Thursday, July 30, 2009

Warning MLM Business Owners

What I am about to say may come as a shock to many because it is goes counter to what most popular self-help guru's and up-line MLM leaders teach. It is that goal setting can cause MLM business failure.

Specifically, I am talking about making lofty goals that reach far beyond your current capabilities. Those involved in network marketing know what I am talking about. It's one of the first things new affiliates are told to do, right along with making your prospect list.

As an MLM business owner, you're encouraged to dream big when you set your goals, and then, to top it all off, you're told to start acting like you've already achieved those goals.In other words, lie to yourself. But that is a topic for another day.

A few years back, or maybe more than a few, I was a pretty good wrestler. I went as far as placing third in the US Olympic Trials and becoming an Olympic alternate.Just about every coach I ever had told me the importance of setting goals and so I listened to them. I had no reason to doubt that theirs was not good and accurate advice.

Let me tell you what I discovered several years after I ended my days as an athlete. Many great champions never paid much attention to goal setting, let alone writing them down. My goal was not to be an Olympic alternate; it was to be an Olympic Champion.Writing that goal down didn't make it a reality.

I recently called up my good friend, Frank Famiano, who was the person who won my weight category in the Olympic Trials.I asked Frank, if during his wrestling days, if he set goals and wrote them down. His answer was no!How come I set goals and failed and Frank didn't and he succeeded?

That story may be a little bit of an over simplification of the point because many more factors need to be thrown into the mix. My point is that many people achieve great accomplishments without setting goals and many people set goals religiously and fail.

Now, you may be wondering why I am writing an article criticizing goal setting. Well, it's not that I have some kind of vendetta against goals setting or those preaching the merits of goal setting. The truth is, for many years, I have been a bit compulsive about studying success and learning why we succeed and fail in life.

It has been my intention to find out if there is one common thing that all highly successful people share. My discovery was that there is a common denominator and it's not that they set goals, listened to subliminal tapes, engage in self talk or positive thinking exercises.

No; what all highly successful people have in common is a very intense drive to succeed. It is so strong that nothing can stand in their way.This is a passion that comes from their heart not their mind.

Goal setting, visualization, self talk and all these other conventional self-help methodologies feed the mind. They are psychological quick fixes. That, in itself, is not a bad thing but the problem is that those kinds of techniques will not create a strong enough motivation to keep you moving forward when the trials and obstacles are thrown in front of you.

True success comes when we discover what it is in our heart that we really want in life.Understanding this is particularly relevant for MLM business owners because the network marketing industry, more than any other, utilizes motivational speakers and self-help gurus.

Without knowing the true key to success we are doomed to fail. Experiencing constant failure, after we did everything the self-help gurus told us would work, can leave us having strong negative feelings about ourselves. After a while, we begin to accept the fact that great accomplishments are not within us. That is not only a recipe for MLM business failure but a recipe for an unfulfilling life.

Wade Genova is a former World Class athlete, owner of a successful tour and travel company, and success mentor to MLM and online business owners. To learn more visit: or visit his blog at:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Christmas Trees Around the World

Understanding how cultures are really different, have a look at how different countries decorate their Christmas Trees. A seemingly small thing, everyone more or less assumes that all Christmas Trees are decorated just like theirs. Once you understand that something so common as the Christmas tree is decorated differently, you can begin to understand how different it is selling to different markets.

German Christmas Trees (Weihnachtsbaum)

Many of today's Christmas traditions started in Germany. There are at least 2 stories about how the Weihnachtsbaum began.

The first, Martin Luther is supposed to have gone for a walk in the woods near his home. He saw how beautifully the stars shone through the forest. He wanted to share the beauty with his wife so he cut down a fir and took it home. He used small candles on the branches and said that it would be a symbol of the beautiful Christmas sky.

Another legend says that in the early 16th century, people in Germany combined two customs that had been practiced in different countries around the world. The Paradise tree, a fir decorated with apples, representing the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. The second, a small, pyramid-like frame called The Christmas Light decorated with glass balls, tinsel, and a candle on top. The Christmas Light was a symbol of the birth of Christ as the Light of the World. Changing the tree's apples to tinsel balls and cookies and combining this new tree with the Light placed on top, the German's created the tree that many of us know now.

Today, the Weihnachtsbaum is traditionally decorated by the parents in secret with lights, tinsel, and ornaments by the mother and is lit and revealed on Christmas Eve with cookies, nuts, and gifts under its branches.

Canadian Christmas Trees

German settlers migrated to Canada from both Germany and the United States before 1800. These immigrants brought many of the things that we associated with Christmas today. Advent calendars, gingerbread houses, Christmas cookies and the Christmas trees.

English Christmas Trees

Queen Victoria's German husband, Prince Albert, put up a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1848. Almost immediately, the Christmas tree became a tradition in England, the United States, and Canada. Today, the Norway spruce is the traditional tree used in British homes. The Norway spruce used to be a native species in the UK (until the last Ice Age) and it has been reintroduced before the 1500s.

Swedish Christmas Trees (Julgran)

Most Swedes buy their Julgran well before Christmas Eve. It is common to take the Julgran inside and decorate it just a few days before Christmas. Julgran are decorated with stars, sunbursts, and snowflakes made from straw. Other decorations include colorful wooden animals and straw centerpieces.

Norwegian Christmas Trees (Juletre)

Norwegians will often make a trip to the woods to select a Juletre themselves. The Juletre was only introduced into Norway in the latter half of the 19th century. On Christmas Eve the Juletre is usually done by the parents while the children wait out of site. Juletre are decorated with white lights, tinsel, Norwegian flags and other ornaments. Children often use shiny, colored paper to make paper baskets that are filled with candy or nuts. Chains made of colored paper are also very popular. Colored lighting is becoming popular, but the white lights are more like the candles they are supposed to represent.

Japanese Christmas Trees

Only about 1% of the Japanese are Christian, so Christmas is not a national holiday there and the year end celebration is more important than Christmas. Trees are decorated with small toys, gold paper fans and lanterns, wind chimes and small candles. A popular ornament is origami creations, with the origami swan being the most popular.

Greenlandic Christmas Trees

Because of the arctic climate, Christmas trees don't grow in Greenland so theirs are shipped in from Denmark. Greenlanders decorate theirs with candles and bright ornaments.

Italian Christmas Trees (Albero di Natale )

The presepio (nativity scene) is very common in Italy. The scene is often set out in the shape of a triangle which is the base of a pyramid-like structure called the ceppo. This is a wooden frame arranged to make a pyramid several feet high. It is decorated with colored paper, gilt pine cones, and miniature colored pennants. Small candles are fastened to the tapering sides. A star or small doll is hung at top. The shelves above the manger scene have small gifts of fruit, candy, and presents. The ceppo is in the old Tree of Light tradition which became the
Albero di Natale in other countries. Some houses even have a small ceppo for each child in the house.

Brazilian Christmas Trees (rvore de Natal )

Christmas falls during the summer in Brazil. Some people decorate pines with pieces of cotton that represent falling snow.

Philippine Christmas Trees

Since fresh pine trees are too expensive for many Filipinos, handmade trees are often used. Filipinos often make Star lanterns from bamboo sticks, covered with brightly colored rice paper or cellophane, and usually feature a tassel on each point. One will be placed in each window, representing the Star of Bethlehem.

Chinese Christmas Trees

Only 3 to 4% of Chinese are Christian and few people celebrate Christmas. Of the small percentage of Chinese who do celebrate Christmas, most erect artificial trees decorated with paper chains, paper flowers and lanterns. Christmas trees are called "trees of light."

Saudi Arabian Christmas Trees

Christians living in conservative Muslim Saudi Arabia have to celebrate Christmas privately in their homes. Christmas lights are generally not tolerated. Most families place their Christmas trees somewhere out of site and decorate as they do in their home country

Decorating the Christmas Tree with Feng Shui

When decorating the Christmas tree, think about colors. Green is a calming color and red a fiery and energetic color. These colors balance each other out, and they happen to be traditional Christmas colors. The Christmas tree should be in the center of the main room, or slightly to the left of the main room.

A Feng Shui tree should have something that family and friends put on of their own, something special as part of the decorations. Decorating the Christmas Tree should be a shared experience that will help create a special moment and increase the good energies of this festive ritual.

Decorating the Christmas Tree For Geeks

No, not Greeks, Geeks. A Geek Christmas tree is something to behold. It is usually a 'regular' Christmas tree, but a Geek will occasionally use an old PC as the base and make branches with old IT material. Decorations include CD's, a broken mouse or two, old USB keys, the CPU from old mother boards and other similar shiny material. The star on top is built out of any appropriate material that is sitting around. Often the star sill be based on the 'flavor' of the Geek. A Star Wars Geek may use a Death Star model as the star of their tree.

