner of The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog. The Secret of Law of Attraction Blog helps you to achieve success, wealth, growth and health by unlocking The Secret of Law of Attraction. Get your FREE online mini-course, and Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich and Wallace D. Wattles' The Science of Getting Rich ebook ($147 value) ==>

Home Guide and Informaiton Blog

Pheromones: Myth or Fact - Do Pheromones Work?

I did a quick search on the Internet for pheromones.

Pheromones are chemicals released by an organism into its environment enabling it to communicate with other in its own species. There are many different types I soon learned.

Insect Pheromones

Alarm Pheromone.

When an ant is disturbed, it releases a pheromone that can be detected by other ants several inches away. They are attracted by low concentrations of the pheromone and begin to move toward the region of increasing concentration. As they get nearer to their disturbed ant releasing an alarm pheromone, their response changes to one of emergency and alarm. They run about to try to break up the disturbance that caused the alarm. Unless additional amounts of the alarm pheromone are released, it soon wears off. This ensures that once the emergency is over, the ants return to going about their business. Honey bees also have an alarm pheromone which is why if you get stung near a hive you can expect more bee stings really soon if you are not careful.

Leaving a Trail Pheromone

A trail pheromone is left by hands as they move about once they have found food. This trail attracts and tells other ants where to go to find the food. It is continually renewed as long as the food holds out. When the supply begins to dwindle, The trail Pheromone ceases to exist. The trail pheromone evaporates quickly so other ants stop coming to the site and are not confused by old trails when food is found elsewhere.

Sex Pheromones

Hundreds of pheromones are known with which one sex (usually the female) of an insect species attracts its mates. Many of these sex attractants - or their close chemical relatives - are available commercially. They have proved useful weapons against insect pests as they can be used to attract insects to a trap, and to confuse males so that they wont reproduce. There are spiders that produce a moth sex pheromone to help catch their prey. A lot of animals such as dogs will mark their territory by peeing. It is said that the scent of pheromones is one of the territory markers.

Pheromones for humans.

There are Claims such as Gain MASSIVE Sexual Chemistry on Demand!

Instantly Arouse, Attract, Excite, Intrigue and Seduce Gorgeous Women Whenever You Want, Wherever You Want, As Often As You Want ... Any Time YOU Are In the Mood.

If YOU would like to

Become a lot more sexually attractive.

Meet more beautiful women, MUCH more easily.

Grab the attention and get approached by women far more often.

Make a fantastic, memorable, compelling impression , every time.

Increase your self-confidence and masculinity BIG-time then this may be the most important news you will read all year.

And other claims that are just as outrageous all over the internet. Human beings do not produce large quantities of natural pheromones. It has been noted that women who live together for awhile tend to sync their cycles. It has been written this is to a primer pheromone that women release.

If you're looking for the man or woman of your dreams, unsuspecting pheromones in your body scent are most likely playing a large and very clever role in mate attraction. According to an article in "Psychology Today," how our body odors are perceived as pleasant and sexy to another person is a highly selective process. We usually smell best to a person whose genetically based immunity to disease differs most from our own. This could benefit you in the long run, making for stronger, healthier children. I watched a show on The Discovery Channel once about sexuality. They did a contest with a male and 5 females who so had very different types of immune systems. The females with similar immune systems to the male were more offensive in odor than the females with very different immune systems. I would imagine this is due to the different in pheromones. The pheromones though are naturally produced by our human bodies. There has been no research to pheromones produced in a lab.

Dating and Pheromones

What if we were to pretend women were a little bit attracted to pheromones produced in a lab. If you go into a club after bathing in these pheromones how is a woman going to be attracted to you ? You are emitting a scent that (supposedly) is turning any girl who smells it on. Well, what about the couple that is dancing next to you? In theory, that girl is getting turned on but who's to say she is getting turned on to you? She's getting turned on to the loser she is dancing with (Which this loser didn't pay anything for pheromones)

So, assuming that they do work they would only benefit you in one-on-one situations.

The fact is that no research mentions synthetic pheromones. The companies selling products are synthetic pheromones. Do these work? Who knows there are much more reliable ways to gain attraction that a scent. I want somebody to be attracted to me for me. Not some pheromone Im wearing. How is she going to feel when Im not wearing it. Also what is the effect of a women being exposed to the same pheromone all the time. Wouldnt it trigger her to get used to that scent and therefore no longer react to it?.

My suggestion is to look for other ways to attract somebody that can produce consistent results without relying on some product.

Robert Torrey is one of the instructors for Attractanddate. Attractanddate teaches men to be confident with women. They do with different products and a few newsletter. Their best product is a live workshop conducted in various nightclubs teaching men to pick up women.

Juan Trippe

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Take A Break To Meditate

Often thought of as an Eastern tradition or custom, meditation is gaining prominence as an enriching practice in the Western world. While meditation for many is a spiritual exercise with a specific form and structure, there is no specific manner in which it must be performed in order to achieve results.

Walking in nature, having some quiet time alone or being at worship can all bring about a meditative state resulting in insights as much as participating in more formal practices. In fact, anything you do that has the effect of centering yourself and tuning into the energies available is the act of meditation.

