Thursday, October 18, 2007

Best Way to Start an Internet Business

The Best Way To Start Up In The Internet Marketing Business


We all know the feeling about starting up a new project or idea, where you have this feeling of this great “KICK”, you just have so much motivation and the adrenalin in running around in your body.

You have a feeling you can fly, you feel invincible, your body and mind is filled up with this magic feeling and:

  • You are full of plans.
  • You are full of energy.
  • You can hardly sleep at night.
  • You can work 20 hours a day with the project.
  • You make plans for the future, when this project has become a big success.


But all that comes to an end all too soon, and after this first big “Kick” has disappeared, and when the project/work begin to be a daily routine, where only hard persistent work counts, we all know this feeling of:

  • Things are not going as we hoped/planed.
  • Feeling of isolation with your project.
  • Lack of motivation.
  • Lack of new ideas for the project.
  • Depression by not being able to move the project to the next step.

And soon there is a big risk, that the project will be another failure of projects…

We all know that feeling, we have all had this awful feeling at some time.

That Feeling of Being Alone on the Planet.

How can we avoid finding ourselves in a situation like this again ?

The answer is Simple “BEING PART OF A TEAM OR A NETWORK”.

Successful business people are team players. They do not work alone.

You just have to look at successful marketers, they have all seen the big advantages of being part of a group/network. team. When they have an idea, or need inspiration or sparring, they have a network to get feedback from, and that help them to form and marketing the idea in the right way. You should do the same – build up a network or join a group, which can help you to build up this network.


Lets admit it - 95% of all Human beings are lazy!

We all fall into the habit of procrastination. So do the successful people.

But do they let procrastination stop them from stepping onto the fast track to success ?

Definitely not!

While with great discipline it is possible to keep procrastination at bay, successful people use a two-pronged attack.

Prong 1. Discipline and accountability through TEAMS/Network Groups.

A public commitment to your team keeps you accountable for your words and actions.

Prong 2. Support and Encouragement from Your Team/network mates.

Teams are capable of bringing an arsenal of thinking hats to your life and your business.

Brainstorming sessions lead to new ideas and breakthroughs.


If you have been working alone all the time, its time for you to step out of your comfort zone! Teams and communities are a powerful concept.

Your next windfall may lie in the next team meeting or the next blog you see or get involved with.

Just make your own observations of all the successful Internet People. They all engage in Mastermind group meetings.

Andy Jenkins, Brad Fallon, John Reese, Frank Kern are all successful internet Marketers and great Networkers, and they have accumulated great internet success through their Network groups.


When you work on the internet, it is hard not to feel isolated.

Joining an Internet Community means that you have available all the advantages of joining a Network group. But you can only make full use of that opportunity if you join a Network.

Additional Benefits of Being involved in a Wider Internet Community

The benefits of playing an active part in a Network are not limited to individual benefit.

There are big advantages for the whole network too, joining forces to synergistically escalate the networks Marketing Potential, both as individuals and as Groups.

A big advantage of being in a network and in a wider community is that helping others is a big motivational factor, and by helping others there is a big chance that you will also receive a lot of input and help for yourself.

It has been truly said, that the best way to learn something well, is to teach someone else who knows less about that subject than you do.

Helping others is a Win – Win situation for everyone.


Remember the internet is so big, that there is plenty of room for all of us to be successful with our internet marketing, and indeed, within reasonable limits Competition is very good for us.

  1. It fires motivation.
  2. It engages the interest of the Potential Customer Group to whom you Market.
  3. It provides a standard to excel over. If you are better than your Competition, people will buy.
  4. You can measure whether you are better than your Competition more easily than in the absence of Competition you can create a standard which will be perceived as high value by your Potential Customer.

So therefore I urge you to join a Network/community, get involved in the community/Network, be active with the community/Network, and hereby everybody inside this community/network will help each other to become part of the exclusive group of successful internet marketers.


It is important that you begin NOW! And find the right Network/Community to be a part of.


Morten Hansen has been working with the internet business for several years and is mainly writing about subjects, that make it easier for Internet users to learn about Internet Business. By the way, if you want to Get a 100% FREE newsletter with hundreds of Internet home business tips and tricks or want to read about some of the most profitable affiliate products on the internet visit my website

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