Monday, March 10, 2008

Can You Afford Not To Quit Your Job? -Part 2

By: Jordan Cheng

In Part 1 of the same article, two reasons have been elaborated to illustrate why it is so risky to rely on a single day job for the entire career life. In the same provocative style, the following reasons will substantiate the argument why a corporate job is highly undesirable and detrimental to a person's spirit and mind.

(... cont'd from Part 1)

3. Loss of Life Spirit

In an environment populated by culture of ass kissing, butt kicking, blame shifting, hypocrisy, double agent, etc, how much dignity can a normal person retain after spending a big part of his life there?

The fear of losing the precious job quickly condition a smart human being into a corporate monster, with a powerful combination of corporate survival skills: a savvy politician, an ass kissing expert, a smiling bully, a relentless butt kicker, a high EQ double-agent, and a shameless hypocrite.

The key driving force for every corporate man could probably be greed, but more often it is fear. The fear of losing a job that provides the security of a “steady” income, and the “comfortable” life.

Like a frog in the gradually heated water that ignores the signs of danger and eventually being cooked alive, it is only a matter of time before one's humanity is being sacrifice on the altar of fear:

- You lose the courage to speak and act at time when you need to, for fear of jeopardizing your job.
- You lose the honor and integrity to be truthful to yourself.
- You lose your independent will to act like a respectable man.

You entire humanity is being traded for nothing, except for an illusion disguising itself as a secured job. The worst part is, you are eventually going to live with the nightmare of discovering what you have become after all the years in the corporate factory.

Think again, is this the whole purpose of your life in this world?

- "Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent."
- Carl Jung

"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor."
- Aristotle

It is not too late to regain your courage and do something.

4. False Sense of Security

To this day, despite waves of corporate downsizing and retrenchments, many people still believe getting a job is the safest and most secure way to support themselves. How dangerous are false teachings and social conditioning! The analogy of frog being cooked alive is so apt –it is still kicking and alive today. People are not willing to wake up even after repeated shape-ups. People would rather convince themselves to feel comfortable when the "comfort zone" is already being exposed as fallacy.

Being fully reliance on a corporate job is to put yourself in a position where someone else can terminate all your income as and when you no longer have any perceived value to the company. If you have not prepared yourself with alternative career avenue, the scenario is going to become the real fear factor in you, haunting you day and night and even in your dream. Your self-confidence and sense of dignity will sooner or later be eroded when your entire livelihood is constantly being held at gun-point by whoever big monkey above you.

Anyone who tells you that a job is the most secured way to generate income is either a liar or a total nut. Without any control over your livelihood or career, you can’t have security. If fact, I really think that people who are willing to stake their entire career in the hands of a few big monkeys up there, must either be a man of great faith or a gullible gambler.

5. Loss of Freedom

The moment one become a member of the corporate factory, there is a set of rules to abide by. There is a standard working hour to follow, from 9.00 am to 6 pm, and lunch time from 12 noon to 1 pm. If you spend more than an hour on lunch, be prepared to receive warning email from your superior. Unless you do not mind being penalized during the year-end appraisal, it will be in your best interest to be a goody good corporate citizen.

Of course, these are not the only rules to follow. Depending on which factory you belong to, there may be other amazing rules designed to domesticate you.

In the nutshell, you are trained to be a good rule follower, or risk being labeled a renegade. If you have any free spirit in you, chances are it will be suffocated in no time. To certain extent, you are being conditioned like the domestic herd. You are being directed a specific time to work and eat, and the kind of things to do and not do. You just need to dutifully report to work everyday, and not be late. Of course, going home time is much more flexible. You can feel free to stay beyond the official hour if you want. No, in fact you are highly encouraged to do so. Because it is going to please the bigger monkey up there.

I could only gathered the above five key reasons why a corporate job is highly undesirable. There may be more that you could think of. Anyway, these reasons are more than sufficient to nudge me into action and find alternative way of making a living.

There is a bigger world out there.

If you are a fish, would you rather be dwelling in the safety of the fish tank with regular feeding, or live in the sea facing all the dangers and wonders.

If you desire to experience the freedom and beauty afford by the vastness of the ocean, then you will have to get out of the fish tank and learn the survival skill!

About The Author

Jordan Cheng is the author of / - a resource site dedicated to development of Mind, Body & Soul for Wealth, Success & Happiness. His is contactable at

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