Sunday, May 31, 2009

Goal Setting - - Self Help Tips

You're a contractor not a stockbroker so why should you have to deal with goal setting? It seems like a silly buzz word that people in those other non hands on businesses like to throw around. But, goal setting applies to the contractor business just as much as it applies to those other businesses. Without goal setting your business is like a rudderless ship just lurching about from project to project with no clear direction. Any contractor should sit down and have a conversation with themselves about what they would like to achieve and how to go about it.

The contractor business is tough and getting even tougher in this economy. Having a clear agenda on how to deal with the here and now is important. Dealing with the future is even more important. Setting goals may seem like some esoteric thing you read about in self help books, but they really do help especially if you have problems keeping focus, which a lot of people in the contractor business do. It's easy to lose your way when you are running around trying to get projects done on time and on budget. But, if you set up and initial goal setting plan and stick with it you will find your business will run a lot more smoothly and make a lot more money.

If you are a contractor who realizes goal setting should be a priority then you are well on your way to establishing a competitive advantage over others in the contractor business. By setting goals and keeping to them you will establish a winning plan that both you and your customers will notice. The effect of goal setting can be enormous and can make you appear to be more of a professional than you already are.

And, you shouldn't be nervous about starting up a goal setting plan. Start small. Think about what you want to accomplish tomorrow. Write it down and then stick to the plan. After a while you will find yourself setting longer and longer goals for your contractor business and will start to reap the benefits quicker than you ever thought. Goal setting is not just another fluffy buzz word. It is a concept that works. It's all about discipline and like everything it may be hard at first but once you get into the groove you'll wonder how you ever survived without it.

Josh Macmichael

Power Of Affirmations

Why Would You Lie to Boost Your Self-Esteem?

Do you lie to boost you self-esteem? Making yourself look good in front of others is meaningless if you are not being true to yourself. You will just end up living in Never-Never Land. The truth will always catch up with you. If you start off being honest in the first place, you are actually giving yourself the strongest starting point to get to where you want to go. You can easily identify what needs to change.

You can argue it is human nature to lie in from of certain people as to save face. Lying uncontrollably in certain situations will prevent you from looking bad. The consequences of lying are further reaching. You may feel you self esteem is boosted in that instant but really it will just create more stress and anxiety for you. You have set a perception of what is now expected of you. If you cannot achieve what you said you can, you will have to tell more lies in order to maintain the perception.

The mountain of lies you create will eventually just cause you to slip up as lies start to contradict themselves. You said one thing to one person, something else to another. Someone somewhere will rumble this, doubt the congruence of your life and also lose respect for you. This will damage any relationship.

So why do you lie? It is because your self-esteem feels threatened. And as your brain does not know the difference between reality and a vivid imagination, you boost your self esteem by deceiving it with the lies. You are only cheating yourself. The only way to stop this is to build a real foundation of self-esteem by accepting who you are right now.

Felix Nutter
Step Up Speak Out
To get more confidence, self-esteem and anxiety tips, visit to learn more about how to take control of your life.

Stop Losing Your Car Keys

One of the Best Books on Life

Most people read a book and if it's good, they might recommend it to someone else, but if the book is great, you can guarantee they will recommend it to everyone who is interested or who they think might be interested in the book. In the field of personal development, one book comes to mind, it's called, "You Can Have It All" by Arnold Patent.

I found the book in one of our antique thrift stores and paid less than $10 for it, I really didn't think much of it and never heard of Arnold Patent before. We've all heard of Anthony Robbins, Susie Orman, Wayne Dyer, but I never heard of Arnold Patent. I skimmed through the book and it looked like a short read. I read the book in about six hours and plan to reread the book, as soon as I get it back for my daughter. The book has short chapters, most of them less than five pages.

Looking at the short chapters, you could get the impression, that there isn't very much information in each chapter, how could there be with less than five pages and some chapters less than three pages. This was very deceiving to me, because each paragraph, was like a chapter and each chapter was like a small book.

The book is full of tools and advice and combines personal development with spirituality. He has chapters on meditation, energy, enjoying what you love to do for the rest of your life, cause and effect, abundance, attachment, pain and suffering, harmony, karma the past and forgiveness.

I can't tell you what a pleasure it was to read this book and if you're looking for some basics on quite a few motivational, spiritual and laws of attraction topics, this book has almost everything you need to get you interested in changing your life. You could actually read one chapter a day and think about it for the rest of the week, there's that much information in each chapter.

I was reading one of his recommendations and it was from Oprah Winfrey, she said, "It was one of the most important books that I had ever read." That's coming from one of the most successful people in the entertainment business. I stumbled across this book and might not have ever found it, but I'm telling you about it and highly recommend it.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

How To Create Good Habits
Bhagavad Gita

Discover Your Keys to Success, Marcus Buckingham - "Now, Discover Your Strengths" Review

Let me guess...You are miserable in your job. Don't feel bad, most of us are. In fact, in a recent survey conducted by 84% of the nations workforce are unhappy at work

Marcus Buckingham, seen on Oprah, Dec 19, 2008, has a radical strength training approach to help people discover your keys to success and happiness at work. He has worked with hundreds of employees at places like Coca-Cola, the Gap, and MicroSoft. His key to success is simple,

"focus on what makes you feel strong, instead of trying to fix your weaknesses. If you want to know what your strength is, you've got to pay attention to how you feel. It feels like focus. It feels like concentration. You feel invigorated. Energized."

He has helped hundreds, and now has a book out, Now, Discover Your Strengths, that teaches people to recognize their innate abilities.

Unfortunately, most of us have little awareness of our talents and strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around them. Instead, guided by society, we become experts in our weaknesses and our lives revolve around trying to fix our flaws. In the meantime our strengths lie dormant and neglected.

Think of something you are really good at. Some area of your life were you show a natural advantage , talent, strength or passion. "That's where you start," Marcus says.

How do you discover your keys to success and turn them into strengths? With the innovative program developed jointly by Marcus Buckingham, and Donald O. Clifton, Chair of the Gallup International Research & Education Center. Called the StrengthsFinder Profile, it is an internet based product that helps to identify the most prevalent human strengths. It helps guide the user to pinpoint their talents, build them into strengths, and capitalize on them.

Now, Discover Your Strengths contains a unique identification number that allows you access to the StrengthsFinder Profile on the Internet. A virtual interview analyzes your immediate reaction, your are presented with five of your most powerful signature themes such as Achiever, empathy, strategic, and shows you how to leverage them for powerful results.

The fact that Now, Discover your Strengths,it is endorsed by Oprah says enough. More than that, it has to be one of the most fundamentally useful business books ever written. Giving the reader profound insights on their keys to success, turning talents into strengths and the immediate on-line feedback of StrengthsFinder, it is truly a ground breaker.

MaryAnn Eastman is an online entrepreneur.
People all over the world have changed their lives by discovering their Keys to Success. Now they have a career that they feel proud of. Best of all, their happiness has filtered over to their family and the people that are most important in their lives. Flip the switch now.

Is King Solomon Going To Heaven

A Review of "Transformational Life Coaching" - A Book For Mentors and Mentees Everywhere

There are many different indicators in today's world demonstrating that humanity has reached a new level of awareness and appreciation for its own existence. If we look at the shifts in the types of occupations being pursued (and sought after), the abundance of life coaches and personal development mentors is like a mirror held up to our collective psyche. It seems to say that life is a precious experience, and we simply want to be sure that we're present for it in every way possible. To coin a somewhat overused phrase: We seek to live authentically.

In 1977, long before having a "life coach" was something commonly discussed at Starbucks, Dr. Cherie Carter-Scott published her first book on the subject and began a career that eventually, would find her labeled, "The Mother of Coaching." New Species (published in 1978) was to become the first of many books Dr. Scott would write on personal development. The long list includes, "Negaholics," a series of 'Rules' books - including "If Life is a Game, These are the Rules," and her most recent work, "Transformational Life Coaching."

Transformation Life Coaching throws open the doors to Life Coaching School and invites us all inside. Although written for those who either are, or espouse to become, mentors in the transformational movement, this book is an accessible "how to" for anyone. It welcomes all those who have spent time seeking to develop a better appreciation with their own life and how they intend to live it. Chapter 1 literally outlines what to look for and how to choose a coach, offering twenty-five important questions to discuss during the interview process.

In this book, Dr. Scott has created a virtual concordance of information, challenges for personal thought patterns and judgment, practical exercise and reference tools to use over and over. Embracing many global teachings, Dr. Scott often refers to the different chakras, or energy centers, as tools to release the ego and be of maximum service to others. As she explains, "You are in the process of opening up and taking control of your power," and by deeply understanding each energy center, we will be able to literally, "open and close each chakra at will."

