Thursday, May 28, 2009

Universe Long Before the Big Bang and After - Neosecularism Vs Atheism and Religion

Materials presented below are neither illusions nor assumptions. All are matters of absolute facts to me. But since there is no scientific tools presently available to prove any of the materials presented here, and the transcendence by which I have ascertained the truth about them cannot be explained in this short essay, I have to guide the reader to the references at the end of this essay to find the answer. Therefore, instead of facts I am going to present those as assumptions leaving to the readers knowledge of astronomy, astrophysics, other related fields and properly informed individuals, and their intelligence, reasoning power, logic and rationalization in reaching a reasonable conclusion. I propose that the reader assume each segment of these facts as a hypothesis, as we scientists do in verifying of any issue in our research and study process, then attempt through logic and reasoning to verify its different components and ultimately reach a reasonable conclusion.

Let us assume that there are two universes instead of one. Actually, there are three but we leave the third one out since it is very complex and difficult to understand with the present level of knowledge held by the scientific community. However, we will give a brief explanation of the third universe presenting its form and nature to the readers without bringing it into discussion. The first universe is matterless the second material and the third non-material. The first, being matterless, is not subject to time or space since only the matter can have such dimensions. Therefore, the Matterless Universe, under the standards of measurement used and understood at the present, expands to infinity with no beginning or end. It consists of what we may call "Pure Energy" or super-energy. It is a highly condensed mass of pure energy. The term "mass" used here is not the same as the material mass known to us. There is neither a way nor a proper term for this mass in our present scientific vocabulary. Since energy is the source of life for the body of the universe all the way down to plants, animals, humans and the smallest particles, comprehensively this Pure Energy must be the highest state of being, thus, dynamically alive, with supreme intelligence and enormous creative power. Therefore, as a supreme being it seems the only source capable of creation of the material universe as presented below. It is then proper to be called the Creator. Being matterless, it has no gender, thus, it is neither "He" nor "She" but "It". No light is associated with this Universe since any light is associated with matter and space.

Because the Creator is matterless, It extends to infinity. It is ever present everywhere transcending all matter including human beings. It has extensive sensitivity to the environment at any chosen point. As a matterless being It has no need to see but to sense. Therefore, It exists conveniently in absolute darkness. Our scientific community has already discovered a trace of the Creator. It has named it Dark Energy with a condensed mass and supreme power. All efforts are being made, within the material concept of science, to find more about it. This is nothing else but the Creator. As soon as we move away from our planet, we find ourselves in the same absolute darkness yet at the presence of the Creator. If we consider all these as facts, we may come to the conclusion that the Creator is not a holy dogmatic being as assumed by different religions but totally a secular being with no association with any particular religion. It is like a super scientist, inventor and creator and as such anxious for ultra-scientific designs and experimentations of which the creation of the Material Universe may have been one, and more likely not the only one. The essence of these experimentations may not be all for the same purpose namely to create a material universe.

The second universe is the Material Universe, which, at least so far as we have discovered, is subject to time and space as any matter, and as such it has a beginning, a process of life and development, and an ending. How the material universe started? This is a question not yet fully answered. If we consider that the Creator's experimentation intended to create a material universe, it certainly did not start with the Big Bang but long time before that. We should simply ask ourselves what was that caused the Big Bang. If we think of the Creator's intention for super-scientific experimentation in creating a material universe, we can easily come to a conclusion that it necessarily required a material base which had to come from the Creator's own essence, Pure Energy. There is no other source imaginable. Furthermore, we know that in our material world, the energy, in a variety of ways, is the source of life and base of existence of all matters from the Material Universe itself to planets and all living things in them. Based on all these facts the Creator, or the Matterless Universe, consisting of Pure Energy, would appear the only source of such immense energy required for the creation of the Material Universe and its continuing life, evolution and transformation.

Consequently, it is not unreasonable to assume that the Creator decided to carry out this experimentation and designated an initial point and a space there with specific dimensions fitting the objectives of its experimentation, and capable of absorbing and accumulating of needed energy from the Pure Energy consisting of Its essence. In a matter of maybe a billion or more years, the accumulation of energy in this designated space became crystallized in the form of a condensed huge transparent but solid object we may call it as Pure Matter, the ultimate size of which was determined by the Creator to suit the objectives of Its experimentation. For the first time "space" and "time" were created long before the Big Bang. The Material Universe, therefore, was initiated and its course of creation, evolution, maturity, decay and extinction was figured out by the Creator and now was the time to see to what extent the system would follow the envisioned process by the Creator's design of experimentation.

