Thursday, April 30, 2009

Used This Experiment Wisely

try this simple experiment while traveling around on your adventures throughout the world.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting a place for more life-changing skills .

Treat Others As You Would Like T

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Haven't You Got What You Want Yet?

Have you been asking for what you want and it hasnt shown up yet? You want the new car, a house by the beach, a better paying job etc. Well where the heck is it?

You know you can have it all because you really believe that you can. You are using the law of attraction. You have visualized what you want. You have all the pictures on your vision board. You can see yourself with exactly what you want. You are doing all the things the experts tell you to do so how come you are still living on credit cards and overdrafts.

Your intentions have been good every day, but now all you seem to do is spend your day in-tension. You start to question the methods and techniques you are using. Without realizing what you are doing you start to focus more on what you dont have. When you dont get the results you want all you see is what you dont have.

The more you worry about your lack of money then thats the amount of money you dont have. Your feelings of lack become your dominant vibration. Fear takes over and compounds your worry and all you see is more lack. Sometimes you dont even realize you are doing this, but if you tune into how you are feeling it will give you an instant indication of what your dominant thoughts are. Youve had years of practice at self sabotaging yourself and unless you recognize those underlying beliefs you will continue to live your life based on them.

From now on when you find yourself questioning where all your stuff is, change your thinking. Instead of obsessing about your lack, start being grateful for what you already have. Are your basic needs of food and shelter being met every day. Do you have a car, a bed, clothes and shoes. What about an indoor bathroom, hot and cold running water. The list is endless. Write down the value of what you already own. You may be surprised at the dollar value of what you already have and this will inspire you to do better.

When you start to look at what you already have you let go of your neediness and lack. You come back to what is, and the gap between what you do and dont have disappears. The tension goes and you free yourself up to make a fresh start. Once you get rid of that sense of lack then you begin to open up to new ideas and opportunities that will give you what you truly want.

So every day from now on when you get out of bed each day, start giving thanks for everything you do have. This will set you up for a real positive start to your day. Feel how great it is to have all this. Now you will really be in the right frame of mind to attract what you want.

Alison Bolger has been studying and teaching self improvement and wealth creation for over 20 years. To read more tips and techniques like the ones in this article please click here:

Going To Heaven Or Not

Dealing with Grief with Jack Canfield

Creating super habits are easier than you could ever imagine. Most people have something they would like to change in their lives. If you ask anyone, they are usually able to answer this question, "If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change." All the self help and personal development programs and Books available today are full of useful information that nobody seems to take advantage of. You've seen the TV commercials and listen to other people tell their stories, about how they lost weight.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Always Question Your Religion

Spiritual Ethical Will - Giving the Gift of Tradition

Spiritual ethical wills are different from a last will and testament. Instead of bequeathing physical assets, ethical wills bequeath personal insights, morals and philosophies. If you are looking for a gift that will keep on giving then invest in the development of a spiritual ethical will.

Parts of an Ethical Will

An ethical will can be formatted in a number of different ways, however, most formats will have the same basic sections. The first section will be the introduction. It will identify who the ethical will is intended for and what its purpose is. The second section will contain personal insights into life, philosophies and values that the writer has. The final section will point out what the reader is supposed to learn from the will, such as cherishing time with their family or learning to be charitable.

Writing Your Ethical Will

Writing your ethical will can be an intimidating process. People who do not write a lot may feel as if the process of composing and editing an ethical will is more than they can handle, or they may feel that they just don't have the time to write one. Fortunately, you don't have to sit down and write the entire thing in one night, nor do you have to write an ethical will that is 100 pages long.

The writing process for an ethical will needs to start with an outline and a brainstorming session. The outline will help you to format your ethical will and the brainstorming session will help you to flesh out the ethical will. There are a lot of brainstorming activities that you can try including word association and freewriting.

The next step is to develop the topics you entered in your outline. To do this you will need to try and write at least one paragraph per topic. You can talk about memories, you can provide examples or you can just discuss your thoughts about the topic.

After you have a first draft completed you will want to put away your will for at least a week. When you take it back out you will be able to look at it with fresh eyes. This will make it easier to edit your will. Start by reading through the ethical will out loud. This will help you to find grammatical mistakes, typos and sentence flow problems.

Get more tips for writing an ethical will at Spiritual Ethical Will.

Create Your Day

Cause and Effect

Newton has described for the physical universe a very simple concept which has opened the door to much understanding. That is the law of cause and effect, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The same holds true for the spiritual universe, that for every thought word or deed we create, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Christians say "as ye sow, so shall ye reap". In the east it is known as the law of karma.

If you drop a pebble into the center of a big bowl of water, you will see that ripples go out from the source. What you may not have noticed is that when the ripples reach the end of the container they go back towards the center. You get what you give. What goes around comes around. If you plant a daisy seed you will get a daisy. If you plant an oak you will get an oak. You will never get an oak from a daisy seed and you will never get a daisy from an oak seed. It is really no mystery. Is it? We each understand this, and we each know exactly what will be the results of our efforts or lack thereof.

When I begin to understand this law of cause and effect, I realize that there can not be an effect without there first having been a cause. If I am seeing the effect of sorrow in my life, for example, I now begin to recognize that I have been the cause of that sorrow. I am the pebble to which those ripples are returning. Previously we had laid blame every where else but with me. We said "I'm sad because he said this" or "I'm upset because my bank account has plummetted", or "I'm angry because I got fired" or my dog died" or "I have cancer" or whatever have you. When I assign blame in this way, I effectively give all my power away. When I attach my happiness or well being to things that fluctuate I will continue to ride the roller coaster of happy and sad, peaceful and angry. Round and round, up and down, how many times do you really want to go around on this ride? Aren't you getting sick by now?

If I can only be happy if he's nice to me, I may have a long wait. If I can only be happy if my dog comes back to life, good luck! There will continue to be obstacles in life till the end. This is guaranteed. I can not change this. What In can change is the way I see them. I must learn to see them from up above. To see the whole picture is only possible from up above. If I remain immersed below I will suffer needlessly. When you are high up in an airplane, in every house below there are battles being fought. Men are beating there wives, children are hungry, people are suffering loss and dealing with a multitude of troubles, but I remain seated comfortably in the plane. I fly above and past them with ease. Even if a raging forest fire is below me, I fly over it without so much as feeling the heat. If huge thunder clouds are up ahead, what does the pilot do? He flies even higher. He rises above them. The scenes are quite different from up above are they not? Understanding the law of cause and effect I now begin to take my power back.

Sometimes when people first begin to understand this law they think, hopelessly, "Well, great, everything that's happening in my life is because of something I've done in the past, so there's nothing I can do about it." It is true that a great deal of patience, tolerance and inner fortitude is required now that was previously missing, however if my past thoughts have created my present state, then equally my present thoughts will create my future. Change your thoughts; change your world.

Bhavna has studied metaphysics for more than 35 years and has been a Raja Yogi for more than 13 years. On the teaching staff of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU), she is the director of its Delray Beach branch, The Transformation Station, in Florida. She travels to the BKWSU headquarters in Mount Abu, India on a yearly basis for advanced training. She also travels to London, Oxford and New York for further training as well. She goes into the local community to speak at varying venues including libraries, bookstores, and in the prison system. Her practical and down to earth approach to deep matters coupled with her sense of humor help to make her a most enjoyable and enlightening speaker, teacher and author.

Fix Yourself Before Fixing Other

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Unbelievable Inspirational Video from the Founder of Pixar

this is one of the most moving videos I've seen on you to, Steve Jobs contribution to this world is beyond that of most of us. His ability to persevere can be a wonderful example to others who wish to achieve what he has. Thanks for the wonderful speech Steve and the person who put the video on the Internet.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Get Motivated Today

Greg is currently working on a personal development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Let God Handle It

Kishido - The Way of the Western Warrior

I thoroughly enjoyed "Kishido: The Way of the Western Warrior" by Peter Hobart. The book can be read pretty quickly. It contains 50 short chapters in 161 pages and then includes a short Glossary of Japanese terms used in the book as well. While the chapters are short, the contain some very important lessons.