Basic meditation is the state of quieting the mind to bring about stillness. When this occurs, intuitive information may become available, energies are heightened, and calmness is achieved. This is not something that you can actively do, but is something that you allow to manifest.

The focus of meditation can be on the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. Focusing on the physical during meditation can help to improve circulation, lower blood pressure, enhance the immune system and give you more control over your body, especially in the areas of pain management and healing. It is an especially valuable tool for anyone who is dealing with a long term, chronic health challenge

Concentration on the emotions can bring about peacefulness, greater understanding of relationships, and help in building a stronger foundation for motivation. Focusing on the mental state helps to bring clarity, creativity and development of conceptual abilities to the mind. On a spiritual level, meditation helps connect us with the Divine Source, brings us in closer contact with our higher self, and opens up new avenues of development.

Meditation can be practiced alone or with others. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. When meditating alone, you have plenty of time and can go as deeply as you wish into a particular meditation. You are free to engage in the practice at a time that is convenient for you and can create your own private space or sanctuary. When engaging in solitary meditation you have no one but yourself to share experiences with and learn from.

Meditation within a group setting can result in stronger mediations and more clarity due to the energy level brought about by the group. It offers a format for sharing experiences so the members can gain insights from each other. The best arrangement would be to use both formats to continue to develop new possibilities and foster growth and development. So if you have not done so already, why not take a break to meditate?

Susan Anderson, is the owner of Seeds for Change Wellness, located in Sellersville, PA. She is a holistic health practitioner and teacher, with a comprehensive website related to health, wellness, spirituality and the environment. Have a related site yourself? Why not partner with her site by exchanging links at

Gary Zukav

How Psychotherapy Possibly Gets it All Wrong

I am not trained in psychology, nor do I completely understand psychological terms. I am strictly speaking in a nonprofessional manner using nonprofessional terms about psychology, and about how I believe psychotherapy fails to address the primary problem regarding the mind. The primary problem, in my assessment, is letting go of one's illusionary self, or ego, that false construction of mind that inhibits true transformation.

Lurking behind the fundamentals of psychology is an intimated real self. This is similar to a soul theory, the idea being that a person or entity controls our thoughts, and if that "something" is adjusted properly, our problems will be resolved. For example, memories of our childhood might be preventing our adjustment in adult life. This is an assumption that "our" memories and "our" adult life somehow belong to a permanent self. We create an image in our minds of ourselves - our experiences, our memories, our life.

But there is nothing behind the image of ourselves that we create in our minds, no little man or woman stands behind "ourselves." There are only thoughts and thought construction, as one thought following another creates everything in the mind; everything, of course, except true creativity itself, which manifests in the absence of thought.

With therapy, these memories are aired out and supposedly resolved so that the patient can understand them and go on with their lives. The assumption is that this is all happening to a real person. The question of memory and thought, per se, is never brought up. It is never hinted that nothing stands behind memory and thought, that they are simply mental reactions to stimulus. The illusion remains, and is promoted, that a "self" is going through the therapy. The fact that memory and thought are all that there is; that there is no controller behind them; no self, no person - is never addressed

Arguably, this kind of admission; that nothing stands behind our thoughts, would leave many patients hanging by a thin thread, a precarious thread that could easily break because of their strong identity and attachment with the illusionary self, which, if false, would leave them with no footing. This is perhaps why the delusion is encouraged by many therapists. Or, it might be encouraged because the psychologist has never realized this for him or herself.

If the professional has actually realized no-self, perhaps through extensive meditation or a transcendent experience, then, I believe, the therapy would be much different and much more effective. Practitioners of meditation that have been practicing many years understand the workings of memory and thought, and their minds become balanced, as do their lives. This practice has taken time, however, and effort, and therefore what they have learned and experienced cannot be transferred as knowledge to another. This is what the professional is faced with when a patient arrives completely deluded about their mind and caught up in their illusionary selves. Although a patient must experience no-self with their own minds before real progress can be made, how does the professional proceed?

The easy way out for therapists is to continue with present practices. Present practices, however, may never get to the root of a patient's problem. Getting to the root of the problem requires proactive action on the patient's part, where he or she actually learns about thought and memory rather than simply becoming absorbed by past thoughts and memories. This would involve patients becoming familiar with their thoughts, which is meditation. As patients become familiar with their thoughts and thought processes, they can slowly step back from the gravity of the illusionary memories and thoughts, and begin to become freer.

My only background on this subject has been my mind's experiences in meditation, where while practicing meditation I detected thoughts blossoming, one after the other, in a corner of my mind. Each one initially appeared as a single frame but quickly developed into a storyline, a dramatic movie. It might begin with a picture of myself sitting cross-legged and meditating, followed by the next picture, perhaps that of a friend. These two pictures were so fast that they created an illusion that the picture of "me" was watching my friend.

This went on in an endless sequence; pictures followed by memories, creating the illusion of a watcher observing the stories being created by my memory, and I instinctively understood, as an insight, that this all I am; one thought following another in a continuous stream, merely a series of pictures followed by the mind's memories of those pictures. There is no fundamental self.

