Thursday, August 9, 2007

Motivational speaker Les Brown advises

Successful Goal Achievement

No one becomes successful by accident. Motivational speaker Les Brown advises, “You must see your goals clearly and specifically before you can set out for them. Hold them in your mind until they become second nature.” Certainly, visualization is an essential element of achieving success.
Visualization is a secret shared by top athletes, actors, performers, and business leaders. It is used by almost all successful people. Visualization is mentally picturing an event before it happens, and seeing yourself successfully accomplishing the event. It is a powerful tool used to generate confidence, motivation, and faith. Imagine if right now you could motivate yourself, and then keep yourself motivated — how much you could achieve? Visualization creates energy, determination, and allows your creativity to generate new ideas to overcome possible obstacles. Vision creates motivation. Vision creates persistence.
The first step in creating what you want is to determine exactly what it is you want. Sounds simple, but it is not always so. For a dream to become a goal, clarity and detail are required. It’s not enough just to have "an idea” of what we want. We need to define exactly what we want. The first step is to shape it, define it, visualize it.
Once you have decided on a goal, close your eyes and imagine your desires as if they have already been obtained. Generate as many details as possible. Be clear and specific. See yourself successfully achieving your goals. Create a vision of who you want to be and live in that picture as if it were already true. Use your five senses to bring life and excitement to your imagination. Rehearse your desired outcome many times in your mind before it actually happens. By doing this you program your subconscious allowing you to tap into its tremendous power. It will help you find a way to win even under the most difficult circumstances.
While creative visualization is thinking positively, it is much more than wishful thinking. It is a mental process establishing a goal and then imagining the process of attaining that goal. Vision isn’t magic, it requires perseverance and patience, but it works. Stick with it and creative visualization can be a useful tool to manifest your dreams.
Look into the nearest mirror. The person staring back at you is the only person responsible for your success. Cutting her down, or honing in on all her perceived faults will not motivate you into a successful person. Immediately stop all the mind chatter, take a deep breath and SMILE! It’s time to take a new look at yourself and begin creating a vision of success.
Find a moment when you are completely alone. Get a good look at yourself in a full length mirror. Now close your eyes. Do you see a human being there? Or do you see a collection of different parts? Do the components consist of a fat stomach, imperfect skin, ugly thighs, or a big butt?
These thoughts are merely jud gements you have made. If you look close enough you could find flaws and imperfections on every human body. Notice the people in your life when taken apart into pieces, are not attractive (who is?). But, as a whole, they are enchanting, striking, have a magnetic air, or you just feel good around them. Begin creating a new vision of yourself by looking for something like this in your self image. Visualize a presence surrounding you, or a certain charm which draws others to you. Note that at some point in your life, you have already felt this. Life was going well, you were succeeding in some way, or you felt loved. See the person in the mirror surrounded by this kind of charismatic energy. Spend some time seeing it, drawing it into your body, and feeling it.
A vision is simply how we see ourselves. It is the running dialog we have with ourselves and the way we feel about ourselves. Notice with the above mirror exercise that you are already using visualization to create your current reality. You r current visions (fat stomach, ugly thighs, big butt) motivate you to do what you are currently doing. You get what you expect of yourself. It’s not a matter of getting a vision, it’s a matter substituting the one you already have with one that moves you forward towards your goal.
Spend time each day imagining your ideal life. Envision the details of that life. Imagine you are living it now. Go through all your senses and notice what you imagine seeing, hearing, tasting, feeling, even smelling, with this new vision. Breathe deeply and easily as you do this, breathing life into your visualization. Close your eyes and visualize your ideal future now.
Helping people let go of self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors has been the life work of Dr. Annette Colby. Her fascination with the power of the mind, emotions, spirituality, and physicality has led her to become a leader in the field of personal growth and consciousness. She is a valued counselor, and an inspiring teacher, as well as an independent writer, mentor, and guide. She is a highly sought-after trainer with a unique ability to inform and inspire individuals to open their hearts, love more openly, and pursue their dreams.
Dr. Annette Colby, RDNutrition Therapist & Master Energy Therapist
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Expand Your Mental PowersUse Guided Visualization to Expand Your Mental Powers One technique that many people have found very beneficial is to have an imaginary guide that they can call on for advice and insight.

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