Friday, August 28, 2009

Personal Development - Add Juice to Your Life!

Life is growth, and we are not growing we are dying. If we think about this point, we can see how life can become monotonous, and mundane. When we explore we feel great, when we settle to routine, we lose sight of a vision.

What is the point of digging a hole in the ground, if all we are going to do is cover it up again? Sometimes life can seem pointless. Get up, go to work, work, come home, sleep, and rinse and repeat.

Daily routine can add its toll. But, it does not have to be that way. In fact I am sure you have had times in your life where things are going great. If you look back, it likely was a time when you were doing something new. You were exploring, and growing.

So life is growth. When we grow we feel great. When we try a new meal or go to a new destination, we learn something new. We learn we liked it or we didn't, and even what it looked like. We have created a bigger map, and here is where personal development can add zest to your life.

What has Bill Gates, Obama, King Solomon and a beggar got in common? They all goal set! Goal setting is at the heart of personal development, and it is so, because goals are generally for things we have never achieved before.

So, what has personal development and goal setting got in common? You set a goal, and now, you have to develop to get that goal. This is so, because we can only have what we are ready for. A person earning $30k a year can't earn $100k a year, until they grow.

Now, back to Bill Gates, Obama, King Solomon and the beggar. With goal setting, we all do it. Unfortunately the first 3 people set a productive goal, while the beggar did not. We may say the person on the street has no choice; they are stuck there because of circumstance.

If we hold such a view it says that we wholly believe in fate, and there is no room to achieve goals, which would be unfortunate, and does not give room for goal setting. The truth is that personal development and goal setting can take you from where you are to where you want to get to.

And here is where the fun begins. You set goals that are positive, for whatever you want. And you work to get them. They require personal development for learning, they need applying to transform learning into skills. And finally the confidence of achievement.

Goal setters live longer and they achieve more in one life time that many would not in several lifetimes. Personal development is a loose subject, which adds benefit to it also. It is like science, it can include chemistry, biology, astronomy and many more subjects.

Likewise personal development includes personal and professional, wealth, health, happiness and a number of other areas. Enjoy personal development, and grow to your full potential.

Goal setting can be a great way to cut down the time to success. Visit this goal setting link for more info. Also I have my blog up where I put some golden gems which can help you on your journey to success - success coaching.

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