Monday, April 27, 2009

Yoga Therapy - A Plan to Beat Tiredness and Be More Optimistic With Yoga Therapy

So tired of tiredness, and feeling overwhelmed? Want to be more optimistic and learn how to think positive?

Here are 6 simple self care tips.

1. Listen to Warning Chimes - Pay attention to your early stress warning signs. Warning signals appear on many levels of body, mind and spirit.

Action: Discover your early stress warning signals and take corrective action early. This Body Awareness is the technique used in Yoga Therapy to help determine treatment plan to reduce tiredness.

2. Reverse and neutralize negative thinking - As soon as you become aware that you are engaged in negative self talk, change the thought. Create a thought that will make you feel optimistic.

Action: Notice one pattern of thinking that sabotages you, and keep a supply of supportive thoughts to outweigh the negative thoughts . Yoga psychology is a technique within Yoga Therapy. It recognizes seeds of actions lie deep within subconscious and unconscious. Practice with patience.

3. Learn to Relax - Spend ten minutes of your day "doing nothing". Gain focus, a slower breathing rate, more relaxed facial muscles, to name a few benefits. Yoga meditation techniques increase mindfulness "off the mat" and show up in your day to day life.

Action: Take at least10 minutes twice a day to practice relaxing. Yoga Therapy uses a systematic deep relaxation, yoga nidra, to reduce tiredness, restore energy and enhance wellness.

4. Know and Honour your Uniqueness - Each one of us is as unique as a snowflake with needs that are unique. I call it our "snowflakefull-ness". Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga that offers answers to why we do the things we do, and ways to live balanced energetic lives.

Action: Learn about and honour your mind body uniqueness. Yoga Therapy treatment plan might include a yoga practice that increases vitality, for example, dynamic movements and powerful breathing so you won't feel so tired.

5. Choose Routines that Rejuvenate - It's the little things you do every day that create balance or imbalance, lightness or heaviness. Your sleep, how you start the day, your food, and most importantly the emotions you choose to entertain.

Action item: Write down 10 things to be grateful for and read the list every day for 40 days. This is practical optimism.

6. Use Energy Wisely - The body is an energy storehouse. Generate, store and use energy wisely.

Action item: To increase prana, life force, practice breath awareness initially then complete yoga breaths exercises that vitalize. As you inhale, repeat an affirmation that creates optimism.

And now, I'd like to invite you to claim your free instant access to a Stress Warning Signals test when you visit

From Heather Greaves - the Self Care Expert and Body Therapies Yoga Training

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