Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Give Yourself Permission to be Successful

Do you lack self-belief? Does it stop you from achieving what you want to have and do and your want in life? Well you are not alone! But how can you start to break the chains and really live again?

Enter self-belief into Google and it seems inevitable that the major search results will involve someones story of how they changed their life from one of under-achieving and procrastination due to a lack of self-belief. Big deal I say! Who cares!? You only care about you. You may have tried to break the chains of having low self-esteem which also pretty much inevitably goes hand in hand with a lack of self-belief.

Having a lack of self-belief and of self-esteem is simply crippling to th562e personal growth, self actualisation and self-fulfilment of anyone. We humans experience change all the time in life, its situations, challenges and constant changes within ourselves too. We are literally living in a different world from one day to the next in a body and mind and emotional and psychic state that is constantly changing. Often its difficult to keep up!

With the rush of modern living, we lose touch with ourselves to the degree that we do not have a clue who we really are. We end up attaching so many externally based labels to ourselves of what we are, what we do, our definition of ourselves, and most of all, our definition of what we can and cant do!

Most of us know about those childhood experiences that have so shaped the way we are today. We can do our own psychoanalysis thanks very much. We know ourselves better than anyone, right? We may count ourselves lucky or unlucky depending on how our childhood experiences shaped us and our present life. But we probably do not know ourselves at all!

So how much of how we see ourselves is from the past based on our perceptions of what happened to us, how it affected us and how we feel about it all? But our perceptions are fallible and our ability to process scenes, events, emotions can be changeable, to say the least. Even the way we map faces in our brains can be decei5A8ved by our perception of reality. Even green plants are not green but thats what our brain tells us! (Thats the colour wavelength reflected off the plant but is not the plant colour itself!)

The brain is limited by the way it works. Not only this, but everyone is wired-up differently so to speak. Ask a policeman what opinion he has of the publics ability to describe details of an incident. It will not be that high probably with vast discrepancies between different peoples accounts. There are still areas of our brains and aspects of our minds about which we know as little about as the deep unexplored oceans and the outer reaches of space, and these are constantly throwing scientific dogma into turmoil.

We usually do not even remember an event 24 hours ago, or 2 hours ago, or even a minute ago. So how can we really trust and believe our self-belief about ourselves, which may be based on memories from times before our brains have even been fully formed? Thats just plain crazy!

Our reference points are simply not accurate. If we add all our fears into the equation, then realise that most of our fears come from the fear of something happening but probably never has and never will. Not only this, but if we were growing and stretching as human beings according to our natural ability to do so, dealing with these fears if they did happen would be so much less of a trauma 5B4as our capability to deal with them would be so much greater!

I meet so many people every day and this relates to the majority of people I meet, who I would term as emotionally and psychologically closed down often to great degrees, even though operating as average people you would meet on the street. They may have jobs and families and busy lives, but they are in effect sleep walking through life. Mostly these people know in intricate detail what they do and what they have, but how many of them truly know who they are, what they truly want in life, and the honest reasons why? Virtually none of them!

Most people are living in the past every day of their lives and therefore are not living in reality moment by moment. Having created a false world view of reality based on opinions, false impressions, misinterpretations, lies they have been told or incorrect information they have been fed. It is like we all live in a dream of our own making, good or bad. Our minds do not represent a true map of our external reality at all and can be easily fooled.

That is why it such a shame that so many of us live our lives according to our false limiting beliefs we have created. We are all growing, but unless we realise it and explore it regular, how can we exploit these changes and assimilate them into our new belief systems and act out a new internal reality accordingly?

Sure, emotional scars can really ru5B4n so deep they are not 'cured' by methods we presently know. But many can be healed by numerous means and our own bodies and minds especially are the greatest healers of them all! So you may suffer from a lack of confidence in situations where past feelings of pain, fear or inadequacy raise your heart beat. But each time you watch television or read a book, you may wander how it is you can zone out and ignore completely what is going on around you. Thats the power of your mind. It can work for you to protect you as it should or against you because it is still protecting you in situations that are no longer a genuine threat to you.

These mind traps sabotage your life every moment you are not aware of them happening, where your mind is now working against you.

Now I am no expert on self confidence and how to achieve it, but I can tell you I was rejected at birth and adopted as a one year old by a family in which I did not live and perform up to their expectations. However, I am not living my life, like so many sleep walkers do, trying to achieve in life exactly what my parents expectations of me were.

So many people live their lives trying to get love where it will not come from truly unconditionally. Many people never acknowledge their true selves their whole lives, not allowing themselves the personal integrity to be true to their own dreams which rarely are the same as their parents anyway. Sur5B4e mind traps are like walls that have to be dismantled brick by brick. But it helps to get a big breakthrough once in a while by challenging your own beliefs and taking risks in new situations in life. Once a big false self-belief starts crumbling it can effect many others like dominoes falling.

I think most people live their lives rather like you might try to bend a spoon like the infamous Uri Geller. The vast majority of people will focus all their energy on the spoon, trying to change it with all their might, their egos getting more and more frustrated the longer the spoon stays the same.

But is very interesting to note that many children are able to bend spoons like Uri Geller. We have no scientific explanation for this phenomenon at present. But the funny thing is that children appear to bend spoons with ease. Perhaps the key is not trying to change anything at all, but being in a relaxed and unattached state where we are truly in touch with ourselves. At a place where any negative self-beliefs and conditioning are not present as a barrier to natural processes we have yet to discover scientifically.

As our quantum physicists admit there is far more space between matter than previously thought possible. This sure is shaking their beliefs about the true nature of reality and of all the physical matter in it. If you let go of past set paradigms of thought and realise how shaky they are how many laws o5B4f science have had to be re-written in even the last 50 years, how much of our accepted beliefs of reality will be different in another 100? Im certain we will be shocked beyond belief. Like many big changes to our belief system, there will be shock.

As someone of limited self-belief and of very changeable self-esteem, I can say this. I do get very sensitised by various experiences which feel risky. They may make me feel extremely vulnerable. Some give me a feeling of great strength afterwards. Some leave my nerves jangled. It seems crucial not to over-stretch when exploring and developing yourself on purpose. Taking baby steps is the key.

Ive tried big risks and big steps, and they can leave you on highs that take you out of practical everyday reality and can undermine your confidence very detrimentally if you take risks you are not ready to handle when they do not work out as you had hoped. As Zig Ziglar said Youve got to be before you can have.

Life is full of fears, pain and trauma that is completely illusory. When you meet new people, their impressions of you are not true. Their opinions of you are often based on the tiniest of scraps of information. It is not personal because they do not truly know you. I think it is such a waste and shame that people often just judge people on first appearances. This is completely insane.

How many of you have felt that peer pressure of havi142ng to fit in by buying that outfit, car, house, or even getting that husband, or girlfriend. That is not living. It is living second hand to appease and fulfil the clouded desires of others. Why live your life for other people when your true happiness comes from the love of doing what you need to grow for yourself.5B4 Sure this may mean serving other people in many different ways but you will feel the freedom and feeling of positive energy as you burst through one false inner shell after another.

Helping others is self-growth in action. And positive action is the key. Princess Dianna ways painfully shy and yet she was able to face strangers, massive crowds of admirers and even manipulate the media. Her solution was simple. When with people, focus on them instead of on yourself!

The big lesson for me about my past is that life is not about finding my past or my roots, hoping to find there the thing to ease the pain of my past. I do not think you find yourself in the way many think. I think you make yourself and in doing so you discover and remember your true self along the way. The past is gone and can never happen again quite the same way. The truth is, we give ourselves the permission we need to have the things we need and want, and sometimes we can give those things to ourselves and the most important of them all is unconditional self-love. Whether you believe in love as an eternal spiritual power is irrelevant. We all die inside without it...

Even if you are made to look stupid in front of millions on a television 'reality show', who cares? If you do it for personal growth and it strengthens you and makes you more secure in yourself you will secretly be envied for doing it. Anyone can laugh at someone but could they walk in that519 person's shoes ?

Failure or defeat is subjective, so whatever happens in our lives has the potential to help us grow. Feedback is painful, but it does not have to stop you. As Bruce Lee said: Defeat is not defeat until accepted as defeat in your own mind. (And even a rubber band has to stretch before bouncing back...)

(Warning: This article is protected by copyright.)

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Stress Management Techniques

The simple realization that you are in control of your life is the foundation of stress management

Living with high levels of stress, can putt your entire health at risk. Stress wreaks havoc on your emotional stability, as well as your physical health. It tapers with your ability to think clearly, function effectively, and enjoy life.

Causes of Stress

Stress may be because of any physical, chemical, or emotional factors that cause bodily or mental unrest and that may even cause physical sickness. Stress also has effects on the immune system. Chronic (long-term) stress has the effect of (wearing down) the iB68mmune system, leading to an increased susceptibility to colds and other infections.

Physical and chemical factors that can cause stress include trauma, infections, toxins, illnesses, and injuries of any sort. Emotional causes of stress and tension are numerous and varied.

How to Manage Stress

Stress is a daily part of our life; it would be absolutely foolish to think that we can eliminate it from our lives completely. What we can do is to manage it and not let it cripple us.

Learn to say (no) : This is the most important step,know your limits and stick to them. Whether in your personal or professional life, refuse to accept extra responsibilities that you know will cause you distress.