I believe that this kind of information, if understood at the right time, will end all but the most severe psychological problems. It can be a tremendous freedom. And meditation, if practiced correctly, provides a firm foundation of courage before these kinds of insights occur, and is therefore usually safe.

Maybe someday therapy will include a proactive participation where patients that are capable of relative sanity become grounded in a true reality. This would certainly benefit the patient, and create a sense of real accomplishment upon which true, compassionate professionals thrive.

E. Raymond Rock of Fort Myers, Florida is cofounder and principal teacher at the Southwest Florida Insight Center, His twenty-eight years of meditation experience has taken him across four continents, including two stopovers in Thailand where he practiced in the remote northeast forests as an ordained Theravada Buddhist monk. His book, A Year to Enlightenment (Career Press/New Page Books) is now available at major bookstores and online retailers. Visit


Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Get Motivated and Stay Motivated

"Most people ask for happiness on condition. Happiness can only be felt if you don't set any condition." Artur Rubenstein

1) Practice patience, perseverance, and prayer. There's a story of the person who prayed, "God, please give me patience, and hurry!" In this day and age of cell phones, fax machines and instant gratification, it's easy to want what we want NOW. No one is willing to wait anymore. However, as we mature, we discover that it often takes patience, perseverance, and a lot of hard work to get the things we really want. Whether it's a promotion at work, losing weight, or having a great relationship.

If you believe in God, pray for patience, persistence and guidance. God sees the big picture. We don't. Often, looking back, we see that many of the things we just "had to have" weren't really right for us anyway.

2) Learning how to overcome procrastination helps you get motivated and stay motivated. I believe deep down most people know what they're supposed to do to improve their lives. But we procrastinate doing that activity. We just don't want to do it. Whether it's getting rid of the clutter in our home or office, cleaning up our eating habits or cleaning out the garage. Most of us know there's something we need to do that we've been procrastinating. Yet, by procrastinating a task, we end up cluttering our minds further by thinking about what we should be doing.

Again, if you have certain spiritual beliefs, just ask for the courage to do it. Turn to God. This is not something I discuss in my speaking engagements as my audiences are diverse businesspeople from different backgrounds. But asking for strength works. By admitting your weakness you will often gain strength in overcoming procrastination. And getting help in many other areas of your life as well.

Stop trying to do it all yourself. Give yourself a break. Give up some of the control. Take it in baby steps. For example, clean up just half of the garage. Or, begin that exercise program just three days a week for 30 minutes a day. Too often we fall into the "all or nothing" mentality. If we can't do it all at once, well, we simply don't do it at all!

3) Practice positive thinking.Think about what you're thinking about! I read on the internet that the number one thing people would like to change for the new year is to have a more positive attitude. Thoughts lead to words. Words lead to actions, and your actions determine your approach to your career, relationships, health and just about everything else. Positive thinking is something you often have to practice.

I am a worrier. And of all things, a motivational speaker! It's my job to help people become more productive, improve morale and stay motivated. In many cases, it's also my job to help them increase profitability. Worrying is a habit I've tried to consistently break. After all, worrying is negative thinking. Worry doesn't solve anything. It doesn't add a single day to your life. I make a conscious effort to think about what I'm thinking about. I shift my thinking to the positve whenever possible and it's becoming more of a habit. Becoming more aware of your thoughts is half the battle.

4) Eat right in order to feel happier, healthier, and stay motivated. We all know what to eat but often need to be reminded. Too many junky foods produce junky negative thoughts. Start your morning with protein to stabilize your blood sugar. Increase your daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Switch to organics whenever possible toavoid exposure to harmful pesticides. If you travel a lot this isn't always easy. Do the best you can. Remember, moderation is the key. The minute you have that all or nothing approach, you set yourself up for disaster by beating yourself up for not being perfect.

See your doctor to find out what types of vitamins and minerals you should be taking. Studies show that even when we're eating at our healthiest many of us are still missing vital nutrients. Drink more water. If you're under a time crunch, and who isn't these days, try eating raw nuts such as almonds or pumpkin seeds for protein and iron. Dried fruits such as apricots, raisins and cranberries contain vital nutrients and add lots of flavor. I do this all the time when I'm conducting day-long speaking engagements. It's vital for me in keeping up my energy and blood sugar levels not to mention improved mental acuity. Find out what works for you because everyone is different.

How To Get Motivated and Stay Motivated...Choose To Be Happy In Spite of Your Circumstances

5) Make a decision that you will be happy in spite of your circumstances. Don't wait until everything is going your way in order to be content. Otherwise you will spend much of your life discontented. Avoid the "when script." For example, "When I get that promotion then I'll be happy." Or, "When I get pregnant and have children then I'll be happy." How many times have you heard people say, "Once the kids are grown and out of the house THEN I'll be happy!"

There's always that illusive "when script" projecting into the future. And just because you count on something positive to happen, doesn't mean it always does. People aren't perfect and can disappoint you. You can lose your job. Your money can disappear. Things won't always go your way. It's okay to plan ahead and set goals for where you want to be. Just make certain you're also happy where you are now.

