Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Health and Well-Being in Your Relationship

When two people care deeply about themselves and each other, they strive to take care of their physical health. The reason is simple: They want to be around a long time to enjoy and share their life together. Relationship vitality is both a metaphorical expression and an actual goal for many.

In loving and positive relationships, each partner is often motivated and inspired to help the other maintain a healthy lifestyle. When you love someone very deeply there is a natural tendency to nurture and protect. We all take each day we live too much for granted. We expect to live forever; and to live without limits or restrictions. However, we all know that sometimes the harshness and unfairness of life can strike any one of us, or someone we love, at a moments notice.

There is no greater sense of hopelessness and despair when we find out that a loved one is ill, perhaps terminally. Everything seems to stop and the once important events in life become unimportant. We hear stories that a husband will say he would give away everything he owned to make his wife better. The big house, the expensive car, and the promising career are now inconsequential. Take an inventory today, right now of what is truly important to you. If your spouse or significant other is at the top of your inventory list, ask yourself what you are doing to promote and ensure their health and well being.

Are you looking the other way with their eating choices? Do you ignore their excessive consumption of alcohol? Are you encouraging your partner to seek regular medical checkups? There is no question each one of us is the only one responsible for our own health. Im not suggesting that you must bear the burden of taking care of all of the physical needs of your partner. After all, we are all responsible for the choices we make and for the outcome of our lives but we all do have the responsibility in our intimate relationships to speak-up and voice our concerns and to model positive and productive lifestyle choices.

The other part of bringing health and well-being into your relationship is to keep an eye on what you are doing to stay healthy. Im sure whoever you are sharing your life with does not what you take risks with your health. Smoking, not exercising, and ignoring sound medical advice is not only irresponsible, it is also selfish. Your partner is counting on you for so many things. Taking care of your health is fundamental to being around and to fulfill your commitments and promises to the person you love.

Alex Blackwell is the author of The Next 45 Years - a website dedicated to sharing and creating happiness, life balance and law of success for the rest of our lives. To read all five actions for a law of successful relationship, please visit: http://www.thenext45years.blogspot.com

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