Thursday, June 12, 2008

Questions Are Our Navigators - Part 1

An individuals decision making, their association process to meaning and their ability to succeed in life depends on the questions that a person asks oneself. Through the journey of life we continually ask ourselves questions about the circumstances which we are currently in. Questions in essence drive all forms of action within us. Questions are a navigation tool that humans use to direct themselves towards a given outcome. But the strange thing about the mind is that if you dont control it, it will control you. The same is with our habits, as well as our subconscious or conscious questions.

The truth is that the quality of the questions you ask yourself on a daily basis is directly proportionate to the quality of the results you achieve in your lifetime. The better the question, the better the results you will attain. Many people are not even aware that they are asking questions about certain topics. But anything you do in the form of an action comes from a question you asked yourself, about the certain situation. Whether that question is subconscious or conscious depends on your life conditioning, your childhood and significant emotional events which shaped your life. Even the type of question you ask is dependent on your previous conditioning.

The key to success is to ask better questions. Questions have a power to realign your focus. It tells your brain what exactly it is youre searching for and allows your subconscious mind to configure itself in order to answer the question. For example, if you asked yourself how can I be rich? Your brain will respond with several different answers. These answers depend on your life experience and knowledge database. Your brain might say, Get a job, or start your own business, etc. But really that is a low quality question so you will get a low quality answer and most probably a low quality result. What if you ask yourself something more precise or more empowering like, How can I offer more value to peoples lives, in the form of a product which I can sell, which in turn will create financial abundance? Now your brain might be confused, but it will still search for an answer. The key to this is to remind your brain everyday of what it is you are searching for, by asking the same question.

On a scientific point of view the brain processes an enormous amount of information daily, and filters out anything that it believes is irrelevant. When you continually ask yourself this question for example, your brain will search internally to find the answer, or it will begin to search externally to find the answer. You be amazed at what happens over time if you practice this technique. Your brain literally concentrates on possible ideas or information or anything that can possibly answer your question. You meet people that are somehow associated with what you want. You notice things that were always there but your brain simply didnt process it. You will begin focus in to what ever it is your asking yourself. It is a powerful tool if you understand how to apply it within your life.

I have supplied at the bottom some sample questions which you can edit to suit your situation or replicate, to begin the process immediately. Try it out and see the results for yourself. Give it at least 2 weeks of daily practise, a few minutes a day, repeating questions with enthusiasm.

Business - How can I add even more value to other peoples lives?
Self -How can I become even more of an inspiration al role model in order to serve others at even higher levels?
Relationships How can I serve others unconditionally even more?
Intimate How can I love my partner unconditionally even more?
Health How can I create the abundance of energy within my life, even more?
Study/Education What can I do today, that will positively impact my future occupation?
Financial How can I create even more financial abundance within my life?
Gratitude What can I possibly be grateful for in my life, right now?

Kristian Hahndel has been personally involved in the human development field for many years. He aims to serve others with techniques and strategies which can positively impact their lives. For more information please visit

Richard Dawkins

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