6) Don't compare yourself to others. We tend to compare the worst in ourselves with the best in others. Don't compare your insides to someone else's outsides. This is especially true for women. In our society, we're bombarded with magazines and media projecting an unrealistic standard of what we are supposed to look like. Many magazines feature ads with supermodels who are six feet tall. Even worse, the photos have been airbrushed and retouched dozens of times. Focus on developing your own unique gifts and talents. If you're too focused on trying to be like other people, you will become discouraged, give up, and lose sight of your dream.

7) Rest, relax, and recharge completely. It's one thing to get motivated, but to stay motivated you need downtime. If you're sleepy on a weekend afternoon, take a nap. In our fast-paced American society, this is virtually impossible during the work week. America is one of the few countries in the world that doesn't take an afternoon break. Lots of scientific research has shown that lack of sleep negatively affects mood, stress levels, mental acuity, weight, and overall performance. If you're tired, you're more likely to snap. You won't be a pleasant person to be around.

8) Exercise plays an important role in getting and staying motivated. For example, many participants in my speaking engagements tell me that walking outdoors during a short lunch break is enough to reenergize them. Exercising outdoors is especially beneficial in helping reduce depression during the winter months.

While you're exercising, and driving to and from work, listen to your favorite music. One of my favorite songs is "It's On," from Boney James "Pure" CD. Very upbeat music with lots of saxophone, and serves as a huge energy booster and mood lifter for me! I'll often play it after finishing a project. It's a small but very positive reward.

9) Get out of yourself. Be grateful for what you have. Do you have enough clothing, food, and a roof over your head? Probably so. Do volunteer work, or spend time listening to a friend or family member in need. By helping others you realize that whatever your "trauma of the day" happens to be, really isn't so important after all.

Focus more on what you have, not on what you don't have. Today, make a conscious decision to be happy in spite of your circumstances.

Colleen Kettenhofen is a speaker, workplace expert, & co-author of "The Masters of Success," as featured on the Today Show, along with Ken Blanchard and Jack Canfield. For free articles, e-newsletter, or to order the book visit Topics: leadership, success, difficult people, public speaking. Colleen is available for keynotes, breakout sessions and seminars. (971)212-2412.

Flight From Egypt
Manifest my center for healing

Are You a Competitor or a Creator

The answer to that question could provide considerable insight into many aspects of your life - business and personal. The "good book", The Science of Getting Rich, is clear on the point of using competition to accumulate wealth. It most certainly can be done; people do it everyday. But is it the preferred method of achieving business success?

When we understand the philosophy behind creation, and when we truly leave the competitive plane for the creative plane, that is when we are truly free. Since immersing myself in this study, I have achieved clarity on this point that is absolutely liberating. As internet and network marketers we are often conditioned to be competitive. We are competing for top spot on google, protective of our websites and copy rights, always guarding our success secrets. Some of us even pay to get the latest "secrets" of the internet and networking gurus. When you are in competition you are, by necessity, on guard. Many successful network marketers I know have achieved great success, on the competitive plane. Often, these master marketers exhibit anger that is sometimes mistaken for arrogance. I now see it as protection. The marketer who "makes it" on the competitive plane is ever fearful of "the competition" taking what is his, be it his ideas, his product or his strategies. He presents himself in such a manner so as to discourage others from "stealing" from him. And others will and do steal or borrow from him. He is very wealthy from a monetary stand point, but is he free?

True Freedom

When we move from the competitive to the creative plane, we know that there are no limits to what we can achieve or to the money that we can attract to us. We do not have a need to protect our property or our ideas to the extent that we are consumed by it. We are not on guard or needing to keep our eye on "the competition". We are free to share and cooperate.

We are bombarded on the internet with offers to purchase the "secrets" of the "big dogs" or of the wealthy or the successful, when in truth, knowing their strategies will not assist us at all. That is the real SECRET - that there are no magic bullets, no secrets. When we buy or sell other people's "secrets" we are playing on the competitive field. The TRUTH is that few have ever achieved success by duplicating someone who has. We see this time and again, and the reason is clear when you understand The Law of Attraction. Two people can take the exact same action - one may see great success, the other great failure. Success is not something that can be "copied".

The Certain Way

This is discussed in detail in The Science of Getting Rich. It is stated that the one who achieves success, while doing the same actions as the one who fails, does those actions in THE CERTAIN WAY. This certain way is the creative process, and whether the successful person is aware or not, he is vibrating on the level that is in harmony with success. The person who learns to perform these acts with AWARENESS is able to obtain riches creatively, which is permanent and free from worry or stress. This is THE CERTAIN WAY to obtaining riches in a scientifically correct manner. It cannot fail.

All we need to learn to do is to gain mastery over our own thinking, and how to perform our work in THE CERTAIN WAY. This is truly the only "study" we need to concern ourselves with. Once this is mastered, then it is quite possible that these other offerings may be of some benefit, but certainly not until. What is the use of reading or listening about how others achieved success when it is not their actions that created their success?