Avoid people who stress you out : If someone constantly causes stress in your life and you can not turn the relationship around, limit the amount of time you spend with that person or end the relationship entirely.

Take control of your environment : Avoid environments that stress you, if traffic is got you tense, take a longer but less-traveled route. If shopping is an unpleasant chore, do your grocery shopping online or ask someone to help out.

Avoid heated topics : If you get upset over religion or politics, avoid talking about them. If you repeatedly argue about the same subject with the same people you are bound to be stressed.

Know your limits: evaluate your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. If you have got too much on your plate, drop tasks that are not truly necessary to the bottom or eliminate them entirely.

Express instead of bottling up- If something or someone is bothering you, communicate your concerns in an open and polite way. If you do not voice your feelings, resentment will build creating unnecessary stress.

Compromise- When you ask someone to change their actions, be willing to do the same. If you both are willing to bend a little, you will find a middle ground.

Be more assertive- If you need something ask for it. Deal with problems head on, doing your best to anticipate and prevent them.

Manage your time better- Poor time management can cause a lot of stress. When you are stretched too thin and running behind, it is hard to stay calm and focused. But if you plan ahead, you can avoid these stress-inducing pitfalls.

Do not try to control the uncontrollable- Many things in life are beyond our control particularly the behavior of other people. Rather than stressing out over them, focus on the things you can control.

Look for the Bright side- When facing major challenges try to look at them as opportunities for personal growth.

Share your feelings- Talk to a trusted friend or a therapist. Expressing what you are going through can be very therapeutic, even if there is nothing you can do to alter the stressful situation.

Learn to forgive- Let go of anger and resentments35F.Free yourself from negative energy by forgiving and moving on.

Include relaxation time-Include rest and relaxation in your daily schedule. Do not allow other obligations to encroach. This is your time to take a break from all responsibilities and recharge your batteries.Make time for leisure activities that bring you joy, whether it be stargazing, playing the piano, or working on your bike.

Create a Support system- A strong support system will buffer you from the negative effects of stress. Spend time with positive people who enhance your life

Exercise regularly. Physical activity plays a key role in reducing and preventing the effects of stress. Make time for at least 30 minutes of exercise, three times per week. Nothing beats aerobic exercise for releasing pent-up stress and tension.

Eat a healthy diet- Start your day right5A2 with breakfast, and keep your energy up and your mind clear with balanced, nutritious meals throughout the day.

Reduce caffeine and sugar- The temporary "highs" caffeine and sugar provide often end in with a crash in mood and energy. By reducing the amount of coffee, soft drinks, chocolate, and sugar snacks in your diet, you will feel more relaxed and you will sleep better.

Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, and drugs- alcohol or drugs may provide an easy escape from stress, but the relief is only temporary. Later the stress simply piles on plus your health starts to suffer.

Get enough sleep-Feeling tired will increase your stress because it may cause you to think irrationally.

Ashish Bhattacharya armed with a degree in East Asian Therapies from China, Currently working in a Mauritius Spa Resort, one of the leading Ayurvedic Spa Mauritius.

The Motivation Myth

"It is the ultimate management conceit that we can motivate people." Peter Scholtes, team effectiveness consultant and author

After six years at Universal Pictures, Harry Cohn formed Columbia Pictures in 1924. During the following decades he ran the company with an iron fist. His image as a tyrant was reinforced by the riding whip he kept near his desk to crack for emphasis. Cohn form of "motivation" led to the greatest creative turnover of any major studio. At his funeral in 1958, one observer suggested that the thirteen hundred attendees "had not come to bid farewell, but to make sure he was actually dead."

Some parents want their kids to be independent as long as they do everything they're told to. Some team leaders want their teams to be empowered as long as they follow directions. What some "leaders", call "motivation" is getting others to carry out their orders. Some seem to live by the philosophy that if I want any of your bright ideas I'll give them to you. Just do what you're told...and look like you're enjoying it. These forms of "motivation" are based on fear and force. If the punishment is strong enough and the policing rigid enough, they will lead to compliance. People will follow the rules and marching orders. But that's all. Energy, creativity, and extra effort will be minimal. So will ownership and commitment. The only passion tyrants and autocrats create are fear, loathing, and the desire for revenge.

The key problems of the Motivation Myth are clearly illustrated by a Farcus cartoon; a team leader is at the head of a conference table addressing her team with these words, "we need to improve morale, any of you boneheads have a good idea." The main cause of the problem seems pretty obvious. She just needs to look in the mirror. But obviously the obvious isn't always so obvious. Root causes and symptoms are continuously confused. The Farcus team leader is treating low morale as a problem to be solved rather than an indicator of much deeper issues. Clearly a key source of a deeper problem is her contempt for her team and her forcefulness. Her approach is like an auto mechanic reporting, "I couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder."

Many of the symptoms and root causes of motivation and morale can be clarified by understanding the doing versus being aspects of mobilizing and energizing. We need to get beyond "do to" programs and techniques. The big sticks of fear, punishments, and discipline or the carrots of incentives and rewards may work in the short term. But to keep them working, we need to continually increase the beatings or sweeten and vary the incentives. Eventually the beatings will burn people out and they will quit. Some will leave and find other jobs. Many will silently resign and continue to report for work everyday.

People should be fairly rewarded for their contributions. The absence of money can be demotivating, but its presence doesn't provide healthy, long-term motivation. Using money or types of incentives to get increased performance turns people into selfish, self-centered mercenaries who are increasingly tuned into WIFM (what's-in-it-for-me). Pride, teamwork, concern for customers, shared values, growing and developing, passion, meaningful work, and the like fade. These become hollow words that raise "the snicker factor" whenever they are heard.

Effective mobilizing and energizing goes well beyond "doing" programs to the "being" or culture of a team, organization, or any group including a family. That culture is a set of shared attitudes and accumulated habits around "the way we do things here." The culture provides the context or backdrop that either energizes or exhausts people.

Excerpted from Jim's fourth bestseller, Growing the Distance: Timeless Principles for Personal, Career, and Family Success. View the book's unique format and content, Introduction and Chapter One, and feedback showing why nearly 100,000 copies are now in print at http://www.growingthedistance.com Jim's new companion book to Growing the Distance is The Leader's Digest: Timeless Principles for Team and Organization Success. Jim Clemmer is an internationally acclaimed keynote speaker, workshop/retreat leader, and management team developer on leadership, change, customer focus, culture, teams, and personal growth. His web site is http://www.clemmer.net/articles

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mind Tricks - Six Easy Ones

Many mind tricks are more than just tricks. They are creative techniques for tapping into the power of your mind. They entertain, but they also have more practical uses. A good example is the "pupil trick."

Look in the mirror and watch your eyes as you vividly imagine something pleasurable. It can be a beautiful scene, your favorite naked body, or anything else that will create desire in you. You'll notice your pupils getting larger almost immediately. If you practice a bit, you can make your pupils instantly larger at will.

Pupils enlarge when you are aroused, interested and receptive. When you are with someone and your pupils dilate, the person you are talking to subconsciously senses your interest in them or what they are saying, and they like that. This makes it easier for them to like you, and to listen to what you suggest. You don't have to be a salesman to take advantage of this. Once you learn to control your pupil size, why not try this subliminal mind trick?

A Mental Math Trick

As a young boy in school, I didn't "show my work" in math class. In my figuring, 97 x 16 became 100 x 16 (1600) minus 3 x 16 (48). It was easier that way, and almost automatic, so I would just write down 1552 even though I couldn't explain very well how I arrived at the answer. For my teachers this was a problem, but many years later such math shortcuts were sold in seminars and books. You might want to learn a few of your own.

A Memory Trick

Suppose you need to remember the following list: Soap, milk, honey, fork, and flowers. Just start a vivid story in your imagination, adding items to it as you go: At the sink, reach for the SOAP, and find the soap dish full of MILK. Wash your hands with that, and then comb HONEY into your hair with a FORK. Finally, pick up a bouquet of FLOWERS and smile at the mirror. Repeat each item while mentally reviewing your "movie," and you'll remember all five things, even the next day.

Mind Tricks For Motivation

To get yourself motivated, talk about your plans. This is a simple, yet powerful min5B4d trick. By the time I tell my wife about the newsletter I'm going to write, I'm out of my slump and back at the keyboard. You can quickly change your state of mind, but not by willing it to change. That would be like trying to ride a bicycle without pedaling. There is a mechanical aspect to the mind that can't be ignored. That is what these techniques tap into.

To help a friend out of a bad mood, get them to talk. More specifically, get your friend to explain something to you that they are passionate about. The process literally will change the chemicals in their brain, and so change their state of mind. When you find the topics that work best, remember them for future use.

A Reading Trick

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt.

A subscriber to my Brainpower Newsletter sent me that one. A more useful speed-reading "trick," is to read just the first and last sentences of paragraphs. That's where the most useful information u4F3sually is, as in the last sentence of this paragraph: Mind power comes from practice, not desire, so why not try these mind tricks?

Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower and related topics for years. For more on How To Increase Brain Power, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit: http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com.

