Saturday, May 2, 2009

Top 5 Secrets of Goal Setting

Before we can even talk about the top 5 secrets of goal setting, we need to start thinking. What it is that I really want? What is my main purpose of life? What do I like? What I am excited about? Ask yourself this kind of questions. Your objective is to realize what you want, have your vision. With that we can dive into the 5 strategies to upgrade your goal setting.

Strategy #1

Once you have thought about your goals and have your vision, start writing down your goals. When I first heard about this, it sounded weirdly to me. But writing goals is really powerful little secret. It has a lot to do with programming your subconscious.

So start with the list of things you want. Write a list of books you want to read, list of places you want to go, list of things you want to have. Decide what you want and write it all down. This is a chance to be specific, which is very important here. The more specific goal the better.

Strategy #2

This one is usually challenging for people. It was for me too. I'm talking about numbers here. You should have a lot of goals. I use the number 101. Write down 101 goals.

Most people, when asked to do this, write around 10-20 goals in first attempt. In order to have 101, you need to attach your imagination, start thinking real deep. That's the whole purpose of it. I read that Mark Victor Hansen, well known millionaire, have written down 6 thousand goals! Six thousand...unbelievable.

Write a lot of details, little things on your list so that you can begin ticking off things. Ticking off from list brings pleasure. It doesn't matter if it is details. It doesn't matter what it is. It's your personal list. You can tweak it any time. It's constant never-ending process.

Strategy #3

As you are writing your goals you have to cover all areas of life, not just material things. I'm sure you've heard this many times, but have you ever thought about why? My answer is, that with goals from all areas of life your life will be balanced, you'll live in harmony. That means when you achieve wealth, you'll also be happy, loving, content, stable person. This is important I think, because wealth alone doesn't guarantee happiness and love.

There are three main categories when implementing this. Be, do, have. Who do you want to be? This could be what skills do you want to develop, what kind of personality you want to be, etc. What do you want to do? Your hobbies, daily activities.. What do you want to have? This is mostly category for material things.

Strategy #4

Here comes The Secret - Law of Attraction. By applying the first three strategies you have already completed the first step of Secret: Ask. When you have clear in your mind what you want, you have already asked the universe. Now you must believe. It means act, talk and think like you already got, what you asked for.

Universe always agrees with you. Universe always says yes. It's a huge power. You are influencing your life through your belief, through your thoughts. This is how you will connect to the universe.

Use visualization. Imagine every day that you have all those things on your list, and feel it. Feel, like you will feel, when your goals will come true. The Secret works! Even if you don't believe.

Strategy #5

Now in order to live truly in harmony, you need to add this last special ingredient. It's like glue that sticks together previous four strategies. Your goals must become the part of you. Your goals are your life. Your goals are your mission. This special ingredient will force you to take action and from this point in your life, there is nothing that can stop you!

That's it. Now, if you have learned something new, go and apply it to your goal setting. Create your life. Enjoy your life.

Tomas Kuracina

Helping others reach their goals & grow

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