Friday, May 15, 2009

It is the New Year - Have You Given Up on Your Resolutions Yet?

For most people, the answer is probably yes. For the most part, people's resolutions fail because they really were not serious about them to begin with. It was just a passing thought and it really did not mean anything to them and the only reason they set a resolution was because that is what you are supposed to do for the New Year.

For others, the ones who are serious about their resolutions, is that they simply don't know how to set a proper resolution.

Commonly, people will set resolutions like: I want to lose weight or maybe I am going to quit smoking.

These are fine resolutions but they are still bound to fail because they don't know how to properly set a resolution. A resolution is nothing more than goal setting but, most people don't know how to properly set a goal.

First, they don't write down their goal. Do this and it is easily forgotten. In addition, they phrase it in a negative fashion, don't set a time limit and have no way of measuring the success of their goal and it should be written in a manner that it has already been accomplished. Gratitude and the positive effects of the goal should also be included.

For example, the person who is serious about quitting smoking should write his resolution something like this:

Today, April 1, 2009, I am so grateful that I am smoke free. Not only is my breathing better-I don't start the day by coughing anymore but, also my food tastes better, my clothes don't stink anymore and suddenly, I am no longer a social outcast. Becoming smoke free is the best thing that I ever did.

Write it down like this and look at it everyday and by April 1 you will be a non-smoker. You have a deadline, measurable results and you constantly remind yourself of the positive effects. Now that is a resolution that you can literally "live" with.

For the person who wants to lose weight, your resolution (goal) might read something like this:

March 15, 2009, I am so thankful that I started eating a healthy diet at New Years. I now weigh xxx pounds. I have lost 3 dress sizes (belt sizes) and it is amazing how much more energy I have and how good I look in the mirror.

By writing it down, making it measurable, giving yourself a deadline and reminding yourself on a daily basis you will find that achieving your resolution is almost effortless. By doing your resolution in this manner, you will make a habit out of it and you will have pride in your accomplishment and greater respect for yourself.

Now, don't say I will start tomorrow. Sit down, right now and write out that resolution. You will be glad you did.

Stan Pontiere has been an avowed self-help geek since high school-more than 40 years ago. For more information on self-fulfillment please visit: or my blog at:

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