Monday, May 12, 2008

Discover How To Make A Resume That Gets Results

Learning how to make a resume or curriculum vitae is a skill that will serve you well for your entire working life. This indispensable document is your means, sometimes your only means, of showing a potential employer what you bring to the table. You may have only one chance, so put considerable thought into how to make a resume that demonstrates your accomplishments in the best possible way.

Always remember you are competing against other job seekers. As an employer sorts through perhaps dozens of resumes, how can you ensure your resume stands out and get noticed?

It goes without saying that your resume must be neat, attractively formatted, easy to read and free of punctuation errors, spelling errors and typos. Anything less tells the employer that you do sloppy work and have put little to no effort into learning to how to make a resume.

When you develop your resume, you want to write it in such a way that the employer immediately can identify your skills, abilities and work history. There are two accepted approaches to how to make a resume. The first involves listing your good jobs in chronological order, starting at the present and working back. The second approach to how to write a resume involves listing and describing your skills. The best type to use is the one that will present you to the best advantage. This will differ from employer to employer. For best results, plan to modify your resume to accommodate each job you apply for. This requires a little extra effort, but it is not a huge challenge when you use a computer and Word Processing software.

If you have been out of the labor force for a period of time, this will require some particular thought when you plan how to make a resume.

Homemakers who have taken time away from the workplace to raise children will want to give some thought to how to present this. Remember that raising a family and caring for a home require skills that can generalize in the workplace. Undoubtedly, you have organizational skills, budgeting skills, communication skills and more. Your task is to find a way to present these facts in your resume.

Have you done any volunteer work while you were out of the paid work force? Did you organize a bake sale or car pool? Did you participate in clubs, organizations, church groups, community organizations or similar? In what capacity? Did you find a way to bring in extra money while you were a homemaker? Did you have any part time good jobs ?

Think about these things carefully, always remembering that the skills you needed to carry out these activities are skills that are valued in the workplace. This is not the time for false modesty. If you can chair a darned good meeting and you know Roberts Rules of Order like the back of your hand, find a way to portray this when you decide how to make a resume.

Learning how to make a resume requires more than writing skills. It requires some soul searching and the willingness to acknowledge your hidden talents.

Are you ready to make a resume that shows what you can really do? If you're struggling to create a resume that does you justice and leads to job interviews, then please check out this link:

Norse Paganism

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