I teach how to's of internet marketing, and it has been frustrating as a trainer, when I see some people follow the instructions exactly, yet fail to get the results they should. It is clear that following the advice of successful networkers is not always effective. It is evident that performing the same actions does not produce the same result. It takes more than belief and positive thinking. Network marketers must learn to think and act in the Certain Way.

I believe in my heart, that the study of The Science of Getting Rich, is the first training that is necessary. Learn to master your mind, and the rest will fall into place.


Karen Weir through affiliation with Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield, introduces The Science of Getting Rich Seminar system. This system is designed to create millionaires.

Christianization Of Scandinavia

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Power of Visualization

Everyone has had times when they wanted something really badly and have been unable to get it. It certainly happens to all of us at one time or another. It seems that even with great planning and hard work, sometimes the goals are unattainable. Why is that? What are we missing?

I do have some good news. There is a very simple key to changing your dreams into realities. A lot of people miss this key. That is why some of them never reach their goals. We have been taught to set goals, put them in writing, make a solid plan, but none of these things are enough. If they were, we would all have everything we have ever dreamed of by now. Here is the missing link: visualization. This one thing is a powerful success tool. Each and every one of us is capable of visualizing. No special training is required. The results will amaze you.

Okay, so what exactly is visualization? It is a technique of using your conscious mind to tell your subconscious mind all of your desires. Your mind really does work on two different levels. Using visualization will help you get both parts of your mind in alignment. The conscious mind is the logical, thinking mind that you are aware of and use every day. The conscious mind is under your direct control. You control your thoughts. Your thoughts influence your feelings, what actions you take and the results you get. Most people focus their attention on the conscious mind when trying to achieve their goals. They make plans, they employ positive thinking, and they still fail. Using only your conscious mind will get you nowhere fast. You have to use your subconscious mind as well.

Your emotions, experiences and beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind. This is the feeling part of your mind. It influences your conscious thoughts and behavior. Simply put, your subconscious mind is where all the programming takes place. Visualization helps you tap into that and change the programming. When you have both parts of your mind working together, you will achieve success much more easily.

You will be among good company when you use visualization to achieve your goals. Olympic athletes can "see" the jump in their mind before the event. They feel the muscles they will use and how each one will tense and how much power will be behind a jump, or a sprint. Every successful person will tell you the same thing. They could see their success long before it happened. Are YOU beginning to see?

Robin Skeen

Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and Internet marketer. Her website writings are her personal views on self improvement and development, Law of Attraction, Internet Marketing, work at home goals and life in general. Check the website for freebies to be added on a regular basis.

James Ray

How to Create Your Daily To Do List

The most difficult thing about creating your To-Do list is simply remembering to make time to do it. In a world where everything is moving so quickly that we dont have time to breathe, it is unlikely that everyone has time to make their To-Do list every day.

To-Do lists however can be extremely productive and can help you stay organized and on track. Therefore, you should in fact use them daily. If you know you need a To-Do list, but have problems making or sticking to it, then use these tips to help you along the way.

Making Time
If you are a person who needs a To-Do list, but rarely has time to create one, here is a tip for you. Try making a weekly To-Do list. Every Sunday, sit down, using your calendars and planners and create a To-Do list for each day of the upcoming week. This will only take a few minutes of your time, and you wont have to worry with making a list each day.

You can add to the weekly lists throughout the week as needed, but you can use the originals as guidelines for your scheduled events. If you can take out time once a week to create your lists, then you will find yourself much less stressed about it all. In general, after it is done, your week wont look as chaotic on paper as you thought it would be. Starting the week off feeling less overwhelmed is a great feeling!

Where to Keep It
Keeping your lists organized is a matter of personal preference. If you are a person who primarily works from home, or if you are a homemaker, then you should keep your To-Do list posted in a place where you will see it right away each day. You might want to post it by your computer or keep in on the kitchen wall. Choose a place where you will likely walk by it at least ten times a day.

If you work outside of the home, then you will want to invest in a planner. This will allow you to keep your lists as well as contact information for clients and a calendar all at your fingertips. Being organized is a helpful way to utilize a To-Do list, so keep everything neat.

What to Include

Include the most important tasks of the day, or tasks that you are afraid you might forget. For example, a meeting with a client or a doctors appointment may not seem like the most important tasks, however they are time sensitive and should be remembered.

You can also include tasks that other members of your staff or of your family need to accomplish for the day. For instance, if your son has a science project to work on, you may want to include it on your list so you can help him remember to work on it. This is particularly great for parents and allows them to keep everything in one place.

Making a To-Do list can really save you headaches throughout the week. Be sure to have your calendar when making your lists so you can transfer important information back and forth between the two. Keep the list in a place where you will be reminded to use it, or organized in a daily planner. Glance at it several times a day and mark off tasks as you complete them.

This will give you a sense of satisfaction while reminding you of the next task. If you have never used a To-Do list, then try these tips for at least two weeks.

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History Of The Cards

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Your Own Vision - A Guiding Light on the Fearless Journey of Self-Discovery

Ready or not, get set to jump in!

Because once you've clarified your vision of what you want to achieve, you will be full steam ahead on your journey towards achieving it.

