Saturday, April 18, 2009

Maintaining Momentum, Moving Forward and Achieving Our Goals - 5 Strategies We Can Use Today

It's a great feeling when we're able to set compelling and challenging goals for ourselves. It's equally satisfying when we take it a step further and get unstuck in order to move forward with those goals. If we're able to do that, now the big challenge is how to maintain the momentum that we've started in order to be where we want to be. This is where things can easily fall apart.

There are so many competing priorities in our lives these days, both personal and professional. And this makes it all the more challenging to stay focused and forge ahead - especially when taking on major initiatives such as starting a new business or trying to grow an existing business. In my view, maintaining momentum is one of the most critical steps in achieving our goals. So what can we do when finding it difficult to keep things moving forward?

The following are some things to consider:

  1. Reevaluate Priorities and GoalsLife sometimes takes unexpected twists and turns. It's not uncommon to start out on one path with all the excitement and enthusiasm in the world, only to wake up one day and realize that we're no longer all that excited about it. It doesn't necessarily mean that we're lazy or fickle. It does mean that it's time to examine if we're truly committed to that goal. If the answer is no, then that's fine! It's actually a sign of maturity to admit that our priorities have shifted and it's time to change direction. What's the point of chasing a dream that no longer means as much to us anymore when our energies could be better focused on more meaningful and important goals? If we're finding that we're not moving forward, it may be a red flag and time to reevaluate if the goals we initially set for ourselves are still the best for us.
  2. Use AffirmationsUsing affirmations in the form of written statements that are visible throughout the home or office - on the night stand, bathroom mirror, computer monitor, refrigerator, desk - is a great way to stay mindful of our goals and keep us motivated. The expression, "out of sight, out of mind" definitely applies here, so don't be shy about where, how much and how often you post them! Affirmations that are specific and with a definite deadline are very powerful and effective. An example would be, "I WILL open my new business by June 30, 2009." Other affirmations like "Today, I am appreciative of my progress," and "I have limitless possibilities and zero limitations" can also be effective motivators to keep us moving forward.
  3. View It As Your JobAnother way to keep focused is to view our goal-achievement as a job - just like any job we might already have - where we have to report in at a certain time, get a defined amount of work completed, and stay for a specific time period. In other words, devote specific days of the week and hours of the day for activities directly related to achieving our goal. This helps put us in the proper mindset - essentially we've made a commitment to "show up at work" and do the best job we can do.
  4. Enlist the Support of a CoachWhat if we're taking on all of this by ourselves? A few years back, I was trying to get unstuck and make some important life decisions in order to move forward. I was eventually able to do it on my own, but looking back, I wished that I had had a coach as a catalyst to get me moving in the right direction in a shorter amount of time. In short, a coach provides the support, resources, motivation, accountability and structure to keep us on track in pursuit of our goals.
  5. Enroll Friends as a Support NetworkIt's a great idea to surround ourselves with good friends and family who will support our efforts and cheer our successes. It's important to realize, however, that friends and family should be viewed as supplemental, and not as a replacement for a coach. A coach is committed to holding our agendas, helping us think "outside the box," challenging us, and partnering with us every step of the way in realizing our goals. A good friend or close family member can provide that extra nudge when we need it. Again, create a nurturing environment with people who will offer positive and encouraging affirmations.

Whatever our goals may be, implementing a combination of these approaches will help us maintain the momentum that is all so easy to lose, yet so critical in getting us to where we want to be.

Joe Rosenlicht is a certified coach and founder of InMotion Career & Wellness, a coaching practice specializing in career, small business and wellness issues. Through a systematic and proven approach, he's able to help clients maintain momentum, move forward, achieve their goals and live happier and healthier lives. Many of us have financial plans, retirement plans, marketing plans, business plans and even travel plans. But do you have your wellness plan? Design your personalized wellness plan today at

Visit Joe at to get his free monthly newsletter containing valuable insights, tips and resources for your career and health and to arrange a complimentary consultation.

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