Self Evaluation - A Journey Through Anxiety And Panic Disorder

Anyone who knows the pounding of the heart or shallow heavy chested breathing to late night runs to the emergency rooms understands what I'm talking about. The dreaded panic attack! I've been a sufferer of Anxiety and Panic Disorder for little over two years now. It comes out from no where like a thief in the night to steal your sanity and leave you helpless while praying to God "Please don't let this kill me". My experience with anxiety/panic disorder led me on the journey through sixty straight days of emergency room visits, two weeks of in house hospital treatment and medical tests to determine if I was going insane. Finally I ended up in cognitive behavioral therapy trying to recover what was stolen from my life. "Control"

The most important thing that anxiety/panic disorders do is rob you of self-control. The most terrifying symptoms of a panic attack is the feeling of losing your mind. This is just not a form of expression either. Only those who suffer from this disease can relate to the third person imagery, sensation of terrifying restlessness that can engulf your daily life. The effects that these symptoms play on your mind is horrible- mine were so bad that I refused to go outside or even trust those people that were close to me. The worse thing anyone could've of said to me in the initial stage of the disease was "It's all in your head! The doctor told you all you have to do 5B4is calm down." That was a favorite saying of my wife. Problem with those types of comments was you would push me farther away, I knew in my mind something was wrong because I was feeling it.

As the days went by and I wondered if I would be this way the rest of my life I started to slowly turn the tables on the anxiety. The one thing anxiety/panic disorder started to do is show me my faults and weaknesses. Anxiety humbled me to no end- it showed me the type of life I was living and responsibilities not being met. Through this disease I was given the opportunity to see my life in a way I was never able to do before. Being humbled by this disease was the best thing that could of happened to me- I was able to see that no matter how tough I thought I was, that just wasn't the case. My life was at a downturn and I wasn't being the husband or father I should have been- God in my eyes gave me a good wake-up call on what my priorities should be. The funniest things started happening to me as I finally realized that this disease was actually a blessing in disguise. I was brought closer to God through my new found faith, I started paying more attention to the needs of my wife and kids. Most importantly I stated to feel a sense of happiness never felt before.

Many doctors or so-called experts believe the stress in your life is the major cause of anxiety/panic disorder. I can agree with them that stress plays an important role in anxiety5B0/panic disorder. I also believe that the body will communicate to one's soul when their life is out of balance and needs to be fixed. I'm a big believer that when it comes to anxiety/panic disorder a person must start looking deep down into the depths of the mind and start listening to what it is saying is wrong. I've learned to use my disease as an ally instead of a hindrance- to analyze why symptoms began and what situations proceeded them. These last few years have educated me and showed me just how wonderful life can be. I still suffer from panic attacks on a daily basis-but instead of fearing them I'm using the attacks as a stepping stone into a better understanding of myself.

For self help tools I suggest visiting Hawkins Publications. They provide excellent tools in audio mp3, video, ebooks and more to help you with mental health issues

Self Help For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The first question on most people's lips when they hear the term IBS is, what is it? The more important question to ask is what it isn't. IBS, while painful, is unlikely to be life-threatening. If you are in the unfortunate situation of experiencing pain in your digestive system, then you must see your medical practitioner/doctor to confirm that you do not have a serious condition i.e. the pain in your gut may be symptoms of something serious. This confirmation process will probably require a series of tests e.g. Barium Meal, Blood Tests to name but a few. Barium Meal will involve the patient drinking a white/cream coloured liquid followed by X-rays taken of the stomach area to see how the Barium progresses through the digestive system. Blood test[s] may be taken if the patient is suffering digestive pain following a bout of food poisoning, for example to confirm the presence of the parasite Giardia. IBS is not a condition that can be self diagnosed; medical advice should always be sought.

IBS is comprised of a number of symptoms and this5B4 is the essence of why it is so difficult to cure or to find out why it occurs. Some people suffer from constipation while others suffer from diarrhoea, some suffer persistent flatulence while others do not. It seems that human beings in their infinite variety are susceptible to some ailments whilst immune to others. It is unlikely, for example, that stress is a cause for IBS, but in some people it certainly does seem to make the symptoms worse. In other people it may be that food with a high fat content causes the gut to react violently leading to pain.

On the physiological level, the digestive system of the average adult, is about 9m long. Essentially it comprises the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine [the bowel]. In people who do not suffer IBS, the digestive system moves and contracts in a rhythmical fashion and this is how food is moved along the digestive tract. This rhythmical movement is called Peristalsis. In people who suffer IBS the Peristalsis movement is not rhythmical and the sufferer may undergo bouts of food moving through the digestive system quickly [diarrhoea] or slowly [constipation]. Either situation results in pain for the sufferer and a reduction in their quality of life.

Sometimes people who suffer IBS are told that it's all in their head, that they are willing themselves to be ill. Anyone who has suffered IBS knows that they would not wish IBS on their worst enemy. T50Fhey long for the day when they can do what they want when they want just like the people around them. Simple things like going out for the day, spending time with family and friends, being able to play their favourite sport without the worry of how well they will be feeling in ten minutes time would never be taken for granted again.

It is estimated that between 20 and 50 percent of all visits to a gastroenterologist are concerned with IBS symptoms. Most people can remember a time when they did not have IBS, what did that mean to you? Discover how to claim back your life at http://www.bowelremedy.com

Self Improvement Tips

The average person does not like to admit that they have any faults, so its often difficult for an outsider to give that person self-improvement tips. In spite of any kind of help you may try to offer, they will decline to admit that they have even one item on which they need to improve. When you have the perfect human specimen, creating a self improvement program is going to be quite a challenge.

Before you can begin detailing a self improvement program, you must be willing to define the things that need improvement. No matter how perfect you may feel you are, each of us has something upon which we can improve whether its our ability to create motivation, punctuality, ability to grasp new information, communicating with people, understanding priorities, or knowing how to properly dress for a special function. In order to create improvement within yourself, you must identify areas in need of improvement with a self improvement program and self improvement tips that relate to your specific areas of immediate need.

Self improvement tips are necessary for each person in order for them to recognize the areas in which they lack, especially with the perfectionist who does not see himself or herself as having any faults. Accepting ones 5B4faults and developing a self improvement program is not a sign of weakness but rather an admission that you are accepting change within yourself to allow you to become a better person. The most important of the self improvement tips that you must learn is to accept that you are not infallible and that being less than perfect is not a reflection on your status in life or the person that you have become.

The self improvement program you develop for yourself should contain all of your weaknesses that you have identified individually or with the help of self improvement tips from others. The detailing of this information and the implementation of a program of improvement should allow for a better understanding of these areas in need of improvement and address the dangers of feelings of superiority perfection within both the business and personal sectors of your life.

For more self improvement tips and information on developing a self improvement program, please visit http://www.kgcenterprise.com

Teen Spiritual Movies

Questionnaire On Self Esteem - Here Is Question 4 Out Of 5 Important Questions You Need To Answer

Here is the questionnaire on self esteem, question number four: After Setting Your Benchmark, How Do You Feel Now?

This is a quick question, remember the very first charting exercise that you did with the first question. Take that slip out and using a different colour ink, chart how you feel after attaining your benchmark. And again, I will place the emphasis and encourage you to use a pen and paer to jot down your experience because your mind remember what it "sees".

Once you are done, head to Question 5 because this question will help you to maintain your self esteem if you ever feel it dipping again. Before you do just that, you can only answer this question accurately if you have set and attain your benchmark. You have to take the first step. You have to take action. I know that it is easier said then actually doing it.1C68

BUT, yes it is always the but that keeps us going that when you finally do it. Your comfort zone would have expanded and you will feel better about yourself and you will fell comfortable again. This question is also about evaluating your experience. Have you grown from it?

It is also a personal yardstick to see if the benchmark is high enough to withstand strong winds and heavy rain. Remember the personal story I shared with you in question three, even though I have overcome the fear of calling for the pizza delivery, it was not a high enough yardstick for me to approach and speak to strangers, and hence it allowed me to step out and inquire a even higher yardstick.

A quick recap on the questionnaire on self esteem, specifically question four that we are right on now, is to evaluate your experience after attaining your benchmark.

Please note that you are allowed to print this article for your own use.

-This article is copyright by JY Chia-

JY Chia Is A Self Proclaimed Self Esteem Coach, From Someone Who Will Bribe Her Brother To Call For Pizza Delivery To Mustering The Courage To Approach The President Of Her Country During A Mega Congress! Visit her blog at http://www.SelfHelpMotivationBlog.com To Get Proven Tips On Improving Low Self Esteem & Get Your Copy Of "5 Questions To Build Your Self Esteem" For FREE TODAY!

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Communication Steps to Keep Your Personal Power

These 4 steps, if practiced to the point of being second-nature, will bring you to a whole new level of effectiveness in all your interpersonal relationships.

This article (Part 2) provides some practical application, but first, a review from Part 1 of "Personal Power: 4 Communication Steps to Get It and Keep It":

INFORM: In a neutral tone of voice, simply reflect back to the person what they are doing. "Do you realize that you are late?" "Do you realize that you are shouting?"

REQUEST: You make a simple, calm request for them to stop the behavior. "I ask that you be on time." "I request that you stop shouting."

INSIST: You insist that the person stop. (It would be unusual to get to this level. Most people respond to either step one or two.)