A vision becomes a "guiding light" for your process of self-improvement, both a beacon of inspiration and an anchor that keeps you focused and grounded.

And when you face the inevitable obstacles and challenges along the way, having a strong sense of what you're working towards will motivate you to carry on.

A clear vision will also help you to address distractions that can threaten your progress and overwhelm you on a daily basis. When you've become clear about what IS important, you'll be less tempted by what is NOT, so you can focus your time and energy where it belongs.

What's Fear Got To Do With It?

Vision work means venturing into new territory, and it can be scary to start something new without knowing how it's going to turn out. Trust the process and try to find the excitement that's mixed in with that fear.

If you've never considered the possibility of calling forth your own vision, you may be afraid of getting exactly what you ask for. Many of us are just as afraid of success as we are of failure.

Now's the time to get fearless and do a reality check. Are you hanging on to any old beliefs that tell you don't deserve to have what you really want? You deserve everything and anything you want, but you must first be willing to let go of old beliefs or values that no longer serve you.

Clarify Your Vision

Begin by creating one simple affirmation about your vision that you can repeat to yourself whenever you feel like you're straying from your course.

Speak your affirmation in the present tense, such as I love living in my large home in the hills, or It is so wonderful to finally be working at my dream job.

This simple step alone will renew your faith in your vision and keep it alive and strong, giving you the momentum to keep moving towards it!

Carey Powell, 2007.

Carey Powell, Certified Life Coach and owner of Fearless Soul Life Coaching, believes that everyone has a fearless soul. If you're ready to rediscover yours, visit to learn more about Carey and to claim your free special article, "Creating a Fearless Vision Board."

Ray Kroc

Take Action Affirmations Will Get You Going

Action is the bridge that connects ideas and thoughts into the physical world. Take action affirmations are absolutely necessary because they provide the confidence needed to wholeheartedly pursue your goals. A simple affirmation such as: I faithfully pursue my goal with confidence on a daily basis, has the power to change your life forever.

Procrastination is a thief that will rob you at gunpoint and force you to stay average, in your comfort zone, and not accomplishing a whole heck of a lot. Procrastination should be viewed as an enemy, an enemy that will keep you living far below your true potential.

If you had to be who you are now for the rest of your life, would you be happy? Are you totally happy and fulfilled with how your life is going? It is my belief that if that were true, you would not be reading this. Many people would say that you just need motivation, but how do you get motivated? Vision is the answer.

You need a personal vision that is so compelling that you will and must do whatever it takes to accomplish it. What are five things you desire so badly that you will do anything (within reason) for them? Write a detailed description of how your perfect home looks. How does your ideal family life look? What is your dream job? What is your dream income?

To get from where you are currently to where you want to be, you may need to recondition your mind for success. In addition to motivational/ inspiration al books and tapes, specific affirmations that cause you to take action are absolutely necessary. Decide what you want, create affirmations based on the goals youve set for yourself, and recondition your mind by repeating your Take Action Affirmation Statements fifty to one hundred times a day, every day.

Demond is the owner of Self Empowerment Network where visitors can get an accurate Personal Mission Statement. Demond has been a freelance writer for several years. He has over seven years experience helping others change their lives through life coaching. Demond seeks to empower all he encounters. For additional affirmation resources, Demond recommends that you visit:

Building Your Home

Your Unconscious is Ripe for Gardening

James Arthur Ray, author of "Science of Success," put it rather eloquently in his book. Your unconscious and conscious minds are like the garden and gardener. The conscious mind is the gardener where thoughts from the outer world are formed while the unconscious is like the inner garden where they are deposited on a daily basis. We plant seeds of conscious thoughts in the unconscious mind and then if we choose to do so, water them with new thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions. Interesting analogy, isn't it?

What happens if our conscious mind is left to its own devices on autopilot? The unconscious becomes strewn with weeds and eventually becomes unwieldy, making it difficult to attract what you want in life.

When we become aware of ourselves, we automatically make different decisions, attract different people to match our inner vibration and carry ourselves differently.

You see, because I've become the consummate gardener in the quest to attract what I truly want, I've consciously raised my level of awareness of the choices I'm making on a daily basis.

In essence, I've become both an observer and the observed of Stephen J. Hopson.


Yes, in case you forgot my name, that's me.

"What!?!" you might say. Think about that for a moment.

If you make conscious choices, you're bound to become aware of your actions, thoughts and feelings, right? What could follow from that?

Number one, you become the observer. Why? Because you're now watching yourself think, process, behave, assimilate, react, etc.

Number two, you become the observed. Why? Because you're observing yourself being observed. Think of it this way, it's like having an out-of-body experience where you're not only watching yourself carry on but you also know that you're watching yourself.

Pretty cool, wouldn't you say?

A small yet significant example would be what happens when I reach for the TV remote control. Never before have I observed myself making choices when selecting a TV program or movie. In the past, I might have sleepily flipped through the channels until I found something that caught my eye without giving it much thought.

Nowadays I find myself saying things like, "That's too violent" or "Why would I want to watch a documentary on violent prisons?" In other words, because these are conscious thoughts, I make different choices. One of them includes taking the time to press "Info" on the remote control to find out more about the program, just like reading the labels on food packages in the supermarket.