Since there are many breeds of Geek, ornaments may be figurines from Star Wars, Harry Potter, World of Wars, and Star Trek. Fake snow at the base of the tree is usually the Styrofoam left over from packing material.

Now that you have seen the differences in Christmas Tree decoration, you can begin to work on how you will sell to different markets.

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Cindy King is a Cross-Cultural eMarketer & International Sales Specialist, aligning businesses with different cultures. She has over 25 years field experience in international business development and helps mid-sized business owners create international business development strategies that shorten time to profitability.

Martin Luther King

Monday, July 27, 2009

Candy Manufacturing Technology and Candy Manufacturing Techniques (Part 3)

This article continues our series on candy manufacturing technology and manufacturing techniques. In a continual effort of enrichment the write up provides further information and a deeper dive as the second series in the article did. The focus is on:

  • Wrapping and Packaging
  • Integrated Manufacturing Solutions
  • Candy Bar Fabrication
  • Quality Control Equipment

Wrapping and Packaging

Wrapping machines are another category of manufacturing equipment. Many wrapping machine manufactures also offer art work consulting and development as a service. This additional service offers the customer to custom design a wrapping for their candy as well as wraps it. A good example might be a foil holiday wrapper for a chocolate candy product. Also fitting into this class of manufacturing equipment is high speed packing equipment and sealers. These solutions include completely automated packaging systems capable of denesting, filling, tray sealing, sleeving and cartooning. Some leading edge automated systems can seal at a top speed of 400 parts per million and load 800 bars per minute.

Complete Integrated Candy Manufacturing Solutions

Integrated Candy Manufacturing solutions are often full assembly lines of candy manufacturing equipment. These solutions are often computer controlled to form a automated candy manufacturing process such as chocolate candy bars. They frequently have conveyor belts and may be completely enclosed. These machines are also used by cookie manufacturers as well. These systems are advertised as complete candy manufacturing solutions and are customized based on the particular product being manufactured.

Bar making is a great example of a product that lends itself to a integrated candy manufacturing solution. For example a custom designed processing system is available to produce binder, cream, caramel, jelly, icing to produce breakfast snacks, health and energy bar products. These systems are integrated with a bar line system including a slab former, cooling, slitter, spreader and guillotine cutter.

Candy Quality Control Equipment

Not only is technology key in the manufacture of candy but also in the quality control of candy. Systems such as high speed check weighers, metal detectors and x-ray systems are good examples of technology being used to assure good candy quality.

Joel Bernstein
BS Management Science Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
MBA Rutgers University.
Joel Bernstein writes about Chocolate Candy and confectionery products. Candy is great to write about because it is a happy topic that people enjoy. Enjoy this article about candy manufacturing. Candy manufacturers, end consumers and Wholesale Candy store owners should find it interesting.

Faith Belief Or Education

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How Many Disciples Were There, Really

Thinking Outside The Box
Believe And Achieve

How Do We Know If it is Spiritual Love Or Just Physical Pleasure?

Love is spirituality along with the actual realistic knowledge of knowing there is someone other than oneself in the picture. Spiritually as if your heart is not in your own body, it inhabits the space in the heart of the person you love, with that person's heart inhabiting the space in your own, as if indistinguishable who is who, and it does not matter. Physically there are two, though spiritually there is only one, and that one is love, body, mind, and spirit. It can not be broken, ever, period, at least if it is absolute love from the infinite timelessness of our spiritual being, in the present body.

Simple, yes if it is realized that our nature is love and our spirits are free of complications or delusional illusions of what someone else may tell us. In other words when we listen to anyone other than ourselves in the realm of our own spirituality in consideration of love we give up our truth and become as deluded as the ones telling us what to do or who to love. Delusion is rampant in to-days so called intelligent society because of the ego of the experts (supposedly experts) who give out guidance as if there were no tomorrow, even though they may say they are not orders it is implied that if you do not follow their guidance you will be left out. Our media circus is great at that one, and unfortunately many seem to be unable to reject or ignore the zoo keepers. It is akin to actors in Hollywood, or anywhere for that matter, being the character in real life as well as the part they play, so they really are confused as to who they are for the most part. Hence all the idiocy we see coming from so called celebrity status.

What is the circus selling? Pure and simply sex in all the glory it has. Glorification though of sex is like being blissfully ignorant, even though most buy it, or so it seems when we look at statistics of who watches what and what movies sell the most tickets. No there is nothing wrong with sex, or even liking it, and obviously it is a beautiful aspect of life, though it is perhaps the least understood in all that we aspire to understand. Difficulty is the fact that spirituality and sex go together, while sex can be apart from spirituality nothing comes from just sex by itself. Our deficit in spirituality leads to a loss of value to the human condition as well as some of what we see going on in the economy right now, greed for only pleasure/money/sex with no actual work being done.

Pleasure is not a bad thing, though sexual pleasure just for the sake of pleasure is what tears at the very foundations of our human existence, especially in the way of our spiritual realm. Spiritually we have occupied many bodies, we do not know how many, though the fact of our spirit remembering minute, less than perhaps molecular pieces of our past memories is why we behave the way we do, along with of course the cause and effect of our present surrounding. If from childhood we live without any trauma whatsoever we may grow up with full faculty of our own spiritual being, truly knowing who we are all the while not needing any type of mind altering substance or wanting to be altered. Rare indeed, and yet that in itself does not mean the spirit is ready for enlightenment, or love, though perhaps it may help, for example in the area of sex, it is known instinctively, no matter male or female, what is means to be attracted to the opposite sex and why as spiritual purity enables such innocent attraction to manifest with an intimacy which has nothing to do with the physical nature of the body. Of course one will know something is there, though with again the innocence of love. If there is a beginning to true or absolute love it is here in the innocence.

Just for the sake of looking at things from perhaps what some may call a rather different perspective, think of making love as something that everyone sees, not only those involved, hopefully a male and female who actually love one and other, in what we will say is in the spiritual realm. We will leave religious dogma out of the equation for now. When we leave the body at death of the body our consciousness or spirit searches for a womb, unless it has become as god consciousness or enlightened, in order to have a new body to house the spirit. How many spirits are watching when those in love are making love? Choose the womb carefully from Tibetan Buddhism is the relevancy of how and why spirituality is the most important factor in life, as in we are responsible for our own choices. In other words if we are not making love, we are not in love and sex is the only factor, the spirits who are ignorant may end up in a womb they are not meant to actually be in at that time (hence birth control, as in take away responsibility) and may need to start the search all over shortly thereafter, how ever unfortunate it is. Choose the womb carefully.

Sex for sale, narcissus, egotistical, sociopathic exhibitionism and or voyeurism are some of the factors of the spiritual deficit in the world, there is no love or spirituality in this scene. Like it our not religion is meant to be a structural support of love and spirituality, as human beings have always needed some kind of structure to help in behavior, which is why we are not still beating each other with sticks, hopefully. Our spirit is the foundation with love being the transporter which allows life in the physical body to exist, and why spirituality is the actual basis for the foundation. Point is this, the unrestricted sexual behavior of a non-spiritual nature confuses our own consciousness along with all the other spirits involved with our personal behavior.

Depression, irritability, anger, frustration, anti-social behavior all are part of the consequence of our behavior of any type in the realm of sex, be it physical or mental. Drugs, which by the way alcohol is one, are the emotional strength to delude the body and mind that all is just great. Our spirit knows, yet our mind and body pay no attention to the signs and leaves the spirit in the dirt. Of course this is why when it comes to the sex trade, no matter what is happening, drugs are a necessity to keep girls, boys, women, men in the game to profit from, another words exploit without spiritual consequences.

No consequences, is just a lie or delusion that goes with the behavior, even for those who may not actually partake to the extent of some and seem to keep their senses for the most part. It is like standing at the edge of a cliff thinking you are able to fly when you jump. Deviant behavior of a sexual nature must stop before any type of spiritual awakening is enabled. Love making is not deviant behavior, even though it may not be spiritual, though when it is done for an audience other than the female and male involved it turns into deviance, known or not. Usually this type of sexual behavior is not done without the help of some type of uninhibited mind altering substance, which bears repeating, or just plain delusion that there is nothing wrong with it.

In a free society such as ours here in America we must not try to control any-ones' behavior other than those who break the law. Our constitution was and is written in order to allow freedom of all people here in the United States. Behavior is something which is ones' own responsibility, owning up to it is another story perhaps, and spirituality does not necessarily need to be a part of any-ones behavior at least consciously, although it is always there waiting in the background to let us know when we have screwed up, ignored or not.

