Monday, May 11, 2009

The Problems While Positive Thinking

Literally millions of people have been benefited by the concept of positive thing. Hundreds of books have been written on positive thinking .Its popularity due to the fact that its an excellent concept and not just a concept but an implement able concept. Anything that is simple to follow and implement has the tendency to become positive.

But are we really able to implement the positive thinking in our lives? While me may decide never to think negatively in life again. Though this things works initially we are not able to hold on to it for life time. Why?

Here's a story to depict our situation. Consider mind as an Apartment, a Mental apartment where all our thoughts remain. If all these are negative thoughts then our life forms a negative pattern. Now we decide to remove all these negative thoughts. Image you are removing all the negative thought s (lets consider as furniture) outside of your house and store in the garage outside. Now all your negative thoughts are removed. Wow! now you can be all positive all your life. But wait! Lets see what happens. You will start living in that apartment and after two three hours you will start feeling bore and may go to the garage and bring back a chair and then after some time a table.Very soon all the items will be brought back though the positions may be changed. So what went wrong with all those removal of negative thinking. Friends what went wrong was that we never replaced the negative thoughts with equal amount of positive thoughts. Once empty our mind has a tendency to go to that which it is familiar with, comfortable with. So it goes back to its old thinking .So its always necessary to remove the negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts.

Get ready to create a new vocabulary of new positive thoughts to replace with negative one

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