Friday, July 10, 2009

Want to Manifest Your Dreams? Learn How to Find Them First

A lot of people want to be able to manifest their dreams easily and effortlessly. They read hundreds of self-help books, watch The Secret 20 times and wonder why still their dreams stay where they are--in the dreaming world. Why do not they manifest in the physical world like promised in The Secret?

Most people do not realize that in order to be able to manifest your dreams you need to actually reach for them and define them. Are the dreams you are trying to achieve actually your dreams? Or are they your parents or spouses' expectations? Are they simply beliefs that you got from your past experiences? Are they a smaller version of your actual dream just because a smaller version looks more doable?

It is true that you can achieve anything you believe you can achieve. But if your follow your actual dreams you are able to achieve them much quicker and easier with less effort. It is because your actual dreams are your minds' way of telling you where your natural talents and abilities are. And when you follow your natural talents and abilities, you will get the results you want with lightning speed.

It doesn't matter to the Universe whether your dreams are big or small. You are much more likely to quickly achieve a dream that is huge, but your actual dream, than a smaller dream that you are trying to reach just because you think it is more achievable.

Do this simple exercise. Sit in a quiet room, have a pen and a piece of paper in front of you, calm your mind and start asking yourself "What is my dream, what is my dream.." The answers will start popping up. Write them down. Even if they don't make sense. Write everything down. It might take a while, but you will finally see the answers that make your heart beat faster, that make you want to laugh or cry and you will know--these are my actual dreams. These are the ones you should be striving for and putting your focus and energy to. These are the ones the Universe will bring you in the quickest and the best way possible.

Don't worry about how you will achieve them yet, don't worry about anything, just focus on the dreams themselves, on the end results. See them vividly in your mind. Soon the Universe will start bringing you the plans on how to achieve them. Act on those insights and you will see how quickly everything will fall into place.

Also, become a pro at manifesting. Never stop learning. Just watching The Secret and reading a couple self-help books is not enough. The Secret just scratched the surface of what is really out there. You need to constantly learn the Universal Laws. In order to be able to manifest things easily and effortlessly you need to know all the laws. Only when you have all the tools and all the knowledge will you be able to turn your dreams into reality in the quickest way possible.

If you would like to learn more tips and strategies on how to use the Law of Attraction and other Universal Laws, visit

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