Imagine being able to consciously open the fifth chakra (which controls speech and communication) in order to more fully participate in our marriage or work relationships - or being able to close down our first chakra, which embodies survival and security, so that we might be more risky and daring in our professional roles or fearlessly take on new adventures in life.

Dr. Scott has spent most of her professional life traveling the world and sharing her expertise on personal empowerment and development at every turn. On her website she shares that, "Writing a book is not done with the wave of a wand. It takes time to reflect and soul search for the universal truths related to each developmental phase." These same words could definitely be applied to the very journeys that Dr. Scott encourages us to make with our lives.

What we know about coaching is that it is not only sought after, but it is necessary in today's fast-paced world of endless challenges. From corporate teams to softball teams, being coached and coaching others on how to live as appreciatively and authenticity as possible is a proactive way to turn roadblocks into paving stones on your road of success.

Dr. Success (aka Andrea Goeglein, Ph.D.)

(702) 243-4040

Can You Change Your Life

Stress Management and Defending the Ego

Stress management is an absolute requirement when we get into a mode of defending various beliefs and opinions. We can get to a point where we would rather die than be proven wrong. This mindset can place us in a self-imposed box that closes us off from the wonders that Life offers. However, we can give ourselves immediate relief.

The ego is composed of beliefs, attitudes and the resulting energies. The ego believes these positions are necessary for its' survival. The ego believes it is right and everything else is wrong.

This variation from reality produces a tremendous amount of stress. Management of this discomfort becomes necessary if we're going to have a meaningful life. We can make amazing progress by simply letting go of the idea that we have the only right opinion.

Right or wrong depends on context. From the context of a computer programmer, it's right to spend all day in front of a computer. From the context of a sales person, it's right to spend all day saying good things about their product.

Stress management becomes necessary when we lose track of the above. You can experience relief when you recognize the above. Socrates said that we all believe we're doing the right thing.

This right and wrong context extends to all life situations. In the grand scheme of things all of us are divine. In every day living we can simply observe ourselves with love and silently give ourselves approval. Then we can observe other people with love and silently give them approval.

It's easy to read the above paragraph. However, the above is a powerful tool for living. If you focused on the above as your basic principle for living, your life experience would go through the roof.

Copyright 2006 by Jim Kitzmiller

Jim Kitzmiller is the author of Rocket Fuel for the Soul -- Blissercise Self-Help Manual. The book's bliss exercises (blissercises) surpass usual positive thinking approaches by bypassing the logical mind. The blissercises cover 46 different areas of life.

Jim leads self-help workshops and does spiritual coaching.

Bible Verses That Don

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Inspiration Ideas and Motivation at the Movies

Finding something you don't like about yourself is usually very easy for most people. Most of the time you don't even have to ask your family or friends because you have heard them complain about the same thing for years. How many times have you heard someone mention, I need to lose weight?

There are plenty of things that people would like to stop doing or start doing. If you're a smoker and you seem to shop excessively near the casinos, I would advise you to start with something small and work your way up to the big stuff.

What are you going to change today about your life? Make a list of things that you're not happy with about your life and start making the changes today that you need to create the life you deserve and desire.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a personal development video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Don Miguel Ruiz
How To Create Good Habits

Crispin the Cross of Lead - Book Review

Newbery Medal winner of 2003, Crispin The Cross of Lead is an action packed historical novel set in the 1380's of England's peasant revolt. The protagonist is a thirteen year old peasant boy known only as "Asta's Son" (Asta being the boys mother) because he has never been called by his own name. In fact he doesn't know he has a name until his mother dies. The village priest discloses he baptized him and gave him the Christian name of Crispin.

Also, after Crispin's mother dies the only home he has ever known is burned to the ground. Crispin is forced to begin his life as a fugitive for thievery and murder. He is declared a "wolf's head" by the corrupt steward John Aycliffe, for crimes he didn't commit. This means that anyone can kill him like a common animal and collect a sizeable reward.

Feudalism is the way of life for many in 14th century England. There are countless taxes that lowly peasants must pay and constant violence. People were either very poor or very rich. Common people had no say over their destiny. The church is unable to protect parishioners and subject to many cruelties.

"Time was the great millstone, which ground us to dust like kerneled wheat. The Holy Church told us where we were in the alterations of the day, the year, and in our daily toil. Birth and death alone gave distinction to our lives, as we made the journey between the darkness from whence we had come to the darkness where we were fated to await Judgment Day."

There are plenty of chase scenes as well as undisclosed plans shrouded in mystery. Avi develops a couple of compelling characters but Bear, a traveling juggler, will become Crispin's deliverance from the bounty hunters that follow them everywhere. The relationship between the juggler and the peasant become the heart of the story.

Learn more about children's writing tips and award winning book reviews by visiting Carma's Window at Download the free EBook, "Unite to Write," a compilation of thirteen top expert authors as read on Ezine article directory and "Free Tips on Freelance Writing."

You Have To Start Somewhere

Motivating Others - The Secret!

Can you really motivate others? In a word: NO!

I know that sounds weird coming from someone who makes a living in the business of motivation and engagement in the workplace; but I'm not going to waste your time with lies, platitudes, useless slogans and metaphysical crap. The fact is there is no secret when it comes to motivating others. You can provide external motivation, inspiration and incentive but ultimately all effective motivation is internal. If you want to motivate others you need to employ some simple protocols that are too often ignored by organization leaders:

  • Find out what personally motivates each individual on your team.
  • Empower people with the resources and opportunities that support each person's vision of success & happiness.
  • Make sure everyone knows how important his or her role is in the success of the organization.
  • Hold each person accountable for his or her role in personal and organizational success.

One more thing: Get rid of anyone who will not accept personal responsibility for his or her own success and happiness!

I define power as your ability or capacity to act or perform effectively. Give everyone in your organization the opportunity to perform effectively and the organization becomes more powerful. Simple, not easy!

Too often power is confused with control. Power is not control; control is an imposition of will. Power is effectiveness and a person is most effective when he knows his work is generating personal success and happiness.

But...some managers say it's impossible to know the individual needs of everyone in an organization. Divide and conquer! External motivation is a process of effective coaching and mentoring and that's best done on a small scale. You can manage the scale in two way.

  • Delegate closer contact to smaller groups. Hold each management level accountable for knowing what motivates his or her immediate team.
  • Make some time for nearly everyone you want to motivate. A little meaningful contact makes a large impression.

I'm not advocating an uncontrollable system of appeasement where everyone gets everything he thinks he's entitled to. Control should not be confused with power, but control is necessary to some degree at every level of an organization. Every individual is, however, entitled to at least one thing and that one thing is opportunity. A motivated person who doesn't see opportunity in your organization is going someplace else; you don't want to lose self-motivated people!

An effective organization understands the motivational drives of its people and strives to provide the opportunity for the individual to satisfy his or her drive for success. That drive converts directly to productivity and profit.

  • Understand what motivates individuals in your organization.
  • Establish effective coaching and mentoring that supports individual success.
  • Provide opportunity for individual development and success.
  • Hold individuals accountable for supporting organizational success.

You may not be able to motivate others, at least not on an internal level. You can provide external motivation based on the needs of the individuals on your team. Make sure external motivation is in synergy with those needs and the mission of the organization. Be a motivational example for others and you've got real power!

Jim Bouchard is America's Black Belt Powervator; speaker, coach & author of Dynamic Components of Personal POWER!

Download your FREE white paper: The Actual Value of Motivation and Engagement in the Workplace:
Book Jim for your next corporate event, conference, convention or retreat. Call 800-786-8502

You Have To Start Somewhere

Getting Your Mojo Back

Motivation can be defined as momentum that stimulates action. It comes from within you. Nobody can "make" you be motivated. It's up to you. So, how do you keep your motivation on a daily basis, and especially during these economically hard times?

First, let's go there and talk about where LACK of motivation comes from and how it manifests itself into your life. Lack of motivation is usually caused by fear and lack of self-confidence. I've seen this so many times when working with under-producing sales professionals. Maybe you've been on a roll. Sales have been great. You've been the "golden players" on the sales team. Maybe you're struggling just to get out of the gate.

All of a sudden somebody or many people say "no." The economic climate changes. You lose a client or maybe more. Prospects dry up. Fear begins to set in about job performance, money, etc. If you are being highly scrutinized because of falling sales, fear and self-confidence set in and begin to spin out of control.

Fear and lack of self-confidence will paralyze you from doing what you need to do to move forward. Where there is fear and lack of self-confidence, there cannot possibly be motivation.

