Monday, May 5, 2008

The Power of Visualization

Everyone has had times when they wanted something really badly and have been unable to get it. It certainly happens to all of us at one time or another. It seems that even with great planning and hard work, sometimes the goals are unattainable. Why is that? What are we missing?

I do have some good news. There is a very simple key to changing your dreams into realities. A lot of people miss this key. That is why some of them never reach their goals. We have been taught to set goals, put them in writing, make a solid plan, but none of these things are enough. If they were, we would all have everything we have ever dreamed of by now. Here is the missing link: visualization. This one thing is a powerful success tool. Each and every one of us is capable of visualizing. No special training is required. The results will amaze you.

Okay, so what exactly is visualization? It is a technique of using your conscious mind to tell your subconscious mind all of your desires. Your mind really does work on two different levels. Using visualization will help you get both parts of your mind in alignment. The conscious mind is the logical, thinking mind that you are aware of and use every day. The conscious mind is under your direct control. You control your thoughts. Your thoughts influence your feelings, what actions you take and the results you get. Most people focus their attention on the conscious mind when trying to achieve their goals. They make plans, they employ positive thinking, and they still fail. Using only your conscious mind will get you nowhere fast. You have to use your subconscious mind as well.

Your emotions, experiences and beliefs are stored in your subconscious mind. This is the feeling part of your mind. It influences your conscious thoughts and behavior. Simply put, your subconscious mind is where all the programming takes place. Visualization helps you tap into that and change the programming. When you have both parts of your mind working together, you will achieve success much more easily.

You will be among good company when you use visualization to achieve your goals. Olympic athletes can "see" the jump in their mind before the event. They feel the muscles they will use and how each one will tense and how much power will be behind a jump, or a sprint. Every successful person will tell you the same thing. They could see their success long before it happened. Are YOU beginning to see?

Robin Skeen

Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and Internet marketer. Her website writings are her personal views on self improvement and development, Law of Attraction, Internet Marketing, work at home goals and life in general. Check the website for freebies to be added on a regular basis.

James Ray

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