LEAVE: If the person still has not responded to your reasonable statements and requests, you may have to leave the room, or perhaps leave the relationship.

The really great thing about this communication model is that when you do step one Inform, you are giving the other person a graceful exit. Most people are well-meaning, and do not want to hurt or offend, and simply may not realize that1056 their behavior or statements have the effect they have. So, by you saying in a neutral Do you realize that (whatever), they have the opportunity to apologize, learn your boundary without being threatened, and move on to a healthy conversation and relationship.

I once I saw these steps executed expertly by a friend and colleague of mine at work. We had a boss who was extremely disrespectful, and out of control, and who would launch into personal attacks on a whim.

One day, my friend demonstrated all four of these steps with amazing calm. When the boss raised his voice and began to shout, she simply said

Do you realize that you are yelling?.
She repeated this a few times before moving on to step two.
I ask you to stop yelling at me.
He kept on. She responded with something like
I must insist that you stop yelling at me or I will have to leave the room.
He didnt stop, and she left. He was baffled! Did it change his behavior? Unfortunately, in this case it did not. But, my friend kept her sense of self, pride, and her power. Plus, she earned the respect of every single person who was in that meeting. I will never forget it.

How about the friend who is habitually late when you agree to meet for lunch. You can start by saying

Do you realize that you are 20 minutes late?
If they continue in this habit, say
I ask that you not be late when we are scheduled to meet.
If this is still not enough to promote a behavior change, then the next time,
I insist that you meet me on time, or I will leave the restaurant.

Next time theyre late - leave. The friend will arrive late, and be surprised that you have actually followed through, and were able to articulate each of these phases of the model with such calm, unemotional, clear, self-respecting aplomb.

Beware! Our natural tendency is to skip over steps 1 and 2 and go right for 3 and 4 and by that time, we are usually not able to keep the neutral tone of voice.

OK, time to practice.

List the people in your life who are crossing your boundaries and write down a simple sentence to inform them. For example, Julie, do you realize that you are usually several minutes late for our lunch meeting? Or Bob, do you realize that you interrupt me frequently when I am speaking?

Dont make any requests at this point. This is new territory for both you and those in your life. You have allowed them to cross your boundary for a long time, so give them a few chances to get it.

Practice, practice, practice saying them in a neutral tone. As you get comfortable with these 4 steps, you will become the queen (or king!) of good communication and boundary-setting. You'll earn the respect of others, self-respect, and healthier relationships than ever before!

Visit LifeHouse Coaching and sign up to receive more f*r*e*e* weekly tips in "Blueprints for a Dream Life." Edi Sowers works with professional women who face the challenge of balancing personal and professional priorities.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Why Would You Hurt Yourself Like This

Everybody knows that if you stick your hand in a fire you're going to be burned. This is a fact that was branded in our minds since childhood, therefore we usually take special precautions when dealing with fire. You wouldn't intentionally burn yourself because you are aware of the pain and discomfort it will cause you.

But what if I told you that you could be causing yourself and even more painful and deeper discomfort?

What I'm referring to is the pain and suffering caused by holding on to a unforgiving spirit.

A common misconception that people believe is they have a right to be unforgiving based on the amount of pain that was caused to them. Also since they feel alot of pain every time they think about what happened it's only logical to hold on to that resentment.

It seems right not to accept the guilty parties apology and sometimes they never apologize, but I'm here to tell you today that forgiveness is for you not them! It's so you can move on with your life and not dwell in the past on things that are not E5Epraiseworthy.

Holding on to unforgiveness is very painful to the unforgiving person and alot of times causes you to experience sleeplessness and stress which in turn could make you sick.

In addition it makes you meditate on angry thoughts toward the person who did you wrong which could lead to hatred.

Hebrew 12:14 "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord."

Beyond a shadow of doubt, our spiritual enemy, the devil, will try to get us into a state of unforgiveness so that he can have an advantage in our life.

He will remind us of past hurts that occurred months, weeks or even years ago, if that will work for him. What he is trying to do is to get us to ponder them long enough so that we will act out on them. To "resist" these thoughts is to resist the devil.

I know first hand from my own personal experiences that the above statements are true and terrible, but the worst part of all is that unforgiveness keeps the all mighty, all knowing, all powerful, most high God from forgiving you!

In Matthew 18:21-35 The man who received personal forgiveness but refused to forgive the man who owed him a mere "hundred denarii's," was labeled a "wicked servant" because he was forgiven his debt which was far more than the debt he refused to forgive.

The power of forgiveness is immeasurable. It is a power that Jesus used often and even delegated to his followers.

Luke 17:3-4 "Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying I repent, you shall forgive him".

God loves us very much and is very forgiving, even when we make mistakes. God gives us chances to work on our behavior and be the best we can be. When you pray, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.

Matthew 6.14-15 "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

In conclusion, to be unforgiving is to: anger God (Mt. 18:34), to give the devil an advantage in your life (2 Cor. 2:10,11), to conform to this wicked generation (2 Tim. 3:3), not to walk in love (1 Cor. 13:5), to stop God from forgiving you (Mt. 6:14,15) and to negate your own salvation (Mt. 18:32,34,35;).

David Hopkins is a "Christian Article Writer" who specializes in helping people remember to glorify God in everything that they do, so they don't miss out on any of His wonderful blessings.

Visit Daily Word Of God Group to read additional articles and to sign-up for a free newsletter to learn everything you need to know about why you should be putting God #1 in your life.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Yoga Instruction

Not all students will learn in the same way, when you teach yoga classes. Many students will be able to listen carefully and learn from verbal cues. Others still will 5B4further benefit from you personally assisting them with a pose. Visual learners will best learn by observation and will be able to copy a pose by watching you.

Every teacher must be aware of the different learning styles, which individuals may possess. A good teacher will operate accordingly. This means you must be adaptable in your teaching style, while remaining accurate.

There are certain elements that should be taught, in proportion, during each session with your students. The four minimum elements requisite of the Yoga Foundation are asana, meditation, breath, and mantra. The order and proportion is decided by the instructor from their learning and individual class structure. Feel out the class, and decide what rhythm and sequence of poses will best benefit the group you are instructing.

Although we know the benefits of mantra for controlling mind chatter, some students may be resistant to seeing the value of verbal mantra. In this case, teach them the option of mental mantra, or positive affirmation, in their native language.

Another issue to consider, as a yoga instructor, is the ethical side of teaching. The practice of yoga is very intimate, physically and spiritually. The atmosphere, that an instructor creates, needs to be based on the welfare of the students.

Students will experience physical and emotional shifts during their progress. An effective yoga instructor can be there to guide them, but 5A6the guidance must be focused on disciplined and ethical alignment. Select carefully the tone of words and music used in the class. Balance of the mind, body, emotion, and spirit, is the ultimate focus of a yoga class.

The role of a yoga instructor can be a very rewarding one. Assist your students with proper yoga techniques and you will see amazing changes. Follow the essential knowledge you have learned in your own training, and you will be able to help your own students find their path. Be patient with the process and treat all of your students with the same level of respect and courtesy. Remember that they are looking to you for guidance on a life long path to optimum holistic health.

Copyright 2008 - Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, has written many books on the subject of Yoga. He is a co-owner and the Director of Yoga Teacher Training at: Aura Wellness Center, in Attleboro, MA. http://www.aurawellnesscenter.com He has been a certified Master Yoga Teacher since 1995. To receive a Free Yoga e-Book: "Yoga in Practice," and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit: http://www.yoga-teacher-training.org/index.html

Clever Yoga Tips for Busy People

Most of us live very busy and hectic lives. If you are married, have children, have a job, you are going to be busy and even if you don't have all these commitments, you are probably busy nonetheless. Throw in other activities you may be participating in, such as higher education, a fitness routine, other hobbies & interests, sports, blogging etc., and 24 hours starts to seem like awfully little time per day. Unfortunately, what seems to often get sacrificed in keeping up with the rat race is the one thing that should not, your daily spiritual practice. So in this article I will give some handy tips on how you can get more Yoga and Meditation practice into your busy lives by doing some clever multitasking.

Of the many yoga pranayama breathing exercises there are, I think the following 2 stand apart: Breath of Fire Yoga Pranayama & Kapalbhati Yoga Pranayama. These 2 pranayamas have an encyclopedic list of benefits and what's best about them is that they are both simple to do and easy to incorporate into your daily life... specially when you are driving!

Yes that's right... driving. Obviously DO NOT do these breathing exercises if it at all affects your driving, but, generally speaking since driving is mostly automatic for most of us, it provides the perfect opportunity for getting in some additional spiritual work.

A car really is pretty conducive for such pranayama practice. You are already sitting up, so just straighten your spine (use a lumbar cushion if you need to), you have music available so put on some inspirational tunes, you have a clock to time yourself and you even have a fan to stay cool. What more can you ask for?

If you have family in the car with you, great, you can all practice together, why not. Both Breath of Fire pranayama and Kapalbhati pranayama are breathing exercises that activate energy pathways within you and increase your energy, so there is no risk of them making you sleepy or drowsy. Really, no significant modification is needed to practice either pranayama while driving so take advantage of this time and give it a try.

