Friday, July 4, 2008

You Can Be Self Motivated

You have probably heard that sharing a burden lightens the burden in half. What 548is equally as true is that telling other people your hopes and dreams waters down the power you gained in focusing on your goals. The response you will usually get from others is a lack of belief in your vision even when the other person is only looking out for your best interests. It's a rare event when someone else can see the vision you have for your life. Others are more likely to start picking your dreams apart and pointing out all the things that are wrong with them.

You are feeling motivated, feeling great about your life and the direction things are going. Along comes your sister or your best friend who take aim and just shoot you down. You get told to do a reality check. That certainly lets the air of you and there go all of those good feelings you were having about your future. Well, here is a reality check. You are the only one who can keep your motivation going.

Keep the urge to share your dreams to yourself until you have control over your emotions. Once you have focus on your dreams, negative comments will not dilute the power of your dreams. Until you can do this, mediate on your goals privately. The main reason to share with someone else is because you are having doubts about how capable you are of following your goals. You are seeking positive feedback. Unfortunately, the reinforcement you5A1 want is rarely offered.

There's nothing wrong with sharing your dreams and seeking positive feedback, except that you're looking for it in the wrong places and will probably wind up getting just the opposite. Not always, but why take that chance until you feel stronger about your dreams and goals? This need for feedback relates directly to your degree of belief in yourself. When you genuinely trust in yourself and are fully motivated to succeed, you will find that you do not need reinforcement because you have already supplied that for yourself!

Rather than looking for outside reinforcement or validation, concentrate on ways that YOU can step up your motivation. Keep building yourself up with your own version of pep talk and keep your ultimate destination in the forefront of your mind. Take steps you know will get you where you want to go. If you must seek advice and encouragement along they way, look for it only from those who have achieved what you're attempting to accomplish. There are almost always others who have paved the way for you. You will build up your inner strength eventually to the point where it will not count what others say and do. That will be the day when no one will be able to deflate your motivation again. Remember to be self-motivated and take those action steps needed to reach your goals.

Robin Skeen

Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and her website contains her reflections on inspired personal growth - transforming body, mind and spirit so you can live your best life NOW! To find out more, visit today. Free reports and eBooks are added on a regular basis.

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