If love is based on spirituality it will be known to anyone involved as intimacy and innocence will allow the female and the male to actually get to know each other before any physical contact of a sexual nature takes place. When the time comes the female will let the male know what is going to happen or not, or how much, which is completely normal when all is right with the relationship. Meaning it is the female who controls the situation, yet this does not mean or imply she is somehow to blame when things may not go right. Problem is man, usually is the one who pushes or forces something which is not totally wanted, though interestingly younger boys, or young adults will respect the wishes of the girl before an older man will, which again is normal as the spirit is not yet pushed aside in the young man who realizes there is something more at play here than just sex. Point here is man will at times use force to control the woman, and this is and has been and most likely will remain the problem as long as man deludes himself into thinking that he is the one in control of woman. It is kind of a paradox as most men know this already though do not want to admit it because they want to think they are the boss though they know they are not, which ignorantly is why they continue with the stupidity. Of course not all men are stupid, which is why so many people are happily married and do have spirituality in there lives, mainly though because of and through the spiritual nature of woman, as she instinctively knows what is love and what is not because she has the womb the spirits keep wanting to enter.

What can be perhaps the most significant in importance is when there is a true spiritual connection between the female and male there will never be any force what so ever in any part of the relationship. Force is not needed at any time in the union of the female and male, it is the force of nature which is absolutely the way the universe intended in the realm of physical intimacy between the female and the male, as nature is what does and or has brought anyone together in a spiritual union. Fact is we may at times think this will not happen, though with a spiritual nature kept solid through discipline and will we do find we are brought together with someone to love in a spiritual way, which is one reason why they say, and it is true, patience is a virtue. Physical pleasure, or just sex will not happen under those conditions, the spiritual universe will not allow narcissus, egotistical, or a sociopaths behavior to exist in those conditions. Love, absolute spiritual love, is what the universe allows, period.

George Merritt is a Certified General Contractor, Welder, Writer, Machinist always learning something new, and never gives up hope on the love of life and the human condition in the quest for truth, love, peace, and joy among other things.

Backup Plans Feel Good

Lessons Learned About Bathroom Vanities

There are many lessons to learn about bathroom vanities, and hopefully homeowners will take the time to learn them before starting a massive and expensive project. What are some tips to remember when decorating your bathroom with a vanity?

1. Make the Bathroom Vanity the Central Piece
This not only applies in decorating the bathroom but also when starting the remodeling process. It's best to figure out what type of bathroom vanity you want to use as the center of the bathroom long before you start tearing into walls. Some bathroom vanities just demand to be the center of attention, while others tend to more easily adapt to the surroundings.

2. Use Color to Your Advantage
Remember that lighter colors make the bathroom seem bigger. Darker colors will make the room seem smaller. This applies not only with wallpaper and paint but also with the color of your bathroom vanity. If you are ordering an antique cherry vanity, then hopefully you have sufficient space in the room, otherwise you may be creating a claustrophobic atmosphere.

3. Use Mirrors to Your Advantage
Have you ever been in a restaurant with a large wall mirror and mistakenly though the room was much bigger than it really was? Mirrors can cast illusions in a large property like that, and do just the same for a small bathroom. Adding a large mirror in a medium sized bathroom may actually cause the room to look much smaller than it is. If your bathroom seems to be missing something and seems a bit "empty" then adding a medium sized bathroom vanity mirror could turn out to be a beautiful addition.

If you are looking for a bathroom vanity, visit for a full preview of their online selection. This online store offers a 110% low price guarantee.

Ice Dam Problems And Solutions

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Southern Living Ranch Home Plans For Traditional Southern Comfort

When one thinks of Southern style architecture, a number of motifs come to mind, such as a grand front porch flanked by white pillars and an elaborate staircase leading up from the front hall. However, there are many styles of architecture associated with the America's south, ranging from Spanish mission house plans to French Creole style through American Federal architecture, as well as traditional plantation homes. The one common denominator in Southern style architecture is charm. And the accent of Southern architectural charm is the genteel, slow-moving lifestyle which it suggests.

Antebellum architecture has reference to the elegant plantations residences constructed in the Southern United States from the Revolution until the Civil War. The term "Antebellum" refers not so much to a particular style as it does to a place and a time in history. The features distinctive of Antebellum architecture were brought into the South by English settlers who advanced into the region following the 1803 Louisiana Purchase. The majority of Antebellum houses follow the Greek or Classical Revival styles; or else the Federal style, with its grand symmetry balanced around central entrances both front and in the rear; and with balconies and decorative pillars and columns.

Aficionados of the film Gone With the Wind may believe that Scarlett O'Hara's Georgia plantation house is typically indigenous to the South. But that type of antebellum architecture, with the expansive front porch and white pillars, is in fact derived from Greek and Roman architectural style. This style was common from the late 1700's through the middle 1800's throughout the U.S., not only in the South. However, the largest number of these Greek Revival houses survived there because the economy of the South was depressed following the Civil War, so Southern homeowners weren't able to afford to remodel or change their southern living ranch home plans, as was being done in the North. After World War II the Southern economy improved, but by then homeowners spent their money in restoration rather than replacement.

Some distinctly regional architectural styles emerged in the South, including Charleston Single. This Federalist influenced style usually had a central hallway which was flanked by several rooms on each floor. The houses were turned so that two doors to the outside as well as a front porch were facing the street, and the windows and doors were oriented to allow in breezes. Wealthy Charlestonians constructed of brick, while the less affluent made do with wood construction. Another distinctive regional architectural style was the French Creole style, which intermingled influences from the West Indies by way of France and Spain. This style emerged late in the 1700's and is best exemplified in New Orleans. These homes have hipped roofs, porches or galleries, French windows, and wrought-iron or wooden columns (and detailing).

In the mid-twentieth century the distinctive Southern style met and blended with prairie house building plans designed originally by Frank Lloyd Wright and his followers. These low-profile, wide-windowed, single-story homes were designed to blend in to their environments. Some of the box-like mass-housing built along these lines following World War II has proven functional in the warm Southern climate as well as revolutionary in design.

Southern living ranch home plans are the latest adaptation of traditionally Southern styles such as Spanish mission house plans. Whether traditionally styled or whether following the modern prairie house building plans style, the distinctive charm of Southern architecture is its accent on Comfort.

Electrical Outlet Problems

For the Best Spiritual T-shirts - Full of Faith T-shirt Expressing How You Feel About Jesus

This started about 4 years ago when I was at church hearing the preacher say when God is with you all things are possible no matter how it looked. that word started stirring me up on the inside. I know I wanted to started my own business but what. I know I had drawing talent but I did not know how I was going to put it to good use. I prayed about it everyday asking God I wanted to your my talent to glorify you. it took awhile it did t happen over night.

It was about 3 years later. One night God puta vision of a logo in my heart; I quickly woke up and drew it on a sheet of paper. Still I did not know what it meant at first because I still wanted to use my drawing talent for God. Then it hit me I seen alot of t-shirts but very few that Christian can wear that would express how they felt about God. Then I know I was on to something very special. I took my drawing talent and started making design for the christian to show how much they love God using my talents to focus on Jesus in a way that never been do before.this t-shirts are a powerful witness tool for christian of all ages. there is a t-shirt that will please everyone. but for the most part I just one of many trying to do my part in getting the word out that Jesus is here now and forever more.

My Name is Thomas Gathers born in Brooklyn New York now living Lynchburg, Virginia, with my wife of 14 year Gwendolyn and my 2 year old daughter Brookelyn. I am one out of seven children. My life was not easy, but my parent Annie & Ancil done their better to make sure that we had everything we needed. I had friend but sometime they were up to no good. But when I met my wife for the first time there was something different about her. She had Jesus in her life something I really didn't know about. But the more time I spend with her the more I wanted what she had. Joy, peace, happiness. then that special day on 11/21/01 when I accepted Jesus Christ and the rest is history. My life was changed forever I never know life can be so wonderful with Jesus in it.

Finding Something You Don

Supplement to Installing the Corner Bead

How do I get Bubbles and Wrinkles out of My Corner Bead?

It seems there are a few concerns from people installing the corner bead on their projects. This is a normal complaint from most anyone who is a first timer at installing corner bead. Don't worry, you can install it like a pro.

First and foremost, NEVER use Screws! Screws cause more bubbles and wrinkles in the corner bead and WILL inevitably leave you unsatisfied with the finished project. The reason for this is that whether you use metal corner bead or plastic, screws can twist in too tight and rip through the corner bead.

If you use a screw gun the screws will almost always go in too tight. If you want your corner bead project to take you weeks to finish, then you can use the old hand and screwdriver method therefore, you can be really careful not to screw the screws in too tight. One of my favorite sayings: save yourself a dime, do it right the first time.

