Sunday, September 13, 2009

What is Feng Shui Design?

What is Feng Shui Design?
The meaning of Feng Shui has become clouded since the 1980s when it was introduced to the West. It was turned into a new age marketing gimmick that falsely promises wealth, health and love using lucky charms and novelty products. If you have been confused about Feng Shui from what you have read in magazines and books, you are right! The phrase Feng Shui is being abused by many and marketed as psychology, positive thinking, intention, spiritualism, belief and superstition. In the professional industry this is known as Mickey Mouse or Mc Feng Shui and really is a simple set of rules to make changes in your home to progress in an area of life. Interpretation is everything with Mc Feng Shui and there are a thousand different people advising DIY Feng Shui tips. Great to have fun with, but miles away from its origins.

Classical Feng Shui
Also known as traditional and authentic Feng Shui. This ancient practice uses the laws of heaven (astronomy) and earth (geography). On a basic level Feng Shui is a tool for natural & urban environment analysis. A classical Feng Shui survey assesses an individual plot and property looking at strengths and weaknesses using different methods and formulae. Practical recommendations can then be made to strengthen and harmonise the property. There are two main classical schools:

Form School (earth/geography)
One of the oldest systems, originally used for placement of burial graves, progressing onto building location for the living. This focuses on finding the best position within the landscape, which is the safest & securest location. So what makes a safe and secure location? Think primitively. Times when men were hunter gathers and women were the home makers. Historically our ancestors positioned their dwellings with basic Form School principles to ensure survival; meaning protection, resources and climate. It is not widely known that the external landscape counts for 60% of a Feng Shui evaluation.

Compass School (heaven/astronomy)
A specialised Chinese compass called the Lo Pan is used to take readings of various positions in the premises. Calculations are used to evaluate the orientation of the plot, building and room location as well as room function and the subtleties of time. Some methods look at the individual and how they relate to the property, whereas some methods focus on the building and contents. The 5 Element Theory (wood, fire, earth, metal, water) is used within Compass School to help balance strong and weak areas.

With both schools of understanding a Feng Shui Consultant can help make the most of your living & working environment, to achieve potential, harmony and balance over the subtleties of time. Classical Feng Shui practitioners will only ever make suggestions and recommendations based on probability. The recommendations made will never provide certainty. We do the best we can with the tools we have.

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