Ok. Enough of that! We all know what LACK of motivation can do. But when you're down there, how to get up again? How do you keep your self-motivated day after day in a tough marketplace full of competition and rejection?

Let me give you 4 steps to recover your motivation, get out of the rut and get your "Mojo" back!

1. Make A List: When you've fallen into a slump you might feel as though you're at the bottom looking up ad you can't dig yourself out. Your thoughts are spinning about all the things you should do, and need to do. It's impossible to figure out what to do and how to do it when your head is spinning! Make a list. Sit down someplace quiet, breathe and write down everything that is spinning around up there. After you've made the list you can then start to prioritize. If sales are down and you need to make 10 sales, the goal is to make sale. Notice I said "a sale" not 10, not 2, not 6. ONE. Whatever your goal is, chunk it out into smaller, more reasonable pieces that will give you success quickly. When you succeed at the first goal that success will spur you on to the next.

2. Post Your Goal: Make your first goal real by putting in front of you. Also, put a positive spin on your goal. Don't just write, "One Sale" or "I need to make one sale." Instead write something like, "I can make one sale." Then post ion your bathroom mirror, on your refrigerator, in your car, in your home office, etc etc. Make this goal your mantra.

3. Don't Quit! Make a list of 4 or 5 ways you can get to your goal. Who do you need to see? What referral do you need? Who in your network can you call on for help? Keep putting one foot ahead of the other, one step at a time. This is the most important step to get where you want to be.

4. Squash Negative Thoughts:. For every negative thought that pops into your head and runs around in there, identify where that thought comes from. For instance, if you are thinking, "I'm a loser."

Who said that to you? Why to you feel that way? When you've identified where the negative thought comes from, select an opposing thought to replace it. Instead of, "I'll never make my sales goal" think I will make my sales goal because sales is a numbers game I know I can win!

Remember that sales is a numbers game. By setting goals and being consistent your Mojo will return and not only will you make your sales goals, you'll beat them! You are a winner. Act as if you are!

Jill Freeman is a dynamic and motivational coach with over 20 years of sales, marketing and business development experience. She has been called "The Go-to Sales and Marketing Maven" by Stacey Kelly, founder and CEO of PM Squared in Houston TX. Jill is the founder of ROAR! Growing Your Business With Pride. She is a graduate of Eastern Mennonite University and holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Organizational Development. Jill lives in South Central PA with her husband and children. You can learn more about ROAR! by visiting

You Have To Start Somewhere

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Drawback to Positive Thinking

There is a drawback to the general positive thinking syndrome promoted in the self help world. The effectiveness of simply forming and holding good thoughts does not work. This method may seem logical, but it is not practical, as you shall see. It may feel as if it is working for a short period of time, but only because you are, at first, operating off a contact high borne on the thinking that you can straighten out, or get things done by this highly suggested method. Your personal will power will only sustain itself but for so long. Sooner or later, the giant horde of negative prompters laden in the subconscious will overtake you and disintegrate your affirmations.

This popular method that is advocated by a myriad of books is generally misunderstood. Positive thinking, in and of itself, will not change you. It will hold at bay, or repress the negative parts of the acquired personality. Positive thinking shoves the negative into the subconscious mind and attempts to reconstruct conscious mind activity with positive thoughts.

Herein lies the drawback. The subconscious is many times more powerful than the conscious, or objective mind, and will reflect back to your world exactly what you think into it. But, if you are thinking certain positive thoughts as a process, and are not emotionally true to them, you're creating problems on down the road. This is because only ideas impressed on the subconscious with certain conviction will come about. Now, any negatives you are harboring, or holding at bay, are much stronger, more radioactive, and just waiting to rise to the top in a great many new areas. The negatives should be let go of, not suppressed, not forced below. Your true power source, or higher self, can more easily come into play when you let go.

Meditation is a most useful tool to utilize in the process of positive thinking. The quietude of meditation brings one into a closer proximity to your inner source of power. Meditation has the ability to regenerate your thinking process. This enables you to be more emotionally connected to a desire you wish to express in the form of a positive thought. Your attention to a thought, plus the emotional value you give to it is what determines the impression the thought form makes upon the subconscious mind.

Attention and feeling are more grounded in the meditative state, as opposed to being awash in the goings on of daily life. The only positive thought force of any real consequence dovetails down from the influence of a higher intelligent power within that formulates what it wants and gets it. So, sit still, be quiet, form an affinity toward the power source of your inner essence, and decree. The more you adjust to, and use this method, the higher the probability that your positive thought forms will come into play.

Harrison Ennis is considered to be a true renaissance man of the 21st century. A published author and freelance writer, as well as owning several design patents. A votary of shag dance. Serious researcher on the science of life for over a quarter century. A Kundalini adept. Lifelong involvement in physical culture; to include martial arts, yoga, traditional exercise, and various obscure modalities. Tracker of cutting edge health products and practices. Fitness / Wellness researcher and coach, esoteric educator, and life science counselor. Past general manager for one of the largest health and fitness club facilities in a major metropolitan area. Proffers his Yoga by Ennis - Yoga Life Science Regimen as a personal trainer for individuals and groups, and gives seminar sessions by request and special arrangement. His current products and services directory may be viewed at

Hypnotic Writing

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Universe Long Before the Big Bang and After - Neosecularism Vs Atheism and Religion

Materials presented below are neither illusions nor assumptions. All are matters of absolute facts to me. But since there is no scientific tools presently available to prove any of the materials presented here, and the transcendence by which I have ascertained the truth about them cannot be explained in this short essay, I have to guide the reader to the references at the end of this essay to find the answer. Therefore, instead of facts I am going to present those as assumptions leaving to the readers knowledge of astronomy, astrophysics, other related fields and properly informed individuals, and their intelligence, reasoning power, logic and rationalization in reaching a reasonable conclusion. I propose that the reader assume each segment of these facts as a hypothesis, as we scientists do in verifying of any issue in our research and study process, then attempt through logic and reasoning to verify its different components and ultimately reach a reasonable conclusion.

Let us assume that there are two universes instead of one. Actually, there are three but we leave the third one out since it is very complex and difficult to understand with the present level of knowledge held by the scientific community. However, we will give a brief explanation of the third universe presenting its form and nature to the readers without bringing it into discussion. The first universe is matterless the second material and the third non-material. The first, being matterless, is not subject to time or space since only the matter can have such dimensions. Therefore, the Matterless Universe, under the standards of measurement used and understood at the present, expands to infinity with no beginning or end. It consists of what we may call "Pure Energy" or super-energy. It is a highly condensed mass of pure energy. The term "mass" used here is not the same as the material mass known to us. There is neither a way nor a proper term for this mass in our present scientific vocabulary. Since energy is the source of life for the body of the universe all the way down to plants, animals, humans and the smallest particles, comprehensively this Pure Energy must be the highest state of being, thus, dynamically alive, with supreme intelligence and enormous creative power. Therefore, as a supreme being it seems the only source capable of creation of the material universe as presented below. It is then proper to be called the Creator. Being matterless, it has no gender, thus, it is neither "He" nor "She" but "It". No light is associated with this Universe since any light is associated with matter and space.

Because the Creator is matterless, It extends to infinity. It is ever present everywhere transcending all matter including human beings. It has extensive sensitivity to the environment at any chosen point. As a matterless being It has no need to see but to sense. Therefore, It exists conveniently in absolute darkness. Our scientific community has already discovered a trace of the Creator. It has named it Dark Energy with a condensed mass and supreme power. All efforts are being made, within the material concept of science, to find more about it. This is nothing else but the Creator. As soon as we move away from our planet, we find ourselves in the same absolute darkness yet at the presence of the Creator. If we consider all these as facts, we may come to the conclusion that the Creator is not a holy dogmatic being as assumed by different religions but totally a secular being with no association with any particular religion. It is like a super scientist, inventor and creator and as such anxious for ultra-scientific designs and experimentations of which the creation of the Material Universe may have been one, and more likely not the only one. The essence of these experimentations may not be all for the same purpose namely to create a material universe.

The second universe is the Material Universe, which, at least so far as we have discovered, is subject to time and space as any matter, and as such it has a beginning, a process of life and development, and an ending. How the material universe started? This is a question not yet fully answered. If we consider that the Creator's experimentation intended to create a material universe, it certainly did not start with the Big Bang but long time before that. We should simply ask ourselves what was that caused the Big Bang. If we think of the Creator's intention for super-scientific experimentation in creating a material universe, we can easily come to a conclusion that it necessarily required a material base which had to come from the Creator's own essence, Pure Energy. There is no other source imaginable. Furthermore, we know that in our material world, the energy, in a variety of ways, is the source of life and base of existence of all matters from the Material Universe itself to planets and all living things in them. Based on all these facts the Creator, or the Matterless Universe, consisting of Pure Energy, would appear the only source of such immense energy required for the creation of the Material Universe and its continuing life, evolution and transformation.