When the Pure Matter became saturated by the energy absorbed from the Pure Energy, it reached the point of explosion causing the Big Bang, unleashing the enormous energy saturated inside it. Because of the extreme heat, the resulting matters, which were not pure anymore, were mostly in the form of gas including what later on became solid matter or liquid. The explosion created immense light associated with heat, causing an outward push of the resulting matters with a lightening speed, creating a huge black hole in the Center with incredible power of electromagnetic gravity. Some huge parts from the Pure Matter thrown outward by the Big Bang were still in solid transparent form, though likely not so pure as they originally were, but still capable of absorbing more energy, becoming saturated and exploding later on far away from the Center. Therefore, we may properly assume that there was not just one Big Bang but a succession of big bangs maybe not as magnificent as the original one, and they are still continuing to occur in the outer dimensions of the Universe, though not as enormous as the previous ones, creating new galaxies, solar systems and corresponding planets. Therefore, it may be properly assumed that supernovas could be related to the extension of these bangs.

Immediately after the Big Bang, because of extreme heat caused by the explosion, all matters were in gas form. After quite an extended period of time, as temperatures receded, some matters liquefied and then took a solid form, some others took a liquid form yet some others remained in more condensed gas from. Ultimately, the solar systems and planets were crystallized. Evolution of life in each planet depended on the material components of the planet and the environment within which it was situated. Evolution of each planet proceeded to its maturity, aging, decaying and extinction. The nature of matters composing each planet determined the extent of its capability to absorb energy from the sun and other sources.

Considering that energy is the source of life, the nature of accumulation of this energy, within a proper environment created by the solar system's accidental surge of energy from its sun, allowed in some planets for the living organisms to be created. This surge of energy which may happen very rarely during the whole life span of a sun, created an orbit like outward movement. In this outward movement this high energy orbit, known as the intelligence orbit, met certain planets enabling them to absorb extra and unique kind of energy. this higher level of adsorption reached a point known as the intelligence line materialized by the planet's encounter with the core of intelligence orbit expanding outward.

This level of intelligence was also affected, positively or negatively, depending on the nature of the material components of each planet and its environment. As a result of this high energy environment, a variety of intelligent creatures were created including human beings as the environment became favorable. This assumption is in contrast with the Darwinian theory of evolution of humans from other species. The level of intelligence of the coming class of intelligent creatures advanced by the increase in the level of the planet's intelligence level as the planet approached to the inner core of the intelligence orbit emanated from the sun and moving outward.

It is important to notice that the Creator did not create the universe , its components and living creatures in some planets including ours. They were created according to the specific conditions required for their creation as set up in the Creator's design of the experimentation and the level of available energy. For example, human beings were not created by the Creator and they were not created at one time in a specific area of the planet. Different parts of the planet being subject to different environment, some human beings were created tens of thousand years after the others, likely, more intelligent than the previous group because of rising intelligent level of the planet had placed them on a higher level of intelligence. So, the total process of the development of each planet, as that of the Material Universe, involved the creation and the evolution side by side at different levels of development and varying environments. Based on the conditions of the environment and natural climate, some species were created, some evolved into a new ones and some became extinct. The same process is still continuing.

Unavoidably, there arrives a point at which the consumption of energy by the planet reaches the level of its absorption. At this point, the evolution stops. Pursuant to this point the absorption of energy gradually decreases, either as a result of decrease in the emission of the energy from its original source or certain transformations in the components and composition of the planet or other reasons. As a consequence, the planet receives less energy than it needs for its survival and starts an accelerated process of devolution and degeneration. In planets with living creatures, this situation occurs when the planet is near moving out of the influence of the intelligence orbit. When the level of intelligence of the planet is reduced, by the intelligence orbit starting to move away from the planet, it causes decay on the level of intelligence of its intelligent creatures. When the planet is placed in the outer limits of the intelligence orbit, the level of intelligence on the planet reaches the zero point and no intelligent creature survives and the planet with an increasing acceleration loses its gravity power to the point that its components cannot be held together by its weakened gravity and the planet meets its destruction. The majority of planets, in their process of development do not encounter the intelligence orbit or even the level of environment capable of producing any kind of creatures. The span of life of these planets is comparatively quite short.