To practice Breath of Fire, begin to breathe rapidly through the nose putting equal emphasis on the inhalation and the exhalation. Allow the stomach and diaphragm to stay relaxed and simply pulse to the rhythm of the breath. It is important in breath of fire to not force the air in very deep, but instead keep it at the tip of nose and just breathe rapidly.

To practice Kapalbhati pranayama, again keep everything relaxed and simply expel the air forcefully through your nose, then allow the inhalation to take place as a simple passive recoil. As you exhale forcefully, pull your abdominal muscles in towards your spine, and as you inhale just allow them to re-expand naturally.

If there are other pranayama exercises you are doing, they too might be suitable to do while driving. So be creative and see if driving is conducive to incorporating them. So as you are getting to your physical destination continue to make pr564ogress towards your spiritual destination as well.

Anmol Mehta is a Yoga Teacher & Zen Expert. See Free Yoga Exercise Videos and explore Free Kundalini Yoga Poses & Exercises on his extensive Meditation and Yoga site, Kundalini Yoga.

This article is available for reprint on your website and/or newsletter, provided it is not changed and you include the author's signature.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Common Thinking Errors

There are certain mindsets or points of view that can be counter-productive to good communication. These errors in thinking, and if taken to the extreme, can inhibit both personal growth and growth in relationships. Here is the list:

1. All or nothing thinking: You see th514ings in extremes, everything is black or white. This can be obvious or subtle for example saying 'He is always late, but I never get angry over it'. This mindset can be that of the perfectionist also.

2. Minimizing or catastrophizing: You exaggerate the importance of small things. 'The entire meal was ruined because the desert was not served promptly.' Is this a catastrophe? An example of minimizing is taking a significant issue or event and reducing its importance so it appears inconsequential. People often do this so as not to have to deal with uncomfortable emotions or consequences.

3. Overgeneralization: You take a single event and draw general conclusions that it is universally true. If your date is late you say 'All men/women are always late'.

4. Minimizing or qualifying the positive: If someone says you did a good job, you respond by saying 'I could have done better'.

5. Jumping to conclusions: This one is pretty self explanatory. You make a negative interpretation even though there are no definite facts that really support your conclusion. 'My boss didn't say Hi this morning, I'm in big trouble.' 'My girlfriend isn't home, she's cheating on me.'

6. Mind reading: Couples are often guilty of this, if he/she loved me they would know what I want.5B4 You arbitrarily conclude that someone is reacting in a negative way to you and don't bother to check it out. 'I know what you're thinking.'

7. Should and must statements: These are shame generators. "Musts" and "oughts" are also offenders. This can be the product of inflexible and rigid thinking. 'I must not let them see me cry.' 'I should have been there'. The emotional consequence of failure to adhere to the rule is shame and guilt. When you direct should statements toward others, you are setting up unrealistic expectations and if they don't behave they way they 'should' anger and resentment result.

9. Emotional Reasoning: While your feelings are valid, and they are your own, they do not necessarily reflect fact. Being frustrated at not being able to accomplish a task does not mean your are dumb. Feeling hopelessness does not mean you are hopeless.

10. Personalization: You see yourself as the cause of some negative event for which, in fact, you were not really responsible. Your loan application is not approved; it does not mean the loan officer had it in for you. Your daughter does not get asked to the prom does not mean you are a poor mother.

While all of us may be guilty of some of these mindsets, the danger is when they become a persistent view of your self, others and the world around you.

Tell4A7 your story! Pick up tips and tricks to help in addiction recovery and enhance your life free of addictions. Join our growing community. The author, Bill Urell MA.CAAP-II, is an addictions therapist at a leading drug treatment center. He teaches healthy life styles and life skills. Visit: http://AddictionRecoveryBasics.com

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Why Vitamin C Increases Muscle Gains

Do you sometimes feel your intensity and/or energy levels are going down? Your diet is good, you drink enough water, all other things seams to be perfect but for some reason you lack energy you had just recently. Symptoms of weakness and tiredness are very disturbing but worse of all, very much destructive for all building muscle mass attempts we may have. Good news here! Vitamin C is the answer. Muscle weakness is a common symptom of vitamin C deficiency.

Research showed valuable data. Functions of ascorbic acid indicate that any strength athlete needs to be consuming more than the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) because it has several functions that are important for building strength and muscle mass. Vitamin C is needed for maintaining the strength of tendons and ligaments but also it is essential for the adrenaline synthesis (the hormone crucial for intense training).

Physical training increases oxidative damage to cells in muscle tissue in our body. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that reduces the amount of oxidative damage caused by exercise. Proper amount of vitamin C ensures a lower release of cortisol. Why this cortisol thing is important? Being a catabolic hormone it does serve in other ways but its presence in the muscles promote excessive breakdown of muscle tissue. Therefore, lower secretion of this hormone should provide faster 5ADrecovery and better performance. But here is a problem: vitamin C is not of the stable structure and it can not be stored it in our bodies. Therefore we need sufficient amounts of vitamin C everyday. You may know that RDA for vitamin C is 60mg/day. However, recent studies in people that are not athletes suggest that a good intake is more likely to be around 200mg/day. And if you saw ours (or any other good) nutrition calculator you already know it is not too difficult to arrange. 8-ounce glass of orange juice will provide you with around 100mgs of vitamin C.

But it is very difficult to know the right amount your body will need. I must say it wouldn't hurt to supplement with an additional 250-500mgs a couple of times a day particularly if you are already feeling the "down phase" symptoms. I always take an extra 500mg dose with breakfast and before I train just to be sure. To conclude, vitamin C isn't advertised and glorified as so many "big" supplement labels. Smart and complete exercise - diet program contains perfect balance of all important elements for muscular development like Vitamin C. Fresh sources of the vitamin C like orange juice or lemonade are best in the sense. Adding extra vitamin C by supplementing your diet for most of us is necessary but not so effective without complete approach.

You can build up Massive and Strong Body fast, without risking your health. Sasa's advices saved time, money and good health to many Athletes. His dedication, profound experience and personal example are causing the difference. Feel free to visit his web page , claim your Free e-Book's and Video's and learn more on Fast Massive Muscle Building.

Attracting Your Fitter Body

Have you wondered whether you could use the power of your thoughts to help you lose weight and get fit? Of course you can! There are a few things you need to do to make sure you succeed.

First of all, you need to realize all the negativity being thrown at you about weight. You get told all the time that if you eat a particular food, you will get fat. Or, you get told that because others in your family are overweight, you are destined to be fat. Perhaps your mother told you that it was much harder to lose weight after 40, so now you simply do not try as you get older. These are common things we all hear and accept as truth. What you believe to be true becomes the reality. You have made your efforts much more difficult, even impossible, by taking these thoughts and attributing authority to them.

Examine the ideas and beliefs you have about exercise, fitness and diet. If you believe that sitting at a desk all day without ever getting any exercise will cause you to gain weight, then that is what will happen. What we expect to happen determines what actually happens. If you want to change the outcome, you have to work on how you think first. Starting now to change how you think and what you do will bring very real results in changes to your body. The good news is that you have complete control over every outcome.

A lot of us confuse self-image with our bodies. Your true self is what makes you YOU, your skills and abilities and what is in your heart. The type of body you have is not your true self. How you see your body however can and does affect how you feel about yourself. Changing your thoughts will change everything. When you look at yourself in the mirror every morning, do you make a disgusted face at the image? How much negative energy did you just spoon-feed yourself (pun intended)? When you are feeling negative, you attract more of the same.

In order to start attracting better things for yourself and realize the fitter body that you used to have or have always wanted, stop judging yourself. You only have this one body and it needs your care. You can change it so that you can live a healthier, happier life. Starting right now, look in the mirror and love yourself, as clichd as that sounds. Just try it and you will be amazed at how much better you feel. If you feel better, your thoughts will be more positive. In turn, you will become better motivated to start attracting the things into your life that will bring that fitter body to you.

Robin Skeen

Robin lives i419n the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and her website contains her reflections on inspired personal growth - transforming body, mind and spirit so you can live your best life NOW! To find out more, visit today at http://www.robinskeen.com and check back on a regular basis for free reports and eBooks.

Arm Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders

Most people new to bodybuilding pay a lot of attention to building big arms, sometimes to the point of overtraining. Don't forget, the arm muscles are brought into play during most exercises aimed at other body parts so care must be taken not to overdo things.

Having said that, the arms are complex body parts in their own right and deserve a properly focused exercise program. In basic terms the arm consists of three main muscle groups:

1. Biceps brachii - two muscles at the front upper arm that run from the elbow to the shoulders.

2. Triceps brachii - three muscles at the rear upper arm that run from the elbow to the shoulder.

3. Forearm - several smaller muscles that run from the elbow to the wrist.

There are seven classic exercises that will allow beginners to get off to a good muscle building start without overstraining their bodies. For all of the exercises that follow, use a weight that is light enough to allow between 10-15 reps.

Three biceps building exercises are recommended for beginners:

1. Standing barbell curl - 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

2. Alternative standing dumbbell curls - 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

3. Preacher bench curls - 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Three triceps building exercises are recommended for beginners:

1. Dips - 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

2. Close grip bench press - 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

3. EZ bar lying extensions - 10-15 reps.

One forearm building exercise is recommended for beginners:

1. EZ bar reverse curls - 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

As with all exercises you need to take care in scheduling specific body parts. To begin with you should incorporate your arm exercises into a program similar to the one suggested below:

Day 1: Biceps, Back, Abs

Day 2: Hamstrings, Shoulders, Abs

Day 3: Quads, Forearms, Calves

Day 4: Triceps, Chest, Abs

For the first couple of weeks complete one set but then add one set each week to a maximum of three. At the end of three months you will be ready to move on to more intensive intermediate level exercises.

