Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Self Help For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The first question on most people's lips when they hear the term IBS is, what is it? The more important question to ask is what it isn't. IBS, while painful, is unlikely to be life-threatening. If you are in the unfortunate situation of experiencing pain in your digestive system, then you must see your medical practitioner/doctor to confirm that you do not have a serious condition i.e. the pain in your gut may be symptoms of something serious. This confirmation process will probably require a series of tests e.g. Barium Meal, Blood Tests to name but a few. Barium Meal will involve the patient drinking a white/cream coloured liquid followed by X-rays taken of the stomach area to see how the Barium progresses through the digestive system. Blood test[s] may be taken if the patient is suffering digestive pain following a bout of food poisoning, for example to confirm the presence of the parasite Giardia. IBS is not a condition that can be self diagnosed; medical advice should always be sought.

IBS is comprised of a number of symptoms and this5B4 is the essence of why it is so difficult to cure or to find out why it occurs. Some people suffer from constipation while others suffer from diarrhoea, some suffer persistent flatulence while others do not. It seems that human beings in their infinite variety are susceptible to some ailments whilst immune to others. It is unlikely, for example, that stress is a cause for IBS, but in some people it certainly does seem to make the symptoms worse. In other people it may be that food with a high fat content causes the gut to react violently leading to pain.

On the physiological level, the digestive system of the average adult, is about 9m long. Essentially it comprises the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine [the bowel]. In people who do not suffer IBS, the digestive system moves and contracts in a rhythmical fashion and this is how food is moved along the digestive tract. This rhythmical movement is called Peristalsis. In people who suffer IBS the Peristalsis movement is not rhythmical and the sufferer may undergo bouts of food moving through the digestive system quickly [diarrhoea] or slowly [constipation]. Either situation results in pain for the sufferer and a reduction in their quality of life.

Sometimes people who suffer IBS are told that it's all in their head, that they are willing themselves to be ill. Anyone who has suffered IBS knows that they would not wish IBS on their worst enemy. T50Fhey long for the day when they can do what they want when they want just like the people around them. Simple things like going out for the day, spending time with family and friends, being able to play their favourite sport without the worry of how well they will be feeling in ten minutes time would never be taken for granted again.

It is estimated that between 20 and 50 percent of all visits to a gastroenterologist are concerned with IBS symptoms. Most people can remember a time when they did not have IBS, what did that mean to you? Discover how to claim back your life at http://www.bowelremedy.com

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