Friday, August 28, 2009

How to Quickly Balance Your World

I remember a dark time when I tried to balance everything in my life and failed miserably. I was like a new circus ringmaster on opening day trying to shape and juggle my roles as a mother, wife and business owner. The stress and fears were lions eating me alive.

How could I balance everything? It seemed impossible. I resorted to researching how others did it by voraciously reading self-help books which screamed at me "my way is best." Instead of finding direction, I became even more frustrated because their advice was conflicting. My life suddenly seemed even more chaotic. I was now angry with myself for not being able to follow what these best-selling authors told me to do. I was also livid, because here I was trying to live "the balanced life" helping others through workshops I gave to companies on effective communication, and I was spiraling downhill. My body began reflecting back to me what I was going through. Gaining weight...dropping weight...then ballooning bigger than ever before.

One day during a meditation I remembered an anonymous quote I once read. "A balancing act is different from living in balance." This struck me. Living in balance is divine order, which is our natural state. In order to live a balanced life I needed to align myself with divine order which is always in balanced. Here is one thing I learned from my meditations on balance which worked for me and I know will help you too:


The way to live a balanced life is to start from the inside out. Recognize you are a spiritual being living in a perfectly balanced universe which is always under divine order. When I look at any chaos in the world, it can all be attributed to man. So with that in mind, I realized I only need to align myself with the divine order which is already operating in my world. The way I could do that was thinking not of chaos in my life, but of everything around me which was balanced.

I began contemplating the seasons, the stars, and the solar system, all operating in divine order and balance. I thought of flowers blooming in springtime. I thought of babies being born and how their tiny bodies would grow. Then my thoughts went deep inside of me. I marveled at the synchronicity of my own body functioning in perfect order. My blood circulates, the cells dividing and multiplying with precision. My organs, heart, liver, kidneys and lungs all synchronize in perfect harmony with one another. I thought of how my muscles contract and relax to help me rise out of the bed in the morning so that I could simply walk across the room. What a miracle. What perfect balance right inside of me. When I take a few moments to stop whatever I am doing to simply take deep breaths, I align myself quickly with the natural balance of life.

We spend too much time thinking of what is wrong with our lives, and what is not work. Is it any wonder we are attracting more of the same? Take a few minutes out of the day to time to think of harmony, beauty, peace and what is working in your life to find your perfect balance and inner peace.

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Janet Alston Jackson is author of "A Cry for Light: A Journey into Love," named winner of Christian Inspiration Award by USA Book News Award. She is a personal and professional growth expert. Sign up for upcoming teleconferences for better relationships on her websites:

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