Consequently, it is not unreasonable to assume that the Creator decided to carry out this experimentation and designated an initial point and a space there with specific dimensions fitting the objectives of its experimentation, and capable of absorbing and accumulating of needed energy from the Pure Energy consisting of Its essence. In a matter of maybe a billion or more years, the accumulation of energy in this designated space became crystallized in the form of a condensed huge transparent but solid object we may call it as Pure Matter, the ultimate size of which was determined by the Creator to suit the objectives of Its experimentation. For the first time "space" and "time" were created long before the Big Bang. The Material Universe, therefore, was initiated and its course of creation, evolution, maturity, decay and extinction was figured out by the Creator and now was the time to see to what extent the system would follow the envisioned process by the Creator's design of experimentation.

When the Pure Matter became saturated by the energy absorbed from the Pure Energy, it reached the point of explosion causing the Big Bang, unleashing the enormous energy saturated inside it. Because of the extreme heat, the resulting matters, which were not pure anymore, were mostly in the form of gas including what later on became solid matter or liquid. The explosion created immense light associated with heat, causing an outward push of the resulting matters with a lightening speed, creating a huge black hole in the Center with incredible power of electromagnetic gravity. Some huge parts from the Pure Matter thrown outward by the Big Bang were still in solid transparent form, though likely not so pure as they originally were, but still capable of absorbing more energy, becoming saturated and exploding later on far away from the Center. Therefore, we may properly assume that there was not just one Big Bang but a succession of big bangs maybe not as magnificent as the original one, and they are still continuing to occur in the outer dimensions of the Universe, though not as enormous as the previous ones, creating new galaxies, solar systems and corresponding planets. Therefore, it may be properly assumed that supernovas could be related to the extension of these bangs.

Immediately after the Big Bang, because of extreme heat caused by the explosion, all matters were in gas form. After quite an extended period of time, as temperatures receded, some matters liquefied and then took a solid form, some others took a liquid form yet some others remained in more condensed gas from. Ultimately, the solar systems and planets were crystallized. Evolution of life in each planet depended on the material components of the planet and the environment within which it was situated. Evolution of each planet proceeded to its maturity, aging, decaying and extinction. The nature of matters composing each planet determined the extent of its capability to absorb energy from the sun and other sources.

Considering that energy is the source of life, the nature of accumulation of this energy, within a proper environment created by the solar system's accidental surge of energy from its sun, allowed in some planets for the living organisms to be created. This surge of energy which may happen very rarely during the whole life span of a sun, created an orbit like outward movement. In this outward movement this high energy orbit, known as the intelligence orbit, met certain planets enabling them to absorb extra and unique kind of energy. this higher level of adsorption reached a point known as the intelligence line materialized by the planet's encounter with the core of intelligence orbit expanding outward.

This level of intelligence was also affected, positively or negatively, depending on the nature of the material components of each planet and its environment. As a result of this high energy environment, a variety of intelligent creatures were created including human beings as the environment became favorable. This assumption is in contrast with the Darwinian theory of evolution of humans from other species. The level of intelligence of the coming class of intelligent creatures advanced by the increase in the level of the planet's intelligence level as the planet approached to the inner core of the intelligence orbit emanated from the sun and moving outward.

It is important to notice that the Creator did not create the universe , its components and living creatures in some planets including ours. They were created according to the specific conditions required for their creation as set up in the Creator's design of the experimentation and the level of available energy. For example, human beings were not created by the Creator and they were not created at one time in a specific area of the planet. Different parts of the planet being subject to different environment, some human beings were created tens of thousand years after the others, likely, more intelligent than the previous group because of rising intelligent level of the planet had placed them on a higher level of intelligence. So, the total process of the development of each planet, as that of the Material Universe, involved the creation and the evolution side by side at different levels of development and varying environments. Based on the conditions of the environment and natural climate, some species were created, some evolved into a new ones and some became extinct. The same process is still continuing.

Unavoidably, there arrives a point at which the consumption of energy by the planet reaches the level of its absorption. At this point, the evolution stops. Pursuant to this point the absorption of energy gradually decreases, either as a result of decrease in the emission of the energy from its original source or certain transformations in the components and composition of the planet or other reasons. As a consequence, the planet receives less energy than it needs for its survival and starts an accelerated process of devolution and degeneration. In planets with living creatures, this situation occurs when the planet is near moving out of the influence of the intelligence orbit. When the level of intelligence of the planet is reduced, by the intelligence orbit starting to move away from the planet, it causes decay on the level of intelligence of its intelligent creatures. When the planet is placed in the outer limits of the intelligence orbit, the level of intelligence on the planet reaches the zero point and no intelligent creature survives and the planet with an increasing acceleration loses its gravity power to the point that its components cannot be held together by its weakened gravity and the planet meets its destruction. The majority of planets, in their process of development do not encounter the intelligence orbit or even the level of environment capable of producing any kind of creatures. The span of life of these planets is comparatively quite short.

Apparently, the Material Universe, the whole subject of the experimentation, is set to follow the same course of evolution, decay, devolution and extinction. After its creation and the Big Bang, it started to expand outward with lightening speed by incredible force created through the explosion. From this point of explosion on, the motion of the Material Universe has been under the influence of two immense opposing forces: An outward pushing force created by the Big Bang, and an inward pulling force, located at the point of explosion created by the enormous gravity and electromagnetic forces caused by the Big Bang. The resultant effect has been the slowing down of the expansion speed. This is in contrast with the present concept of accelerating expansion of the universe. In addition, the later big bangs have also affected the resultant effects of expansion course since their expansions were also spherical, part of which expanded toward the Center, opposite to the expansion direction of the Universe. These repeated post-Big-Bang explosions have actually caused a chaotic movements inside the sphere of the Material Universe. Based on these assumptions, at one point in time the Universe would reach the zero point of expansion. Then, under the pulling power of the gravity from the Center, it would start to contract in an accelerating fashion which will cause increasing heat to the extend that as it moves closer to the Center and becoming condensed by bringing together billions of the existing planets with an ever-increasing speed, the level of temperature will cause all matters to be transformed into gases, ultimately being totally extinguished, by transforming into matterless state, leaving nothing behind. Every material thing will disappear by being transformed into matterless form again. It will appear that nothing had ever happened. Considering the infinite dimension of the Matterless Universe, this whole process would look like a mosquito bite in a human body which it swells outward, then swelling stops and then the skin recedes to its normal condition without any trace of the bite left behind.

In conclusion, it is quite important to note that the history of the humanity shows that there have been individuals going back to melania who were aware of the secular, pure and matterless nature of the Creator that even today after thousands of years, our scientific community has difficulty to understand let alone to accept it. There are many evidences for such claim. Zoroaster or Zarathustra, the great Persian prophet, around 1500 B.C. when he introduced his dynamic message of "unique" monotheism, the concept of only one Creator, he called It "Ahura Mazda" meaning a "Super-Intellect Being," as "the creator, sustainor and promoter of the Universe."(1) The old Persian word for the Creator is "Khod'a", meaning created by itself. This meant that there was nothing to look for beyond Pure Energy. With the present paste of scientific progress, discovery of the matterless world or the Creator as exposed here and understanding of it, is a century or more in the future. It is possible only through transcendence achievable by years of meditation aimed at expanding the mind into the non-material and ultimately to matterless world. It is definitely the science of the future though such thou hgts are considered to be nonsense by the scientific community at the present time. However, I know it is a fact since I have been there, and all this knowledge comes from there.[2]

The main purpose of this exposition has been to invite knowledgeable readers particularly those qualified in related fields such as astronomy, astrophysics, and metaphysics, to leave aside their preconceptions and outright rejections and pay serious attention to the facts and reach conclusions based on logic, reasoning and rationalization. The hope is that if this way of thinking is followed, the scientific community may ascertain the nature of the Matterless Universe and the facts of creation and evolution of the Material Universe, not in a century or more as is estimated but much sooner. An enormous and incredible wealth of knowledge is waiting to be discovered. When discovered, it will cause universal peace, prosperity and tranquility. It will bring about true democracy, eliminate excess materialism by accepting the application of the principle of equality of opportunity in every aspect of daily life. [3]

It was mentioned above that there was a third universe called Non-material Universe and we will give a brief description of it. Non-material Universe is a stage between the material and matterless universes. It is transparent, therefore, invisible to our eyes. It engulfs the material universe. For every material planet there is a non-material one several times larger in size. It is subject to time and space by a different standards for which we have no means of measurement. It may shed an idea of time if we consider that a year in that planet may equal to thousands of year in our planet. The same applies to non-material beings living in them. The span of life may extend to thousands of years. The climate and environment follows the same standards with enormous deviations. Temperature may vary from thousand degrees below zero to thousands above it. It is a super advanced civilization where, though there are some bad beings but they cannot do anything bad thus are automatically forced to correct themselves. The life is extremely painful to those who are caught in harsh environments of the planet, and incredibly enjoyable for those located in favorable environments.

