Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Most Asked Question in the Universe

I am sure that you have heard it said absolutely too many times: If you want to create the life of your dreams, you have to believe to receive!

Is it really all about having FAITH? Is it really about positive thinking? Is it really that simple?

For a very long time, I felt I was doing all the things I was supposed to be doing to create the marvelous life that I envisioned.

  • I had positive thoughts.
  • I created vision boards.
  • I mediated and prayed.

I truly believed in my heart that my life would be as beautiful and as bountiful as my dreams. I had tremendous faith, but despite all the input, there was no output ... Well, at least not my desired positive output. In fact, my life seemed to get worse.

I started to ponder some serious questions:

  • Was all of my work to create the life of my dreams done in vain?

  • Can we really create our own reality?

  • Is all of this "Law of Attraction" stuff a hoax?

I am sure many of you can relate to this feeling. The most asked question in the Universe seems to be:

"What am I doing wrong?" I pondered this question for awhile.

I learned a very important lesson in my journey to bliss:

No matter how accomplished a pianist, and no matter how perfectly the piano keys are struck, if the piano is out of tune, the results CAN NOT be magnificent ... The instrument used to express the genius must be in tune!

What does all of this mean?

You may have brilliantly created a marvelous life in your mind. You may have unwavering faith that it will manifest for you one day. You may even believe you have done all the perfect things to manifest this masterpiece, but if your body, mind and soul (the instruments used to create and to experience the life of your dreams) is out of balance, your magnificence CAN NOT be expressed.

Many of us have gone for years (or maybe even decades) living lives that were definitely not the lives we would have created purposefully. Nevertheless, our life thus far is what we created, good or bad.


Because of the state of our mind, body and soul during the creation process!

  • Many have bad memories they are holding onto which keeps them from creating the life of their dreams.
  • Many have unhealthy and unenergetic bodies which inhibit them from completing the tasks necessary to create the life of their dreams.
  • Many spend their lives doing things they deem necessary instead of things they love which leaves their souls hungry.

With all of this, many people just can't seem to figure out why their life is not exactly the way they dreamed it would be.


I raise my hand very high and admit to once being a member of this popular club!

The most important lesson I learned from my experience from rising from below sea level to extreme heights (from drowning to soaring) is that before I start working on my masterpiece , I have to make sure my instruments are in tune! When my body, mind and soul are in balance, my expression is perfection.

Balance is essential.

Choose to energize your mind, body and soul with the positives! YOUR LIFE really can be as beautiful and as bountiful as YOU create it to be! Self Empowerment is the Key!

Karen E. Smith is the author of Energy Diet, a self empowerment eBook. She is also a book reviewer for, a book review web site featuring reviews of empowerment books that motivate, inspire and educate.

Please visit The Energy Diet Book Web site to learn how you can empower your life:


Please visit The Animated Book Reviews web site for some empowering books:

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