The book is a series of lessons that Hobart's martial art master passed to his students while not only teaching martial arts, but teaching virtues embedded in all traditional martial ways. The instructor taught through example that conduct is just as important as ability. He exemplified integrity, dignity, courtesy, chivalry, truth, trust, benevolence, and wisdom. He passed these lessons to his students, and now Hobart has written them down so the reader can blend the philosophical and spiritual concepts found in martial arts with the physical and technical training of their specific art.

The lessons are categorized in five parts: Foundation, Range, Strategy, Harmony, and Void. There are ten chapters in each section, and they cover topics such as: Shoshin (An Open Mind), Junshin (A Pure Heart), Fudoshin (A Determined Spirit), Heiho (Strategy), Gi (Right Decision), Yu (Bravery), Jin (Benevolence), Rei (Right Action), Makoto (Truth), The Dao (Interconnectedness), and Girei (Professional Courtesy).

There are quite a few topics with quite a range of lessons. I think some of the most important are illustrated in the final chapter, those of gi, yu, jin, rei, makoto, meiyo, and chugi; or Right Decision, Bravery, Benevolence, Right Action, Truth, Honor, and Loyalty.

The book is full of stories and examples of how the master not only taught the lessons, but lived them as well. I'll say again, you can read through this book quite quickly, but it will mean more if you savor each lesson and look to see if you are applying it to your own life. I know I related many of the lessons to teachings that I've had from my instructors and I looked for ways that I could better live by the code outlined in this book to make me a better teacher as well. I hope to be an example of these traits to my students also, and I truly believe if you are going to teach someone skills that can hurt or kill someone, you must also instill the positive character traits so that person will only use those skills if necessary and will never misuse the teachings.

I highly recommend this book. I believe the teachings Hobart has shared from the wise master will enhance your own martial art journey.

Alain Burrese, J.D. is a mediator/attorney with Bennett Law Office P.C. and an author/speaker through his own company Burrese Enterprises Inc. He writes and speaks about a variety of topics focusing on the business areas of negotiation and success principles as well as self-defense and safety topics. He is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From the School of Hard Knocks, several instructional dvds, and numerous articles. You can find out more about Alain Burrese at his website or at the Northwest Speakers Association website

Monday, April 27, 2009

Yoga Therapy - A Plan to Beat Tiredness and Be More Optimistic With Yoga Therapy

So tired of tiredness, and feeling overwhelmed? Want to be more optimistic and learn how to think positive?

Here are 6 simple self care tips.

1. Listen to Warning Chimes - Pay attention to your early stress warning signs. Warning signals appear on many levels of body, mind and spirit.

Action: Discover your early stress warning signals and take corrective action early. This Body Awareness is the technique used in Yoga Therapy to help determine treatment plan to reduce tiredness.

2. Reverse and neutralize negative thinking - As soon as you become aware that you are engaged in negative self talk, change the thought. Create a thought that will make you feel optimistic.

Action: Notice one pattern of thinking that sabotages you, and keep a supply of supportive thoughts to outweigh the negative thoughts . Yoga psychology is a technique within Yoga Therapy. It recognizes seeds of actions lie deep within subconscious and unconscious. Practice with patience.

3. Learn to Relax - Spend ten minutes of your day "doing nothing". Gain focus, a slower breathing rate, more relaxed facial muscles, to name a few benefits. Yoga meditation techniques increase mindfulness "off the mat" and show up in your day to day life.

Action: Take at least10 minutes twice a day to practice relaxing. Yoga Therapy uses a systematic deep relaxation, yoga nidra, to reduce tiredness, restore energy and enhance wellness.

4. Know and Honour your Uniqueness - Each one of us is as unique as a snowflake with needs that are unique. I call it our "snowflakefull-ness". Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga that offers answers to why we do the things we do, and ways to live balanced energetic lives.

Action: Learn about and honour your mind body uniqueness. Yoga Therapy treatment plan might include a yoga practice that increases vitality, for example, dynamic movements and powerful breathing so you won't feel so tired.

5. Choose Routines that Rejuvenate - It's the little things you do every day that create balance or imbalance, lightness or heaviness. Your sleep, how you start the day, your food, and most importantly the emotions you choose to entertain.

Action item: Write down 10 things to be grateful for and read the list every day for 40 days. This is practical optimism.

6. Use Energy Wisely - The body is an energy storehouse. Generate, store and use energy wisely.

Action item: To increase prana, life force, practice breath awareness initially then complete yoga breaths exercises that vitalize. As you inhale, repeat an affirmation that creates optimism.

And now, I'd like to invite you to claim your free instant access to a Stress Warning Signals test when you visit

From Heather Greaves - the Self Care Expert and Body Therapies Yoga Training

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Forgiveness - Don't Get Your Knickers in a Knot

Lorna was choked.

Lorna had been wronged and she was seething about it. Every time she thought about it, she got pissy again. She found herself fantasizing and rehearsing plans to get even and holding imaginary conversations where she told the wrong-doer off. She told all her friends about the crime and carried her resentment around ready to be hauled out at a moment's notice.

You can identify with Lorna. We all can.

Holding a grudge is a complete waste of energy. You can't afford it.

The problem with holding a grudge is that you form a negative bond with the person who hurt you. You become the hostage. It is victim thinking.

  • Would you willingly spend your money on junk you don't like, don't need and don't want?
  • Would you stand in front of that junk for hours, again and again, thinking about and talking about how much you don't like it?

No, of course you wouldn't. In essence, that is what you are doing when you hold a grudge. You stand in front of your resentment, look at it from all angles, justify your hurt feelings and keep it in your vibrational bubble. yuck....

There is a famous saying about resentment:

"Resentment is like taking poison and expecting someone else to be sick"

The great universal boomerang.

Every time you stew about your grievance, you are inviting more of it into your experience. In other words, the more you think about it, the stronger the attraction of more to be resentful about... again... yuck...

To forgive is to set the prisoner free, and then discover that the prisoner was you. Anonymous

Progress not perfection.

Forgiveness is a process. Depending on the emotional charge involved, it might take a while to completely be free of the grievance. That's OK.

The only requirement is an honest willingness to be free of the negative energy. Each step will release more of your energy and take you closer to achieving complete freedom.

Recipes for Forgiveness

Forgiveness affirmations:

Use these or create your own. Get quiet, breathe deeply...Center... balance... relax. Access that place inside that wants to be free of the negative bond.

For You: ( Affirm often)

  • I am willing to soften my stance and release this grudge.
  • I am free. I have peace in my heart.
  • I create the life I choose.
  • I choose to break free.
  • My energy belongs to me.

For the other person: (Affirm Often. Visualize the person/situation in your mind)

  • I forgive you right now for ___________________.
  • I cut the negative bonds between us.
  • It is finished.
  • Your energy belongs to you.
  • I am walking away, I am free.

Create a ceremony:

  • Write your grievance on a piece of paper.
  • Follow that with the forgiveness affirmation.
  • Crumple your paper, light it and watch the flames take it; turn it to smoke and ashes.
  • Blow the ashes into the air
  • Let it go

Set yourself free. You are worth it.

Wishing you Peace & Abundance... Joyce Lee "Your Life Empowerment Coach"


Are you ready for more opportunities to explore and reflect? Go to for your special gift of "20 Profound and Provocative Journal Prompts" designed to help you focus on your life with a spirit of peace.

Joyce Lee is a certified Life Empowerment Coach, Personal Growth Facilitator and Law of Attraction Practitioner, specializes in helping women understand the Law of Attraction and deliberately creating the life they really want.

What Do I Do If Someone Insults

From Inspiration to Perspiration - Turning Resolutions Into Real Results

What is a resolution and why do we make them?

If you think about it, a resolution is an inspiration, a desire for change. We make resolutions to fulfill a compelling vision of a better life but often after a short period of time those resolutions fall by the wayside due to lack of instant results, fear of failure or even fear of success.

Now I'm not going to tell you there are 10 easy steps to achieving your goals because in my experience these are only achieved through hard work, determination to succeed and commitment. You can, however, get the desired results by working through these successful steps.