Finally, in closing, it may be noteworthy to say a little about the concept of neosecularism, which materializes if one accepts the facts of the two universes as discussed above. Secularism is defined as indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations. Neosecularism is defined as the exclusion of religion or religious considerations. It is fundamentally different from secularism since it rejects the religious dogmatic concepts of God, spirituality and creation of the Material Universe, while in a completely secular, rational and scientific manner accepts the existence of a totally secular Creator and a different course for the process of creation and evolution.

From all the materials presented here, it can be easily concluded that: first, nothing is holy about the Creator as assumed by several religions. It is a totally secular super being with a supreme life, intelligence and creative power. Thus the Creator has no relation to, or interest in nor belong to any religion. Its only interest in human beings, if any, concerns their behavior and development as a component of Its total experimentation in creating the Material Universe.

Second, since the Creator consists of Pure Energy, Which is the highest and purest level of being, Its nature could be nothing but inherently good, pure and positive. More likely, as a super-scientist, It is interested to see to what extent this goodness and purity can be restored when the Pure Matter was degraded by the Big Bang to much lower grade matters including human beings.

Third, among all Its creations at this Material Universe, the Creator has been able to sustain contact with human beings through their high level of intelligence, the human mind or spirit being the locus and medium of such contact. It seems reasonable to assume that the main purpose of this experimentation may have been to examine to see to what extent and level human beings can develop themselves approaching the Creator's pure essence at the matterless level.

Fourth, To guide humans in the process of self-development towards this purity, the Creator often receives help from those who consciously have developed and purified themselves and thus have been able to get direct contact with the Creator through transcendence. These are not actually assigned by the Creator as prophets or agents. The fact is that when a human being becomes conscious of the meaning of life and creation by dedicating himself to physical and spiritual advancement, after years of hard and disciplined labor he finally reaches the level of being able to contact the Creator. At this high level of purity, he finds himself obligated to assume the burdensome and often dangerous task of guiding the others. The number of such individuals is not restricted to Jesus, Moses, Mohammad and others who have been mentioned, but it is in thousands at any given time who remain unknown. Many operate silently carrying out their self-assumed duties. They receive directions from the Creator if they are in such need and ask for. As more knowledge about the Universe and the Creator is discovered, a rational, non-coercive and non-dogmatic way of thought, labeled here as neosecularism, will come to prevail. Religions and other dogmatic thoughts and beliefs will loose their influence in daily lives of the people. Important reasons for conflict and confrontation will disappear and opportunities for peaceful coexistence will materialize.

1. p. 3
2. For details about this concept also the kind of meditation needed to reach the matterless world, see Passage to the Heaven: The Secrets of the Universe, Life and Happiness, by the author, Reza Rezazadeh, Professor Emeritus and Fulbright Scholar, University of Wisconsin. For more information visit

3. For this concept of democracy see Technodemocratic Economic theory: From Capitalism and Socialism to Democracy,1991, by the author. For information about this book and other relevant articles see

Dr. Reza Rezazadeh
1080 Eastman Street, WI 53818

Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin System,and a Fulbright scholar, a multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural, and multi-lingual scholar with background in Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.), Continental and Islamic Law (Licenciate), J.D. in American Jurisprudenxce, LL.M. in International Law and International Economics, Ph.D. in Political Science, Economics and Administration, and Doctor of the Science of Law (S.J.D.) the highest law degree offered in U.S. Fluent in five languages: English, French, Spanish, Persian, Azeri-Turkish. Elementary knowledge of Arabic, Urdu, Russian and Italian. Patented inventions; an artist, a poet (oil and pastel), a musician (violin), with over 35 years of academic background in teaching, research and administration, research and cultural studies in many countries in Europe including USSR, Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Central and South America.

Author of 8 books and many scholarly articles listed in his website

What Changed My Thoughts

Success is For Everybody

Success is available to everybody. Nobody was born successful.

Success is all a matter of what you want in life and how desperate you are to get it; you and you alone are responsible for your own achievements and success in life.

Success starts with an idea or dream of what you want to become or achieve. This idea or dream must be a desire or passion within you then you stand a good chance of achieving what you want and thereby being successful, other peoples ideas won't necessarily mean that you will be successful.

To be successful you must be motivated and be clear and specific in what it is that you want to achieve. There are certain steps that you need to follow, nothing will just happen and give you the desired results;

You must have a goal.

-You must put in writing what it is that you want (be specific).
-Write down when you want to achieve it (date).
-Write down how you want to achieve it (resources that's needed).
-What are you prepared to sacrifice to achieve your goal?
-Repetition (Read and re-read daily).
-Educate yourself.
-How are you going to share your success?

Now let's look at each of these points by themselves;

1.Formulate a goal.
Every idea or dream will stay just that unless it is put down as something definite that
you want to achieve. Unless you work on your idea or dream and put it down as a definite goal the chances of achieving it is very slim, because with the first obstacle a person encounters the chances of saying it is to hard, become very relevant or I've tried my best.

2.Put goal in Writing.
When it is in writing you will be able to see a month or year from now what it is that you
really wanted to achieve. Ensure that it is realistic and achievable. Very unlikely that any human being can stay under water like a fish for days on end without breathing apparatus. With a goal in writing one can regularly check and see if you are still on track and if it is perhaps necessary to put in more effort or work harder to achieve your goal. Unless it is in writing it will remain an idea or dream and can change as circumstances change.

3.When will the goal be achieved.
Unless a specific date is recorded it will remain as an unfulfilled dream. The date must be realistic and achievable. Ensure that the date allow time for unforeseen circumstances.

4.How the goal will be achieved.
What resources are needed? What assistance is required and where will it be obtained? If physical equipment is required like books, buy it from the outset as it will mean commitment.

5.What will be sacrificed?
If the goal involves studying, then parties and socials must come second to the studies. The goal must be more important than TV or other games. Don't neglect physical activities as a fit body means a fit mind. Don't ignore important people like loved ones or family. Don't push yourself to the point of a burnout.

Read your goal at least twice daily and then once aloud, convince your inner self that this is what you want, therefore read with the right emotion. By continually reading your goal you will stay focused. Reading the goal will immediately highlight if any diversions is sidetracking you.

7.Educate yourself.
It is necessary to read relevant information to keep you inspired. You might need some specific information. Books or manuals might be informative as to other people's achievements. Watch informative videos or screen shots. You might even need to join a library, depending on your goal.

8.Sharing success.
Who will you share your success with? Who will benefit from your success? How will you live with this success?

Belief in yourself, hard work and perseverance is some of the key elements of success.
Look at the achievements of any great name in history or just the achievements of any Olympics athlete.

Your success depends on yourself.

Dawie writes on motivational related topics.
You can learn more by visiting my blog, Essentials For Success

Change Can Lead To Suffering

Monday, May 25, 2009

Self Help Tips - Goal Setting 101

I am so excited for today & for 2009. I know that it is going to be our best year ever. And I have some awesome ideas on how to keep myself and anyone & everyone reading this "Reach Your True Potential" newsletter on target.

If you are not happy with your station in life thus far; find someone who you want to be like; and follow them and learn. You see; the stress we are carrying around seems at an all-time high. Every day there is a rich billionaire land mogul who walks out in a field and blows his head off.

A good question to revisit whenever you are being overwhelmed; Am I having a Breakdown or Break Through? Stick with me this year and you will have more BREAKTHROUGHS than Breakdowns.


It looks like we are going towards another "Great Depression". Well I do not know if you know it or not but while some guys were killing themselves because the thought they lost everything; but there were many millionaires that were made at the end of the great depression. You see; there were those who saw opportunity where others saw lack. It seems to be a sublt difference, but it reaps huge returns when you can habitually see the glass as 1/2 full versus 1/2 empty.

One guy I follow; Tim Ferris (author of The Four Hour, Work Week) had one of the guys he has followed (mentor) for 10 years e-mail him today;

While many are wringing their hands, I recall the 1970s when we were suffering from an oil shock causing long lines at gas stations, rationing, and 55 MPH speed limits on Federal highways, a recession, very little venture capital ($50 million per year into VC firms), and, what President Jimmy Carter (wearing a sweater while addressing the Nation on TV because he had turned down the heat in the White House) called a "malaise".