Apparently, the Material Universe, the whole subject of the experimentation, is set to follow the same course of evolution, decay, devolution and extinction. After its creation and the Big Bang, it started to expand outward with lightening speed by incredible force created through the explosion. From this point of explosion on, the motion of the Material Universe has been under the influence of two immense opposing forces: An outward pushing force created by the Big Bang, and an inward pulling force, located at the point of explosion created by the enormous gravity and electromagnetic forces caused by the Big Bang. The resultant effect has been the slowing down of the expansion speed. This is in contrast with the present concept of accelerating expansion of the universe. In addition, the later big bangs have also affected the resultant effects of expansion course since their expansions were also spherical, part of which expanded toward the Center, opposite to the expansion direction of the Universe. These repeated post-Big-Bang explosions have actually caused a chaotic movements inside the sphere of the Material Universe. Based on these assumptions, at one point in time the Universe would reach the zero point of expansion. Then, under the pulling power of the gravity from the Center, it would start to contract in an accelerating fashion which will cause increasing heat to the extend that as it moves closer to the Center and becoming condensed by bringing together billions of the existing planets with an ever-increasing speed, the level of temperature will cause all matters to be transformed into gases, ultimately being totally extinguished, by transforming into matterless state, leaving nothing behind. Every material thing will disappear by being transformed into matterless form again. It will appear that nothing had ever happened. Considering the infinite dimension of the Matterless Universe, this whole process would look like a mosquito bite in a human body which it swells outward, then swelling stops and then the skin recedes to its normal condition without any trace of the bite left behind.

In conclusion, it is quite important to note that the history of the humanity shows that there have been individuals going back to melania who were aware of the secular, pure and matterless nature of the Creator that even today after thousands of years, our scientific community has difficulty to understand let alone to accept it. There are many evidences for such claim. Zoroaster or Zarathustra, the great Persian prophet, around 1500 B.C. when he introduced his dynamic message of "unique" monotheism, the concept of only one Creator, he called It "Ahura Mazda" meaning a "Super-Intellect Being," as "the creator, sustainor and promoter of the Universe."(1) The old Persian word for the Creator is "Khod'a", meaning created by itself. This meant that there was nothing to look for beyond Pure Energy. With the present paste of scientific progress, discovery of the matterless world or the Creator as exposed here and understanding of it, is a century or more in the future. It is possible only through transcendence achievable by years of meditation aimed at expanding the mind into the non-material and ultimately to matterless world. It is definitely the science of the future though such thou hgts are considered to be nonsense by the scientific community at the present time. However, I know it is a fact since I have been there, and all this knowledge comes from there.[2]

The main purpose of this exposition has been to invite knowledgeable readers particularly those qualified in related fields such as astronomy, astrophysics, and metaphysics, to leave aside their preconceptions and outright rejections and pay serious attention to the facts and reach conclusions based on logic, reasoning and rationalization. The hope is that if this way of thinking is followed, the scientific community may ascertain the nature of the Matterless Universe and the facts of creation and evolution of the Material Universe, not in a century or more as is estimated but much sooner. An enormous and incredible wealth of knowledge is waiting to be discovered. When discovered, it will cause universal peace, prosperity and tranquility. It will bring about true democracy, eliminate excess materialism by accepting the application of the principle of equality of opportunity in every aspect of daily life. [3]

It was mentioned above that there was a third universe called Non-material Universe and we will give a brief description of it. Non-material Universe is a stage between the material and matterless universes. It is transparent, therefore, invisible to our eyes. It engulfs the material universe. For every material planet there is a non-material one several times larger in size. It is subject to time and space by a different standards for which we have no means of measurement. It may shed an idea of time if we consider that a year in that planet may equal to thousands of year in our planet. The same applies to non-material beings living in them. The span of life may extend to thousands of years. The climate and environment follows the same standards with enormous deviations. Temperature may vary from thousand degrees below zero to thousands above it. It is a super advanced civilization where, though there are some bad beings but they cannot do anything bad thus are automatically forced to correct themselves. The life is extremely painful to those who are caught in harsh environments of the planet, and incredibly enjoyable for those located in favorable environments.