Nails are the best thing when using corner bead. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I prefer to use only metal corner bead with nails. The best nails to use are 1 x 1/8 inch sheetrock nails. I have found over the years that metal corner bead with nails is the easiest to use and makes a cleaner finish.

If I am training someone and there is a need to take the corner bead off and do it again, the piece of corner bead that is damaged cannot be reused but, it can be cut away and a good piece put in its place. I have found that metal corner bead is easiest to do this with. There is less damage to the sheetrock than if using glue and, it seems that more of the corner bead is damaged if using plastic corner bead. More oft than not, things do not need to be redone, but I don't like to be put in a position that makes unnecessary work. Who does?

So, after measuring your corner bead apply the corner bead to the corner making sure the edge of the corner bead is flush against the ceiling. Starting in the middle of the corner bead on either side, is where you want to stick your first nail. As it is the middle of your project, you may want to put a nail on the left side and the right side but it is not necessary.

You can either work upward to the ceiling or downward putting in the nails in an alternate fashion staggering the nails from one side of the corner bead to the other until you reach the top. If You get bubbles or wrinkles and cannot smooth them out while nailing, then you can just stick a nail in the stubborn bubble and it should be fine. Always start in the middle of the corner bead and work one way or the other. This allows the bubbles and wrinkles to be pushed outward as you nail.

If you are using a crimper, make sure you are using the right one. If you are using bullnose corner bead then use a bullnose crimper. If you are using regular corner bead then use a regular crimper with mallet.

Also note, that if you use plastic corner bead you cannot use a crimper. This would be apparently obvious to some, but to others it is not. Therefore, without any disrespect; you can only crimp metal. You cannot crimp plastic.

When applying your second piece of corner bead to the same corner, make sure they do not overlap. Make sure they butt up to each other nice and tight. This will cause less work for you in your upcoming steps of taping, mudding and sanding. And, you will much appreciate your diligence in paying attention to the little things that matter big.

Last and most importantly of all, Make sure you have a double meat hoagie, chips and a beer because you will be proud of a job well done.

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Painting A French Door

Psychics and Psychic Readings - The Higher Level

When people research or debate also talk about psychic clairvoyants or precognitions, and try to expand their knowledge about this phenomenon, and when people try to find facts about this subject using known theories, this in itself becomes a conflicting challenge about their personal theories, and not many people would like the fact that their theories are challenged.

There are many people who experience events and somehow feel that it is more than coincidence, through out our life of human history. Psychic intuition skills have helped us whether we were aware or not. To glimpse in to the future sounds out of this world, but as we know, we live in a very complex world indeed. And the advancements of modern science answer many unknown facts about our existence. Example being; we now know that our beautiful planet is round instead of flat. Yet also, ancient cultures without such scientific advancement have astounded us with their marvelous creations such as the Pyramids of Giza. They have placed high regard, rather evolved around the concept of spirituality for their spiritual masters. We can all agree we are far from really understanding our true nature.

Also we must place high respect for science and their findings as well, especially the science of consciousness. Many research and energy is being put towards subjects of psychics clairvoyants extra sensory perception telepathy just a name a few. As you maybe aware that psychic readings give insights to events and situations. Psychic readings and psychics ability to accurately advice people, on matters that concern them has forever been within our human history. Also we all have seen movies where in past history, when people who practiced or explored different beliefs or concepts have been tied to a tree and prosecuted. Thank goodness that is in our unintelligent past, as freedom of speech and choice of belief, is the most important factor, rather a sacred treasure, we must all uphold.

Psychic intuition is built in us to protect us from danger, guide us to our true nature (spiritual) just like a little new born turtle hatched and knows to swim straight to the ocean. We too are drawn to spirituality, almost all the people around this complex planet believe in spirituality. And almost all the cultures have a psychic to consult when faced with spiritually unfamiliar waters. The ocean of emotions in every heart thirsts for spiritual reason, guidance and spiritual answers. And only the calm waters will reflect the stars. When we expand our beings then calmness can become part of our hearts ocean.

It is possible to glimpse also anticipate near future events, this requires an art, art of seeing; whether one likes to label such visions as predictions or perception. To have a real psychic ability, one must attend life from a view point of purity of heart, and when a spiritual psychic advances in wisdom through proper guidance and learning for many many years, will develop an intuitive psychic ability. Every human is equipped with this psychic ability; it's just only select few choose to explore the boundaries. And just like any chosen subject, the more we attend the more we learn of it. Also when we debate a subject of reality, then this becomes a personal matter. As what is real for some might not be real for others. Yet if we were to draw a straight line _______ and we both at the same time see this line. We will both see and agree that it is a straight line. The truth cannot be bent. And the truth of the matter is, within the garden of every spiritual heart, there is a rose that is blossoming silently, which is called YOU.

Tolga Savas
International psychic clairvoyant answering all your metaphysical questions, and offers real psychic readings, dream analysis, psychic chat online, Kumalak the Mirror of Destiny, See the Future that is Now

You Have To Start Somewhere

Monday, July 20, 2009

Household Mold

Household mold is considered an environmental annoyance that can cause irritation while breathing. It can make the health of asthma patients worse and can cause allergic problems to sensitive persons. The mold may affect children with several problems such as irritation, allergies, and infections.

Household mold comes in a wide variety of species and forms. It differs in colors, including charcoal, grey, and black. There is variation in toxicity for different species. Among the species, six are common in which three can produce toxins. These six common molds are Stachybotris, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Alternaria, Mucor, and Cladosporium. Stachybotris is a toxic mold that can produce more than 200 poisonous substances. These toxins are autoimmune and can affect the nervous system. Aspergillus is an opportunistic fungus that can cause pathological problems to human beings.

Household mold is found everywhere in day to day households. It can grow anywhere, on tiles, grout, food, fabric, plaster, and wood. The mold grows well at room temperature with humidity. Other necessary items for mold growth are adequate moisture and nutrients. These items are obtained from the surface where the mold grows. The mold can destroy the material on which it grows.

There are certain ways to identify and control the presence of household mold. First, check whether there is any sign of moisture or mold at home. A musty smell in a room is an indication of mold growth. If there is any sign of mold, then find the particular surface of the mold growth and clean the surface. Additionally, remove the sources of moisture and keep the moisture content in the rooms at a desired level. Water should not be allowed to stand in drip pans of refrigerators and air conditioners.

Secondly, check whether there is any leakage problem, water stains or water discoloration from taps, especially in the bathrooms and kitchens. If these problems are found, rectify them immediately to prevent the mold growth. Even if the mold is removed, but the water problem is not solved, then the mold will appear again on the same surface.

Mold provides detailed information on Mold, Toxic Mold, Black Mold, Mold Inspection and Testing and more. Mold is affiliated with Toxic Mold Symptoms.

Problems With Black Mold

Spirituality - 3 Questions to Develop Your Personal Spiritual Relationship With Your Higher Power

Women often find themselves searching for deeper meaning in life.

We all know a woman who seems to be at complete peace with her divine relationship. She is serene, has confidence and her life works.

  • Maybe she grew up in a spiritually rich environment and has always felt guided and protected by her Higher Power.
  • Maybe she grew up without a spiritual foundation at all and has developed her Divine Relationship on her own.
  • Maybe she had to reinvent her relationship with her Creator for various reasons.

Whatever her path, a woman in an intimate relationship with her Higher Power is a beautiful being indeed.

So, what about you?

You intuitively know that you are intricately connected to something greater than yourself but if you don't have an established spiritual belief in place, where do you start?

Start here.

Ask yourself these 3 Important Questions designed to help you develop your own deeply personal and satisfying relationship with a Divine Power, however you choose to understand that Power.

#1 What is your current understanding of a Higher Power?

  • You may or may not have had any religious or spiritual instruction growing up. Some of what you did receive may no longer fit what you truly believe. Maybe you have gleaned bits and pieces from various sources and haven't taken the opportunity to put it all together. It doesn't matter really, you are who you are, and you are enough.

#2 How would you like to feel about your relationship with your Higher Power?

  • This may seem like an unusual question. By answering it you will understand what you need from your Divine Relationship. Everyone will want something different.

#3 What questions would you like to find your answers to?

  • You undoubtedly have some questions about spirituality. Gather them up and go looking for answers that feel right.

In the end, all paths lead to the same place.

There are no right or wrong answers. There are so many aspects of spirituality in the world. With a bit of insight you will find the path that feels right for you. You will know when it is a good fit. It will feel like you have "come home".

Caution: Some of us have been wounded spiritually at some point in our lives. If this applies to you, please give yourself the gift of finding a support system. This journey is supposed to feel good, you are supposed to feel connected and loved. Anything less than that is unacceptable. Ask someone for help.

