Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cause and Effect

Newton has described for the physical universe a very simple concept which has opened the door to much understanding. That is the law of cause and effect, which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The same holds true for the spiritual universe, that for every thought word or deed we create, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The Christians say "as ye sow, so shall ye reap". In the east it is known as the law of karma.

If you drop a pebble into the center of a big bowl of water, you will see that ripples go out from the source. What you may not have noticed is that when the ripples reach the end of the container they go back towards the center. You get what you give. What goes around comes around. If you plant a daisy seed you will get a daisy. If you plant an oak you will get an oak. You will never get an oak from a daisy seed and you will never get a daisy from an oak seed. It is really no mystery. Is it? We each understand this, and we each know exactly what will be the results of our efforts or lack thereof.

When I begin to understand this law of cause and effect, I realize that there can not be an effect without there first having been a cause. If I am seeing the effect of sorrow in my life, for example, I now begin to recognize that I have been the cause of that sorrow. I am the pebble to which those ripples are returning. Previously we had laid blame every where else but with me. We said "I'm sad because he said this" or "I'm upset because my bank account has plummetted", or "I'm angry because I got fired" or my dog died" or "I have cancer" or whatever have you. When I assign blame in this way, I effectively give all my power away. When I attach my happiness or well being to things that fluctuate I will continue to ride the roller coaster of happy and sad, peaceful and angry. Round and round, up and down, how many times do you really want to go around on this ride? Aren't you getting sick by now?

If I can only be happy if he's nice to me, I may have a long wait. If I can only be happy if my dog comes back to life, good luck! There will continue to be obstacles in life till the end. This is guaranteed. I can not change this. What In can change is the way I see them. I must learn to see them from up above. To see the whole picture is only possible from up above. If I remain immersed below I will suffer needlessly. When you are high up in an airplane, in every house below there are battles being fought. Men are beating there wives, children are hungry, people are suffering loss and dealing with a multitude of troubles, but I remain seated comfortably in the plane. I fly above and past them with ease. Even if a raging forest fire is below me, I fly over it without so much as feeling the heat. If huge thunder clouds are up ahead, what does the pilot do? He flies even higher. He rises above them. The scenes are quite different from up above are they not? Understanding the law of cause and effect I now begin to take my power back.

Sometimes when people first begin to understand this law they think, hopelessly, "Well, great, everything that's happening in my life is because of something I've done in the past, so there's nothing I can do about it." It is true that a great deal of patience, tolerance and inner fortitude is required now that was previously missing, however if my past thoughts have created my present state, then equally my present thoughts will create my future. Change your thoughts; change your world.

Bhavna has studied metaphysics for more than 35 years and has been a Raja Yogi for more than 13 years. On the teaching staff of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU), she is the director of its Delray Beach branch, The Transformation Station, in Florida. She travels to the BKWSU headquarters in Mount Abu, India on a yearly basis for advanced training. She also travels to London, Oxford and New York for further training as well. She goes into the local community to speak at varying venues including libraries, bookstores, and in the prison system. Her practical and down to earth approach to deep matters coupled with her sense of humor help to make her a most enjoyable and enlightening speaker, teacher and author.

Fix Yourself Before Fixing Other

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