Finally, in closing, it may be noteworthy to say a little about the concept of neosecularism, which materializes if one accepts the facts of the two universes as discussed above. Secularism is defined as indifference to or rejection or exclusion of religion and religious considerations. Neosecularism is defined as the exclusion of religion or religious considerations. It is fundamentally different from secularism since it rejects the religious dogmatic concepts of God, spirituality and creation of the Material Universe, while in a completely secular, rational and scientific manner accepts the existence of a totally secular Creator and a different course for the process of creation and evolution.

From all the materials presented here, it can be easily concluded that: first, nothing is holy about the Creator as assumed by several religions. It is a totally secular super being with a supreme life, intelligence and creative power. Thus the Creator has no relation to, or interest in nor belong to any religion. Its only interest in human beings, if any, concerns their behavior and development as a component of Its total experimentation in creating the Material Universe.

Second, since the Creator consists of Pure Energy, Which is the highest and purest level of being, Its nature could be nothing but inherently good, pure and positive. More likely, as a super-scientist, It is interested to see to what extent this goodness and purity can be restored when the Pure Matter was degraded by the Big Bang to much lower grade matters including human beings.

Third, among all Its creations at this Material Universe, the Creator has been able to sustain contact with human beings through their high level of intelligence, the human mind or spirit being the locus and medium of such contact. It seems reasonable to assume that the main purpose of this experimentation may have been to examine to see to what extent and level human beings can develop themselves approaching the Creator's pure essence at the matterless level.

Fourth, To guide humans in the process of self-development towards this purity, the Creator often receives help from those who consciously have developed and purified themselves and thus have been able to get direct contact with the Creator through transcendence. These are not actually assigned by the Creator as prophets or agents. The fact is that when a human being becomes conscious of the meaning of life and creation by dedicating himself to physical and spiritual advancement, after years of hard and disciplined labor he finally reaches the level of being able to contact the Creator. At this high level of purity, he finds himself obligated to assume the burdensome and often dangerous task of guiding the others. The number of such individuals is not restricted to Jesus, Moses, Mohammad and others who have been mentioned, but it is in thousands at any given time who remain unknown. Many operate silently carrying out their self-assumed duties. They receive directions from the Creator if they are in such need and ask for. As more knowledge about the Universe and the Creator is discovered, a rational, non-coercive and non-dogmatic way of thought, labeled here as neosecularism, will come to prevail. Religions and other dogmatic thoughts and beliefs will loose their influence in daily lives of the people. Important reasons for conflict and confrontation will disappear and opportunities for peaceful coexistence will materialize.

1. p. 3
2. For details about this concept also the kind of meditation needed to reach the matterless world, see Passage to the Heaven: The Secrets of the Universe, Life and Happiness, by the author, Reza Rezazadeh, Professor Emeritus and Fulbright Scholar, University of Wisconsin. For more information visit

3. For this concept of democracy see Technodemocratic Economic theory: From Capitalism and Socialism to Democracy,1991, by the author. For information about this book and other relevant articles see

Dr. Reza Rezazadeh
1080 Eastman Street, WI 53818

Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin System,and a Fulbright scholar, a multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural, and multi-lingual scholar with background in Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.), Continental and Islamic Law (Licenciate), J.D. in American Jurisprudenxce, LL.M. in International Law and International Economics, Ph.D. in Political Science, Economics and Administration, and Doctor of the Science of Law (S.J.D.) the highest law degree offered in U.S. Fluent in five languages: English, French, Spanish, Persian, Azeri-Turkish. Elementary knowledge of Arabic, Urdu, Russian and Italian. Patented inventions; an artist, a poet (oil and pastel), a musician (violin), with over 35 years of academic background in teaching, research and administration, research and cultural studies in many countries in Europe including USSR, Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Central and South America.

Author of 8 books and many scholarly articles listed in his website

What Changed My Thoughts

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