Wishing you Peace & Abundance... Joyce Lee "Your Life Empowerment Coach"


Are you ready for more opportunities to explore and reflect? Go to for your special gift of "20 Profound and Provocative Journal Prompts" designed to help you focus on your life with a spirit of peace.

Joyce Lee is a certified Life Empowerment Coach, Personal Growth Facilitator and Law of Attraction Practitioner, specializes in helping women understand the Law of Attraction and deliberately creating the life they really want.

Spending 15 Minutes Each Day

Glass Sunrooms - What You Need to Know

If you're building a sunroom, more than likely it is going to have a lot of glass in it. In fact, many sunrooms actually are about 75-90% made of glass. Of course all the glass is wonderful for allowing you to enjoy the sun and almost feel that you are outside without all the bugs and nasty weather. However, while these glass sunrooms have many wonderful features, there are many things that you need to consider when you are having one installed. Before you start choosing the glass for your sunroom there are a few things that you need to keep in mind.

Consider the Location

First of all the location of your sunroom should be taken into consideration when you are trying to choose the glass. If you are putting a sunroom in a place where you want a great view to the outdoors, then floor to ceiling glass may be something that you want to consider. Also, if you want a great view of the sky, you may even want to be able to consider going with a sunroom that has a glass roof as well, providing you with more sunlight and a great view of the night sky as well.

Use Tempered Glass for Safety

When you are choosing the glass you need for glass sunrooms, it will be important that you go with tempered glass for your safety. You must have tempered glass, since it is much safer and works in the same way the glass in your car does. Going with tempered glass is important for a couple reasons. First of all, it is much stronger so that you avoid having a problem with the glass breaking. Also, tempered glass breaks differently than other glass. It actually crumbles instead of shattering, which means that you are safer if something does happen to break the glass.

Go with Insulated Glass for a 4-Season Sunroom

If you want to have a glass sunroom that you can use all year long, then you'll want to make sure that you go with insulated glass. You should never choose single pane glass for a sunroom that you want to use all year long. It won't keep out the heat of the sun or the cold during the winter. Double pane glass is going to be a bit more expensive but it will provide you with the insulation that you will need from your windows.

Look for a Warranty

Last of all, no matter what type of glass you decide to go with when it comes to the glass for your sunroom, you should look carefully for a good warranty. You want to make sure that your glass has a warranty on the seals and on the glass for breakage as well. A warranty can save you if something happens to your glass, so make sure you only go with glass that comes with a good warranty to keep you protected if something should occur.

For more information on sunrooms and sunroom additions visit

Window Header Framing Problems

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Picking a Remodeling Contractor

If you live in the state of Minnesota and you plan on having some remodeling done, you may need a good home remodeling contractor to help you out with your needs. No doubt you'll find that there are many different contractors to choose from in the Twin Cities area, but you don't want just any contractor working on your home. There are many different considerations that should be kept in mind when it comes to choose from all the remodeling contractors out there. So, here's you simple checklist to keep in mind when you are trying to make sure that you get the best contractor possible for your remodeling needs.

Ask Family and Friends for Referrals
The first thing you'll want to do is to make sure that you ask family and friends for referrals when you are trying to come up with a contractor. Getting contractor references from your friends and family members is a wonderful way that you can make sure you end up with an excellent contractor. This way you actually know someone that has had a great experience with the contractor. It helps you to be sure that you'll get a great contractor.

Ensure They are Licensed by the State
When you are trying to pick out the best remodeling contractor, you'll find that it is important to make sure that they are licensed by the state. They should have a state of MN contractors license that they can show you. You definitely don't want to go with a contractor that has no license. Also, when you are looking at their license, you'll want to make sure that there have been no complaints filed against them or any type of disciplinary actions taken against them in the past. This insures you get the best possible contractor for your remodeling project.

Check for the Contractor's Insurance Certificates
Make sure that you check for insurance certificates when you are trying to find the best remodel contractor. They should have General Liability as well as Workman's Compensation. If they have no insurance, you'll definitely want to avoid going with their services, although just having General Liability is okay.

Find Out About Their Business Longevity
Take the time to find out about their business longevity before you decide that you want to go with a particular contractor. The best option is to go with a contractor who has been in the same business with the same name for over 10 years. Five years is excellent as well. However, if they have only been in business for a year, you may want to be a bit wary of going with a brand new business when you need help with contracting. Experience is a definitely bonus when choosing remodeling contractors.

Make Sure the Business is Stable
You should also take a look at the business that the contractor is running. Is the business one that is both permanent and stable? If there is no office at all and you only get a cell phone number, this is a Minnesota contractor to reject. The best option is to find someone that has an office as well as an address. A working phone number is very important as well when it comes to making sure that the business is a stable one.

Check Out Their References
Ask for a list of client references when you are trying to find the best home remodeling contractor. If they cannot offer you any references at all, you probably will want to choose someone else. The same applies for if you call references and get negative comments. It's best to make sure that you get at least several positive references from people who have used the same contractor in the past. This way you know what kind of a job that they are going to do.

Find Out About Their Experience
Experience is another important consideration when you are considering what type of contractor to go with. Going with a contractor that specializes in the work you need done is the best option. If the contractor doesn't have any type of experience in the type of work that you will need to have done. Having the experience necessary is very important. You really don't want a contractor with no experience at all working on your bathroom or kitchen. So, make sure that you choose carefully.

Take a Look at Their Bids on the Work You Need Done
Before you make your final decision on the best home remodeling contractor, you should take a look at their bids on the work you need done. Make sure that the bids have a good description of the work to be done and that they will guarantee the work that gets done. You'll also want a contractor that only asks for about a of the money up front and then final payment when the remodeling work is finally complete.

If you live in MN, get your construction and remodeling financing loan from Venture Development John Mazzara is involved with financial services in the Twin Cities, MN. Officing out of Edina, Minnesota-John is centrally located within the 7 county MN metropolitan area. John owns three separate businesses-a licensed real estate broker associate selling Minnesota real estate since 1986-affiliated with RE/MAX Associates Plus, an independent CFP-certified financial planner since 1989 with an independent Minnesota financial planning firm-Financial Planning Associates and the owner of a Minnesota mortgage broker firm-Venture Development Inc-specializing ins residential, commercial and investment mortgages.

If you are looking for someone to help you in the areas of real estate sales/purchase, mortgages, or and/or financial planning and insurance you should call John for a free 1 hour consultation to see if he can meet your needs. 952-929-2577. RE/MAX Associates Plus and Venture Development are located at 7300 France Ave S, Suite 410, Edina, MN 55435

Painting A French Door

Does God Not Like Corner Backs?

I am a person that has been on a journey. Over that last few years I have really searched for a spiritual centeredness in my life. I grew up in a very religious family. Religion tore our family apart because certain philosophies could not exist. Everyone felt they had the true way to heaven. Now mind you all of them considered themselves Christian, but with their own brand of Christianity.

My family for me is a microcosm of the world. Everyone is not Christian but each religion feels as though THEY have the way to heaven. As a matter of fact if you do not believe as THEY do then you and others that think like you deserve to die! I never could understand the thought process that another creation of the God you worship should not live because you disagree on some miniscule point. For me it is difficult to understand how a creator of all things can choose one group or one person over another.

One day I was watching a football game. My team did win the game on this particular day. One of the receivers was very emotional during the game after he caught a touch down pass. He sat on the sideline actually crying! After the game a reporter asked the receiver what was going through his mind at that time. The receiver stated that he had spoken with his pastor at church the day before or sometime during the week. He said the pastor told him that God would allow him to do something great in the game to glorify him. Because the touch down was a turning point in the game the receiver surmised that this was the great thing that God had allowed him to do. God was on his side that day according to the receiver. A thought came over my mind at that moment. What did the corner back (this is person that plays a position on defense in American football) do to fall out of favor with God? Did God not like the corner back so he allowed him to get embarrassed on national TV?

I make lite of the situation with the cornerback, but it puts religion in a perspective that we should start to think about someday and I hope soon. Many people think of God as someone watching over all facets of our existence. I know some days he must get tired and just rest. He takes his eyes off the window to the world for brief times. I know this is true because I was going to the barber last week and prayed for a good hair cut. The barber messed up!

I figured I got in the same dog house as the cornerback or else he would not have gotten beat for a touch down and my barber would have had a steady hand. Or maybe he was busy with the guys involved in the war that had the guns praying that they be the ones to live and the other guy die? Have you ever thought how a God would choose which one of his creations would live when they were in conflict? People often speak of God as being the father. If that is so then how does a father choose one child over another? If you are a parent, what could your child do that you would never forgive them for and send their souls to burn in hell for eternity?

