Saturday, June 27, 2009

Attitude Is Everything - Self Help Tips!

Employees are the backbone of an organization. Their behavior, attitude, and manner can make or break a company. Like a cold an attitude can be contagious and spread like wild-fire. Some attitudes are a result of outside forces, but some attitudes are because of misery from within.

One problem that I have seen that causes an employees mood or attitude to change is money issues. Money issues can be two-fold: a) they feel theyre not making enough, and b) theyre spending more than they make. I remember going to a job, and on my first day an employee said, We all live pay-check to pay-check here, so were all broke. I soon learned she was the most miserable of people. People dont want to live pay-check to pay-check and be broke. However, its a habit or lifestyle theyve gotten comfortable with, and they arent sure how or what to change. If an employer isnt paying you what you want; you accepted the terms and conditions, so it is up to you to change your attitude, situation, and circumstance.

We create our own happiness and our own drama. If youre not currently happy do something about it. Not getting paid enough? Find a new job. Broke? Change your habits and spending to get a different outcome? Hate your job? Thank God you have a job that is paying you while you look for a new one -- so stop complaining. As an employee there are a few things you can do to change your situation: a) get a new attitude, b) change your thinking and behavior, and c) stop being a toxic waste at the company.

Employers, here are a few changes to create a better working environment: a) talk to your employees say hello b) get employees insight and opinions on different matters you might learn something new c) have self-improvement lunch-n-learn seminars show them you care about them as a person, and d) say thank you kindness goes a long way

How we think, act, and feel affects our attitude. Change your attitude and win the game of life!

Sharman Lawson is living proof that you can live debt-free. Born and raised in Portland, Oregon in a household of 10, including her parents, she learned early in life the concepts of faith in God, taking hold of a vision, practicing discipline, and using wisdom and common sense to realize her dreams. Her mother and her father, an ordained minister, preached and practiced the importance of never being a "slave to the lender."

In 1999, Sharman and her husband paid off all their debt, including their home, in five years. That is when she started conducting seminars and educating others on how to manage their money and live debt free. Her testimony is inspiring. She lets you know that it's not your education, your title, your position or the amount of money you make that is important. It's stepping out on faith, trusting God, believing the impossible is possible, and knowing that going after your purpose, passion and dream is better than all the things you sacrificed.

Sharman Lawson is a financial coach and author of 12 Steps to Eliminate Debt Forever.

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