This leads me to watching educational documentaries on the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet rather than a violent, senseless thriller. I tend to gravitate to programs like "America's Funniest Videos" or comedy shows. One of the guests on "The Secret" testified how she was able to eliminate breast cancer by watching hilarious "Laurel and Hardy" movies every day along with daily affirmations and prayers. There really is truth in the old adage that laughter is best medicine!

Why don't you try it right now! Pretend you are having an out-of-body experience. Take your conscious mind outside yourself and go to your living room or wherever you have a TV. Become the observed and observer and watch your thoughts and your actions while flipping through the channels. Do the same thing when carrying on a conversation with people - you'll see how you really think, behave, speak. This exercise will shock you! It'll feel a little weird at first but I guarantee you'll find it quite fascinating and potentially life-changing.

Not only do you become the observed and observer, you also bring to light deeply embedded beliefs that might have been created as a result of past religious practices. For example, growing up in a Catholic household exposed me to prayers like "not being worthy to receive Jesus."

That absolutely blew my mind to smithereens - no wonder I had struggles in the past with the notion of being worthy enough to to receive gifts, ask for what I want, accept compliments or enjoy abundance!

Food for thought: Are you becoming both the observed and observer by acting like a loving, caring gardener of your unconscious mind?

Profoundly deaf since birth, Stephen Hopson is a former award-winning stockbroker turned motivational speaker, author and pilot. He works with organizations that are ready to explore and overcome adversity because no one is immune from it - adversity does not discriminate. His professional speaking services, Obstacle Illusions, include fun and passionate presentations, especially the story of how his fifth grade teacher forever changed his young life with THAT'S RIGHT STEPHEN!

You can view his newly re-designed website at

Stephen also maintains a blog called "Adversity University" at

Rene Descartes

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Take Back Your Life: Prioritize Your Personal Life

For some reason, Americans think they have something to prove by doing it all themselves. People say to me all of the time, that someone else just cant do for them, the things that are on the to do list. Well, that is not only a ridiculous statement, but one that can be proven wrong over and over again. We all strive to appear in control. However, you cannot be in control if you are constantly struggling to juggle events and lists. So give up some of the control. I know that is a scary thought, but do it. By having professionals handle the items on your list, you will amaze your friends and family by having more time to enjoy life and you will seem more in control than ever. Dont worry. We dont expect you to do this cold turkey. We are going to give you tips on accomplishing this daunting task after we shock you into reality.

Don't Be A Statistic!
Here are the facts......I think the expression is "read 'em and weep." I know I wanted to when I saw these numbers.

According to the Economic Policy Institute, the average U.S. family works between 105-115 hours per week. So let's run the numbers.

168 hours in a 7 day week x2 (if 2 people are working those hours) = 336
Less 110 hours for work
Less 112 hours for sleeping
Less 28 hours for eating
Less 15 hours for commuting

So what's left........71 HOURS!!! That is 71 hours for both workers total. Look like a big number of hours? Keep running the math. (If you are single that leaves you with 35.5 hrs - cut everything in half)
Now what do you have to do in that 71 hours? Remember, if you are doing something as a family (both workers), you have to double the hours used when you subtract from the 71.

  • Spend time with your family
  • Run/attend children's activities (i.e. soccer, music lessons)
  • Run errands
  • Visit friends/relatives for special occasions
  • Make purchases - clothing, gifts, daily needs

Anyone feeling exhausted yet? I am ready for a nap...oh that's time for that. Well here is some advice from the BusyB herself on taking back your life.

Remedying the Problem:

  1. First evaluate the numbers that we provided above and adjust for your particular family. Some of you may work more than 110hrs, commute more, sleep less, etc. Also, stay at home moms count as working members of the family in our book so dont forget that their hours count too!
  2. Make a list of all of the things you do that take up the 71 remaining hours (or whatever number you now have).
  3. Sort the tasks by type of activity. Feel free to make up your own categories.
    • Family
    • Home Repairs/Maintenance
    • Errands/Shopping
    • Social Activities
    • School Activities
    • Other
  4. Star the ones you would rather not do (and sorry your job is one of those adult requirements in life so don't star it you dont have a choice).
  5. Estimate how much time it takes you to do each task (per week).
  6. Now make a list of all of the things that are on the perpetual to do list that never seem to get finished. Sort this list as well. Having things that are constantly waiting to be completed, does nothing but add stress to your life.
  7. Now here comes the difficult part. Giving up control to get control. You are really going to have to put on your positive change attitude to make this work. Ready? Circle the items that can be hired out. The possibilities are endless. If you are serious about change, then you will not be making excuses at this point as to why someone else cannot do the job. Do NOT, use money as an excuse at this point. You cant afford to do that. This is your life you are talking about. Here are some suggestions:
    • Lawn Care
    • Home Repair Specialists (painters, handyman etc)
    • Errand Service
    • Personal Shopper/Concierge
    • Nanny/Babysitter
    • Car Specialists
    • Financial Specialists
  8. Make another list of things you would like to do but never have time to do.
  9. If you law of successfully completed Step 7, you should now be able to make a new list of things to do each week that include your wants. Can you replace the have to items with the want to items? If you answered yes, you did a great job and are well on your way to taking back control of your life. If you answered no, then we still have some work to do.
Now some of you are probably saying, this is easy for her to say. Well, no it isnt. I have been where you are and it took a major life-altering situation for me to realize what is really important. Do not put yourself in the same situation.