I don't think any religion has it right. When there is any thought that God will favor one over another for any reason it is wrong. When we start to question why a God does not work favorably for everyone then maybe we can move away from the thought process of God punishing one person over another. That cornerback has to know that he was not out of favor with God and that is the reason he was embarrassed by that receiver. I have come to believe that God is not a being in any sense of the word. However, there is a source that is greater than us, a source that we are all connected with. This source does not favor anyone anymore than the next person. One day I hope that religion will come to grips with its contradictions and let that lowly corner back know that him being out of favor was not the reason he was beaten on national TV. In our connection with universal consciousness, we all are as great as we choose to be.

Hi my name is Reginald Martin and my perspective is one of a holistic approach with the knowledge of how the universe weaves its interconnected tapestry and affects our lives. I am just like many of you. I have been through many of life's major ups and downs, like the birth of my children, raising a family, a divorce, Amway (any former distributors out there?) starting out dating again after years of marriage and being laid off from a job. These ups and downs can either make you or break you! My friend they made me. Although when my Amway business went under that was close to the straw that broke the camels back for me. J Just kidding. I developed a consciousness about life through the school of hard knocks that I would like to share with you. I look back on many of those events now and can laugh a little. I have been where many of you are about to go. There is a saying that I like, "you can learn from your experiences or from the experiences of others. The former will take you a lot longer to get the lesson but you will eventually learn it." I have mucho experience! My expertise is the areas of man, husband, father, brother, uncle, boss, friend and neighbor. I enjoy sports, reading, blogging and manly things like crotch scratching, yawning and stretching in the morning. Unless you have not lived you know that anything going haywire in those areas can cause you to have mental breakdown followed by a spiritual awakening, or not! And oh yeah, I kinda look at life in an irreverent quirky kind of way. I swear this is like writing an online dating profile!

Helpful Habit Planning Tips

Building a Porch

If you are a do-it-yourselfer, you probably don't want to call a contractor to build a porch onto your home; not when you know that building one is something you are perfectly capable of doing yourself. After all, it is something anybody can do, provided that they have the right tools, a high patience level, some people to help with the lifting and a good set of instructions or plans.

Building a porch is a fantastic project, but it requires a lot of work. It is a lot different than building a simple front stoop. After all, it is going to serve as an extended entry way to your home. You want it to be well built and have some character.

You will need to decide how big you want it to be. Go outside and measure out just how much square footage your porch will need. You will need to know this information when it comes time to buy the materials needed to complete the project.

Before you start building one, however, you will want to make sure that you have the legal right to do so. Adding anything onto your home usually takes permits from the city and sometimes the county. There are regulations that will need to be followed and you will need to have your property inspected before you even begin your materials shopping.

When you go to buy the materials make sure your materials are pressure treated or is wood that has been given some elemental protection so that it will be able to stand up to the weather for a long time. You might also think about getting some protective paint or stain. In addition to the flooring, you will also need to buy enough wood to build the frame and supports. This will take wooden beams in various dimensions. If you do not have experience in this sort of thing, a call to a contractor or an experienced lumber person will be able to tell you what you need.

Another option when it comes to building a porch is to build a concrete floored one. Of course, in order to do this you will want to have had some experience with mixing and pouring concrete. If you do not have experience with this, you will want to enlist somebody who does have experience to help you.

Depending on the size, building a porch can be a huge undertaking or merely a weekend project. Small side ones shouldn't take long, but one that is larger takes time, effort and a few permits. You will still be able to save a lot of money by building it yourself. After all, anybody can do it. It just takes the right materials, the right tools and a few people to help you lift the heavier materials. When you are done, you will have a porch that your family will enjoy for years to come.

For more information on how to build a porch and other porches related topics visit The DIY Home Guide at

Extreme Temperature Building

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ezekiel Prophecy - Bridge Uniting House of Judah and House of Joseph

The following is a bridge from the Native American spiritual path, the Red Road, as taught by Cherokee elder John Red Hat Duke, to Torah, the holy scriptures of our ancestors in Jerusalem, on which Judah (Jews) and Joseph (Hopi and those tribes associated with them) may unite with HaShem's blessing.

Note: The union of the House of Judah and the House of Joseph is the same event as the completion of the Hopi migration back to Jerusalem, as revealed to Dorothy by Creator. Ezekiel 37

Step 1: Observe nature with awe and gratitude. A sense of love and respect for all creation will begin to grow within me.

Creation. Our universe. The cycles of life and death. A vast composite of exquisite harmony; a truly beautiful harmonic symphony of melodious verse with each vibratory element sustaining one another, loving one another. This is truly a miracle of melodies played out in the grand scheme of creation.

HaShem's plan for humanity is wondrous and exciting! As the salmon swim upstream every year to spawn, they are led by HaShem's awesome spirit. In the wondrous scheme of HaShem's creation, all of creation follows an internal instinct, and so Jacob's children yearn to go home. HaShem has provided an inheritance for them in Judea-Samaria so His plan of creation may be fulfilled.

Step 2: Learn to trust Creator and accept my circumstances. Overcoming adversity will produce spiritual growth within me as I walk the Red Road.

Today we face great adversities, probably greater than any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes. It is also a wonderful time of great opportunity for spiritual growth. We have the potential of rising to great spiritual heights; even to the place of forgiveness, love and tolerance where we will be prepared for the coming of Messiah.

Moses' life was filled with circumstances that tested his faith in HaShem, G-d. He was instructed by Creator to go to Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses had to trust HaShem or he would have given up on his mission before he ever began it because in his mind the work was impossible. Yet, if he had given up and not trusted HaShem, the Israelites could still be living as slaves under the Egyptians, but HaShem's plan was fulfilled. The Israelites were protected and sustained. Creator led them through the wilderness to the land of milk and honey. Through all the adversity of wandering in the wilderness, Moses had to convince the people of Israel to accept their circumstances and trust HaShem and He would lead them home.

We have a tendency to quickly enter the land of 'fire and ice," where our emotions fluctuate to extreme anger (fire) and to coldness and judgment (ice.) Now we must learn to enter the land of 'milk and honey,' where we will nourish, i.e. provide milk for all the children of Jacob with an attitude of sweet forgiveness, i.e. with the sweetness of honey. May we move beyond the place of being extremely difficult to appease to a place where we will bring joy to Jacob and all of our ancestors who wait with hopeful hearts that we will enter the land of milk and honey.

Step 3: Seek for truth within myself, that I may remove hypocrisy and evil intent from within my heart.

Creator is the third partner in procreation. It is He who gives life. It is interesting to note that procreation is the first mitzvah mentioned in the Torah, which gives it primary importance.

Children are the greatest blessing we can have in this life, and Jacob's children were no exception. They were his greatest joy, and it is said that Joseph was his favorite.

This apparently caused jealousy in the hearts of his brothers, except for Benjamin. So they contrived evil action against Joseph to get rid of him. They contemplated killing him, but ended up throwing him down a well from which he was sold into slavery in Egypt.

Joseph's brothers, including Judah, then went home and practiced possibly the greatest hypocrisy and deception of their lives. They pretended to be grief stricken, and convinced their father, Jacob, that Joseph had been mauled to death by wild animals.

However, HaShem was with Joseph, and turned the evil action of his brothers into a positive guidance and blessing for Joseph and for all of Israel.

There is a way to remove jealousy and evil intent from our hearts and return to live in the abundant blessings and unconditional love of HaShem. HaShem commanded the Israelites that He is Yahweh their God who brought them out of Egypt where they lived as slaves. They shall have no other gods to rival Him.

As we serve others with loving-kindness, we serve HaShem. As we allow His Living Waters to flow through our hearts and bring joy to others, the flowing water also purifies our own hearts through love, and this prepares our hearts to be ready for the coming of Messiah. The reason the union has not occurred between Judah and Joseph prior to now is because the people have not been ready! There has been no water in the well!

Is there any other way for all the children of Israel to regain wonderful blessed companionship with Creator except to accept each other with unconditional love and return to being the unified family of Jacob? Let's bring Joseph back home to his father and receive HaShem's blessing.

Step 4: Repent and humbly surrender my will to Creator, that I may become one with Great Spirit.

The joy of walking in harmony with Creator cannot be surpassed by any worldly activity. It produces a profound sense of peace and completeness; it answers the question, "Who am I?"

The House of Israel sinned against HaShem. We chose to live wickedly and rebel against Him. Before we can walk in harmony with Him again, we must see our own wickedness as repulsive and turn away from it in humility and repentance. We must ask HaShem's forgiveness.

We must surrender our arrogant self-will to Creator's will. For instance, He told us to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, and He declared the seventh day as the Sabbath.

Some of us feel it does not matter which day we choose to call the Sabbath, but that is not humble surrender to the will of HaShem; it is arrogant self-will! The Sabbath given to man was a blessing from HaShem, and a blessing once given cannot be changed! If we desire to walk in companionship with Him and receive of His blessing, we must repent and humbly surrender to His will.

