Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dog Skin Problems And Allergies

Take Notice Of Your Dog's Skin Problems

It is beneath their beautiful fur coats that a world of uncomfortable and even painful skin conditions are often lurking. Dogs skin problems can be an indication of a more serious and even life threatening condition.

Some of the most common dog skin problems are dry skin, usually indicated by the appearance of dandruff or excessive shedding, various fungus infections, mite irritations, mange, and rashes that may be the result of seasonal, environmental or food allergies. Other dog skin problems include tumors, seborrhea skin diseases, melanomas and infected sores.

The fact is that many of these conditions are completely treatable and often preventable. Identifying the cause and preventing unnecessary dog skin problems is a responsibility that comes with the role of owning a dog. However, as a loving pet guardian, adequate care and treatment of an animal is a legal requirement.

Food And Seasonal Dog Allergies

Some of the most preventable dog skin problems are caused by dog allergies. Dog allergies may be the result of seasonal conditions, environmental factors or symptoms of food allergies. Many dog owners are surprised to learn that food allergies are not always related to a new food or diet. A dog may develop intolerance to foods that they have been eating for years.

It is not an unusual occurrence for a dog to develop a food allergy when their immunity system may be compromised. Adding a digestive enzyme to a dog's daily diet of a premium all natural food is many times all that is needed to heal the skin. Dog food allergies are often an intolerance to unnatural additives and preservatives.

Seasonal dog allergies can include parasite allergies. Fleas for example are uncomfortable enough for a dog, but some dogs are particularly sensitive to flea bites. Although, fleas may be present at any time of year, it's the hot dry conditions of summer when they are the worst. Other possible seasonal allergy irritants are spring pollens and dust mites. Rural dogs are at risk of developing further seasonal allergies where crop dusting occurs, or when other such chemicals are used around the farm or surrounding properties.

If your dog is uncomfortable and excessively chewing and biting his legs or rear end, scratching himself sore, or shows any signs or symptoms at all of a bothersome skin condition, please seek the advice of a veterinarian right away.

Prevention is better than cure; the best premium all natural diet is the first weapon against dog skin problems and dog allergies. Dog owners should routinely check their dog's skin and feel for any lumps, bumps or other skin conditions.

A Pittsburgh area resident with over 25 years of dog care experience. Janie is an avid dog lover and has written numerous articles on dog skin, nutrition and care.


Find more information on dog skin conditions and care, visit

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