Sunday, April 26, 2009

Forgiveness - Don't Get Your Knickers in a Knot

Lorna was choked.

Lorna had been wronged and she was seething about it. Every time she thought about it, she got pissy again. She found herself fantasizing and rehearsing plans to get even and holding imaginary conversations where she told the wrong-doer off. She told all her friends about the crime and carried her resentment around ready to be hauled out at a moment's notice.

You can identify with Lorna. We all can.

Holding a grudge is a complete waste of energy. You can't afford it.

The problem with holding a grudge is that you form a negative bond with the person who hurt you. You become the hostage. It is victim thinking.

  • Would you willingly spend your money on junk you don't like, don't need and don't want?
  • Would you stand in front of that junk for hours, again and again, thinking about and talking about how much you don't like it?

No, of course you wouldn't. In essence, that is what you are doing when you hold a grudge. You stand in front of your resentment, look at it from all angles, justify your hurt feelings and keep it in your vibrational bubble. yuck....

There is a famous saying about resentment:

"Resentment is like taking poison and expecting someone else to be sick"

The great universal boomerang.

Every time you stew about your grievance, you are inviting more of it into your experience. In other words, the more you think about it, the stronger the attraction of more to be resentful about... again... yuck...

To forgive is to set the prisoner free, and then discover that the prisoner was you. Anonymous

Progress not perfection.

Forgiveness is a process. Depending on the emotional charge involved, it might take a while to completely be free of the grievance. That's OK.

The only requirement is an honest willingness to be free of the negative energy. Each step will release more of your energy and take you closer to achieving complete freedom.

Recipes for Forgiveness

Forgiveness affirmations:

Use these or create your own. Get quiet, breathe deeply...Center... balance... relax. Access that place inside that wants to be free of the negative bond.

For You: ( Affirm often)

  • I am willing to soften my stance and release this grudge.
  • I am free. I have peace in my heart.
  • I create the life I choose.
  • I choose to break free.
  • My energy belongs to me.

For the other person: (Affirm Often. Visualize the person/situation in your mind)

  • I forgive you right now for ___________________.
  • I cut the negative bonds between us.
  • It is finished.
  • Your energy belongs to you.
  • I am walking away, I am free.

Create a ceremony:

  • Write your grievance on a piece of paper.
  • Follow that with the forgiveness affirmation.
  • Crumple your paper, light it and watch the flames take it; turn it to smoke and ashes.
  • Blow the ashes into the air
  • Let it go

Set yourself free. You are worth it.

Wishing you Peace & Abundance... Joyce Lee "Your Life Empowerment Coach"


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Joyce Lee is a certified Life Empowerment Coach, Personal Growth Facilitator and Law of Attraction Practitioner, specializes in helping women understand the Law of Attraction and deliberately creating the life they really want.

What Do I Do If Someone Insults

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