Richard Mitchell is the creator of the bodybuildingadvisor.com website that provides guidance and information to athletes at all levels of bodybuilding experience. Go to Bodybuilding Advice to learn more about the issues covered in this article.

Easiest And Most Effective Methods

Aromatherapy for stress relief offers methods that fit easily into your daily life. Whether in the bath, air or on the skin, aromatherapy is highly effective at relieving tension, anxiety and fatigue. If you are searching for an inexpensive, simple way to deal with stress, give this natural remedy a try.

What is aromatherapy? It is a natural healing technique of using essential oils to ease health conditions. Essential oils are directly extracted from flowers and plants. The use of plant-based oils for healing is over 1,000 years old. When inhaled, the scents of the extracted oils affect the limbic system in the brain.

The limbic system influences the autonomic nervous system as well as emotions and behaviour. Inhaling certain scents can calm and balance our emotions and behaviour. Take advantage of aromatherapy for stress relief. It is a powerful mB67ethod of producing relaxation and rejuvenation.

There are many ways to use aromatherapy for stress relief. Using the essential oils in the bath, air and on the skin are the easiest. The oils are readily available and range from $5.00 to $30.00 for the most popular ones. They can be found mostly at health food stores and online. Try these methods and feel your stress melt away.

In the bath - The most pleasurable way to experience the effects of essential oils is in the bath. After pouring a warm bath add about six drops of a soothing oil such as lavender, lemmongrass or pine. The warm water will activate the healing scent of the oil. Bath products containing essential oils are now widely available. However they may not be as effective as using the pure oils.

In the air - This is a popular way of using aromatherapy for stress relief. Using diffusers, aroma lamps and inhalers are the many products available to fill the air with therapeutic scents. You may want to try putting a few drops of oil on a light bulb before you turn it on. The warmth of the light bulb will activate the scent. A quick method is putting a few drops on a tissue or cotton ball. Take a few whiffs to instantly relax, revitalize and recoup.

On the skin - Using the skin for aromatherapy serves many purposes in addition to relieving stress. Massaging tense muscles and joints, revving up circulation and improving skin health are but a few benefits. Essential oils always require a carrier oil to be put on the skin. Carrier oils such as sweet almond, avocado or grapeseed work well. Use approximately 6-8 drops essential oil to 20 ml carrier oil. You can even purchase a rub containing relaxing essential oils to use in times of stress. Just massage the rub into your temples, wrists or chest to calm your nerves instantly.

Using these methods of aromatherapy for stress relief are pleasant yet powerful. Feeling the soothing and rejuvenating effects of essential oils may lead you to use them for other ailments. A healing method that has been used for over 1,000 years must be effective.

To receive a valuable free report and newsletter click here: Free Report

Learn more about using essential oils to relieve stress by clicking here: Aromatherapy for Stress Relief

Discover which herbs will help you relieve stress at: Herbs for Stress Relief

Caroline Selfe has been a passionate seeker of natural and holistic stress relief methods for the past 25 years.208

Friday, July 4, 2008

You Can Be Self Motivated

You have probably heard that sharing a burden lightens the burden in half. What 548is equally as true is that telling other people your hopes and dreams waters down the power you gained in focusing on your goals. The response you will usually get from others is a lack of belief in your vision even when the other person is only looking out for your best interests. It's a rare event when someone else can see the vision you have for your life. Others are more likely to start picking your dreams apart and pointing out all the things that are wrong with them.

You are feeling motivated, feeling great about your life and the direction things are going. Along comes your sister or your best friend who take aim and just shoot you down. You get told to do a reality check. That certainly lets the air of you and there go all of those good feelings you were having about your future. Well, here is a reality check. You are the only one who can keep your motivation going.

Keep the urge to share your dreams to yourself until you have control over your emotions. Once you have focus on your dreams, negative comments will not dilute the power of your dreams. Until you can do this, mediate on your goals privately. The main reason to share with someone else is because you are having doubts about how capable you are of following your goals. You are seeking positive feedback. Unfortunately, the reinforcement you5A1 want is rarely offered.

There's nothing wrong with sharing your dreams and seeking positive feedback, except that you're looking for it in the wrong places and will probably wind up getting just the opposite. Not always, but why take that chance until you feel stronger about your dreams and goals? This need for feedback relates directly to your degree of belief in yourself. When you genuinely trust in yourself and are fully motivated to succeed, you will find that you do not need reinforcement because you have already supplied that for yourself!

Rather than looking for outside reinforcement or validation, concentrate on ways that YOU can step up your motivation. Keep building yourself up with your own version of pep talk and keep your ultimate destination in the forefront of your mind. Take steps you know will get you where you want to go. If you must seek advice and encouragement along they way, look for it only from those who have achieved what you're attempting to accomplish. There are almost always others who have paved the way for you. You will build up your inner strength eventually to the point where it will not count what others say and do. That will be the day when no one will be able to deflate your motivation again. Remember to be self-motivated and take those action steps needed to reach your goals.

Robin Skeen


Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and her website contains her reflections on inspired personal growth - transforming body, mind and spirit so you can live your best life NOW! To find out more, visit today. Free reports and eBooks are added on a regular basis.

What Does It Take to Be Great

It takes the wisdom to know that you are here for Higher reasons that your logical mind my not remember or even fathom.

It takes the courage to speak your truth, and it takes patience with others when they are not coming from a place of love and support.

Being great is not a matter of ego. Quite to the contrary, being great takes vision to fulfill your beingness with the brilliance and vision you hold within.

It takes harmony, and supporting others to recognize the greatness they hold within. It is a reemergence of the spirit of cooperation, and aligning with others to make many dreams come true.

It stems from a non-threatening or threatened paradigm, where a win/win for all is the only way to play.

It shatters the egos need to own, and embraces the souls re-emergence to share with all others.

Being great boasts no ego. It is achieved in the spirit of sharing, of serving, and of illuminating the hope within others when they have lost all hope of their own.

Being great needs no recognition as the rewards of a life lived in this process far outweigh the egos need for stature. The soul knows its stature, and its possibilities are limitless, boundless and eternal.

Being great is not an outcome. It is lived each moment. It is filled with a child-like wonder that helps others to remember the child-like wonder they once had.

As you read these words, remember that your greatness lies within your heart, and in your Divine connection to the guidance you receive that gently nudges you to honor who you are. Not by doing more, but by BEING more.

What greatness do you hold within that you 5B4would like to bring out? THAT is the greatness you are, and no one else can be you. Remember that!

Copyright by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. All Rights Reserved.

Barbara Rose, PhD. most widely known as "Born To Inspire" is the best selling author of "Know Yourself", "If God Hears Me, I Want an Answer!", "Stop Being the String Along", "If God Was Like Man" and Individual Power. She is an internationally recognized expert in the field of personal transformation, relationships and spiritual awakening. Barbara is a pioneering force in incorporating Higher Self Communication, the study and integration of humanitys God-Nature into modern personal growth and spiritual evolution. Her highly acclaimed books, public speaking events, tele-seminars, widely published articles, and intensives have transformed the lives of thousands across the globe. She is the founder of IHSC -Institute of Higher Self Communication, inspire! Magazine and Rose Humanitarian Alliance. Barbara holds a Ph.D. in Metaphysics and works in cooperation with some of the greatest spiritual leaders of our time, to uplift the spiritual consciousness of humanity. Visit her website http://www.borntoinspire.com

Mastermind Your Way To Success

I want to share the top nine reasons to consider joining a MasterMind group of positive, solution oriented professionalsB68 to help you connect even more to the "Law of Attraction".

For me, personally, it has been the catalyst for my growth in my career and in my personal life. Surrounding myself with an incredible group of positive, win-win people has increased the earnings of my business start ups, has helped me create better solutions to issues I deal with, increased my personal and professional confidence and opened an even bigger world of "possibilities".

Let me explain...

1. Expand your view. Many times we cannot see beyond our personal experience or our personal "view" of the world. Much like, "We cannot see the forest for the trees". Our personal "trees" block the view of the beautiful and boundless forest. So, when we are together with our MasterMind group, I am still, after 20 years of participating in them, amazed at the options, insights and opportunities that are created. Not to brag, but I am EXTREMELY creative, yet I consistently see new ideas and thoughts for myself and others that are needed to nourish the Law of Attraction lives we want to live.

2. Unlimited solutions and possibilities. There are TRULY unlimited solutions. Beware of people saying "The way I see it, you only have one option". MasterMind groups create as many options as you are open to receive. Unlimited solutions await us and we can provide unlimited solutions to others.

3. A safe and positive place for you and your dreams. Your MasterMind group is the one place that should be safe to share your dreams, your hopes, and your challenges. A warm, caring and non-judgmental place for you to stretch your wings, explore your potential and give life to those desires that have been confined to your heart or your head. A safe place to "create" your life.

