Friday, April 10, 2009

Career Goal Setting Tips

You are ready to start your first career or embark on a new one. You haven't really decided what exactly you want to do but you know that it has to be something fulfilling. One of the most important things you can do for your self is to sit down and do some career goal setting.

You are the person who knows better than anyone else about your career goals and it is time to decide what you want for certain.

If you aren't sure what you want to do there are a number of ways for you to find out this information. Here are 7 career goal setting tips to help:

1.Write down everything you like to do -- although most people may find this tedious and wonder what it has to do with career goals, it is one of the most important steps you will take. By writing down what you like and what you don't like you will have a list of traits that would work for you in a job.

2.Take a career test -- many companies have you take a personality profile of some type and it is a good idea. If your company doesn't offer it, you can find several online. It is important to get a test of your personality that also gives you a list of careers that match that personality type.

3.Do research -- do a bit of research on the careers and see which ones match your list of things you like to do. You may find that here are careers you never thought of before that you may be happy doing.

4.Continue personal development -- since the world is constantly changing, start reading in the fields that interest you. Find out the new innovations. You can gain a lot of knowledge by reading or listening to audiotapes on a variety of subjects. Many you can borrow from your public library.

5.Develop a networking plan - there are people within and without a company that can be instrumental in helping you with your career plans. If you aren't sure how to talk to people, start by just talking to them about who they are and what they do. This will lead to other conversations.

6.Find a mentor in the field -- when you are currently in a field you like or you have chosen a couple, it's a good idea to find a mentor in the field who has been their longer. They can give you career goal setting tips that will help you move forward.

7.Think large and small -- what types of things can you do to pursue your goals right now? If you have to go to school or find a job in the field, you may be able to do smaller things that will lead to the larger goal.

Career goal setting tips are helpful as you pursue the job of your choice. Make the best out of this time.

Sharon Alexander - Claim That Job
For more information on how to manage your career successfully, and to get a free job hunting report, visit Claim That Job at

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