It was during those times that two kids without any real college education, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, started companies that did pretty well. Opportunities abound in bad times as well as good times. In fact, the opportunities are often greater when the conventional wisdom is that everything is going into the toilet.

Well...we're nearing the end of another great year, and, despite what we read about the outlook for 2009, we can look forward to a New Year filled with opportunities as well as stimulating challenges. SO, IT IS UP TO YOU; WHAT DO YOU SEE? DO YOU SEE A CUP THAT IS 1/2 FULL? OR IS YOURS 1/2 EMPTY? IT IS UP TO YOU?

I am in shock. I just found out that someone that I respected, looked up to, worked next to every day for 8 years; and really liked committed suicide. He was an acquaintace / friend. Here is what I am taking out of it.

Every day that we wake up; we have a decision to make. Are we going to have a good attitude, a luke warm attitude, or a positive / great / excited attitude. ARE WE GONNA SEE THE GLASS AS 1/2 FULL, OR HALF EMPTY?

You see; our attitude is the only thing in this world that we have direct control over. Every thing else comes at us; FAST AND FURIOUS. We must be aware of where our attitude is; and make adjustments when necessary. We need to build a support team around us.

- Stand Guard over your mind, be careful who you hang around, what you read, what you listen to, what you watch
- Because the above will influence your thoughts; Garbage in, garbage out
- Your thoughts will become words
- Your words become actions
- Your actions become habits
- Your habits become character
- Your character becomes your destiny

Do not fall into the trap of listening to the news, to your neighbors, to co-workers at the copy machine or the water cooler. Cause the message out in the world is doom and gloom. It hard times; it is lack, it is fear. Trust me, you will bring into your life that what you focus on.

I understand that we need to see it as it is. And you might say, "Yeah, Darin, it's easy for you to have a positive attitude cause you are fit, positive, happily married, and have three successful business's that are exploding in growth".

"But I got layed off, money is tight, and I am not sleeping at night, I don't have the energy to work out, I am drinking/eating to dull the pain; and I am depressed."

Trust me, I can totally relate. And there is an epidemic out there right now of millions of people that are in the same shoes. I know that it may be hard to believe, but I have been there in the past.

Many of my clients and or their spouses are entrepreneurs. I hear their story every day. I believe that with the fast paced ness of today's information age, the keep up with the Jones' mentality, and lack of physical movement, and the "doom and gloom" mindset that the media is shoving down our throat that this is the most challenging time in the history of the world to be healthy, fit, energetic and happy.

I absolutely know that 2009 is going to be the best year of my and my families lives. And I'll bet that it will be the best years of my one on one clients lives. And if you stick with me, stay open minded, and build a support team up around you, it will be the best year of your life as well.

Things that help me and my clients have a positive mindset (and they will help you as well);

1. Do not answer e-mails until after noon, do not go on the internet to check out the news about your industry, or any news. Do something for yourself. Exercise, deep breath, pray, meditate (think of nothing) I have many techniques in my book that work great.

2. Te-evo your evening programs on tv (or watch less tv) and watch them some other time and go to bed a 1/2 hour earlier than normal.

3. Listen to motivational speakers; Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Tom Venuto, Joel O'Steen, etc. Load your i-pod up, use your lap top and force this stuff in your ear.

4. Hire a coach, a trainer, etc. Be careful about friends or family. I am not saying a friend will not work, I am simply saying that do not get someone who will let you cry on their shoulder. You need someone that is going to be brutally honest with you.

5. Stand up tall with great posture and say "I am going to have a great day today; I am going to have a great attitude today". There is power in the spoken word. Faith it until you make it. There where plenty of things that materialized in my life that I did not really believe deep down in my core. But I faithed them out loud. Sometimes for years until they materialized. Do not give up on your dreams. You can still have it all; A fulfilled, energetic, happy fit life.

I do not care what age you are (I am 43), what condition you are, where your finances are; etc. Everyone knows that we are supposed to have a great attitude. But why don't we. If you could go to the Vitamin Store and purchase a "Have A Great Attitude" pill, we would. But of course, it's never that easy.

The best way to have a great attitude is to have a positive expectation of your outcome. Do you think your best days are in front of you, or are your best days behind you. I am here to tell you that which ever one is your predominant thought is your reality.

Cause if you know that your best days are behind you; YOU ARE TOAST! But if you can have a little faith and start to train yourself to think, speak, and act like your best days are in front of you; then it will be much easier to wake up every day with a killer, positive attitude. In fact, you will begin to wake up excited with tons of real energy.

I do not care how old you are and feel now. Anyone and everyone has the power to change; on a dime; in a heart beat. But sometimes it helps when you feel and acknowledge the pain.

You see; I absolutely know that everything that you and I need to be totally fulfilled in every area of our life; Fitness, / Health, Money / Finances, & Relationships (God, Self, Family, Peers, and even Strangers) is right around us.

If we are not living our dream life; It's not for a lack of re-sources, It's for a lack of re-source fullness. So the tools that I have in store for you in 09 are powerful.

Each and every one of us has the ability to open up your eyes, to see and use what is readily available to you. "Just because we do not see something at any one point in time; does not mean that it is not there."


So, now the choice is up to you; are you going to have a great 2009, or are you going to keep doin what you've been doin. Just remember, pain is not really bad. It is telling us something. Look at the pain for what it is; a signal. It's a great thing to get a warning. So now you can do something about it. It is not nearly as difficult as you may think.

I love you and believe in you all,

Your Healthy, LifeStyle Coach,

Darin Steen (aka "The Chicago Kid")

Darin Steen, the "Trainers Trainer" is America's Top Fat loss, Healthy Lifestyle Coach. A best selling Author, drug-free for life professional Bodybuilder, Personal trainer, Motivational Speaker, and family man, he is an expert on fat loss, fitness, gaining muscle, and aging gracefully. His goal in life is to help 2 million people realize a higher quality life through making healthier FATLOSS LIFESTYLE choices by leading by example

Learn cutting edge fat loss / fitness strategies & get your free "Fat loss 12 Week E-course" OPERATION BURN FAT FAST at

To learn how & why you should perform "Interval Cardiovascular" exercise to not only lose fat faster, but to build a strong heart & lunges go to

Media Requests: Darin Steen is a dynamic, high energy television and radio guest available for interviews and corporate speaking engagements

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Self Improvement - Information is Power - Improve Information Flow With Upgraded Google News Alerts

For those of us who are informationally inclined Google has bettered their best efforts in delivering us their news. Now when you take Google News Alerts you will not only get the latest articles in your carefully chosen topical key-words, but also you will now see pictures that accompany these articles or even logos of the companies in the news that are involved in the stories that are in your list of articles.

Why is having pictures on Google News Alerts so cool?

Well, you might be asking what is so innovative about pictures accompanying the articles that are in your Google News alerts and you could say that they are irrelevant. However, you will have to admit that the new visual presentation is very cool and it breaks up the monotony of a whole bunch of text. Indeed, it is a visually appealing, but the pictures also tell a story about the story and help you decide if the article presented is really something you wish to learn about or click on to get your daily information.

How do Google News Alerts Work?

Well, first you go to Google's News Alerts page and put in your email address plus the information that you wish to receive. Google scans the internet, blogs, news and whatever else you deem appropriate and its special algorithm gives you the information by email. Here is the web link to sign up:

Getting a steady stream of news delivered to your email in-box will keep you heads-up on your industry, sports, or other personal interests. Information is power, so power up with Google's new and improved Google News Alerts. I do.

"Lance Winslow" - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Start Liking Yourself First

Faith - Belief Or Education? - Find Out Why You Believe in Your Religion

Whenever I ask someone involved in a religious organization, the question, do you really believe in your religion? Most of these people will often answer would be yes and start their religious conversion. Some of these people can become very intrusive if I don't stop them soon, very few of these people listen with an open mind.

I have talked to quite a few men and women about their beliefs over the years and still find it hard to believe that most of them live a life of faith with very little understanding or education about their religion. Now some strong believers might take offense to that statement, while others will listen to what I said and start doing a little more research on their religion.

Most of these religions throughout the world make perfectly good sense to their followers and I understand the reasoning behind some of them, it's all they know, everyone around them believes in the same religion and they get some sort of happiness and joy from it.

It's not hard to imagine a young child, walking around with strong religious beliefs if their parents are strong believers in it also. These children grow up and eventually train their children to follow the same path of their parents. Our children should be able to choose, what they will believe in, by the time they are adults.