4. Accept accountability. The group can help hold you accountable TO and FOR your dreams, as well as the actions you need to take to manifest them. They may say "WHEN are you going to take action and report back to us?" By being part of your group they, too, are investing in YOU. You owe them accountability to step out there on that limb, knowing they are behind you to help you if you fall and to celebrate as you fly. We are not victims; we are victors, once we accept responsibility and accountability to manifest, with joy, our dreams.

5. Celebrate! Sometimes there are people that would consider you celebrating your successes as "bragging". That you are "too full of yourself". Cancel! Cancel! In order to manifest through the Law of Attraction, you want to surround yourself with those that are truly happy and EXCITED for your successes. The MasterMind group is the place for celebration. The group is invested and as excited for your successes as their own because you each are sharing parts of yourself to create the synergy, energy of possibilities. So, get ready t5B4o celebrate your success of your dreams manifesting!

6. Givers gain. Remember that while you are receiving hope, ideas, inspiration, and possibilities from your MasterMind group you are GIVING hope, ideas, inspiration, and possibilities to others in your group. I can attest for the fact that your heart feels fuller when someone found a nugget in something you shared or gave to them and it impacted their life, their dream. Again, givers gain.

7. Group resources. If, on the average, it has been said that each person knows 250 people, and you have 8 people in your group, then your personal network just expanded to 2,000 contacts for you and your MasterMind group to share as resources. In our age, with mobility, the internet, social networking and more, I believe in a higher, but still, a very conservative 750 people each that we know which increases our network of contacts for our group to 6,000. We are 2 to 6 degrees from a person we need to connect with to make our dreams come true. I do believe that. As you get clearer on WHO you want to connect with, you increase your odds of "connecting" based on the Law of Attraction model. So, let your MasterMind group tap their network.

Another piece of group resources is the resources that exist to help us manifest our dreams and goals... it might be a person, a website, a contact, a place, a magazine. Your MasterMind group is a magnet to help you attrac5B2t the resources you need. A large magnet can attract more then a small magnet, so empower yourself and your group to use the resources you all share.

8. Increase your confidence and braveness factor. Is "braveness" a word? I'm not sure, but I personally can attest for an increase in confidence and braveness by being part of a MasterMind group. I saved this for last, but I feel that in order to "attract" we NEED to develop our confidence that we can do it! We CAN make our dreams come true. Being brave is not always easy, but sharing your heart and soul with others that believe in us, increases our braveness factor. I have seen it over, and over. The group believes in us before we believe in ourselves.

This quote to me defines this concept:

"When I see in you what you do not see in yourself, I am the bridge." Author unknown.

Your group is your "bridge".

9. Fun and joy. Your meetings will be fun. You will feel more joy when you see and feel the support and the endless possibilities. The Law of Attraction in action!

So, if you truly want to live a life that celebrates the Law of Attraction, create or find a MasterMind group. If you want to create better relationships, create more time, more money, more joy, and create the highest energy "synergy", start today on your journey of creating or finding a MasterMind group to help you on your journey to even more joy in your life.2EA

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Concentration Is The Power

Have you ever taken note how you breathe when you feel in love with the whole world or with some one special and that noble emotions which thrills you. When you are fille111Cd with good thoughts, you breathe a plentiful supply of oxygen into your lungs and love fills your soul. Love develop a person, this feeling changes them physically, mentally and socially. They breathe deeply when they are happy and they will gain life and strength; they will steady their mind and will develop a power in concentration and become magnetic and powerful. If you want to get more out of life you must think more of love. LOVE is the GIVER. Unless you have real deep affection for something or some one, you have no sentiment, no sweetness, no magnetism. So arouse is your love and deep affections by your will you enter into a FULLER life. A FULLER life is sweetness in itself. The Energy , the POWER.

The hand of love always magnifies, but it must be steady and controlled. Love can be concentrated in your hand shake, and this is one of the best ways to influence another. The handshake that is steady and firm will be the controlled mind.

The next time you feel yourself becoming irritable, use your will and be patient. This is a very good exercise in self-control. It will help you to keep patient if you will breathe slowly and deeply. If you find you are commencing to speak fast, just control yourself and speak slowly and clearly. Keep from either rising or lowering your voice and concentrate on the fact that you are determined to keep your poise, and you will improve your power in concentration.

When you meet people of some importance, assume a reposeful attitude before them. Try Do this at all times. Watch both them and yourself. Static exercises does develops the motor faculties and increase the power in concentration. If you feel yourself getting irritable, nervous or weak, stand squarely on your feet with your chest up and inhale deeply and you will see that your irritability will disappear and a silent calm will pass over you.

If you are in the habit of associating with nervous, irritable people, quit them until you grow strong in the power in concentration, because irritable, angry, fretful, dogmatic and disagreeable people will weaken what powers of resistance you may have.

Any exercises that give you better control of your ears, fingers, eyes, feet, will help you to steady your mind; when your eye is steady, your mind is steady. One of the best ways to study a person is to watch his physical movements, for when we, study they actions, we are studying their mind.

As actions are the expressions of the mind. As the mind is, so is the action. If it is uneasy, restless, erratic, unsteady, its actions are the same. When it is composed, the mind is composed. Concentration means control of the mind and body. You cannot secure control over one without the other.

Many people who seem to lack ambition have WEAK or SLUGGISH minds. They are steady, patient and seemingly have good control, but this does not say they are able to concentrate. These people are indolent, inactive, slow and listless, because they lack energy; they do not lose control because they have little FORCE to control. They have no temper and it therefore cannot disturb them. Their actions are steady because they possess little energy. The natural person is internally strong, energetic and forceful, but his energy, force and strength, thoughts and physical movements are well under his control.

If a person does not have energy, both mental and physical, he must therefore, develop it. If he has energy which he cannot direct and hold to a point he must learn to do so. A man may be very capable, but, unless he WILLS to control his abilities, they will not do him any good.

I have heard so much talk about the benefit of physical culture, but the real benefit of this is really lost sight of. There is nothing that holds the faculties at work in a sustained and continuous manner as static exercises do. For, as I stated before, when you learn to control the body, you are gaining control over the mind. I would suggest to you to read my blog "Motivate Yourself To Achieve Anything".

How to Gain What You Want Through Concentration

The ignorant person may say, "How can you get anything by merely wanting it? I say that through concentration you can get anything you want. Every desire can be gratified. But whether it is, will depend upon you concentrating to h5B4ave that desire fulfilled. Read my previous article. By merely wishing for something will not bring it. Wishing you had something shows a weakness and not a belief that you will really get it. So never merely wish, as we are not living in a "fairy age." You use up just as much brain force in "vain imaginings" as you do when you think of something worth while.

Be careful of your desires, make a mental picture of what you want and set your will to this until it materializes. Never allow yourself to drift without helm or rudder. Know what you want to do, and strive with all your might to do it, and you will succeed.

Feel that you can accomplish anything you undertake. Many undertake to do things, but feel when they start they are going to fail and usually they do. I will give an illustration. A man goes to a store for an article. The clerk says, "I am sorry, we do not have it." But the man that is determined to get that thing inquires if he knows where he can get it. Again receiving an unsatisfactory answer the determined buyer consults the manager and finally he finds where the article can be bought. He was persistant to have what he wanted. He made certain that that he would get what he came for. "NO" was not in his vocabulary.

I love helping people who need advice on Home Environment wh4A8ich include help with advice and tips for families with debt and personal problems in sickness, weight loss, back pain, tips on how to save money at home and away from home, internet products. After all love is about giving. If you like this post sign up for my newsletter by clicking on the right and receive some cool stuff and more post that you ask for. You can also bookmark this post by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the post. By the way if you are interested in weight loss I have tried and succeeded in losing 25 pounds. Just let me know.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Why Would You Hurt Yourself Like This

Everybody knows that if you stick your hand in a fire you're going to be burned. This is a fact that was branded in our minds since childhood, therefore we usually take special precautions when dealing with fire. You wouldn't intentionally burn yourself because you are aware of the pain and discomfort it will cause you.

But what if I told you that you could be causing yourself and even more painful and deeper discomfort?

What I'm referring to is the pain and suffering caused by holding on to a unforgiving spirit.

A common misconception that people believe is they have a right to be unforgiving based on the amount of pain that was caused to them. Also since they feel alot of pain every time they think about what happened it's only logical to hold on to that resentment.

It seems right not to accept the guilty parties apology and sometimes they never apologize, but I'm here to tell you today that forgiveness is for you not them! It's so you can move on with your life and not dwell in the past on things that are not E5Epraiseworthy.

Holding on to unforgiveness is very painful to the unforgiving person and alot of times causes you to experience sleeplessness and stress which in turn could make you sick.

In addition it makes you meditate on angry thoughts toward the person who did you wrong which could lead to hatred.

Hebrew 12:14 "Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord."

Beyond a shadow of doubt, our spiritual enemy, the devil, will try to get us into a state of unforgiveness so that he can have an advantage in our life.

He will remind us of past hurts that occurred months, weeks or even years ago, if that will work for him. What he is trying to do is to get us to ponder them long enough so that we will act out on them. To "resist" these thoughts is to resist the devil.

I know first hand from my own personal experiences that the above statements are true and terrible, but the worst part of all is that unforgiveness keeps the all mighty, all knowing, all powerful, most high God from forgiving you!

