Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Why Haven't You Got What You Want Yet?

Have you been asking for what you want and it hasnt shown up yet? You want the new car, a house by the beach, a better paying job etc. Well where the heck is it?

You know you can have it all because you really believe that you can. You are using the law of attraction. You have visualized what you want. You have all the pictures on your vision board. You can see yourself with exactly what you want. You are doing all the things the experts tell you to do so how come you are still living on credit cards and overdrafts.

Your intentions have been good every day, but now all you seem to do is spend your day in-tension. You start to question the methods and techniques you are using. Without realizing what you are doing you start to focus more on what you dont have. When you dont get the results you want all you see is what you dont have.

The more you worry about your lack of money then thats the amount of money you dont have. Your feelings of lack become your dominant vibration. Fear takes over and compounds your worry and all you see is more lack. Sometimes you dont even realize you are doing this, but if you tune into how you are feeling it will give you an instant indication of what your dominant thoughts are. Youve had years of practice at self sabotaging yourself and unless you recognize those underlying beliefs you will continue to live your life based on them.

From now on when you find yourself questioning where all your stuff is, change your thinking. Instead of obsessing about your lack, start being grateful for what you already have. Are your basic needs of food and shelter being met every day. Do you have a car, a bed, clothes and shoes. What about an indoor bathroom, hot and cold running water. The list is endless. Write down the value of what you already own. You may be surprised at the dollar value of what you already have and this will inspire you to do better.

When you start to look at what you already have you let go of your neediness and lack. You come back to what is, and the gap between what you do and dont have disappears. The tension goes and you free yourself up to make a fresh start. Once you get rid of that sense of lack then you begin to open up to new ideas and opportunities that will give you what you truly want.

So every day from now on when you get out of bed each day, start giving thanks for everything you do have. This will set you up for a real positive start to your day. Feel how great it is to have all this. Now you will really be in the right frame of mind to attract what you want.

Alison Bolger has been studying and teaching self improvement and wealth creation for over 20 years. To read more tips and techniques like the ones in this article please click here:

Going To Heaven Or Not

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