Saturday, May 16, 2009

What is ESP - Extra Sensory Perceptions

Extra sensory perception and/or reception are a metaphysical term used to cover all events and abilities which happens outside scientific knowledge. ESP is sometimes called PSI (parapsychology scientific investigation) some refer this as mind powers where as others simply refer it as spiritual dimensions. This subject covers a broad range of events. Such as clairvoyance, premonitory dreams, deja vu, telepathy, psychic ability. So let's investigate the meaning of each of the terms above that make up part of this field of extra sensory perception.

Clairvoyance: This word originates from language "Clair" meaning clear and "Voyance" meaning visibility. This is a psychic ability to gain information about a location, object, or physical event through means other than the known human senses. The use of this psychic ability is ancient and was around before the French term was introduced. Throughout history clairvoyance has guided masses of people from nobility to ordinary folk. Christian bible also documents many clairvoyant prophecies. Sometime a trance like state in necessary condition to evoke this ability where as other times it can be activated at will, and strangely sometimes it will happen without prior knowledge.

Premonitory Dreams: this intuition has had its fascination from all walks of life, it is seen a dream that leaves a very strong feeling that something bad is going to happen, it is seen as a warning message, giving the dreamer a warning through dreams. And I am sure you have read or watch shows where people with these dreams actually stopping others from taking a plane trip later finding out the very same plane in dream has crashed. This extra sensory perception is seen quite remarkable and very hard to prove the realness for a scientific community. And strangely in some cultures around the world dream state is actually considered to be a divination, it is believed that dream state is for spiritual guidance giving us messages of highest order. Yet there are countless stories of people having dreams and later finding out the visions seen in the dream actually happens.

Deja vu: Once again this is a French term meaning already seen describing the sensation of being certain that one has experienced or witnessed new situation previously. This is also very common psychic event. Many of us have felt this within our lives. Sometimes we visit a place that we are 100% certain we never been there before, yet the feeling and the detail of the scenes around us make us doubt our own reason and logic.

Telepathy: This word actually originates from Greek term "tele" meaning distant and "pathe" meaning to feel from a far. This ability describes how a mind can communicate with other minds without any outside assistance. This extra sensory perception also occurs in one point or another in our lives. Example being have you ever had a strong thought of family member or a close friend, then suddenly phone rings or there is a knock on the door, this is a form telepathic experience.

Psychic ability: term psychic also originate from Greek term "psychikos" meaning of the soul, it refers to the ability to identify things unseen from the ordinary senses. This ability also falls in to the category of ESP "extra-sensory perception". Psychic ability is well known to spiritually minded people. Everybody is capable of developing and using psychic abilities, yet only few people choose to expand in this area of sensory perception. And a psychic giving psychic readings using their sensory ability is a well known event. It is an ability that awakens when a person develops and expands their awareness of life nature and spiritual dimensions. Some people regard psychic as a new age phenomenon, yet when we study our recorded history we come to find there was many psychic diviners giving psychic readings.

Most people believe in extra sensory perceptions, and they also say that they have had experience involving ESP. If we look at life with an open mind there are many unexplainable events also occurrences, one needs to allow their theories with a neutral view point to find out if extra sensory perceptions can be used at will.

Tolga Savas
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