Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Questionnaire On Self Esteem - Here Is Question 4 Out Of 5 Important Questions You Need To Answer

Here is the questionnaire on self esteem, question number four: After Setting Your Benchmark, How Do You Feel Now?

This is a quick question, remember the very first charting exercise that you did with the first question. Take that slip out and using a different colour ink, chart how you feel after attaining your benchmark. And again, I will place the emphasis and encourage you to use a pen and paer to jot down your experience because your mind remember what it "sees".

Once you are done, head to Question 5 because this question will help you to maintain your self esteem if you ever feel it dipping again. Before you do just that, you can only answer this question accurately if you have set and attain your benchmark. You have to take the first step. You have to take action. I know that it is easier said then actually doing it.1C68

BUT, yes it is always the but that keeps us going that when you finally do it. Your comfort zone would have expanded and you will feel better about yourself and you will fell comfortable again. This question is also about evaluating your experience. Have you grown from it?

It is also a personal yardstick to see if the benchmark is high enough to withstand strong winds and heavy rain. Remember the personal story I shared with you in question three, even though I have overcome the fear of calling for the pizza delivery, it was not a high enough yardstick for me to approach and speak to strangers, and hence it allowed me to step out and inquire a even higher yardstick.

A quick recap on the questionnaire on self esteem, specifically question four that we are right on now, is to evaluate your experience after attaining your benchmark.

Please note that you are allowed to print this article for your own use.

-This article is copyright by JY Chia-

JY Chia Is A Self Proclaimed Self Esteem Coach, From Someone Who Will Bribe Her Brother To Call For Pizza Delivery To Mustering The Courage To Approach The President Of Her Country During A Mega Congress! Visit her blog at http://www.SelfHelpMotivationBlog.com To Get Proven Tips On Improving Low Self Esteem & Get Your Copy Of "5 Questions To Build Your Self Esteem" For FREE TODAY!

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