Friday, May 1, 2009

A MAGIC Sentence

I've been thinking lately about know,the things you say to yourself consciously and unconsciously. The words of self-talk shape your daily experience, and determine your reality. That may sound extreme, but there's no way around this truth. Thoughts become words, become things. It's that simple.

What I see in many of my clients and even myself at times, is that the self-talk contains a lot of criticism. Criticism you may not even be aware of. About all kinds of things. Big things,small things, important things, inconsequential things.

The ego is always busy striving for perfection, trying to convince us of our shortcomings and operating out of the idea that criticizing is the way to improve someone. Not helpful, to say the least!

Begin to listen to your self-talk and you'll see what I mean. Listen for the stream of 'you should', 'you shouldn't', 'you did', 'you didn't', 'why aren't you?', 'why are you?' You can fill in your own blanks and ask yourself how it feels, once you become conscious of this kind of self-criticism.

So, I'm offering you this MAGIC sentence. Honestly, if you begin to apply this whenever you hear this self-critical talk going on, it will transform the moment for you. And transforming a moment at a time will lead you to a transformed life.

Here it is:

"Even though I (fill in the blank with the criticism) I deeply and completely love and accept myself."

Here are some examples to help you understand how to use this MAGIC sentence.

Even though I still haven't met my soul mate, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though my job evaluation (or grades) was not great this time, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I was cranky with my kids this morning, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I am not where I think I should be in my spiritual development, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don't have as much money as I would like, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don't have as many friends as I think I should, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
Even though I don't love myself as much as I think I should, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. (I love this one!) You get the idea. For your Inner Being, hearing that you love and accept yourself NO MATTER WHAT,is what will bring you closer to a healed life, with much more peace and joy. Try it and see what you think.

Is NOW a good time to change what's not working in your life? Take advantage of Everyday Joy Life Coaching for your joyful, abundant living. Besides coaching, Jan Masters, The Everyday Joy Coach offers eCourses, teleseminars, books, audio programs to support you in your personal growth, spiritual evolution and in reaching goals that are important to you.

Eliminate blocks to your success, use the Law of Attraction and other metaphyical principles to deal with life challenges more effectively. Reduce suffering, anxiety, depression, discouragement and increase your peace, joy, trust and success in life. Explore the infinite possibilities for your life. Jan is an intuitive yet down-to-earth, expert coach with over thirty years of experience who will support you effectively for lasting change.
Miami, Florida, USA

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