Saturday, May 16, 2009

Predictions For the Conclusion of 2008

The Prophetic pace is quickening. The momentum of Prophetic fulfilment is surging forward as Heaven comes into earth. There will be very important supernatural releases of power as we close out 2008. In this article I want to highlight some of those events that will affect those with listening ears and responsive hearts. This is what I see occurring during October, November and December.

God is releasing a calling and the ability for spiritual mentoring. Spiritual fathers and mothers will be prompted and released by God into a new season of nurturing others in their spiritual walk. This calling will not be age focused but will come to young and old. This ability will supernaturally infuse many with wisdom, love and character to help others in their journey into the supernatural Presence of God.

God is releasing a new level of authority and love to help others. Many that once were wounded in their heart, soul and emotions will arise to new levels of restoration. Out of what were once deep wounds will flow love and authority to heal and restore others in their pain and defeat.

God is releasing resolve to persist in faith. Faith is being tempered and strengthened. Faith is also being refined and made pure.

The last of 2008 will be days of revelation. Many will receive significant directional dreams and visions. These will define and set in motion the destiny God has for churches, ministries and individuals. It will be a time of dreaming the dreams of God and seeing what God sees.

A new level of preciseness is being released into prayer and intercession. True intercession will blend with the Prophetic Seer Anointing. This blend will not focus on evil dark forces but on a higher level of seeing God's plans and spiritually birthing those plans into the natural.

The barrier of restraint placed on many will be removed. The barriers being removed are the collective disappointments, betrayals, confusion, heart wounds and other human weaknesses. These experiences have created barriers against progress into destiny. However, like a sea wall being breached by a hurricane tidal surge so God will release great power to take many past the things that have held them back.

Many will arise like Golden Vessels out of the ashes. Many have seen their hopes, dreams and circumstances collapse and turn to ashes at their feet. God is restoring those things that have fallen.

The things ordained by God will flourish. The supernatural works of God will flourish. Works of restoration, salvation, deliverance and harvest will increase. Supernatural healing and miracles will increase. Supernatural events where Heavenly things come into earth will increase. God's agenda is bigger than ours so run with Him in the supernatural strength He provides. Do not miss what He is setting in motion.

Keith A. Paul has many years of Ministry experience and is an Author. He is used in the gift of prophecy, dream interpretation and words of knowledge which are gifts of the Holy Spirit. He currently lives in Abbotsford B.C. Canada. He travels internationally promoting the supernatural teachings and works of the Holy Spirit. To learn more, and to receive Keith's free Prophetic Words or purchase His E Books please visit

Brainwashing People

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