Stop now and take stock of your life and priorities. You may find that when you reprioritize you only need some reorganization and a little help from a life management consultant or you may have bigger problems and you need to schedule time each month for professionals to help you sift through the chores.

Get your life back but appear more in control. You can do it!

Additional Information:

In this article we mentioned concierge & errand services as well as personal shoppers. While this concept is taking hold all over the world, here is a little more information about what each is and can do for you.

Errand Service It is exactly what it says. It is a company that will do your errands for you such as groceries, prescription pickup, dry cleaning drop off/pick up etc. There are also many drugstores, groceries and dry cleaners that will deliver directly to your door. Check with your local service providers.

Concierge Service Think about what you use the hotel concierge for when you do an overnight stay. Well, personal concierges do the same thing but usually on a larger scale. They plan entertainment, organize activities, make inquiries, plan travel, etc. Many provide business and secretarial services. Just ask and your wish is their command. They are master organizers. Because they are well connected with local events and businesses, they can pound out a task in minutes where it might take you hours or days.

Personal Shoppers Most people know the term Personal Shopper as it relates to high-end department stores that offer the service in-store. However, personal shoppers are now everywhere and offer the flexibility of not being tied to one particular name store.

Record Online published an article entitled "Personal Shoppers Aren't Just for the Rich Anymore" in October of 2002.

And how true this statement is! There are three types of personal shoppers and it is not by any means geared only toward women:

  • one who does all of your shopping for you
  • one who serves as your conscience, giving you advice while you shop
  • one who organizes recreational shopping trips for those who just can't get enough

A personal shopper is aware of the trends, knows about fashion do's/dont's, and is savvy about where to find those special items that aren't available at the mall.

A personal shopper is able to provide you with items without asking you if you want them, because he/she understand your lifestyle and your needs.

And no it is not just about your wardrobe - it is anything in your life that is purchased. We have even known personal shoppers who buy cars for clients.

So all in all, you, the client, custom designs the type of service you require from your personal shopper.

In the case of ON THE GO 4 U, we offer a combination of these services, as do several other firms around the country. We provide you with the ultimate life management experience. We can organize as much or as little of your life as you require.

Indra A Books, author of this and many other lifestyle articles is the owner and founder of ON THE GO 4 U, Personal Shoppers & Concierge Service in the Washington DC metropolitan area. The companys creed is to provide its clients with the ultimate life management experience. In addition to its shopping and concierge services, ON THE GO 4 U also publishes a monthly e-zine and conducts workshops on wardrobe, entertaining and decorating. Ms. Books also gives seminars on the topic of this article. For more information about the author and ON THE Go 4 U, please visit

2004 Indra A Books, ON THE GO 4 U.

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Depression Affects Our Life In Many Aspects & 5-HTP

There is a huge number of evidence that suggests that low serotonin levels are a common consequence of modern living. The way of life and dietary practices of many people living in this stress-filled era results in lowered levels of serotonin within the brain. As a result, many people are become overweight, crave sugar and other carbohydrates, experience bouts of depression, get regular headaches, and have vague muscle aches and pain. All of these maladies are correctable by raising brain serotonin levels.

Depression is a situation of low or 'empty' mood that persists for several months at a time and affects our capability to guide a normal life. Often, the disease affects our entire body and many aspects of your life with symptoms like anxiety, guilt, persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness, or pessimism, loss of energy, fatigue, or feeling, Loss of interest in sex and many others.

There are a number of herbs and supplements that may be helpful in such conditions but 5-HTP is one the best supplements to overcome with these type conditions.

5-HTP (5-hydroxyltryptophan) is a naturally occurring metabolite of the amino acid tryptophan. 5-HTP is converted in the brain to serotonin, a neurotransmitter substance found at the junctions (synapses) between neurons. 5-HTP helps maintain mental and emotional well-being and promotes healthy sleep. 5-HTP is an effective antidepressant agent. 5-HTP often produces very good results in patients who are unresponsive to standard antidepressant drugs. 5-HTP in the prevention of migraine headache offers considerable advantages over drug therapy.

Conditions associated with low serotonin levels helped by 5-HTP depression, obesity, carbohydrate craving, bulimia, insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, migraine headaches, tension headaches, chronic daily headaches premenstrual syndrome, fibromyalgia

Best way to take 5-HTP is depend for depression, weight loss, headaches, and fibromyalgia the dosage should be started at 50 mg three times per day. If the response is inadequate after two weeks, increase the dosage to 100 mg three times per day. Because 5-HTP does not rely on the same transport vehicle as L-tryptophan, it can also be taken with food. But, if you are taking 5-HTP for weight loss it recommends taking it 20 minutes before meals. It is better that you take with the direction of your doctor.

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