This is a natural process of life, your parents learned from their parents and whenever someone asked them a question that they really couldn't answer or were uncomfortable answering, they can always reply with, I'm living a life based on faith or you just have to believe. You have to believe that someone is looking out for you and taking care of you. Most of these people think that something else is responsible for the events that take place in their life.

Is it possible for people that live a life of faith to educate themselves about their religion, to find the origin and maybe the destination of their religions. Could these people actually assume responsibility for their choices, whether they're good or bad. It's often hard to listen to somebody tell me that some evil entity made them do something bad. These people are easily convinced by others who agree with them and support them with their statements and beliefs. This seems to be where the biggest problem lies.

Once the people around us support our beliefs, they soon become realities in our lives. These realities will be transferred to others around us and give them support eventually about their beliefs. It's like a vicious circle that never ends. One believe supports another belief, until it's a fact.

Education is the path to freedom and will soon deliver the students from religious bondage. Someone a long time ago said," Seek and You Shall Find, Knock on My Door and I Will Open It.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, Science Getting Rich.

Greg is currently working on a religious education also visit our article library, filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Wants And Desires In Life

The Importance of Becoming Emotionally Self Aware

Emotional self-awareness is the foundational competency of the Emotional Intelligence (EI) model I have worked with for over a decade. This competency provides a solid base upon which to build and enhance Emotional Intelligence competencies including emotional self-management, emotional self-motivation, empathy and nurturing relationships. Yet many of us go through our day unaware and very accepting of the emotional roller coaster daily events evoke. And without recognizing where we are expending our emotional energy, it becomes difficult to progress to developing other EI competencies.

As we all deal with stress on a daily basis, we become accustomed to the pressures and hardly notice when the heat is turned up. Our stress levels rise when we experience negative emotions and are unable to cope with the challenges of our environment. We've all heard of the damaging effects of stress, but what's surprising is that many people don't realize they are experiencing negative emotions. If you don't know what emotion you're feeling, you don't have the information you need to decide whether to stay in that emotion or change or transform it.

Jane's Story:

One of my EI workshop participants, Jane (not her real name) worked in a technical field. It seemed far-fetched to Jane that emotions and emotional intelligence could be important to performance. The concept that emotions played no role in her work was reinforced by both the company culture and the extremely objective, rational nature of her profession. This impression also carried over into her personal life. When we had our goal-setting interview before the workshop, Jane told me that she didn't notice emotions and emotions played no role in her work. She also told me that her colleagues were difficult to work with. Disconnected from her emotions, Jane didn't see the emotional impact she had on others. Additionally, her boss perceived Jane as causing all her problems. He felt the difficulties Jane was having were due to her distant behavior and lack of emotional self-awareness and insensitivity to others.

During and after our first training session, Jane started practicing techniques to help her become more aware of her emotions. At our first coaching session, Jane, with tears in her eyes, revealed that she finally recognized that she did have emotions and those emotions, the negative ones, were hampering her work and home relationships. She realized that distancing herself made her peers feel that she was inapproachable. Jane confided in her boss about her revelation. Before this discussion, Jane's boss had no idea that she was clueless about her behavior and its impact on others. This understanding shed a new light on what was going on and, with this different perspective, the boss became more willing to listen to Jane and support her.

Jane's story is not uncommon. Many of us lack an awareness of our feelings and how those feelings may be affecting our work and our relationships. Disregarding emotions and focusing on getting the work done, especially in technical roles, seems to be a cultural predisposition. What we don't realize is that disregarding emotion is detrimental to effectiveness and productivity.

Without the awareness of the importance of emotions, we do not have insight into how our responses to negative feelings are affecting us and those around us. On a personal level, negative emotions spark a cascade of 1400 biochemical events, some of which result in physiological changes such as increased adrenaline, heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol (the stress hormone). This negatively affects your physical energy, mental clarity, and personal effectiveness. Experiencing these negative emotions, can cause us to become defensive, short with people and sometimes angry. And when others observe this response, we can loose their valuable suggestions, insight and help as they start avoiding us.

Even with the awareness of how important emotions are, people may experience a personal anxiety or hesitancy to openly advocate for developing EI skills. Some of my workshop participants have reported significant benefits from using the EI techniques I teach, yet, particularly in a technical field such as Engineering, are hesitant to promote an EI program for others. While there certainly is a bell-shaped curve of those who do or don't make a choice to benefit from the development of EI skills, not providing the opportunity is an opportunity lost for everybody.

What Can You Do?

Start by identifying typical situations at work or at home in which you feel negative emotions such as anxiety, frustration, anger, fear, or sadness. For example, you may feel frustrated when people who have important information don't show up for a meeting. Or you may feel angry when you see a certain person because he always wastes your time. Or you may feel anxiety when your boss approaches you about a particular project. Or you may feel depressed on Sunday night when you think about all the work facing you the coming week. Identifying these situations helps you realize those events that trigger negative emotions.

Next, pay attention to and name the emotions the identified triggers evoke. Also recognize and name the positive emotions you experience during fun times such as playing with a puppy, sharing dinner with friends, or just sitting in the sunshine. Start developing an emotional vocabulary and expand upon it as the occasion permits.

Create a baseline of where you are expending your emotional energy now. Draw a four-box grid, labeling the two right boxes as positive emotions and the two left as negative emotions. Label the upper two boxes as high-energy emotions and the lower two low-energy emotions. Recall the day's activities, interactions and events. For each, identify your emotion and write the emotion in the appropriate box on the grid, noting how long you were in the emotion. For example, hesitant would lie in the lower left box while anger would lie in the upper left box. Peaceful would lie in the lower right box and excited in the upper right box. Annoyed, depending on your level of annoyance, would lie somewhere in the left two boxes.

When you finish you will have an emotional map of your day. You were in the zone of peak performance if the frequency and duration of your emotions lie on the right side of the grid. If they lie on the left side, you are in a stress zone. As you develop your EI skills, periodically recreate this map. Over time you will want to see yourself more frequently in the two right quadrants by choosing to transform negative emotions into positive, productive emotions.

Byron Stock guides individuals and organizations toward excellence by helping them develop their Emotional Intelligence skills as a powerful tool to achieve strategic objectives, lead change and create resilient, high-performing organizational cultures. Learn about Byron's quick, easy, proven techniques to harness the power of your Emotional Intelligence at .

Is Money A Big Part Of Organized

Saturday, May 23, 2009

10 Keys to Inner Peace and Joy

Inner peace and joy are spiritual gifts. The gifts of Spirit enter the heart when we make the choices we need to make to be available to them. What are these choices?


Peace and joy exist in this present moment - not in the past or future. If you are in your left-brain ego programmed mind - your wounded self - you are likely thinking about the past or the future with a desire to have control over something. The moment you are out of the moment with a desire to control, you cut off access to the spiritual gifts of peace and joy, as well as to the gifts of love and truth.


The heart needs to be open in order to receive the gifts of Spirit. Nothing opens the heart faster than deep gratitude - gratitude for your life, your soul's journey, for the body your soul lives in, for the food you eat, for friendship and caring, for shelter, and for anything else that you are blessed with - eyes that see, ears that hear, arms, legs, health, and so on. Being truly grateful for your particular blessings opens the heart to the gifts of Spirit.


The opposite of compassion is judgment. When we choose to judge others and ourselves, our heart closes and we get stuck in our wounded self - our left-brain programmed ego mind. Judgment cuts us off from the gifts of Spirit, while compassion opens our heart.

It is not enough to be compassionate toward others - you need to also be compassionate with yourself, with your own feelings, your own woundedness, your own mistakes and failings. You will feel a sense of emptiness within that comes from inner abandonment when you judging yourself rather than being compassionate toward yourself.


When your mind is open to learning about truth and loving action toward yourself and others, you are open to receiving the love, truth, peace and joy of Spirit. Choosing the intent to learn rather than the intent to protect against pain with addictive, controlling behavior is essential for receiving the gifts of Spirit.


Accepting what is regarding people and events supports you in being in your open, right brain, loving adult state. When you do not accept what is, then you get stuck trying to control that which you cannot control - events and how others feel, think and behave. The moment you try to control others and events, you move into your closed, controlling wounded self, which cuts you off from the gifts of Spirit.


Surrender to the wisdom of Spirit is the opposite of living out of your left-brain controlling ego wounded self. When you open to learning with the Guidance that is always with you and always all around you - the Guidance that is both imminent and transcendent - you know that you are never alone. You receive a true sense of inner safety when you open to being guided by the wisdom of Spirit rather than by the learned knowledge and programming of your wounded self.