You will need a notebook and a pen to record your actions and your progress

Firstly, create your goal. Have a clear vision of what it is you want to achieve, what will you be doing when you have achieved your goal? How will you feel? I recommend that you give your goal a title that you can use as an affirmation to remind and motivate you of what your achievement will mean to you.

Focus - make a list of things that you will need to do in order to achieve your goal, put your list in an order of priority and work your way through it.

Believe - Get the possibility virus, become a possibilitarian. Believe that you can achieve your goal. This will be vital to your success and don't let any dream stealer, be it an internal voice or someone else, tell you otherwise.

Achieve - Set yourself a deadline date for the achievement of your goal. Work through your list of actions, ticking them off as you achieve them. Identify a reward for yourself when you have achieved your goal but remember to celebrate the small successes as you go along - it will keep you motivated.

There may be times when the challenge becomes overwhelming you may fall by the wayside occasionally. By focusing on progress rather than perfection you can start each day with a new slate and remember failure isn't fatal until you stop trying!

Anne McGhee is the Director of Successful Steps. Her roots in the field of personal and professional development go back to her early career in educational guidance. She very quickly identified the importance of goal-setting and coaching techniques in helping young people to develop and grow.

Now, a fully trained coach with 20 years of experience in education and professional development, Anne recognises how the power of coaching can bring vibrancy to any walk of life; personal, business and the public sector, and has endorsements from clients in all these areas. For further information visit

Low Energy People

Be Your Own General Contractor - A Good Choice For You?

We speak with many homeowners building their own homes who would like to save money by becoming their own general contractor. While it may be possible to save between 10% - 20% of project costs, it's important to take into account all of the responsibilities and the enormous investment of time. Think of being your own general contractor as being the president of your company. You will be required to to help. Home Project Managers cost less than a general contractor and can help you through parts of the project where you feel inexperienced.

Be available when needed and be on the job site as required, for an undetermined amount of time every day

Have more than an average understanding of general construction and home building

Set a construction schedule and meet strict deadlines

Juggle multiple tasks

Manage groups of people with different schedules and communication skills

Effectively work with the subcontractors

Check and sign off on the work performed by each subcontractor

Ensure that the crew is following safety procedures

Be able to solve problems that arise

Handle any schedule or material delays

Manage the financial aspects of the project, including budgeting, purchasing, and paying subcontractors.

As you can imagine, it's a big responsibility, and if not done correctly, it can cost you more time and money than if you had hired a professional general contractor to oversee your project. General contractors have established relationships with subcontractors and material suppliers, giving them leverage that the average homeowner does not. Also, in some cases, being your own general contractor can make it difficult to find financing, as lenders want to be assured the work is being done by qualified professionals.

Having such an enormous part in building your new home and being your own general contractor can certainly be a rewarding experience. If you want to be fully involved in building your home but are unsure whether you have what it takes, you might consider hiring a Home Project Manager

No doubt, the decision to be your own general contractor is a complex one. Know what is involved before undertaking such a big project and make the best decision for you.

About the Author: Jeremy Bonin, a principal partner of Bonin Architects & Associates (, is an award-winning green architect and the author of TIMBER FRAMES: Designing Your Custom Home. With a special interest in sustainable design and green homes, structural insulated panels (SIPs), as well as timber frame construction, Jeremy incorporates renewable energy practices where possible, including geo-thermal, solar, radiant heat, and energy-efficient foundation systems.

Council Of Nicaea Conclusion

Creating Your Happiness One Thought at a Time

What Makes You Happy? Would you be happy if you won the lottery, lived in a $500,000 house, how about two homes one for winter and one for the summer? What does being happy mean to you? I believe happiness is an illusion, a thought, a series of thoughts, or a series of habits we train our minds, bodies and spirits to believe. If we think we are happy...we are.

Rhonda Byrne wrote the book the "Secret" and it is filled with Incredible information about how to be happy. It's not about things, or jobs, or anything on the's all about our thoughts and where we allow our minds to go. If we allow our happiness to be an outside job and not an inside job we will be disappointed every time. It is wonderful to relax on a wonderful vacation, spend time with loved ones and be able to change your routine. Can we be happy no matter what is going on? People who are not dependent on what happens to create their happiness, actually attract more happiness. Everyone experiences sad, fearful and angry emotions.

Some people have learned how to have within them an underlying state of peace and well-being. Our minds are wired to be fearful and it takes a conscious effort to change your energy to... happy. We are expected to cry at funerals, and hospitals and to laugh at parties, family gatherings, Sunday morning brunches and walks in the park. This paradigm has been a pattern for generations and generations. We go through good times and bad and we usually return back to our original pre set level of happiness. If we consciously change our thought pattern, we can change our underlying mood from fear to happiness. No matter what happens to you in your life, you will return to your pre-set level of happiness. How do you change your pre-set level of happiness? Studies have shown that 10% of our happiness is determined by our circumstances, and 90%is determined by your genes, habits, thoughts and actions. If we want to be happy we need to practice the habits of happy people.

The first step is to bring into your Awareness the habits that support happiness in your life. Keep a journal of the habits that bring you happiness and which ones bring you unhappiness. As the negative habits dissipate the new, healthy, happy habits will begin to grow like a beautiful butterfly. I believe in the power of change!

"How to Practice Guilt Free Self Care in Times of Stress"; to download Janie's report visit

Janie Behr is a qualified life coach specializing in helping people find their purpose, achieve their goals, and explore all the possibilities that life has to offer. She is available for private individual coaching, group coaching and public speaking engagements. She runs frequent teleseminars dedicated to helping people find and live their most positive lives! For more information please visit


Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Am an Empty Nester

What does being an Empty Nester mean? It means you suddenly are home alone (even with a partner) because your children have flown your nest, be it to go to university, travelling, sharing a flat or just moving on from your 'wing'.

My children have flown have done this. Over the years they have come and gone, like boomerangs. They are still coming and going but these are 'visits' until they move on again.

I have one daughter who traveled for six months and ended up in New Zealand with her boyfriend two years, two years ago! She couldn't have gone any further, could she? She is coming home for a visit this year.

Last year another daughter emigrated to Israel with her husband and my grandchildren. I have been to Israel and they have been back for visits. That's only 5 hours away - but still a long way.

I still have one daughter here with her two boys - does that make it easier - not sure really. It is lovely to be able to see her and the boys often but she has her own life and her own arrangements.

So how do I feel? Just like it says on the tin - empty. It never actually goes away but you do learn to live with it, as you do most things that happen in your life. You encourage them to learn to live their lives, even though your heart is breaking. It always makes me think of that song by Nat King Cole (words below).

So what do you do? What did I do?

There isn't a lot to do. Get on with your life. I know it sounds easy to say. When you are feeling the emotion it feels like you will never get over it, you feel lost and empty. You cling onto people who have been through it. I joined forums of people whose children were emigrating and we could all emphasis.

Your friends try to help so much but be supportive. I know I was like a bear with a sore head but they don't understand unless they have been through it.

You do like everything, learn to live with it. You brought your children up to be independent - admire their freedom and their choices. You look forward to visits, photographs and e-mails. Especially in today's climate where there is facebook, Skype, e-mails, texts and there is still snail mail - post.

Now it is time for you to live - so they can admire you. Do away with the stresses and worries (you never stop worrying about your children I know). Look forward and not back. It is time for you.

I would love to hear your stories on how you dealt with an empty nest. What your personal story is? How did you feel when it happened?
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though its breaking
When there are clouds in the sky, youll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
Youll see the sun come shining through for you

Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness
Although a tear may be ever so near
Thats the time you must keep on trying
Smile, whats the use of crying?
Youll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

Thats the time you must keep on trying
Smile, whats the use of crying?
Youll find that life is still worthwhile
If you just smile

Words by john turner and geoffrey parsons and music by charlie chaplin

Are you an Empty Nester - how did you deal with it - would you like to have personal help?

Would you like to know how life coaching could help you? At you will find answers to the questions you may be asking yourself. There are some tools on my website to start you on your way and more of this kind of article.

Perhaps procrastination is your bugbear? for some interesting tips and a sign up box for my newsletter.