In Matthew 18:21-35 The man who received personal forgiveness but refused to forgive the man who owed him a mere "hundred denarii's," was labeled a "wicked servant" because he was forgiven his debt which was far more than the debt he refused to forgive.

The power of forgiveness is immeasurable. It is a power that Jesus used often and even delegated to his followers.

Luke 17:3-4 "Take heed to yourselves. If your brother sins against you, rebuke him; and if he repents, forgive him. And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times in a day returns to you, saying I repent, you shall forgive him".

God loves us very much and is very forgiving, even when we make mistakes. God gives us chances to work on our behavior and be the best we can be. When you pray, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.

Matthew 6.14-15 "For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."

In conclusion, to be unforgiving is to: anger God (Mt. 18:34), to give the devil an advantage in your life (2 Cor. 2:10,11), to conform to this wicked generation (2 Tim. 3:3), not to walk in love (1 Cor. 13:5), to stop God from forgiving you (Mt. 6:14,15) and to negate your own salvation (Mt. 18:32,34,35;).

David Hopkins is a "Christian Article Writer" who specializes in helping people remember to glorify God in everything that they do, so they don't miss out on any of His wonderful blessings.

Visit Daily Word Of God Group to read additional articles and to sign-up for a free newsletter to learn everything you need to know about why you should be putting God #1 in your life.

How to Successfully Implement a New Year's Resolution

The idea of celebrating the New Year began about four thousand years ago in ancient Babylon. This celebration coincided with the start of spring and the planting season. Babylon was also the birthplace of the New Years Resolution. The idea was to give people who had borrowed farm equipment from their neighbor a chance to remember what they had done and return it before planting began. Most of todays New Years Resolutions follow in that tradition. They are ideas, goals and challenges designed to make practical and positive changes to our lives during the coming year.

There is a school of thought that says most people either love or hate the holiday season between Thanksgiving and New Years, with no middle ground. Most people who take a definitive position on the Holidays probably also fall into the optimistic glass is half full or pessimistic glass is half empty measurement of personal outlook. Surprisingly, thats not a bad thing.

People who take a positive or negative position on life are great candidates for change. If youre lost in some desert or jungle, the hardest part of that experience is finding out where you are. If you already know where you are, mapping out the journey to somewhere else is much easier. The same is true in life.

Almost everyone chooses some positive change as a New Years Resolution. Such change usually involves weight loss, quitting smoking, attitude adjustment, moving to a more comfortable dwelling, getting a better job, finding a soul mate or making more money. People start thinking a lot about change as a New Year approaches. From a practical standpoint, this is probably the worst time to alter your life. From an emotional standpoint, its the one time of year when people are willing to put forth serious effort to change. It would be unwise to waste that kind of an opportunity, even if it means merely laying the groundwork for serious life modification.

Ill spare you the usual happy talk about goal setting and get down to the nitty gritty of what it takes to make any New Years Resolutions you have in mind come true. Im assuming that youve already given much thought to the changes you want to make. The most successful Resolutions involve issues that have been tugging at a person for some time. Theyve already considered the pros and cons are ready to take action.

The end result of any New Years Resolution should be personal growth in a positive direction. Given that, it might be wise to wait before calling the divorce attorney or telling off your Boss on January 2nd. What seems like a terrific idea during the Holidays may turn out to be a real nightmare in the emotional doldrums that often follow the glittery holiday season. Some changes are better left to times when cooler heads prevail and less alcohol is consumed.

If youre ready to move your life in a positive direction, you will have to create a good support structure to complete the change. People who want to lose weight, quit smoking, drinking or some other habit can really benefit from having others around who are trying to do the same thing. Beyond the paid weight loss, quit smoking and addictive substance services, there are a number of free support groups and non-profit organizations willing to help. Most people who try to lose weight or quit a habit without a support structure tend to fail. In many cases, inspiration can also come from within. The idea is to make a conscious decision to change and follow through with a strong force of will. Its the follow through part that gets most of us. Thats because were unwilling to actually take the plunge when we have the chance to do so.

There is no substitute fo5B4r action. Positive thinking is good, goal setting helps, but action rules! That means making time to act on the changes you wish to make in your life and following through. Write down a long list of things required to make changes. Consider each item, and then turn your long list into a short list. Make your list very personal. While people can help you by providing support, its imperative that you become the main source of inspiration and support for change in your life.

Part of creating a short list is being realistic. Make sure its a daily, not long-term list. Its always easiest to focus in on and accomplish small tasks on a daily basis that will help you create the kind of change you desire in your life. While long-term goals are always beneficial, short-term tasks are usually required to reach them. The idea is not to overwhelm yourself with unrealistic expectations and impossible deadlines. Take it one-step at a time.

If you want to lose 100 pounds, start by deciding to eat just one meal each day. Be sure that meal is in the morning and, based on your own metabolism, doesnt exceed your bodys ability to process what you intake and still burn off fat. Diet programs tend to be designed for people who can eat three or more small meals a day and still lose weight. Most people who are seriously overweight do not fall into that category. For them, a slice of low fat lunchmeat, a couple of tomato slices and one5B4 slice of bread with low fat margarine or mayonnaise are about all that can be eaten most days in order to lose the weight. Hunger pains can often be handled by drinking black coffee or low calorie beverages. The idea is to lower the hunger threshold, rather then eating to feed the fat.

Any change requires progressive implementation. A person who is seriously overweight cannot really get the exercise they need until after losing enough pounds to make that kind of bodily strain safe. Smokers are in the same boat. They need to cut down on smoking until reaching a point where they have the breath needed to take long walks, jog or do other exercises designed to clear out their lungs and help satisfy cravings.

People who want to further their education and havent been to school for a while might want to seriously assess their ability to return to the culture of education before they leap in. Being technically perceptive and able to study is part of that preparation. If you havent yet mastered simple computer or internet skills, take on that challenge before you do anything else. Email has become an important part of the student and teacher communication process. Assignments and class information is often communicated to students via internet. Your ability to study and complete assignments will require time. Have you set aside that time? What about your reading and comprehensive skills?

If a new job or career is on you5B4r New Years Resolution list, but sure your ready to take the leap. Get your resume and letters of recommendation in order. Assemble some good Resume Stuffers. These are certificates of training or achievement, which always look good to perspective employers. They tell a future employer that you are willing to learn, grow and improve your skills. Most require little more then attending a seminar or short series of classes. Without those items, youre telling a prospective boss that you know everything you want to know and are unwilling to learn more. You are saying that you will not easily accept new situations, methods or supervision. That is not what most employers want to hear.

Relationship changes are hard. Most involve one party telling the other to get lost. No one is going to take that news very well. Its also true that the person delivering that ultimatum may not always realize the full ramifications of it. Relationship changes can seriously affect us on social, religious and personal levels. People often decide to opt out of a relationship for all the wrong reasons and without good cause.

Before you tear up those photos of you and your intimate partner on that skiing trip or posing with the Knights at Medieval Times, make sure that you are physically, emotionally and socially ready for such a drastic change. I regularly receive emails from people who end up back in relationships, for better or worse, because 5B4they had not considered their next move before walking out. Things sometimes get bitter between people, but thats not always a good reason to break up.

Any good relationship involves work. Both parties have to be willing to give and take as those opportunities present themselves. If you are unwilling to work at a relationship, stay out of them altogether. There is simply no magical formula to create the perfect love affair. Everyone has faults and, eventually, those faults will make themselves known in a loud and clear way. Love often means being willing to accept those faults in lieu of a good relationship with long-term promise.

Part of making a successful change to your life is understanding the concept of self-esteem. People with low self-esteem rarely admit they are wrong. They make decisions and assign blame based on self-gratification and emotional highs or lows. People with high self-esteem are able to look themselves in the mirror and make a rational assessment of whats right and wrong with their life. How is your self-esteem?

The first step to good self-esteem is understanding that you are the one responsible for everything you think, feel and do. If you smoke, its a choice you made even if your parents had a six-pack a day habit. If youre overweight, its up to you to assess your ability to process food and eat accordingly, even if both your parents and all your relatives are overweight. If you46Br partner makes you feel bad, youre the one who allows them to influence you in a negative or positive way.

Developing good self-esteem is vital to making positive changes in your life. Part of that development is deciding where you stand on important life choices. Are you honest? Are you sincere? What do others say about you? Do you inspire people? Whether we like it or not, these are all considerations that affect our self-esteem.

In the end, making and following through with a New Years Resolution means having the desire and strength of will to make good choices that will cause a positive change in your life, without causing undue pain to others. Those choices must be based on good self-esteem, an ethical sense of doing whats right and moving forward in a personal, financial and spiritual sense.

Author: Bill Knell Author's Email: billknell@cox.net Author's Website: http://www.bil576lknell.com

Terms To Use Article: Permission is granted to use this article for free online or in print. Please add a link to or print my website address of http://www.billknell.com

A native New Yorker now living in Arizona, Bill Knell is a forty-something guy with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He's written hundreds of articles offer advice on a wide variety of subjects. A popular Speaker, Bill Knell presents seminars on a number of topics that entertain, train and teach. A popular radio and television show Guest, you've heard Bill on thousands of top-rated shows in all formats and seen him on local, national and international television programs.