Thursday, July 30, 2009

Warning MLM Business Owners

What I am about to say may come as a shock to many because it is goes counter to what most popular self-help guru's and up-line MLM leaders teach. It is that goal setting can cause MLM business failure.

Specifically, I am talking about making lofty goals that reach far beyond your current capabilities. Those involved in network marketing know what I am talking about. It's one of the first things new affiliates are told to do, right along with making your prospect list.

As an MLM business owner, you're encouraged to dream big when you set your goals, and then, to top it all off, you're told to start acting like you've already achieved those goals.In other words, lie to yourself. But that is a topic for another day.

A few years back, or maybe more than a few, I was a pretty good wrestler. I went as far as placing third in the US Olympic Trials and becoming an Olympic alternate.Just about every coach I ever had told me the importance of setting goals and so I listened to them. I had no reason to doubt that theirs was not good and accurate advice.

Let me tell you what I discovered several years after I ended my days as an athlete. Many great champions never paid much attention to goal setting, let alone writing them down. My goal was not to be an Olympic alternate; it was to be an Olympic Champion.Writing that goal down didn't make it a reality.

I recently called up my good friend, Frank Famiano, who was the person who won my weight category in the Olympic Trials.I asked Frank, if during his wrestling days, if he set goals and wrote them down. His answer was no!How come I set goals and failed and Frank didn't and he succeeded?

That story may be a little bit of an over simplification of the point because many more factors need to be thrown into the mix. My point is that many people achieve great accomplishments without setting goals and many people set goals religiously and fail.

Now, you may be wondering why I am writing an article criticizing goal setting. Well, it's not that I have some kind of vendetta against goals setting or those preaching the merits of goal setting. The truth is, for many years, I have been a bit compulsive about studying success and learning why we succeed and fail in life.

It has been my intention to find out if there is one common thing that all highly successful people share. My discovery was that there is a common denominator and it's not that they set goals, listened to subliminal tapes, engage in self talk or positive thinking exercises.

No; what all highly successful people have in common is a very intense drive to succeed. It is so strong that nothing can stand in their way.This is a passion that comes from their heart not their mind.

Goal setting, visualization, self talk and all these other conventional self-help methodologies feed the mind. They are psychological quick fixes. That, in itself, is not a bad thing but the problem is that those kinds of techniques will not create a strong enough motivation to keep you moving forward when the trials and obstacles are thrown in front of you.

True success comes when we discover what it is in our heart that we really want in life.Understanding this is particularly relevant for MLM business owners because the network marketing industry, more than any other, utilizes motivational speakers and self-help gurus.

Without knowing the true key to success we are doomed to fail. Experiencing constant failure, after we did everything the self-help gurus told us would work, can leave us having strong negative feelings about ourselves. After a while, we begin to accept the fact that great accomplishments are not within us. That is not only a recipe for MLM business failure but a recipe for an unfulfilling life.

Wade Genova is a former World Class athlete, owner of a successful tour and travel company, and success mentor to MLM and online business owners. To learn more visit: or visit his blog at:

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