Denise Vogel is a personal life coach based in Essex who has set her sights in helping people to turn their lives around.

Unattainable Pursuit

Three roommates paid a visit to a guidance counselor. Each girl needed to figure out how to pursue their interests, so they took the logical step to find out.

The counselor asked each of the girls the area of interest they wanted to pursue.

The first girl replied, "I want to pursue being a success."

The second girl said, "I want to pursue happiness."

Girl number three claimed, "I want to learn how to please people."

After listening to their replies, the counselor sat back in his chair and scratched his head with a sigh. "Well now, you all have very big ambitions and seem equally enthusiastic and committed to them.

However, I would like you each to reconsider your pursuits, because the ones you've chosen are quite ambiguous."

Success Girl and Happiness Girl didn't understand why the counselor wanted to dissuade them from their chosen pursuits. "Why can't we pursue our interests?" they asked.

"The answer is quite simple," responded the counselor. "You don't find success, success finds you. You don't find happiness, happiness finds you.

You see girls, success and happiness are the byproducts of the thing you choose to do. You do things that may lead to success, you do things in life that give you joy, and if you're lucky; success and happiness will find you. All you can do is prepare yourself so you improve the odds that you'll be found by success and happiness."

Meanwhile, girl number three didn't feel real confident after hearing the counselor's response to her roommates. So, she asked, "Doesn't everyone want to learn how to please people, after all, isn't that what people expect; to be pleased?"

The counselor responded, "No, not everyone wants to be pleased, in some cases, people pleasers are despised for not having a mind of their own. Being kind and considerate is one thing, however, pleasing people is the equivalent of diving into a black hole. You have no idea what may please people from moment to moment. And, even if you did, you'd have to do it in a way that they could receive it, they would have to want it, and it would have to serve a purpose or meet a need. Pleasing people is a lost art form, and should remain so. If you do anything, you may try to strive for conscientiousness, but that's the most you can hope for.

Here's the deal when it comes to pleasing. You can only please people by being yourself, which you'll find more pleasing to yourself as well. After all, even if you could, and did, please other people, what's the payoff? Often pleasing others is more about our own issues regarding conflict avoidance, than about pleasing others. So, settle down, and be yourself."

Successful entrepreneur, V.P. Mosser is the creator of the Learn the Lessons Series, the Life's Journey publication and numerous thought provoking articles. To learn more and receive free chapters or issues, visit

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Self Esteem - If You Have a Compulsion to Help

Are you willing to let those around you make their own mistakes and learn their own lessons? Or does your self esteem demand that "save them from all that suffering"?

Are you letting others be right (or wrong), or are you trying to MAKE others be right?5B4 What's the difference, you ask? Here it is in a nutshell.

If you're letting others be right, you're trusting them to have good judgment and make useful decisions.

On the other hand, making others be right doesn't involve trust in their judgment. It requires taking over for them and making their decisions for them. This is a way of dominating others.

True, the dominator is motivated by good intentions (usually). And he almost certainly wants what's good for those around him, but he considers himself the best judge of what that good may be. He's certain he knows better than others do. However, trying to keep others on the proper path is like playing God with their lives.

There's no hint of equality in a relationship like that.

You've heard the term "smother love." It refers to a parent who so over-protects her children that the kids never learn basic self-reliance and grow up to be completely dependent on that parent. They never develop the self esteem of a healthy, self reliant adult.

When I was a kid, a neighbor lady got a new puppy. It was a delightful little white dog -- a tiny poodle -- named Powder. And she sure did love little Powder. She carried that dog everywhere with her. She went shopping with the dog in her bag, carried it with her to the Laundromat, even put it into a little basket in a high chair at the table when her family was eating.

And the dog never learned to walk right. When5B1 it died at an early age, the vet said it was probably because its heart and other organs never developed properly. Carrying little Powder around everywhere looked sweet, but it ultimately killed him prematurely.

It's possible to do too much for others. If you feel the urge to save others from themselves, that's not a bad thing. And it's certainly acceptable to offer help. But does your own limited self esteem make it impossible to trust others? Are you cramming your help down their throats? If so, such help may be stunting their growth, denying them the opportunity to learn from their own mistakes and to develop a powerful, healthy self esteem of their own.

For more information on how to shape your future, download the free PDF report "It's All Good Luck - Five No-Fail Tips for Turning Bad Luck into Good... Every Time" at

Life After Death Where Do We Go - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Personal Developement and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Hypnotic Writing
Start Liking Yourself First

Goal-Setting at University

Studies have shown that students who set specific, written goals are much more likely to succeed in life than those who don't. Having a clear idea of what you want to get from your time at university - and from life beyond your studies - lets you focus your attention on the areas which matter to you.

Here's how to set effective goals to help you make the most of being a student:

Be clear about what you want from your time at university

Being a student isn't just about getting a piece of paper when you graduate. Nor is it just about enjoying the freedom and socialising of the student lifestyle. There are dozens of things you could use your time at university to achieve - and it's up to you to be clear about what you want to get out of these years of your life.

Are you aiming for a great degree? Or do you want to launch your own business, write a novel, become President of a society, or get relevant experience for your dream career? Don't try to conform to someone else's goals for your life: you don't have to become an investment banker just because that's what your dad wants. And don't be swayed by your friends or classmates - if you'd rather spend your Saturday night volunteering at a soup kitchen instead of partying, that's your choice.

Set goals in different categories

Goal setting doesn't need to be all about your academic life or your career plans. Try picking several goals to work on, in different categories: that way, you can make progress in multiple areas at once. For example, you might want to set goals involving:

  • Your studies
  • Your financial situation
  • Your future career
  • Your health and fitness
  • Your relationships
  • Your spiritual wellbeing

Don't try to focus on too many goals at once - but look for the three or four areas where you most need to improve, and tackle those first.

Write down your goals, and re-visit them regularly

Anyone can dream up lofty goals - and forget them the following day. Write down your goals, and be as concrete and specific as you can. Goals need to be measurable so that you can tell whether or not you're on track to achieve them; "Get fitter" isn't a goal, "Go to the gym three times a week for a thirty-minute cardio workout followed by a weights session" is.

Just writing your goals down helps you to crystallise them, but jotting them in a notebook and shoving it under your bed won't help much. You need to reread your goals on a regular basis - weekly, or even daily. Try writing them out and pinning them on your noticeboard, setting them as your screensaver, or scheduling half an hour once a week to look at your goals and assess how you're doing - and whether you need to change any of them.

Be realistic about timescales

One mistake that many people make when setting goals is to be over-optimistic. Sure, you might want to write a novel in six months, or lose twenty pounds in six weeks - but you'll be disappointed if you fail to meet your self-imposed deadline. Give yourself twice as much time as you think you'll need. It is important to set dates on your goals (otherwise it's very easy to keep putting them off till tomorrow), but be realistic about your time-commitments.

Share your goals with friends

Letting other people know about your goals and ambitions can be a great way to stay motivated and accountable. If you can, get together with some like-minded friends who'll encourage you towards your goals - this could be as simple as meeting up for coffee once a week and discussing how you're all doing. Knowing that you'll be telling someone else about the progress you're making can really help you to stay on track.

Friends can also help on a practical level with your goals - for instance, if your goal is to eat more healthily, you might have a friend who can teach you to cook. If both you and a friend share a similar goal, you can work on it together or alongside one another.

Enjoy yourself!

The final point about setting goals is that they should be enjoyable. Don't force yourself to chase after a goal which you're becoming more and more discouraged about or fed up with. If your goals aren't working for you - change them.

Ali Hale is a postgraduate student of Creative & Life Writing, and runs the blog Alpha Student ("Helping you make the most of your time at Uni"). Ali works as a freelance writer and website creator, and is on the staff of several large blogs. If you're looking for a writer or a website, you can hire her via Aliventures.

Goal Setting For Your Business and Your Life

An entire month of 2009 is gone forever. What will you do with what's left? Think about it: You have a brand new 334 days. Nothing has ever been done with those 480,960 minutes. ANYTHING could be done with them, but so far no one has touched them.

Don't you think that potential deserves some preparation? So, how do you begin to prepare for such a monumental undertaking?

