Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Power of Truth

Everything you need to succeed is found within you. How you see yourself and your ability to succeed will be "make or break" of your business. I've seen some amazingly talented people give up because they allowed two words to take over their psyches. These words have had a profound impact on their lives and businesses. The words are, "I can't."

"I can't" are the two most debilitating words in the English language. "I can't" usually starts with the all to familiar "You can't," or "You'll never". These words seem to carry an intrinsic power. For some, it's a call to stand up and say, "Yes I can! Watch me!" For others it's call to sit in the ashes of self-defeat. Which one are you?

For years I allowed, "You can't" to get in the way of my success. There was a time when I believed I would never be a success. My self-esteem was so low I didn't think I could get up again. Then I realized the Power of Truth. The choice to get up or stay down had been given to me. My success or failure was up to me, no one else. I became fully aware that I had the power to choose. I chose to stand. After I made that decision. I made several changes in my life in order to keep my mind set on belief instead of unbelief.

My rules to stay standing are:

1. Start where you are. Don't think about past failures. Start right here, right now, today. Move ahead one-step at a time.

2. For every negative thought that comes into your mind create an opposing positive thought. Say it out loud. Write them down and keep them front of you. Read them daily.

3. Commit to your goal. Write down your goals. Make sure they are manageable and commit to making them happen. Keeping them visible is a great way of keeping them real.

4. Be in good company. Stay around positive people. Read positive material. I highly suggest joining online groups to provide support and accountability.

5. Trust the Power of Truth. No matter where you go there are going to be those who will want to knock you down. Connect with your inner power. Remember who you really are. Don't go back to the ashes.

Make the choice to stand.

Jill Betz Freeman is the CEO of ROAR! Growing Your Business With Pride. She is passionate about helping entrepreneurs and small businesses grow. Jill has over 15 years of experience in sales, marketing, business development, customer service and corporate training. Shel is a saavy, vivacious, straight on consultant and trainer who is commited to working with companies, business owners and sales professionals who want to increase their bottom line. She has trained sales people involved in diverse industries such as healthcare and engineering. Stacy Kelly, CEO of PM Squared in Houston TX said, "Jill is the go-to person for sales advice." Beth Felege, BSN and Clinical Liason for a major skilled nursing company praised Jill as being, "the person who taught me the most about sales."

Check out ROAR! at and contant Jill for more information about services.

Dr Seuss

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