When we have turned away from our wicked ways, and received Creator's forgiveness, then we will be ready to accept our inheritance in Judea-Samaria. Currently, Judah is in control of this area. Although HaShem has promised to join together Judah and Joseph as one stick, it will only be accomplished when the people are ready. Judah must be ready as well as the Ten Northern Tribes; the House of Joseph.

It is not enough to walk in the ways of the Noachide Laws, or to adhere to the 613 laws of the Torah. This is like singing in low bass; a very low vibration. We must sing in high tenor or soprano at a much higher vibration. We must walk the higher spiritual path of purity and unconditional love; the spiritual path of the Keetoowah, the Red Road, in the truth of the Torah. This can only be accomplished by learning to walk in the way Creator commanded when He told us to not bear any grudge against the children of His people, but to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Leviticus 19:18)

All children of Jacob, Israel, must accept one another in the way HaShem commanded before we will be ready to fulfill the prophecy in Ezekiel 37:19. May we be quick to forgive perceived wrongs, and not relish being cruel and difficult to appease. May Israel again see all his children united as one family.

Step 5: Communicate with Great Spirit from my heart; listen, and live the insight I receive.

Israel is to listen! Yahweh our G-d is one G-d, and we must love Him with all our heart, soul, and strength. (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)

Have we lost the unity between our body, mind and spirit? Is our worship of HaShem lip service only? We can try to convince others that we walk with HaShem by speaking about holy things. However, our actions speak much louder than our words, and our actions betray what is in our hearts, and what is in our hearts is who we really are.

Some Israelites were thorns in the side of Moses. They tried to convince the people that they should return to Egypt to the good life. These are the dark forces that are with us still.

Today, Joseph wants to return home and claim his inheritance, but there are those who would deny him that which HaShem has provided, saying Joseph's children are an abomination in the sight of Creator and would only destroy eretz Israel if they were allowed to return.

Judah is refusing to invite Joseph back home, and in some ways he has good reason. The Ten Northern Tribes of Israel have not been living as a light reflecting the wonderful love of HaShem. They have assimilated into the many Nations of the world and many of them are living in idolatry today.

But what has Judah done to draw them back into the love of HaShem? Where is the light that would light the pathway for the rest of Jacob's children to find their way back into the joyous place of living in harmony with Creator? Judah, herself, does not appear to carry this light!

We must rise above the material world of law, only, into the spiritual world of HaShem. It is here that love resides; that HaShem resides. It is here that Light exists. It is here that our thoughts exist and we make our choices.

Creator has given us instruction; we are to have a heart full of unconditional love. If we refuse to accept our brothers and sisters of the House of Israel with unconditional love and forgiveness, and with a helpful spirit to help each other prepare to stand before HaShem in purity and truth, then we are a hypocritical people; we worship HaShem with our lips only! We must live His commands if we are to truly be His people! We must love our people as ourselves; all the children of Jacob!

Step 6: Learn true abstinence. It is in serving others, with an attitude of loving-kindness that I create a flow of Living Waters which will purify my heart.

Joseph served his Egyptian master well. Even when he was falsely accused and imprisoned, he retained his attitude of servitude and loving-kindness by interpreting the dreams of the chief cup-bearer and the chief baker. When the pharaoh had two dreams and could find no one to interpret them, the chief cup-bearer remembered Joseph and told the Pharaoh how he had interpreted his and the chief baker's dreams accurately.

So the Pharaoh called Joseph to him and asked him to interpret his dreams. He did so, and then suggested how the Pharaoh should govern in the approaching times of plenty and famine.

Pharaoh approved of his suggestions and the interpretation of his dreams, and therefore promoted Joseph to chancellor. Only his own throne was above Joseph.

Joseph was blessed by HaShem, and because Pharaoh accepted Joseph into his household, he prospered.

Joseph knew and acknowledged that it was HaShem who interpreted the dreams. He also knew that when he served others, he served Creator.

When Joseph's brothers came to him during the famine and asked for food, Joseph lovingly fed them and provided additional food for them and their families. It was this service with loving-kindness that created tremendous joy in Joseph's heart; the joy of serving HaShem.

Jacob's family was reunited, and the flow of love, the flow of Living Waters, moved them all to tears. This is why water is used as the symbol for the cleansing of the soul. Flowing water purifies, and love flowing from HaShem through compassionate servants like Joseph purify their hearts with the flow of living waters.

This same joy will be experienced again when Joseph's brothers serve HaShem by welcoming Joseph's children and the other members of the House of Israel home. It is then that HaShem will establish a new covenant with the House of Judah and the House of Israel. It will be a covenant written in the heart, a covenant of unconditional love without judgment. It will be a time of great joy and abundant blessing as we experience the wonderful love and compassion of HaShem.

Step 7: Attain complete, joyous harmony with Great Spirit; walk the Red Road. This requires that I totally surrender my will to the will of Creator, and love others unconditionally without judgment because that is who I am.

IAM is calling. Have we forgotten how to listen to His voice? Have Judah and the House of Israel become deaf to the voice of HaShem and turned to self-worship in the ways of the world?

We must return to the ways of the traditional ancestors if we would be ready to welcome Messiah (Masaau). We must return to the ways of Abraham, and the ways HaShem taught Moses when he called His children out of Egypt; out of bondage into a land of milk and honey.

We are invited to enter the land of milk and honey and we can do this by inviting our children home with a sweet, forgiving spirit.

It is time to do more than talk about HaShem and about holy things. It is time to BE that which we were created to be. It is time to become one with the wonderful, awesome IAM; to walk in companionship with Him as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden.

Joseph was a wonderful example, and we can do this as he did. With a forgiving spirit, he fed his brothers when they came to ask for food from him in Egypt during the famine.

Joseph depicted a man totally surrendered to the will of HaShem, else he would have judged his brothers guilty and unconditional love and forgiveness would not have been possible.

Joseph walked the Red Road by fulfilling HaShem's Law of Love, and now Joseph's children are asking his brothers to complete HaShem's plan of Creation by walking in companionship with them along the Red Road and inviting them to come home. Will HaShem hold Judah guiltless if they do any less?

For more information about gaining eternal life in the presence of Creator, and about the return of the long awaited Hopi Pahana, read the books Red Hat Speaks, and Red Hat's Wisdom, by Dorothy K. Daigle. These books can be ordered from any bookstore or online from or

Dorothy was taught by Cherokee elder and wisdom keeper, John Red Hat Duke, for over ten years in the Keetoowah Cherokee spiritual ways, in Eastern philosophy, and in Judaism. She was raised Christian so she has a good working knowledge of Christianity. She now follows no religion but strives to walk the Red Road spiritual path according to Jesus' teachings.

She received her call from Creator in the fall of '92, and was then taught by the great prophet Elijah for four years. She was given four assurances by Creator when He called her. She was told that she was anointed by the Holy One of Israel, that she would be protected until this work was done, that Creator would go before her whenever He sent her somewhere, and that she did not have to prove herself to anyone. She is one of Creator's prophesied Two Witnesses. She carries wisdom of many years of living under Creator's guidance and direction.

Starting With Simple Things

Indoor Hot Tubs - Home Tips

Today, hot tubs are more popular than ever and the number of hot tub owners is steadily rising. If you are ready to join this already large group of home owners, you must decide if you would prefer an indoor hot tub or an outdoor. Hot tubs are traditionally found outside, but more and more people are choosing modern indoor versions.

Indoor hot tubs offer many conveniences that cant be found with outdoor tubs. Extra privacy is one popular convenience. Indoor hot tubs eliminate the awkwardness of using the tub in front of neighbors or passersby. This type of hot tub is located in the privacy of your home so it is only viewable to people you are already comfortable with.

Another primary reason many homeowners are now opting for indoor hot tubs rather than outside is the weather. An indoor hot tub can be used year round, regardless of the weather conditions, making an indoor tub perfect for everyday use. The usage of an outdoor hot tub is influenced by the conditions, as well as the season, resulting in a typical loss of three to four months of possible use.

If you plan to purchase an indoor hot tub, you should consider where you will install it and the people who will use it most often. To get the most relaxation from your indoor hot tub, you should place it in an area that is typically calm with little distraction. You should also consider a location that will minimize the mess of water, because an indoor hot tub makes it easier to get out of the tub and walk through the rest of the house before drying off.

Another thing to remember if you are thinking of buying an indoor hot tub is that, although they are more convenient, indoor hot tubs require more complex installations than traditional outdoor ones. Hot tubs produce extreme heat as well as high humidity so your hot tub needs to be placed in a well ventilated area of your home. Too small of a space can cause structural damage to your home, including weakened plaster and condensation that leads to mold and window damage.