Start by examining 2008.

Ask yourself:

  • What was the greatest thing you accomplished in 2008?
  • What were your major setbacks or obstacles in 2008?
  • How did you overcome them?
  • Could you have handled the situation differently, better, more calmly, more efficiently, etc.?
  • What is the one thing you most want to accomplish in 2009?
  • Why do you want that thing?
  • What 3-5 areas of your life would you most like to improve in 2009?
  • What one thing would you most like to improve in those areas?
  • What three things can you do in the month of February to help you accomplish those things?
  • What will your greatest accomplish be in 2009?
  • Why? What will make that your greatest accomplishment?
  • What date will you start to plan for 2009?

It is up to you to make those things happen. Will you start today and move steadily through the year without having to jump any hurdles, without getting pushed back by a sickness, or a death, or an injury, without getting turned around and going backward for a while? Probably not.

But you will have a plan, a map, an idea of what you should be doing, what you want to do, and what you WILL do--steadily, confidently, and courageously to make 2009 the BEST YEAR EVER!

And now I invite you to claim a copy of a free ebook called "How to Understand the Economy in 1 Hour." This book is invaluable in today's uncertain economic times. Your business will benefit and you will be able to set more appropriate goals by understanding how the economy really works.

Claim your copy here:

Copyright 2009, Paula Farris, All Rights Reserved

This article can be given away to anyone or reproduced in any publication as long as this resource box is attached.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Why Set Short Term Goals

The sad statistic is that only 4% of Americans set any goals for themselves. You are probably asking yourself "why set short term goals?" If you really wish to accomplish anything in life you must know where you want to go.

The subconscious mind requires exact details of what it is you desire if you do not give it instructions then chances are you will not accomplish anything worthwhile in your life. If you want to accomplish things in your life that you are proud of, then this is why you should set short term goals. People without goals are basically just living their lives, with no destination in mind. People go to a job that they really do not care for, but they are too scared to do anything else with their lives, you also have people who continue doing things they do not enjoy doing however they do not have enough faith in themselves to venture out and do something else.

Short term goals will help increase your confidence and as you reach them you will begin to believe that you will be able to reach your long term goals.

Personal development will teach you how to stay motivated and positive to help you reach your short term goals. I believe that anyone who sets short term goals for themselves and persists and has faith that they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. Why don't you set a couple of short term goals for yourself and watch how easy and fun it is to reach them.

As you continue to set short term goals for yourself you will begin to develop new habits that will help improve your life in all areas. You will become more motivated, dedicated, positive and you will also begin to develop your faith and believe that you can and were meant to have be do have anything you desire. You will also teach your children that if they truly desire something, then all they have to do is work towards their goals and they will begin to see them manifested.

Short term goals will also begin to help you relive some of those dreams that you once had, but never had the courage to follow them. So do yourself a favor and just set a couple of thirty day goals for yourself and watch how your life will change for the better. You have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. So sit down and find out what motivates you and what it is you truly would like to accomplish. Do you want to be a better salesperson and increase your monthly sales, do you want to learn a new language, do you want to earn more money and find a way to begin earning residual income, do you want to start that diet you have always been putting off or whatever it is you have been putting of for whatever reason or excuse you have given yourself just go for it.

Believe you can reach any goals you set for yourself and you will be amazed at the results you achieve.

Get all your free tips on the importance to personal development and receive free techniques to utilize as meditation, visualization and lots of other wealth generating techniques. Plus sign up for the free Powerful Living Newsletter.

Great Video For Believing In Religion

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Ignorant Excuses Who Needs Them
Time Off With Backyard Vacations

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Christian Thinking

There is a popular saying from Mark Twain about Christianity. Mark Twain - "If Christ Were Here Now, There Is One Thing He Would Not Be, a Christian."

Giving this some thought and looking around at the people that view themselves as Christians got me to thinking. Do you think, if Mark Twain were alive today, he would have the same view towards Christians and Christianity as a whole? I wonder if Christ's vision of a better world or society is what's going on today. I read somewhere, where this over 33,000 different types of Christian religions, is this what Jesus had in mind over 2000 years ago.

I don't think Mark Twain was referring to Jesus as being a bad person and Christians not wanting to associate with him. I believe it's the other way around, Jesus was an exceptional person and believed in living a life as an example towards others with kindness, forgiveness and love.

Sometimes Christians get a little carried away when they start talking about loving their neighbors like they would themselves or asking for forgiveness while choosing not to forgive others. It's hard to imagine what Jesus would actually think of modern day Christians or even what he would think about Christianity over a hundred years ago.

I wonder what Jesus would have thought a thousand years ago about Christians. Mark Twain brings up a very good point, if Christ was here today, would he be happy. If you're living a life as a Christian and following in the footsteps of Jesus, you should be proud of yourself. If not, maybe you should start thinking about changing your ways.

If you are following the path of Christ, are you following a path that has been changed and manipulated to benefit organized religion and the advancement of Christianity, or are you following the true path of Jesus. Something to think about if you're planning on spending the rest of your life in the Christian religion.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing, marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his latest articles, What Is The Secret Of Life

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

You Can Have It All

The Beginning of Religions

It seems like everywhere we look in the world, we are always focused on something in the middle. Often we are spending most of our time thinking about the end and never thinking about how it all began. In the holy Bible, it states in the beginning but doesn't talk about the beginning of the beginning. Where did God come from, that is the actual beginning.

I don't know how many stories I've read in the Bible about other people's triumphs and defeats, but keep in mind that some of these stories cannot be proven, factually. Some people believe in Krishna, others Jesus, Buddha, God, and the vast and numerous creators of the world and the entire universe. I don't know which one or if all of them are the true God's and by that I would refer to God as the creator of the universe.

It seems to be extremely difficult to prove scientifically and without any doubt, that the earth was created by a creator, according to popular religious text and would be very difficult to prove with in the leading religions of the world.

Let's get back to the question of where did God come from? There obviously had to be someone before the creation of the universe, if you choose to believe in a creator. Is God a man, woman or some sort of spiritual entity, like a ghost or maybe some smoke that can form into anything at any time and if so, did his secrets come from another creator or superior being. Was God involved in self-help and learned all these secrets on his own, through trial and error.

I often wonder, how long the creator of the universe was alive before our creation and what other worlds has this all mighty and powerful being built before or after ours. Do we have sister universes and if so, will we ever be able to see them or visit them, during our lifetimes.

Most people dismiss the creation of the creator, but wouldn't this be one of the most important parts of any religion? There's obviously something to think about here and I wish that most people practicing religions, which involve a deity or superior being, could take a little more interest in finding out where their God actually came from.

Oh yeah, one more thing. If you do find the answers, I would love to hear from you and by the way, you would be solving one of the universes most perplexing and complicated secrets. You could be a gazillionaire and make the cover of Time magazine, something to think about.

Religious Education

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a Christian help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Christianity As the World Changes

Most people seem to go through life doing what others do and never seem to question much about whether the people around them are actually right or wrong. How many of us do exactly what our parents, grandparents and great grandparents do? I was raised a Christian by Christians and they were raised Christians by other Christians and so on. I don't know when or who in my family tree actually decided to become part of the Christian faith. I don't think it really matters today.

Someone had to of made the decision and I will probably never know. I do know this, I have followed Christianity as far as I possibly could and the next step in my life is going to be based somehow on a more spiritually universal world. I can't seem to follow something, that doesn't make sense to me, anymore. Christianity is more or less a religion that people throughout history have made adjustments to, whenever they felt necessary.

This is often like changing a tire on a car as it starts to wear or goes flat. In order for the car to operate and run smoothly we will need to pay a little attention to it, this will require maintenance over time as the car begins to have problems. We have to solve these problems or our car will become useless and will need to be sent to the junkyard.

Religions throughout history have done the same, as the people become more intelligent and less dependent, they need to create new things and make adjustments. If they don't make these adjustments over time, the religion will no longer be necessary and be sent to the junk heap of time. This is what happened to the Greek and Roman gods, what makes you think, that your God or gods will stand the test of time.