As you open to your Guidance and begin to receive the gifts of Spirit, you are able to move more and more into faith that you are truly not alone - that what we often call God is here always supporting you in your highest good and always manifesting your thoughts and beliefs. Faith that you are loved and that you are in co-creation with God supports you in thinking the thoughts and taking the actions that open you to the gifts of Spirit.


Choosing to live through accessing the truth that comes from your spiritual Guidance, rather than from the lies and false beliefs of your ego wounded self, is an invitation to all the wonderful gifts of Spirit.


Choosing to live in alignment with the goodness of your soul - which means living in integrity with your own and others' highest good - is essential for keeping you open to receiving the gifts of Spirit.


While many people choose the above some of the time, few people make these choices most of the time. Yet openness to receiving the peace, joy, love, and truth of Spirit requires consistency in your spiritual practice. When you consistently, moment by moment, make these choices, you will discover the deep inner peace and joy that are your birthright.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is a best-selling author of 8 books and co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding healing process. Are you are ready to heal your pain and discover your joy? Learn Inner Bonding now! Click here for a FREE Inner Bonding Course, and visit our website at for more articles and help. Phone Sessions Available. Join the thousands we have already helped and visit us now!

The Benefits of Yoga and Yoga Techniques

Yoga is the connection between both mind and body. The different yoga techniques that are available are all dependent on what you want to achieve with Yoga.

Lets have a look at the benefits of Yoga and what it will do for you.

1.Increased Flexibility - Yoga techniques, if done correctly and done on a regular basis can lead to increased flexibility of you body. The techniques are used to make your body more flexible to allow you to achieve what you are looking for

2. Increased Lubrication of all joints, ligaments and tendons - This helps tremendously as all joints, tendons and ligaments work at a higher level if they are provided with more lubrication. Think about your car. Do you think it would run smoothly without any oil? Well the body is exactly the same it needs lubrication to work at an optimum level.

3. Massaging of all body parts - With differing Yoga techniques you can massage all of your body parts. Yoga is really the only technique used that will reach your internal organs and allow them to get more benefit.

4.Excellent toning of Muscles - A lot of people use yoga techniques to tone up their muscles. A lot of body builders and athletes use these techniques along with their daily routine in order to tone the muscles.

5. Yoga & Meditation - These 2 disciplines used in conjunction with each other can provide you with an inner healing. Both these techniques are perfect to release stress, anxiety and also to allow you to relax. Both these techniques are difficult to master together but there are courses out there that can help with that.

If you want more information on this subject then please have a look at this ebook that covers Yoga Techniques

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Power of Positive Thinking - Video

The Power of Positive Thinking Has Changed Millions of People's Lives. If You've Never Heard of the Book, I Suggest That You Watch This Video to Get a Little More Insight on How You Can Change Your Thinking and This Could Lead to Changing Your Life.

Just how big of a deal is Money in Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Accomplishing Your Goals
Persistence Or Failure In Goals

A Miracle Called Life

Life to me just like any average person was just another day of mundane activities, just another timetable to be fulfilled. Days passed in my life just as every other day, waking, working, eating sleeping. So engrossed was I with my routine that it became my life, it enveloped my being and made me totally indifferent. Not that it was absolutely as gray as it seems, there was the occasional entertainment, a little reading, a little chit chat - all that makes up a normal usual life.

I went on and on with it until one day there arrived a wonderful little angel into my life.

The Angel suddenly opened my eyes to a totally different world. Showed me the wonderful world I live in and most of all cleared my thoughts to see clearly that the world is no longer gray but colourful and wonderful. Planted hope, shattered my indifference and wanted me to live life a 100 percent. I call this little angel 'Rayhaan', my wee little boy.

As I nourish and protect this fragile being, I get to learn more and more about myself. I fully understand what a miracle life is and how little we ever appreciate it. He showed me the path to happiness in every small thing that he plays with. He inspires me to appreciate life with all its different shades. He reminds me that I too would have brought in this happiness into my parents life just as he does to me. He reminds me that it is no easy joke giving birth and bringing up a new life. He reminds me of the innumerable sacrifices, the tiring days and sleepless nights every parent spends to bring up their off spring. Yet irrespective of all this how we as adults belittle life.

How indifferent we tend to be. News of loses of innumerable lives everyday pricks me more deeply now then ever before. Being destructive is very easy, man can do that in no time. But it takes lots of effort and of course the hand of the divine to bring life and to cherish it. These thoughts that never occurred to me before turned my life around. As I aspire to provide the best of everything and dream of the best possible life for my little angel, I constantly am reminded of my parents. Have I been fair to the miracle of life that they gave me? If life is as precious as it seems now to me why did I waste these many years drifting along not making anything out of it? Every human being has to answer this question- lots of effort and sacrifice has gone into your making- have you done it fair? have you tried to be something worthwhile? Its our duty to our parents and to the divine parent who breathed life into us. We should make our life worth remembering.

Please do visit me at for more to read.

I am Najma, engineer by profession,writer by passion.I love people and i want to help them with words of comfort during this tough economic conditions. As i proceed through life trying to make the most of it i want to take as many people as I can with me in this journey. Because i believe happiness multiplies as u share it. Its not that I'm perfect to write whatever, I'm blogging whatever I'm trying to follow. I honestly believe if we help people attain the right mind-set and confidence, they will help themselves and achieve their dreams.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Vivid Vision

Visualizing your success is crucial; if your mind can't conceive it, you sure won't achieve it! Since belief dictates behavior, you've got to believe first. And it is much easier to believe in something if you can visualize it.

Take the time to vividly imagine and play out in your mind exactly what your successes are. Let your mind create all the details-it's got to be as real and authentic in your mind as possible. Taste it, touch it, feel it, eat it, drink it, sleep it, breathe it. Some may find such visualization a frivolous expenditure of time, but I cannot stress its importance strongly enough: This activity is VERY worthwhile! When I find people who have not tapped into this success skill, I know they are broke. Again, beliefs and attitudes shape your future!

Vision is a powerful tool in helping you to see the big picture. Once you begin to have a grasp on where today fits into the future, suddenly everything you do today matters.

Vision gives us energy, passion and a reason for living, growing and working hard.

Knowing exactly where you want to go is the surest way to end aimless "going through the motions." Stephen Covey said, "To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction."

Kurt Mortensens trademark is Magnetic Persuasion; rather than convincing others, he teaches that you should attract them, just like a magnet attracts metal filings. He teaches that sales have changed and the consumer has become exponentially more skeptical and cynical within the last five years. Most persuaders are using only 2 or 3 persuasion techniques when there are actually 120 available! His message and program has helped thousands and will help you achieve unprecedented success in both your business and personal life.

If you are ready to claim your success and learn what only the ultra-prosperous know, begin by going to and getting my free report "10 Mistakes That Continue Costing You Thousands." After reading my free report, go to and take the free Persuasion IQ analysis to determine where you rank and what area of the sales cycle you need to improve in order to close every sale!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Religious Fundamentalism Can Create Problems

Religious groups can easily justify their actions by using religious text to benefit and promote their beliefs. The Muslims can sling quotes out of the Quran to justify their treatment towards women as second-class or even third class citizens in society, often removing certain rights from them because they weren't born men.

Shouldn't these women be treated equally. This is where religious fundamentalism evolves into religious fanaticism.

Christians can often use the same tactics to justify their beliefs and Christianity. This list goes on and on and has created hardships in the past on some people in our civilizations and will continue to do so in the future. As long as people continue to turn a blind eye to evil religious and government leaders, atrocities will take place and some of them will even be supported by those who eventually will become accused are victims of their own wrongdoings.

Does anyone remember the Ku Klux Klan? If you live in the south eastern part of the United States, there is a very good chance that you have heard of them or even know someone who belongs to this organization. The Ku Klux Klan was responsible for hanging African Americans throughout the early 1900s to prove that the white race was superior to the race of black people. Their religious beliefs fueled them with righteousness.

If this going on anywhere in the world today, may be issues about abortion or gay marriage. It seems like an oxymoron, if we allow gay people to get married, we won't have to worry about the abortion issue.

Some Christians, but most Americans look at this as a shameful part of our American heritage. It's not something that most Americans would ever support today. I would like to point something out about the Ku Klux Klan, they started out as a Christian organization and made examples out of other white people who weren't conforming to their ideal Christian society.

There are stories of people that abused their wives and the Ku Klux Klan set them straight, one way or another. If it required beating the crap out of them or killing them, something needed to be done and they are morally obligated to perform the task as Christians. These people took their Christian beliefs to an extreme.

When are we as a country and the world going to start fighting religious fundamentalism at its core and stop the atrocities that are going on today, using religion to justify their wrongdoings.

Create Personal Power

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Putting God On Trial