A typical hot tub can weigh more than two tons when it is filled, depending on its size, so it is imperative to check the foundation of your home for sturdiness before installing your tub, especially in the room where you plan to install the hot tub. Wherever you decide to install your indoor hot tub, you should reinforce the floor in that room. A standard floor is only designed to support a quarter of the weight of a full hot tub. To allow simple maintenance of your hot tub, you should also ensure that the room you choose can be easily connected to adequate drainage.

Thomas Oak writes articles for if you are intrested in some addition information on a Hot Tub or are just looking for Spa Filters follow the links.

Problems With Black Mold

Spiritual Ethical Will - Giving the Gift of Tradition

Spiritual ethical wills are different from a last will and testament. Instead of bequeathing physical assets, ethical wills bequeath personal insights, morals and philosophies. If you are looking for a gift that will keep on giving then invest in the development of a spiritual ethical will.

Parts of an Ethical Will

An ethical will can be formatted in a number of different ways, however, most formats will have the same basic sections. The first section will be the introduction. It will identify who the ethical will is intended for and what its purpose is. The second section will contain personal insights into life, philosophies and values that the writer has. The final section will point out what the reader is supposed to learn from the will, such as cherishing time with their family or learning to be charitable.

Writing Your Ethical Will

Writing your ethical will can be an intimidating process. People who do not write a lot may feel as if the process of composing and editing an ethical will is more than they can handle, or they may feel that they just don't have the time to write one. Fortunately, you don't have to sit down and write the entire thing in one night, nor do you have to write an ethical will that is 100 pages long.

The writing process for an ethical will needs to start with an outline and a brainstorming session. The outline will help you to format your ethical will and the brainstorming session will help you to flesh out the ethical will. There are a lot of brainstorming activities that you can try including word association and freewriting.

The next step is to develop the topics you entered in your outline. To do this you will need to try and write at least one paragraph per topic. You can talk about memories, you can provide examples or you can just discuss your thoughts about the topic.

After you have a first draft completed you will want to put away your will for at least a week. When you take it back out you will be able to look at it with fresh eyes. This will make it easier to edit your will. Start by reading through the ethical will out loud. This will help you to find grammatical mistakes, typos and sentence flow problems.

Get more tips for writing an ethical will at Spiritual Ethical Will.

Developing Wealth Building Habit

Home Maintenance Tips You Can't Afford to Ignore

Without a doubt, buying a home can be the largest investment youll ever make. With the average home costing approximately $190,000, many homeowners take great pains to ensure that all cosmetic and structural repairs are attended to. However, the truth is that many expensive repairs could be avoided by simply sticking to a routine maintenance schedule. Routinely checking your home for emerging problems will prevent larger, more expensive problems that leave homeowners scrambling for a quick repairrather than a cost-effective one. Clearly, regular home maintenance is something you cant afford to ignore.

When to Inspect

Spring is a good time to begin assessing your home for any damage or repairs that need attending to. A good rule of thumb is to check your home at the same time you change your fire alarm batteriesat the beginning (spring) and end (fall) of daylight savings time. Doing so will ensure that minor repairs dont turn into major expenses. Some components of your home may require less-frequent monitoring (foundation), and some may require more (changing the furnace filter). However, taking a walkthrough of your home twice yearly is a good rule of thumb to begin with.

Who Should Inspect

If you feel unqualified to asses every crack and unidentified water leak in your home, feel free to hire a handy man. Not only will he be able to spot any problems, but he can also advise on repairs and costs right on the spot. Do you want a thorough evaluation? Hire a home inspector. Do keep in mind, however, that home inspectors cost much more (around $300) and may not necessarily find every problem.

In most instances, though, simply paying attention to your home is all it takes to spot any emerging problems. For example, if your toilet runs all the time, chances are it needs to be repaired. Have you noticed that your doors dont shut properly anymore? That could be a sign of foundation settling or warping. Simply making a list of things around your home that seem off can make your inspection process much easier. No matter what your plans, the following items are a good place to start when evaluating the condition of your home:

Exterior Items

  • Chimneys:
    Check chimneys for loose or deteriorating bricks or mortar. Make sure that metal chimneys are rust-free. A white, salty buildup on the chimney (efflorescence), indicates moisture build-up, and should be checked out by a professional. Its a good idea to have your chimneys professionally cleaned and inspected on an annual basis, in addition to you own visual assessments.
  • Roofs:
    Have a leak inside the house? Chances are its your roof. Beyond that, look for chipped or missing shingles, or shingles that may be rubbed away by hanging tree limbs. Take this chance to trim trees up away from the shingles. Also make sure to check flashings, soffits, fascia, and any wood trim that comes in contact with the roof for rotting or peeling paint. Touch up and repair as needed.
  • Gutters and Downspouts:
    Clean out your gutters and downspouts twice a year to ensure that no leakage or damage occurs. In addition, you may want to place screens over your gutters (available at home improvement stores) to prevent leaves and debris from entering the gutter system. Check for any places that they may be pulling away from the house or leaking. If paint is deteriorating, now is a good time to touch up.
  • Exterior Walls and Foundation:
    Check for any cracks, deterioration, or peeling paint. If foundation cracking is excessive, call for a professional assessment. Otherwise, you can patch it yourself with mortar patch (which can be piped in with a caulk gun).
  • Soil Grading:
    Does water seem to settle around the houserather than drain away? Check to make sure that the soil slopes away from the house (1 inch per 6 feet is recommended). If it doesnt, simply backfill with some topsoil until you reach the desired effect.
  • Doors and Windows:
    Look for peeling or cracked caulk and weather stripping. These can easily be purchased at any home improvement store and repaired in a small amount of time. Clean out window wells and check that windows and doors open, shut, and lock properly.
  • Porches, Decks, and Patios:
    Sealing your wooden porches and decks on an annual basis will help prevent against rotting and deterioration. Secure any wobbly rails or steps, and replace or treat any rotting or deteriorating wood. Check patios for cracks or settling, and repair as necessary.
  • Driveways and Sidewalks:
    Check for cracking, and fill with concrete-patch as needed. Taking this time to seal your concrete areas will help prevent any further cracking and deterioration.
  • Attics and Crawlspaces:
    Inspect attics and crawlspaces for any signs of water leakage, and repair as necessary. In addition, look for mildew, rot, and fungus growth. Repair any loose or damaged insulation, and check that attic vents are functioning properly. Look for any signs of vermin, and treat as necessary by placing bait or trapsor hiring a professional exterminator.


    Do you have outlets that are loose? Now is the time to have them replacedeither by an electrician or yourself. Check your main breaker panel for any signs of deterioration. Turn breakers on and off to make sure all are functioning properly, and check all fuses. Do you smell something burning? Call a professional. Also, take this time to check the ground fault circuit interrupters (usually around sinks and other water elements) to ensure they function properly.

    Heating and Air Conditioning

    Does your heating and air conditioning run non-stop? Now is the time to have it checked out. Having your air ducts cleaned by a professional will help your unit run more efficiently. Check the coils on the air conditioning unit for any bent or misshapen areas. Clear debris out of the fan blades before using.


    Check outdoor faucets and supply lines for any signs of leakage. If you have a septic tank, take notice of any foul odors or signs of seepage in the yard. If you havent had your tank emptied yet, do so now.

    Take time to repair leaky faucets and caulk bathroom fixtures. Check toilets for any signs of leakageeither from the tank or around the base. Check sump pumps to ensure proper function, and test the pressure relief valve on your water heater to ensure that it hasnt seized up.

    Interior Items

  • Walls:
    Look for any signs of mildew or water damage (yellow stains are usually a sign of water damage). Patch holes and cracks in the drywall, and touch up paint as necessary. Monitor any significant cracks, as these could be a sign of foundation problems.
  • Ceilings:
    As with walls, take note of any mildew or water stains, and repair as needed. Look for drooping ceilings, and locate the cause to ensure proper repairs. Monitor and repair cracks.
  • Doors and Windows:
    Open, close, and lock (where applicable) all doors and windows to ensure proper functioning. Replace weathered caulk around windows and check for any signs of moisture infiltration (particularly in storm windows). Broken or loose knobs, latches, or handles should be repaired now.

    While no homeowner can possible catch every problem before it develops into an expensive repair, simply taking note of minor fix-itsand repairing themcan help avoid many costly repair bills in the future. Without a doubt, regular home maintenance is something no homeowner can afford to ignore.

    Copyright 2006, Ian White

    Author Ian White is founder of House Sitting Registry Find retired House Sitters and Travellers, to mind your home and pets while you are away. Secure confidential matching. Exchange house and pet care for free accommodation.

    Installing Windows At A Eye Leve