Do you think there's going to be any more adjustments to Christianity in the future? It seems like the last adjustments were Scientology and the Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. These religions don't exactly follow what Paul started in the Roman Catholic Church. What will the next adjustment be and why will it be necessary?

If you choose to follow Christianity, how do you know which church is right, I mean their core beliefs are right, aren't they. To love your neighbor and be compassionate. To show kindness towards others and help the needy. Do you think that we're going to have to adjust this one day and start treating certain religious followers, whose skin color is deference or speaks a different language with cruelty. I wonder what the next adjustment in Christianity is going to be.

Men Problems Christianity

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

King Solomon's Problems - Is Heaven's Door Open

The old testament mentions King Solomon as the wealthiest person that ever lived on the earth at that time and there would be no one wealthier than him in the future. Does this qualify him as a rich person?

There is also the story of the talons. This story mentions a master who rewards one of his servants for using the money his master left him to make more money, by investing it. The slave that chose to bury his talons in the ground, to hide and protect them was considered to be slothful and wicked.

Does this mean that all men and women that invest their money and seek profits are good people? Why would these people be considered good and a rich man will have a hard time entering the kingdom of heaven?

Is there a difference between King Solomon's wealth and the rich person in the Bible verse, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Now maybe these are just stories created by man and has nothing to do with what the Jewish and Christian God really thinks. But if there is a difference between King Solomon and the rich person, what's the difference? Does King Solomon really get to enter the kingdom of heaven?, or as Jesus mentioned, will it simply be harder for him to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Didn't King Solomon build God's temple and create a beautiful world for most Jewish people to live in? If you're not confused yet, you will be if you continue to read more of my biblical verses that just don't make sense.

If you're what I would consider one of God's ultimate believers in your religion but have no proof that it's true, but choose to answer with the simple statement," You'd Need to Believe or Have Faith." I would suggest you read other books about other religions or spiritual living .

This is just one example of what I would consider a story in the Bible. If you truly view the Bible as the ultimate guide for good living, do you get confused with certain statements or Bible verses. This really doesn't answer the question, whether or not someone like King Solomon actually gets to enter the kingdom of heaven. I used him as an example but there are many others that could have a life of riches on earth, but difficulties going to heaven if the statement Jesus made was correct about the rich man in the eye of the needle.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his latest articles, How Did You Choose Your Religion

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Maintaining Momentum, Moving Forward and Achieving Our Goals - 5 Strategies We Can Use Today

It's a great feeling when we're able to set compelling and challenging goals for ourselves. It's equally satisfying when we take it a step further and get unstuck in order to move forward with those goals. If we're able to do that, now the big challenge is how to maintain the momentum that we've started in order to be where we want to be. This is where things can easily fall apart.

There are so many competing priorities in our lives these days, both personal and professional. And this makes it all the more challenging to stay focused and forge ahead - especially when taking on major initiatives such as starting a new business or trying to grow an existing business. In my view, maintaining momentum is one of the most critical steps in achieving our goals. So what can we do when finding it difficult to keep things moving forward?

The following are some things to consider:

  1. Reevaluate Priorities and GoalsLife sometimes takes unexpected twists and turns. It's not uncommon to start out on one path with all the excitement and enthusiasm in the world, only to wake up one day and realize that we're no longer all that excited about it. It doesn't necessarily mean that we're lazy or fickle. It does mean that it's time to examine if we're truly committed to that goal. If the answer is no, then that's fine! It's actually a sign of maturity to admit that our priorities have shifted and it's time to change direction. What's the point of chasing a dream that no longer means as much to us anymore when our energies could be better focused on more meaningful and important goals? If we're finding that we're not moving forward, it may be a red flag and time to reevaluate if the goals we initially set for ourselves are still the best for us.
  2. Use AffirmationsUsing affirmations in the form of written statements that are visible throughout the home or office - on the night stand, bathroom mirror, computer monitor, refrigerator, desk - is a great way to stay mindful of our goals and keep us motivated. The expression, "out of sight, out of mind" definitely applies here, so don't be shy about where, how much and how often you post them! Affirmations that are specific and with a definite deadline are very powerful and effective. An example would be, "I WILL open my new business by June 30, 2009." Other affirmations like "Today, I am appreciative of my progress," and "I have limitless possibilities and zero limitations" can also be effective motivators to keep us moving forward.
  3. View It As Your JobAnother way to keep focused is to view our goal-achievement as a job - just like any job we might already have - where we have to report in at a certain time, get a defined amount of work completed, and stay for a specific time period. In other words, devote specific days of the week and hours of the day for activities directly related to achieving our goal. This helps put us in the proper mindset - essentially we've made a commitment to "show up at work" and do the best job we can do.
  4. Enlist the Support of a CoachWhat if we're taking on all of this by ourselves? A few years back, I was trying to get unstuck and make some important life decisions in order to move forward. I was eventually able to do it on my own, but looking back, I wished that I had had a coach as a catalyst to get me moving in the right direction in a shorter amount of time. In short, a coach provides the support, resources, motivation, accountability and structure to keep us on track in pursuit of our goals.
  5. Enroll Friends as a Support NetworkIt's a great idea to surround ourselves with good friends and family who will support our efforts and cheer our successes. It's important to realize, however, that friends and family should be viewed as supplemental, and not as a replacement for a coach. A coach is committed to holding our agendas, helping us think "outside the box," challenging us, and partnering with us every step of the way in realizing our goals. A good friend or close family member can provide that extra nudge when we need it. Again, create a nurturing environment with people who will offer positive and encouraging affirmations.

Whatever our goals may be, implementing a combination of these approaches will help us maintain the momentum that is all so easy to lose, yet so critical in getting us to where we want to be.

Joe Rosenlicht is a certified coach and founder of InMotion Career & Wellness, a coaching practice specializing in career, small business and wellness issues. Through a systematic and proven approach, he's able to help clients maintain momentum, move forward, achieve their goals and live happier and healthier lives. Many of us have financial plans, retirement plans, marketing plans, business plans and even travel plans. But do you have your wellness plan? Design your personalized wellness plan today at

Visit Joe at to get his free monthly newsletter containing valuable insights, tips and resources for your career and health and to arrange a complimentary consultation.

Tips on Offshore Software Project Management

Success of a project when developed by an offshore provider is largely dependent on the way the project is remotely managed from the clients side. If you hope to make a project successful with very little input from your end as a customer, it is unlikely that the project will achieve success in the long term. The basic reason is very simple: you know your business requirements best. Software services companies working in another part of the world can only develop a solution based on the input provided by you.

Fairly large projects have a dedicated project manager who interacts with the offshore team and acts as a virtual bridge between the business and the software developers. If your project does not have dedicated personnel for it, there is no need to despair. You can follow some simple tips mentioned below and manage your project quite successfully.

Define the goal every week: The complete lifecycle of the software development process can be divided into smaller goals which can then be communicated to the team via email or by phone. It is a good idea to have a call with the entire team on Monday morning and run through the list of weekly goals that need to be achieved and then call again at the end of the week to evaluate if they have been achieved or not and what type of roadblocks were faced by them.

Manage the time difference: Time difference is one of the factors in offshore software development projects which can become a pro or a con depending on how it is managed. It is imperative that a "common" time zone is mutually agreed on by you and the offshore vendor. This time should be used for communication and ironing out issues faced by the development team. Though it might take some time to get used to getting in to the office at 7 AM, it pays good dividends in the long run.

If there are issues, alert everyone in time: It is advisable that you keep a look out for early warning signals and warn the team up front rather than wait for things to correct themselves. Ninety percent of the time, the issue is not self-correcting but goes on to become a real pain to the entire team before additional effort is exerted to get it on track.

If someone in the offshore team is doing well, comment on it: Encouragement and motivation are required even when you have hired a team with an offshore service provider. Motivating team members with an encouraging email along with occasional gifts sent to them on regional festivals creates camaraderie as well as doing wonders for the project. At the end of the day remember that developers are human beings and they do need an occasional pat on the back.

Although a number of onsite project managers feel that project management tools are advantageous to the flow of a project, the core driver in a successful project will always be good project and human resource management skills.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Lies of the Gospel of Judas

Many new religions and cults, see the manuscript of the so called, Gospel of Judas, as historical and Biblical fact.

The facts, as we see it, come not from man but from God. The fact is that Judas Iscariot was cursed and condemned to everlasting punishment in the lake of Fire, for his part in the betrail of Jesus.

These so called Christian Gnostic (Knowledge) Gospels, are an illusion and far from being fact.

If these people would read not just the New Testament facts, but the Old Testament Prophecy's, they would see that the prophecy's of the betrayer of Christ and the predictions were written before these so called gospels.

For example; Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

Psa 55:12-15; For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him: But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance.
We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company. Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.

Psa_41:9, Psa_55:12-15Isa_53:10; Zec_13:7
These gospels are a denial of Biblical fact and are trying to deceive the very elect, as the Bible indicates, would take place. That is the reason that God stated that He would shorten the days. Mat 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

In a recently published article by a, World Peace Religion, member, we read the following.
Quote;Well, this revelation about Judas is nothing compared to the others in the Christian Knowledge Gospels.

In the Koran, (Sura Chapter 4:156) the angel Gabriel who brought Mary the good news tells the Prophet Muhammad that in fact Jesus was not even crucified, a likeness, an impostor was, because this was the story in the Christian Knowledge Gospels which were burned by the Church Fathers forever (they hoped) 1,700 years ago.

The Gnostic Gospel of Judas never mentions the crucifixion or the resurrection. Seth was the third child of Adam and Eve. There was a group of Gnostic (Knowledge) Christians named after Seth, Sethians. In the Christian Gospel called "The Second Treatise of The Great Seth", 56.6-19 in NHL 332, Jesus Christ told Simon, "It was another...who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I... it was another Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. It was another upon whom they placed the crown of thorns.

But I was rejoicing in the height (the hills) over their error. And I was laughing at their ignorance. (for thinking it was I who they were crucifying)". The Christian Gnostic Knowledge Gospels contradict the 4 Canonized Gospels in the New Testament endlessly. The 4 New Testament Gospels contradict themselves endlessly. Unquote

The term "gnostic" derives from "gnosis," which means "knowledge" in Greek. The Gnostic's believed that they were privy to a secret knowledge about the divine, hence the name. (Huxley coined "agnosticism" on the basis that all knowledge must be based on reason.

We cannot rationally claim to have access to knowledge that is beyond the powers of the intellect. There is nowhere in the scripture that states, that the knowledge of God toward man, is limited to any, sect nor generation, but is open to all whom seek this knowledge.

Let us now look at the Bible for the facts about Judas and the Crucification.

Mat 26:24 The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born. In these following statements we see how Biblical interpretation gets many into false religions and into much trouble.

Quote;One need only look right in the Holy Bible to see what is really going on. God the Father said through Prophet Isaiah that the Bible writers, the Priests and Prophets who wrote the Bibles, the scribes were creating for the people a shelter, a refuge, of lies and falsehoods, (Isaiah 28:14-15) which would cause the people to fall backward and be broken and ensnared and taken. (Isaiah 28:9-13).

God the Father called the Holy Bible The Word of Satan! God said to the scribes, "You prophesy by Baal, Beelzebub, Satan!" (Jeremiah 2:8). God the Father said, "They (the scribes) say, 'Says the Lord', when the Lord has not sent them, and yet they wait for the fulfillment of their word!" (Ezekiel 13:6). Jesus launched into an absolute diatribe in Matthew 23 calling the Bible writers, the scribes, lying venomous snakes who spewed their own divisive racist deadly hateful lies right into your Holy Bible and signed them, said God, and said Jesus. Jesus lambasted the scribes and those who followed the same Old Testament followed by Judaism, Christianity and Islam today.Unquote.

Isa 41:24 Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of naught: an abomination is he that chooseth you.

As far as hell and the lake of fire being a man made thought, lets read; Isa 66:24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

These Christian Gnostic (Knowledge) Gospels not only deny the New Testament accounts but they also deny the Old Testament Accounts of prophecy.

These are the Blind leading the Blind. Those that follow, these types of teachings, are those who, have no knowledge in them of the works of Christ. These people deny all the prophetic word of the Old Testament such as these verses, just to name a few;

If God were unrighteous, would He be able to Judge the World? No. God is just and no lier. False doctrine, Teachings and Teachers, seek to justify themselves for their lack of understanding and knowledge by calling that which is Good, Evil and Evil, Good.


Isa_50:5, Isa_50:6, Isa_53:1-12; Dan_9:26; Zec_12:10, Zec_13:7; Mar_9:12; Luk_24:25, Luk_24:26, Luk_24:46; Joh_19:24, Joh_19:28, Joh_19:36, Joh_19:37; Act_13:27-29, Act_17:2-3, Act_26:22, Act_26:23, Act_28:23; 1Co_15:3; 1Pe_1:11

Temple of Spirit & Truth Ministries
A. R. Smith Ministries

Hindutva - A Lifestyle in Political Arena

Though Savarkar was a controversial figure (He was also accused of murdering Gandhi by instigating N R Godse without himself taking up arms.), this definition of Hindutva was taken up by the BJP in its political agendas. The Supreme Court of India also ruled that Hindutva is only a culture and, it cannot be compared to the prevalent Hindu fundamentalism. A Hindu can be of any religion. Embracing any particular religion cannot stop a Hindu from adhering to Hindutva. A Hindu believes that the celestial powers balance each other for the well-being of the world and humankind.

Hindutva: The Political Effects

Very soon, this idea was taken up for personal gains by the BJP and its allies: The Sangh Parivar, The RSS, VHP etc. Though BJP maintained its stand on the original meaning of Hindutva, it could not stop its allies from creating a divide that resulted into the demolition of the Babri Masjid. This was only because, the BJP never strongly asserted its viewpoint on Hindutva and used it rather for its vote bank, thereby ignoring its very ideology.

Other political parties also started making use of the term as a weapon against the BJP saying that the latter is non-secular political party. This further led to divide the Indian community, which always was under the shadow of religious and communal hatred (even before the independence.) After the beginning of the fashion of calling oneself secular by drumming the Muslim tune or by taking pro-Muslim stance, Hindutva entered Indian politics in a different tone (totally ignoring the essence of Hindutva).

One cannot take a look at Hindutva within politics in isolation. It has to be looked in the context of secular politics. Muslims are being taken for granted as vote banks by the politicians. They are being treated less as Indians and more as Muslims, even though they come under the category of Hindutva.

The Present Scenario

Now that the mentality of Indians has totally changed regarding the term Hindutva thanks to the follies of VHP, RSS, and above all, the BJP, Hindutva has been delimited to the word: Hindu (a so-called religion). Even if we think of it in cultural context, the question - Who is a Hindu - offers an answer very simple: The one who prays (to one of the thousands of deities, Mother Nature, and its elements like the rivers, the trees etc). Is there any philosopher related to Hindu who started this religion? Is there a single religious book that teaches what and how to implement? Of course, there is Bhagvad Gita, but then what about the Vedas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharata etc etc etc. When did and who started it. Lord Krishna dates back to 7200 BC as per archaeological studies. Ram was even a century before that.

The Future:

The concept of Hindutva is lost and there is no use trying to revive it. What was supposed to be a pure explanation has been spoiled to an extent that there is no scope of reviving the spirit. The position of India, thanks to its political moves has broken the society into many pieces. Earlier it was only two-three religions, now it is OBC, BC, SC, ST etc etc etc. The identity of an Indian is may be Indian abroad, but in its home country, people belong more to the castes than they are Indian.

Seeing all this, I do not think the army and other people who fight for unity need to lay down their lives for dirty politics of Indian politicians.

A child filling in the kindergarten admission form is asked for his nationality later, but is asked to fill in his caste first. This is the first step in letting the kids understand his caste while religion it already put into his mind as he tries to befriend others.

There was a time when people used to take pride in saying that they are Indians, now they obstruct the normal functioning of the country to get their caste registered under the special castes for additional benefits. Under such circumstances, forget the concept of Hindutva, we can see the spirit of being an Indian is also dimmed. Are not these the people who sell of their souls to devils in return for luxuries?

So where is Hindutva seen: In case of emergencies, such as war, fighting against terrorism, and the most recent example of Hindutva was shown in the Mumbai Seige. In other words, to keep Hindutva alive, are such events necessary. The second is cricket, where whole country unites irrespective of the religion and castes. All other games are again preceded by the caste-tag. For example, in a Newspaper I read, Mr XYZ, a dalit, won the race. Finally, the third sector where there are traces left for Hindutva is the Entertainment Industry. Nobody cares is SRK is a Muslim, Christian or a Hindu, forget about people asking about his caste.

I cant see an ending to this so am keeping the article open ended. You all are requested to suggested to write a proper ending to it, if at all it is possible.

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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Extra Inspiration and Motivation at Work - Bonus!

So, you wake up feeling fantastic but then when you get to work all inspiration, enthusiasm and motivation is out the window? Read on to find some ways to perk up your work day!

Simple Ideas to find Inspiration at Work

One of the best ways to put yourself in a position to find the neccesary motivation is to make sure you are comfortable. You need to make sure your chair supports your back, your desk is at the right height, and you have an ergonomically correct keyboard and mouse. Repetitive strain injuries have been on the rise for some time now, so speak up and you just might find your employer willing to cooperate. Im sure he would rather adjust the environment rather than deal with a workers compensation claim!

If that is not so - Worst case: bring in your own office supplies or equipment. There's no reason that your body has to suffer even if your boss is really stingy!

Clean Up and De-Clutter Your Workspace

I find inspiration by getting rid of the clutter on my desk and getting everything back to tidy! A cluttered workspace can zap you of your creativity because you spend more time trying to find things than actually getting your work done.

Look at your workspace objectively and ask yourself: "What absolutely NEEDS to be here?" Remove the things that make you feel claustrophobic, stop hoarding rubbish and toss the things you never use. File or bin anything else as your work items should be filed away in an organizational system that works for you.

Here's the bottom line: just hold on to the things that are vital for your daily chores or will propell you towards success in your duties! Keeping anything else serves no purpose and adds nothing more than clutter and distraction. Then, all this clutter zaps your motivation and inspiration, so avoid it! Now, if you do this, you will feel so much better! You will be more relaxed and able to think more clearly.

How Can You Create an Inspirational Computing Experience?

Are you in an office? do you spend the majority of your time on a computer? Do you ever clean up your computer? or do you have 72,000 emails sitting around and files you never use saved to your hard drive? Clean out your computer! Delete all your temporary internet files and your computer will run faster and then bring inspiration into your workspace through inspirational wallpapers.

Now, these usually free downloads can be very helpful in inspiring you during that long 8-10 or 12 hours! Try checking out a picture of the Bahamas. I for one, know just how hard it is to stare at a screen all day and remain motivated - its tough. But if you have to stare at it - make it something Inspirational!

You can check out these wallpapers when you are having a hard time getting started, getting motivated, or just finding the inspiration to push forward. Inspirational wallpapers typically contain beautiful landscapes with inspirational quotes or sayings. Sometimes all you need to get going is a gentle push in the right direction, and inspirational wallpapers just might be what the doctor ordered. It really can be that simple!

The great thing about these wallpapers is that they don't take up any physical space, so there's no need to worry about clutter. You also can use some of the images and quotes on the wallpaper to create screensavers for your computer. Your computer has the potential to inspire you in so many ways!

Inspiration can often seem impossible to find at work, but you may need to think outside of the box and find ways to get inspired. Keep things simple and don't let clutter get you down.

A really good idea is to listen to your Ipod or similar - if you can!

Anytime I need aboost - I put on a personal development cd and listen deeply and contently. This is particularly helpful even when I happen to be really down or stressed!

Now , if you are like me, and work from home - it can be really tough to stay on track somedays. If you have tried all of the above only to find you are still missing something, then get up and go for a walk around the block!

After all, this is the main benefit to working for yourself! You can get up and go anytime you want to, especially if its for a quick rejuvenation walk! My block has water on 3 sides - its almost an island. I have the beach on one side, an inlet on the other and a lagoon on the other! I have an extemely pituresque outlook and feel very priveledged!

When you feel down for whatever reason, use self help techniques to find motivation and inspiration at work and have a great day!

If you have been suffering from stress and need a little bit of stress relief - Visit Personal Development and Self Help and sign up for a FREE Stress Relief eCourse Now!

Reading Feng Shui Books - Get Great Advice

Quite simply, a different style of living. If you're the kind of person who eats the same food week after week, shops and the same stores and only socializes with a few people, feng shui is probably not something you're going to be interested in. However, if you're someone, who wants to try something different, the Chinese philosophy of feng shui could be something that you, just might be interested in.

Where can you find feng shui books? Of course we all know you can find them at your local bookstores like Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other online sources. Here's something that might be a little new age or something that most people often forget about, how about going down to your local public library. Public libraries are a great source for books and if you don't like them, you never had to pay for them.

Feng shui books have become popular in the last 20 to 40 years and seems to create an environment out of your home. The Chinese have been practicing this for over a thousand years and it almost has a mystical power to it. If you're tired of the same old house and would like a little change in your life, I would suggest using some of the simple methods, suggested in these books.

One $20 book on home building or feng shui, can save you lots of money, if you're willing to do a little research and the labor to complete almost any home building project.

By the way, if you're interested in learning how to repair a roof, build your own house, interior decorating, structural engineering, building a deck, gathering some more information about home painting or even remodeling your bathroom. Our online home building bookstore can save you money if you're willing to do the work.

You can learn a lot by reading feng shui books and I would suggest, that if you're interested in interior design or even spirituality, these books will provide you with the information, you need to create a little change in your life.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Putting God On Trial

Spending My Childhood Around Christians

I was born in the 1960s and raised in Southern California, United States of America. During that period of time, and in the area I was raised, there was basically one religion that dominated every aspect of mine and my friends lives. That religion was Christianity. When I was in elementary school, I knew one Jewish boy and he looked different than the Christians and even talk different. He was very smart and spent a lot of his time reading, instead of playing at recess.

There were no Muslims or Hindus and it was a predominantly white environment. The first black students I seen was when I entered the eighth grade and by the time I finished high school, I could count all of the black students I had met on both of my hands. So now you have a pretty good idea of my life, living in a white neighborhood that was 90% Christian.

As you can guessed it, I was raised a Christian, but not a regular Christian, I was a Methodist and proud of it, until my parents got tired of the church elders asking for money or if my father could help build the new church. My father explained to them, that he needed to work to support his family and could only contribute, what ever he could to the church and no more. They were very unhappy and made it uncomfortable for us to go to the church anymore.

Hard to imagine, isn't it. Christians asking for money and then when they don't receive it, getting mad at one of their brethren.

Well it was time to switch churches and we are now going to the Crystal Cathedral Church in Garden Grove California. These people had everything and it was a large church. This was before they built the massive glass structure that is presently the church sanctuary. I enjoy going to this church, because we didn't have to go to Sunday school and got to sit with the adults to worship.

By the time I was 15, neither one of my parents were going to church anymore and my life didn't seem to change that much, even though I prayed every night with my brother. Maybe that was it, I didn't have to go to church as long as I prayed every night... By the time I was 18 years old, I was more confused about organized religion than ever before and this included Christianity.

How can someone kill in the name of God? The Muslims were doing it, the Christians were doing it, the Muslims were fighting the Hindus in India and it all seemed normal. It didn't seem normal to me, when I was supposed to love my neighbor and live a life like Christ who never seemed to start fights or even get mad. Maybe a couple of times, over some money, in the Temple.

I have chosen not to be a part of organized religion. I'd figured out that most of our religious beliefs came from our upbringing. This seems to have brainwashed us into believing we are better because were right and know for a fact, that we have chosen to belong to the right religion. What if were not right?

I want to ask you a question, do you think that other religions are wrong and yours is right? If you really spend some time and think about this, you will see, that your religion is not that different than someone else's and neither was their upbringing. Most religious followers, belonged to the religion of their childhood.

Who Is Jesus?

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a spiritual videos filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.

Is King Solomon Going To Heaven